Monster / Petyr Baelish - Rissarosewrites (2024)


"Puppies!" Rieka squealed with delight.

"Sweet sister." Robb presented his twin with a direwolf pup.

"Sweet? You must be thinking about Sansa, but I'm keeping him!" Rieka assured cradling the pup to her happily.

"You need me to repeat the schpeal?" Ned pondered.

"Daddy dearest you got us puppies!" Rieka declared. "Best daddy ever."

"Daddy," Ned repeated hugging his eldest daughter to him. "Wow, you must really like the wolf."

"Love him!" Rieka agreed. "Oh, Jon got a white one." Rieka stared back at the little white pup in awe.

"I thought you loved him?" Ned countered. Rieka looked to the snow white pup and back to her own.

"I do. I do... Rieka assured. "What am I going name him?"

"Well its a bitch, so start there." Theon corrected.

"Language." Ned hissed.

"It's a female." Theon altered.

"I knew what he meant father." Rieka assured "But i love the look of fear in Theons eyes when you raise your voice." Ned chuckled as Rickon came out with Arya, equally as excited.

"So, who convinced father that it was a good idea to bring these pups back to winterfell?" Rieka questioned looking around the boys. "So I can give him a kiss."

"Bran." Jon answered as Theon opened his mouth to lie and say it was definitely him.

"My good boy." Rieka coed pressing a kiss to Bran's cheek.

"You couldnt let me have that?" Theon questioned as they walked off.

"Never." Robb agreed.


"The king is riding to Winterfell to seek you out.” Catelyn remarked. It took Ned a moment to comprehend her words, but when the understanding came, a brow rose up intrigued.

“Robert is coming here?” Ned questioned in disbelief. When she nodded, a smile broke across his face. Catelyn wished she could share his joy.

But the wolves had come home and she had heard the talk in the yards. What the men had seen when collecting the pups. A direwolf dead in the snow, a broken antler in its throat. Dread coiled within her like a snake, but she forced herself to smile at this man she loved, this man who put no faith in signs. Only the joy of getting to see his eldest friend.

“I knew that would please you,” she said. “We should send word to your brother on the Wall.”

“Yes, of course,” Ned agreed. “Ben will want to be here. I shall tell Maester Luwin to send his swiftest bird.” Ned was giddy with excitement. “Damnation, how many years has it been?" Ned pondered thinking it through. "And he gives us no more notice than this? How many in his party, did the message say?”

“I should think a hundred knights, at the least, with all their retainers, and half again as many free riders. Cersei and the children travel with them.” Catelyn pondered.

“Robert will keep an easy pace for their sakes,” he remarked. “It is just as well. That will give us more time to prepare.”

“The queen’s brothers are also in the party,” Catelyn told him. Ned grimaced.

There was small love between him and the queen’s family, Catelyn knew, everyone knew. The Lannisters of Casterly Rock had come late to Robert’s cause, when victory was all but certain, and he had never forgiven them.

“Well, if the price for Robert’s company is an infestation of Lannisters, so be it. It sounds as though Robert is bringing half his court.”

“Where the king goes, the realm follows,” Catelyn agreed when a pup came bouding through the door. "Heavens not in the bed chambers." Catelyn groaned out.

"Get back here!" Rieka declared chasing her pup.

"I should have known better." Catelyn mused. "It would be your troublesome pup, Rieka."

"Not troublesome." Rieka declared bringing an offended hand to her heart. "Mother, my pup will be the best trained pup in the lands, she will be the most loyal, the most beautiful, the most..."

Ned was already shaking his head knowing her next words.


"What did you name that soon to be vicious pup?" Ned pondered as he picked her up, the pup licked at his arms contently. 'Vicious." Ned mused as Rieka took her from Ned.

"Will be. She will be." Rieka assured. "I named her Avalon."

"Ah, Avalon a paradise." Ned agreed.

"Misconception." Rieka agreed. "Think shes a sweet little thing and then, bam attack!" Rieka held Avalon out and she wagged her tail, her tongue hanging out.

"Vicious." Ned repeated petting Avalon before kissing Rieka's head. "Dont stay up too late training your attack wolf." Ned instructed. Rieka smirked back at him.

"And keep the wolves out of the castle." Catelyn added and both Rieka and Ned gave her a pointed look. "They can stay outside, in the kennels."

"Shes just a baby." Rieka corrected. "It's so cold."


"You stay outside." Rieka corrected and Catelyn's jaw dropped. Rieka stood her ground. "She's a baby, if you can handle the harsh elements of the north then I would consider it. And if you didnt survive the elements-"

"Rieka Rose!" Catelyn shouted.

"-Then well I really dont have to worry about it." Rieka finished.

"Get out." Catelyn demanded.

"Love ya." Rieka called over her shoulder.

"Your daughter." Catelyn decided.

"Yeah, my daughter." Ned agreed. Rieka winked back at him before closing their door.


'I see them coming, the riders!' Bran announced.

'How?' Catelyn questioned hands rooted on her hips, Bran looked up at her sheepishly. 'You were climbing, you said you wouldnt climb anymore.' Catelyn reminded him.

'I wont do it again.' Bran lied looking to his feet. Catelyn took a gentle hand and brought it to his chin.

'You know every time you look down I know you are lying.' Catelyn countered. 'Go on, line up... WHere is Rieka?" Catelyn looked to Robb. "Find your sister."

"SInce when am I her warden?" Robb countered.

"Must you be a thorn in my side as well?" Catelyn countered.

"Whos a thorn in your side mother dearest? Certainly not me, I'm an angel." Rieka declared. Catelyn rolled her eyes nudging her in line.

'Where is arya?' Ned questioned looking back to Jon and Theon stood in the second row. Jon shrugged, Ned's eyes drifted around looking for her when arya came running up with a guards helmet on her head.

'What are you doing?' Ned questioned, "where did you get that?' he pulled the helmet from arya's head and flattened her hair down. 'Go.' He told her pointing down the row of starks as the royal family approached. "Rieka-"

"Best behavior, yes mother gave me a long and excruciating talk about manners and not being a bitch anymore." Rieka agreed and Theon snorted a laugh. "Especially not while the royal family is here... then I can be my usually sassy self."

"I didnt use such language." Catelyn corrected.

"You wanted to." Rieka countered with a shrug.

"Did you really have to dye your hair again?" Catelyn hissed. Rieka's usually auburn reds like her mother and twin were dyed hues of browns and blondes.

"I like it, keeps people from mistaking me for Robb," Rieka teased. "I mean, he had very feminine features." Robb elbowed her and she laughed out.

Robb watched as the Royal party rode into the courtyard of Winterfell. He looked at Sansa as the Prince Joffery rode forward, her face a daze of wow, hes the most handsome boy in the world. Rieka was already bored but Robb nudged her and she looked to Sansa smirking over at her. Sansas gaze was stuck on Joffrey though. Rieka bumped her hip into Robb nodding to Arya as she whispered to Sansa.

"That is Ser Jaime Lannister the Queen's twin brother" Arya remarked.

Robert heartily hopped down from his horse Ned and his family bowed before him on their knees as Robert approached. Robb had to pull Rieka down.

"Right, right manners and behaving today." Rieka agreed. Robert motion for Ned to stand, Ned rose as did the rest of his family like good loyal supporters of the crown.

"That's the kingslayer." Arya clarified.

"Shut up." Sansa hissed.

'Your Grace,' Ned said tipping his head to Robert.

"Where is the imp?" Arya pondered softly.

"Shut up!" Sansa begged.

'You got fat,' Robert noted but Ned looked down to Roberts stomach both men started laughing before they hugged joyously.

"Father? Fat? I can't imagine it." Rieka countered and Robb hushed her softly. "Best hope you look as good as daddio when your his age," She added. "And dont have sh*t genes like the king-"

"Rieka!" Robb laughed out.

'Cat' He said happily hugging her as though she was a sister, before fussing with rickon's hair. Rickon stared up at the large man as he leaned into Catelyn.

'Nine years it has been nine long years, I have not seen you where have you been?' Robert asked

"Where the f*ck does he think?" Rieka murmured.

'I've been here guarding the for north for you, your grace.' Ned said obediently. Jon and Theon stood like statues behind the starks. Rieka glanced back at Jon before Robb pulled her face forward again.

"Ah... you must be Rieka." Robert remarked.

"That is me." Rieka agreed. "I know its a common mistake to get twins mixed up. So you wouldnt get Robb and I confused I dyed my hair." Robert stared back at her a moment before laughing out.

"I like her." Robert declared. "Pretty thing," Robert reached out touching her hair.

"Robb has the best hair to touch." Rieka offered taking a step back. "I have greasy hair, oily from the dyes... so best keep your paws to yourself." Robert laughed out again.

"Oh... to be young..." Robert looked at her like Rieka was his next meal, he licked his lips and Rieka looked to her father for help.

"And this is Sansa, and Arya-" Ned ushered Robert along.

"f*cking hell." Rieka muttered moving back towards Jon. "Make me invisible, that was awful." she declared and Jon wrapped his arms around her

Robert rushed through his introductions of his wife and children when Cersei cleared her throat annoyed and Catelyn stepped forward, desperation oozing from her as she wanted to make a good impression.

'It is an honor to have you, your grace.' Catelyn said curtsying before cersei. Ned kissed the damn ring, it was his duty and offered her a semblance of a smile. Before Robert called for Ned to take him to the crypts. Ned loved that Robert still loved his Lyanna. Cersei hated competing with a dead woman.

The royals scattered and Rieka moved to the horses petting a hand settling a big black horse. Bran ran up to her smiling mischievously.

"What's that look for?" Rieka questioned bringing a hand to his hair ruffling it.

"There was a knight looking for you, Rae." Bran remarked.

"A knight? A handsome strong knight?" Rieka pondered. Bran shrugged. "Right, wrong person to ask."

"He said he had a parcel for you." Bran remarked.

"Presents for me, oh and its not even my name day." Rieka declared fondly. "Lets go find him then." Bran nodded running back out.

"Lady Rieka Stark?"

"Thats me, I is she, she is I." Rieka agreed with a cheeky smile. Sandor stared back at her. "I'm Rieka Stark." she answered seriously.

"Girl." Sandor grumbled. "I got a package for Rieka from the capital." Sandor remarked holding it out to Rieka.

"Let me guess from Petyr Baelish?" Catelyn basically groaned out.

"I dont know." Sandor said, bored. "Just said that it was to be brought to winterfell for a stark." Sandor nodded at Rieka.

"I dont know why you don't like petyr. He sends the most wonderful gifts." Rieka remarked fondly as she took the package. "Thank you Ser-"

"Not a ser." Sandor grumbled as he walked off.

"Thanks all the same." Rieka called after him.

"Mothers enigma of friends don't send us gifts." Robb remarked.

"That's because im lovable and you are ..." She tipped her head back and forth debating if she was going to be gentle in her next words or blunt.

"Thanks Rieka." Robb agreed bumping his hip into his twin.

"Probably wants a union." Theon offered and catelyn scoffed. "Lady stark I have a solution," theon declared running up to her. "Marry Rieka to me!" Catelyn stared back at him, her face void of emotion, meanwhile Rieka and Robb laughed out.

"Oh gods, he was serious!" Robb cackled out and theons face pinched glaring back at them.


‘Lord Eddard stark I would name you the hand of the King.’ Robert declared. Ned got down to one knee.

‘I’m not worthy of the honor.’ He told Robert.

‘I’m not trying to honor you I’m trying to get you to run my kingdom will I eat drinking whor* my way to an early grave,’ Robert informed him. ‘Come on Ned, stand up,’ he said patting his shoulder ‘you helped me win the iron throne now let me help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived we would’ve been bound by blood but it’s not too late,’ Robert told him. ‘I have a son you have a daughter we will join our houses.’

"Oh, yes... Rieka will hate that with every fiber of her being." Ned murmured as Robert headed out of the crypt.


"Whats in the package?" Robb asked pulling it closer but Rieka held it closer to her chest.

"Mine." Rieka corrected. "No touchy."

"I think you might like Petyr." Robb coed. Rieka rolled her eyes as she walked off.

"I dont even know him I have never met him." Rieka corrected. "He sends my letters and parcels... I like him but now how you are insinuating."

"Right, right." Robb agreed. "Then let me read the letter."

"Private." Rieka corrected running to her chambers. She sealed the door, her pup Avalon ran in behind her jumping up on the bed.

"Want to see what Petyr got us this time?" Rieka pondered as she sat down besides Avalon. She yipped in agreement.

~Lady Rieka, when I heard the king was coming to winterfell I had hoped to accompany him so I could finally meet you. I feel like I know you and would have loved to put a lovely face to the young woman I have grown to admire from afar~

Rieka looked to Avalon.

"The boys are wrong. He's just being nice because of his admiration for my mother... although she doesnt mirror his admiration..." Rieka remarked and Avalon tipped her head to the side as though she was really listening. Rieka reached out petting her head.

~I know your name is fast approaching so I thought best send your gift with now, happy early name day. I hope you like it.
Yours, Petyr.~

"Yours." Rieka repeated. "That doesnt mean anything either... and I want you to tell me that but you can only woof, so do woof in agreement." Rieka begged and Avalon yipped again. "Good girl."

Rieka opened the little parcel and saw a golden necklace, a locket. She smiled down at it before securing it on.

"Lovely." Rieka remarked peering into the mirror. "What's this..." she pulled out a secondary piece of parchment. "I heard you liked to play piano, this was one of my favorites in my youth." she read before turning it over. "Sheet music! Avalon, he's so sweet. I really dont know why mother is so against him- BRANDON!" Rieka dropped the parchment and her hand went to her heart. "Seven hells, how long were you lurking?"

"Long enough to know you and Avalon have really intense conversations."

"Get out of the window, right now." Rieka demanded helping him in. "Goodness, one of these days you are going to get hurt climbing and that would just break my heart."

"You could get hurt- you did get hurt, remember last summer when you saw those dancers and decided to do the thing, the flying through the air thing and you snapped your ankle!" Bran shouted.

"Hush, it was just a sprain and I was totally fine." Rieka lied.

"Anything fun is a little dangerous." Bran informed her and Rieka smirked back at him. "A wise woman told me that."

"Which one?" She teased.

"You! YOu told me that when I caught you sneaking out-"

"Okay you know all my secrets, I get it." Rieka agreed.

"Are you skipping the feast?"

"I'm planning on arriving fashionable late." Rieka corrected. "Come on, I will help you get ready."

"Have you spoken to Rieka?" Catelyn pondered

"I havent seen her since the royal family arrived... I dont know how to tell her." Ned murmured.

"Quickly and hope that she doesnt set Avalon off on you or the prince... Gods what if she-"

"She wouldnt do that." Ned assured but he looked around hesitantly. Where was Rieka?

'The wall isn't going anywhere.' Benjen reminded Jon when he arrived at Winterfell.

'I'm ready.' Jon assured him.

'you don't understand what you'd be giving up, we have no families none of us father any sons-' Benjen explained. Most days Benjen regretted that. After all this time, seeing Ned's family grow while he just got more miscreant brothers.

'I don't care about that.' Jon told him but Benjen saw his face shift.

'You might.' Benjen told him 'if you knew what it meant... I better get inside and rescue your father from his guests.' Benjen said 'we will talk later.' he said giving Jon a pat.

'Your uncle is in the nights watch?' Tyrion said walking up the path.

'what are you doing back there?' Jon questioned

'Preparing for a night with your family.' Tyrion told him, 'I've always wanted to see the wall,' he remarked taking a swig from his jug.

'You are Tyrion Lannister.' Jon remarked 'the Queen's brother.'

'My greatest accomplishment. And you... you are ned Starks bastard aren't you?'

'Pardon me,' Ned said annoyed, trying to get around Jaime.

'I hear we might be neighbors soon' Jaime said blocking his way. 'I hope it's true.'

'Yes the king has honored me with the offer' Ned said still trying to get around him when he saw Rieka come in, beautiful as always, a smile on her face, he would be the one to take her smile and tell her of Roberts plans to have them wed. Gods he dreaded it already.

'I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field the competition has been stale,' Jaime told him

'I don't fight in tournaments' Ned informed him

'No? Getting a little old for it?' Jaime teased but in reality Jaime was only a handful of years younger than Ned.

'I don't fight in tournaments when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do.' Ned told him

'Well said.' Jaime told him grinning.

'Excuse me,' ned said again walking off but Benjen grabbed his arm.

'Ned!' Benjen declared "You at a feast -- It's like a bear in a trap.' Benjen remarked.

"Move it wench." Joffrey spat and Rieka hated him immensely but Sansa was all heart eyes and dreamily staring back at him. The girl that had to marry that c*nt, good luck to her Rieka thought as she moved past.

"That's new? Where did you get it?" Robb questioned touching her locket.

"It's not new." Rieka corrected. "This old thing?"

"Looks new... what did you get from little finger?" Robb questioned.

"Such an unfortunate nickname." Theon chimed in. "You think he has a little co*ck?" Theon laughed out and Rieka whacked him over the head.

"What kind of wine is this?" Joffrey sneered. "North!" He grumbled and Rieka cringed.

"His mother didnt raise him right." Rieka remarked.

"Should we blame mother for your behavior then?" Robb teased.

"You can but she wouldnt like it." Rieka agreed as she headed to Bran and Rickon.

'The boy I beheaded. Did you know him?' Ned questioned softly to Benjen.

'Of course I did. Just a lad. But he was tough, Ned. A true Ranger.' Benjen agreed.

'He was talking madness. Said the Walkers slaughtered his friends.' Ned told him.

'The two he was with are still missing.' Benjen remarked

'A wildling ambush.'

'Maybe. Direwolves south of the wall. Talk of the Walkers... Also that my big brother might be the next Hand to the king." Ned grumbled. "Thats the spirit," Benjen agreed. "Winter is coming.' Benjen reminded him.

'Winter is coming.' Ned agreed.

"Uncle benjen!" Robb declared running up to them.

"Ah Robb how are you lad?" Benjen questioned bringing him into a hug.

"I'm good." Robb agreed.

"Oh, that cant be Rieka?" Benjen declared as she hugged him. "You look like a woman, last I saw you, you had pigtails in your hair-"

"And frosting on your dress." Ned agreed with a laugh.

"I'm a woman, can we get past my adorable youth and agree that Rieka-" She did a hair toss, -Rose Stark is not pigtails and frosting but more the looks could kill vibes?" Benjen laughed out.

"If looks could kill," Benjen agreed. "But your father might snap a few necks if another night looks at you like they are." Rieka smirked.

"Thats what I was going for." Rieka agreed.

"Rieka," Ned sighed.

"Daddio," She coed before looking back at Benjen. "Uncle Benjen I miss you, dont go back to the wall who is going to feed my ego and keep me humble at the same time? It's a skill few have."

"Staying for a bit." Benjen remarked.

"Longer, I miss you when youre gone, they wouldnt know if you never came back, we can keep you hidden. Benjen who? Never heard of him." Rieka declared.

"I would love that, I dont want the next time I see you to be when your married and popping out babies of your own." Benjen agreed.

"Babies, gross. No." Rieka corrected. "And I'm not getting married until Mr. Right comes knocking and he is not in winterfell from what I've seen."

"Break Theons heart." Robb agreed.

"Rieka can we talk?" Ned questioned reaching a hand out for her.

"I'm not late, the feast is in full swing, just how I like it." Rieka declared suddenly thinking she was in trouble.

"It's not your tardiness." Ned assured.

"Then I'm just gonna stay by Uncle Benjen because he will protect me from having a serious conversation I dont think I want to hear." Rieka countered hugging Benjen tighter.

"You dont know what I'm going to say." Ned corrected.

"And yet, I know its nothing good." Rieka corrected.


"Oh, sansa looks so pretty I must compliment her. Hold that thought!" Rieka called as she ran off.

"Your daughter." Benjen chuckled.

"Good thing my Robb doesnt make my head spin." Ned remarked. "At least not as much."

"What do you need to tell Rieka?" Robb pondered.

"King wants her matched with Joffrey." Ned admitted and Robb's jaw dropped. "Yeah, that was tame to what I expect from Rieka."

"Is this your first time in the North, Your Grace?' Catelyn asked in desperation to make a good impression on the royal family.

'Yes. Lovely country.' Cersei said blandly.

'I'm sure it's very grim, after Kings Landing. I remember how scared I was when Ned brought me up here for the first time.' Catelyn went on.

"What are you- why are you?"

"Come with me." Sansa begged pulled Rieka along. "I'm nervous and want to make a good impression."

"On what? You are little miss perfect, everyone says so, it used to be irritating but now I dont care. I'm the fun one, you are the proper and Arya is the wild. It works for us." Rieka declared.

"I want to impress the queen of course, I love Joffrey already." Sansa declared and Rieka snorted a laugh. "Rieka?"

"What?" Rieka countered. "Him? Gods...." She murmured.

"I heard father talking of unions and it must be for me and Joff right?" Sansa declared and Rieka paled. "I mean you are far too old... I didnt mean-" Sansa spun to her nervously.

"No, you are right. I am far too old." Rieka agreed. "You two would be great together."

"I think so too." Sansa agreed. Sansa approached the front table, pulling Rieka with her and as Riekas was suddenly angry, was this the thing father had wanted to tell her while Sansa smiled shyly up at Cersei.

'Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. How old are you?' Cersei questioned and Sansa's little heart fluttered.

'Thirteen, Your Grace.' She answered

'You're tall. Still growing?' Cersei questioned

'I think so, Your Grace.' Sansa said confused.

' And have you bled yet?' Cersei questioned and sansa stared at her mother clearly discomfited by the questioned but Catelyn nodded for her to answer. Rieka scowled back at her, personal questions for a woman you just f*cking met, but yeah, lets talk monthly bleedings Rieka thought with disgust.

'No, Your Grace.' Sansa told her, Cersei nodded stiffly.

'And your dress. Did you make it?' Cersei went on and Sansa was to nervous to speak she nodded. 'Such talent. You must make something for me.' Sansa nodded happily. Rieka was ready to walk away but the queen spoke to her and damnit she hated the look her mother gave her. The be good and talk to the queen, the best manners look. Rieka thought Catelyns eyes were going to bugger out of her eyes, as the vein popped in her neck knowing that Rieka was not one to hold her tongue.

"And you, Riekki?" Cersei questioned.

"Rieka." She corrected sternly. Cersei offered a pinched smile. "Great, thanks for the talk." Rieka agreed as she turned but Catelyn coughed out desperately.

"How old are you.. Rieka?" Cersei questioned snottily.

"17, almost 18. Next moon actually. Robb and I are going to have a-" Rieka began but her mothers pinched face begged for silence. "-Party, full blown booze and babes as Theon declared it." Catelyn looked completely horrified.

"That sounds..." Cersei began.

"Like a hell of a night." RIeka agreed trying to leave again.

"And have you bled?" Cersei asked.

"No, gods no." RIeka told her. "I think I'm barren." Rieka remarked and Catelyn's eyes went wide. Rieka had bled many years ago, why was she lying? To the queen? To the queen of all people, why was she trying to ruin their family?

"Shame." Cersei remarked. "You are so beautiful."

"Your husband certainly thought so." Rieka agreed and Catelyn slapped a hand down on the table. "Your grace." Rieka added as she did her very best curtsy before turning away and heading back to the table. Then she saw Jaime's gaze on her. She winked at him as she passed heading to her seat. Jaime smirked that handsome smile back at Rieka and Cersei didnt like that one bit.

"Rieka almost lost her head!" Sansa declared, her voice shrill and terrified.

"Did not." Rieka countered. "Stop being so dramatic."

"She lied to the queen and then told her that the king thought her beautiful." Sansa informed their siblings.

"I lied and then I told the truth, I don't see the problem." Rieka agreed as she plucked a roll from the middle of the table. "Also why does she want to know if I bled? That is strange and personal. Like who the f*ck are you to ask about my bloody body shedding away my uterus every moon." Rieka told them and Robb and Theon's faces scrunched up. "Oh, big strong men they are, can't hear about a normal womanly feature." Rieka laughed out.

Sansa glanced over to Joffrey, she thought him the most handsome boy and she was smiling completely giddy at Joffrey. Robb nudged Rieka and she rolled her eyes at Sansas clear display of first crush love sick stupidity.

"We need to talk, about what father... well he told me." Robb whispered and Rieka locked eyes with him.

"I think I know and I dont want it to be true." Rieka remarked leaning into him.

'I hear we might share a grandchild someday.' Cersei said turning to Catelyn

'I hear the same.' Catelyn agreed hopefully.

'Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever.' Cersei told her confidently.

"Rieka... is... nervous." Catelyn offered.

"Dont worry, we can get all those bad habits out of her at the capital."

"We need to talk, about what father... well he told me." Robb whispered and Rieka locked eyes with him.

"I think I know and I dont want it to be true." Rieka remarked leaning into him.

"The king-" Robb cleared his throat. "-he wants you for Joffrey." Rieka had never felt so vulnerable.

"I'm dead. Kill me now." Rieka whimpered as she got up. "Father."

"Rieka... I assume Robb-" Ned began.

"Yeah, tell me he's f*cking with me." Rieka begged.

"It's true... The king told me when he arrived, that you wants you and joffrey wed." Ned agreed.

"No." Rieka corrected. "Tell him no. You told him no right?"

"Telling the king no... Thats not something you just do." Ned countered.

"I do. I will." Rieka declared and Ned grabbed her arm keeping her beside him.

"Get to know the prince, maybe he is..." Ned looked to Joffrey as he flipped a tray of food on a server shouting that he was a prince and wouldnt eat such garbage.

"A horrible human being, I can see that already." Rieka agreed. "Daddy dont do this." Rieka begged.

"Rieka my love-" But she stomped off.

Rieka was moving towards the king when Arya flipped food across the table and onto Sansa's face and Rieka's jaw dropped before she was laughing out.

'Arya!' Sansa shouted "Arya!" she whimpered sobbing out, this was the worst day ever as she sat wiping the potato away. Catelyn signaled a laughing Robb to deal with the girls. He wiped the smile off his face as he hoisted up Arya.

'Time for bed.' Robb declared.

"What?" Arya whined as he picked her up.

"Wait." Rieka corrected raising a hand and Robb put Arya down. "I have something to say."

"What is she doing?" Theon questioned softly.

"I dont know... that worries me." Robb agreed.

"Your grace, I have been notified of your plans for your son and myself." Rieka remarked. Catelyn grit her teeth nervosly.

"Yes, union in blood!" Robert agreed happily.

"But I'm..." Rieka looked back to her family, think on your toes Rieka, dont second guess it or else you will be married to that awful boy until the day you die... or the day he's killed. Until you kill him, her mind was racing but she turned to the king. No regrets.

"I'm so sorry your grace but I have decline." Rieka said scincerly.

"Oh?" Robert countered finally putting down his glass.


"Why?" Robert countered.

"Well you see, your grace... I am already betrothed." Rieka declared and Catelyn gaped back at her, what was she doing? Robb chuckled picking up his drink.

"She's gonna piss him off." Theon remarked softly. Ned took a hesitant step forward hoping to salvage this, whatever this was, whatever was happening.

"To whom?" Robert pondered.

"I just received a formal proposal from... lord petyr baelish." Rieka declared and neds jaw dropped. He had not heard nor approved at that union.

"Your father didnt inform me of that." Robet corrected.

"He probably thought you meant for Sansa, my union is new... but Petyr has been a friend of the family for years and I graciously accepted." Rieka remarked.

"What the f*ck was in that parcel from little finger?" Robb muttered.

"A proposal apparently." Arya remarked. "Has she ever met him?"

"No." Robb remarked with a huff.

"Rieka." Catelyn warned as she stood up.

"Your grace-" Ned began.

"Seriously." Rieka agreed. "Crazy times!"

"Huh," robert grumbled out before looking to sansa. "She will do. "

"I will do!" Sansa declared giddy.

"Thank you for understanding your grace." Rieka agreed.

"Then you will be coming to the capital with us when we leave." Robert remarked. "I'm sure little finger doesnt like his betrothed so far away."

f*ck, she didnt think about that. Why couldnt she have made up a name, a fake person until they left... f*ck, f*ck, f*ckity, f*ck.

"I suppose that does mean that." Rieka agreed slowly. "Joy..."

"To you then, future Lady Baelish."


"Whatever. Im sure its not a big deal..."

"It's a big deal." Jon corrected. "Damn I missed all the fun."

"It's a big f*cking deal. What if hes I don't know like a psychopath? Or a monster? Or ugly!" Rieka agreed.

"That shouldn't matter." Robb chimed in

"Ha!" Rieka corrected. "If I have to love this man kiss this man do things- Things! With this man. He better have a nice face."

"Shallow much."

"I'm sorry and the whor*s you and theon f*ck are not based on looks and tit size?" Rieka countered as she crossed her arms over her chest. Robb remained silent. "Thought so! I changed my mind. Jon marry me."

"What?" Jon rasped

"You're right that would be too weird. You're my brother ick." Rieka agreed.

"Ick." Jon murmured.

"Not you," Rieka corrected. "just you know... Brother."

"Half brother." Sansa remarked as she passed

"You are welcome! I gave you that prick!" Rieka called after her.

"You wouldn't apricate joff like I do." Sansa agreed.

"Oh, is it Joff now? You two get real buddy, buddy in the past hour?" Rieka teased and Sansa groaned.

"What are you going to do Rae?" Bran questioned.

"I'm so f*cking doomed." Rieka muttered.

"Yep, you can still marry me though." Theon assured and Rieka threw a pillow at him.

"I need good solutions, Theon." Rieka corrected.

"I think its a great solution." Theon muttered.

"Gods," Rieka groaned out flopping into the bed face first. "Why did I say him! Because hes not here to contradict my story." She muttered to herself. "Gods im gonna get to the capital and he is going to laugh in my face."


'She is a fresh widow Catelyn, she does not know what she's saying.' Ned assured her letting out a huff of a breath.

'Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found out Ned!' Catelyn exclaimed why wasn't he taking her seriously? 'Do you think she would risk her life? Her son's life? To risk telling us that her husband was murdered?'

Ned resisted the urge to rub his temple Rieka was already giving him a migraine and Catelyn wasnt helping the situation.

'If this news is true and the Lannister's are conspiring against the throne who but you can protect the king' maester Lyewen said coming up behind them.

'They murdered the last Hand,' catelyn reminded him 'now you wanted to take the job? Want to allow Rieka to go south and marry little finger?"

"We dont know if that proposal is right or not and I didnt agree to it, so its void." Ned declared.

"You want to tell the king that?" Catelyn sneered.

'They traveled a month to ask for Ned Starks help. He is the only one he trusts. He swore the oath.' Lyewen reminded Catelyn.

'He spent half his life fighting in Roberts wars he owes him nothing!' she spat. 'Your father and Brother Road South once on the kings demand.' she reminded him. "Now you want to do the same, put my girls in danger?"

'A different time,' Ned remarked. 'a different King.' Catelyn huffed a breath. 'Robert is in danger that means,' Ned said softly thinking it through, "I have to go. I'm the only one who trusts. I'm the only one that can protect him.'


"Rieka!" Ned demanded that night.

"Yep, youre in trouble." RObb agreed as her siblings scattered quickly.

"Traitors!" Rieka shouted back at them.

"Rieka." Catelyn sneered.


"Thats my name dont wear it out." Rieka agreed trying to lighten the mood but she was failing. "Hey daddio, just so you know you are my favorite and I love you and dont kill me." Rieka begged.

"Did he honestly propose?" Catelyn shouted. 'Petyr? Did he propose to you!"

"That is what I said didnt I?" She murmured.

"Rieka let me see it." NEd demanded. "Where is this proposal? Gods, you know I am in charge of you and I say no."

"Did he propose?" Catelyn demanded.

"Okay... maybe not," rieka admitted.

"Rieka Rose Stark!"

"Full name, you're in trouble." Rickon remarked peering in.

"Go to bed!" Catelyn pointed a commanding finger back at Rickon.

"Good luck Rae." Rickon whispered running down the hall.

"Thanks... I need it." Rieka whispered.

"Rieka truth, now." Catelyn demanded.

"I'm not marrying that c*nt of a prince. Sansa likes him she can him." Rieka declared. "Win, win-"

"Lose!" Catelyn corrected. "The king thinks you are wed to petyr and then what happens when you get to the capital? Your story falls apart and the king things the starks, people of honor and honesty are a bunch of liars!"

"Not my proudest moment."

"So do I write Petyr and tell him that... we are fake engaged and he needs to play along or... I set avalon off on him?" Rieka offered awkwardly and Arya stared back at her. "I just dont know what to say."

"How about hey, we are engaged now... or father is going to kill you when you get to the capital." Arya pondered.

"Really helpful Arya." Rieka agreed.

“What did you think of Prince Joff, sister? He’s very gallant, don’t you think?” Sansa questioned looking to Arya, she already knew what Rieka thought of Joffrey.

“Jon says he looks like a girl,” Arya said. Sansa sighed as she stitched.

"He does have a feminine face." Rieka agreed.

“Poor Jon,” Sansa corrected. “He gets jealous because he’s a bastard.”

“He’s our brother,” Rieka declared. "You best remember that. He's family, treat him as such."

"I will be queen one day." Sansa corrected. "I dont need-"

"Decency?" Rieka pondered and Sansa rolled her eyes. "Dont want to claim the mad queen title before you ever get the crown."

“Sansa’s work is as pretty as she is,” Septa Mordane declared. “She has such fine, delicate hands.” But Arya was a different story. “Arya has the hands of a blacksmith.” their septa would always declare with distaste.

“Arya, Rieka... why aren’t you at work?” the septa asked moving closer to them and leaving Mycella's side. “Let me see your stitches.” Arya wanted to scream. Rieka grumbled rolling her eyes.

“Here,” Arya said, surrendering up her work. The septa examined the fabric.

“Arya, Arya, Arya,” she tsked. “This will not do. This will not do at all.”

"And what of my work, septa?" Rieka questioned holding up her design. Septa Mordanes smile dropped.

"Burn that... and in the presence of royalty!" Their septa scoffed.

"I crafted it, inspired by royalty." Rieka agreed.

"Damn, thats good though." Arya remarked looking over the f*ck Off, with little flowers around it.

"Thank you, now lets f*ck off." Rieka agreed dropping her stitch down but ARya picked it up chasing after her.


"I'm going to be hand of the king... Sansa is engaged to Joffrey and Rieka is going to meet Petyr Baelish." Ned grumbled.

“Jon must go,” Catelyn declared.

“He and Robb are close,” Ned said. “I had hoped …”

“He cannot stay here,” Catelyn said, cutting him off. “He is your son, not mine. I will not have him.” Ned would do Jon no kindness by leaving him here at Winterfell without him. The look Ned gave her was anguished all the same.

“You know I cannot take him south. There will be no place for him at court. A boy with a bastard’s name … you know what they will say of him. He will be shunned.” Catelyn armored her heart against the mute appeal in her husband’s eyes.

“They say your friend Robert has fathered a dozen bastards himself.” Catelyn declared her face pinched.

“And none of them has ever been seen at court!” Ned blazed. “The Lannister woman has seen to that. How can you be so damnably cruel, Catelyn? He is only a boy. He—”

His fury was on him. He might have said more, and worse, but Maester Luwin cut in.

“Another solution presents itself,” he said, his voice quiet among their shouts. “Your brother Benjen came to me about Jon. It seems the boy aspires to take the black.” Ned looked shocked.

“He asked to join the Night’s Watch?”


Jon was watching the action of the lords and princes training in the courtyard below as he sat in the window, he was to go unnoticed while the royals were here, that was Catelyns demand. He was so absorbed that he seemed unaware of his sisters approach until his white wolf moved to meet them. Nymeria stalked closer on wary feet. Avalon bound forward lunging over Ghost and bumping into Jon. Ghost, already larger than his litter mates, smelled Nymeria, gave her ear a careful nip, and settled back down. Jon gave her a curious look.

“Shouldn’t you be working on your stitches, sisters?” jon pondered and Arya made a face at him.

“I wanted to see them fight.” Arya corrected. He smiled. "And Rieka made the septa furious with her stitches."

"Its funny when she's furious." Rieka agreed.

“Come here, then.” Jon agreed. Arya climbed up on the window and sat beside him, to a chorus of thuds and grunts from the yard below. To her disappointment, it was the younger boys drilling.

"What did you make this time?" Jon questioned and Arya held it out.

"Oh, nabbed it did you?" Rieka mused.

"She would have showed mother and you would have gotten in trouble." Arya agreed.

"What a good sister, but sansa will tell her and mother will hate me still." Rieka assured.

Bran was so cute as he trained with Tommen. He wasnt a fighter, he was a climber, he was didnt like swords and archery. But he was trying his hardest. Rieka whistled out catching his attention as Jon held the stitch in his hands, he laughed out as Bran waved up at her.

"You are better then all of them." Rieka remarked. "Knock them all to the ground." Jon chuckled handing back her stitch.

"I like this." Jon remarked.

"Thank you, I try." Rieka agreed.

"You are going to need to make me one before you leave." Jon added as Tommen fell to his ass and Joffrey cackled out.

“A shade more exhausting than needlework,” Jon observed.

“A shade more fun than needlework.” Rieka corrected. "Okay now help me, what am I supposed to say to Petyr?"
Rieka had started about a dozen letters to Petyr but not a single one seemed right. How to tell a man you never met that you are coming to the capital for a fake engament and he best play along. Finally she came up with one she semi liked.

thank you for the name day gift it was beautiful I havent taken it off. Im excited to see which song you treasured enough to send all this way.
Also I have some good and some~

A melodramatic moment of hesitation filled her as the ink dripped onto the parchment. Her head tipped back in a groan. Good news and what the f*ck news? No, no. Dont put that rieka thought annoyed. Some good and what though? What would he consider her lie of a statement to the king to be?

~some good and some peculiar news. I will start with the good. Im coming to the capital and I will save the peculiar news until I see you. I am quite excited to finally meet you. And if you hear any ludicrous comments about me and things involving my name and yours just roll with it. I will explain everything when I see you.
Yours truly, Rieka

“Are you really going to leave me Rieka?” Bran questioned and she jumped.

“Bran what have I told you about ease dropping in window?” Rieka countered pulling him inside.

“But are you?”

“Honey,” she sighed as he sat down beside her. “Its not forever.”

“Mother married father and she hasnt returned to the riverrun in years.” Bran corrected.

“Well she doesnt like her brother like I love you.” Rieka remarked hugging him tight. “Maybe you come with to the capital with us.”

“I would like that.” Bran agreed. “I bet they have all the best trees to climb.”

“Bran, Bran, Bran.” Rieka laughed out.

“Whats that thing you always tell mother and father- Oh thats my name dont wear it out!” Bran remarked with a giggle.

“I miss you already.” Rieka declared hugging him tight. “I need to send my letter but then we can play all day. Hows that sound?”

“I’ll meet you in the courtyard-“ bran moved towards the window but rieka grabbed the collar of his shirt.

“Use the door monkey man.” Rieka corrected.

“Thats no fun.” Bran corrected.

“Go on. I will meet you down there.”

Signed. Rolled and sealed up and stamped down with her direwolf sigil and she headed to the maester.

“Raven to the capital maester Lewyin.” Rieka remarked holding it out.

“For your bethrothed?”

“Yes… yes.” Rieka agreed nervously.


'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion closed his eyes again leaning against the stables as Avalon came up sniffing him. Tyrion groaned swatting a hand at her.

“Avalon! Avalon!” Rieka called out and Avalon looked to Sandor co*cked her head before running off.

“Even the wolves dont want you near them hound.” Tyrion chuckled out. “But they are pure breed and you are a mutt.” Sandor grumbled before marching off.

“I think you are getting too big for riding on my back Rickon.” Rieka remarked.

“No way this is the best way to travel!” Rickon corrected.

“Shaggy dog thats not the ball.” Bran remarked when he dropped a dead bird in front of him. “Rickon your pup is stupid.”

“No hes not!” Rickon shouted as he jumped from Riekas back.

“Hes special.” Rieka remarked looking to his tilted head and wagging tail.

“I threw the ball and he brought back a bird! Thats so gross.” Bran declared.

“Avalon-“ Rieka lifted her arm as though sje had a ball and pretended to throw it. “- get the ball! Get the ball!” Avalon stared back at her a moment but summer took off.

“See summer is chasing an invisible ball!” Rickon shouted.

“My smart girl cant be tricked.” Rieka coed kneeling before Avalon.

'I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked

'I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him.

“The ball! See my summers smart!” Bran declared.

“Lets not argue clearly avalon is the best.” Rieka teased.

“Whatever.” Rickon declared. “Lets play a game!”

“What game?” Rieka pondered and rickons lips twisted in debate.

“Hide and seek!”

“Riekas it!” Both brother declared.

“Okay im it. Go hide.” Rieka agreed.

“Cound to a million!” Rickon instructed as he took off.

“Yeah no.” Rieka corrected.

'You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so f*cking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Robert declared.

“Be good Rieka. No trouble while im gone.” Ned begged.

“Hide and seek daddio what could go wrong?” She countered sweetly. Ned rolled his eyes before he saw Summer rubbing against his legs. He looked up seeing Bran smiling back at him. Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off.

' Come on, you.' Bran instructed summer as she ran away from Ned and towards Bran.

“Go hide,” rieka whispered hugging bran to her. “Im only counting to 25.”

“50.” Bran countered.

“33. Final offer.” Rieka remarked kissing his cheek and sending him off. She turned around to face the woods. “One… two…” bran looked around he could see rickon from where he was and shaggy dogs tail wagging giving his spot away even more. Bran smirked and started to climb.

As Bran neared the top, he heard a woman and man moaning. Confused he peered in the window, shocked and confused he stared at Cersei and Jaime.

'Stop. STOP.' Cersei demanded as Jaime pulled out of her. Jaime ran to the window and grabbed Bran holding him still. Bran started to breathe heavy confused and scared as his eyes flickered between the twins.

“Its okay I got you. Let me help you-” Jaime offered and cersei gasped in horror.

'Are you completely mad?' Cersei questioned “He saw us.'’ Cersei reminded Jaime.

'’It's all right. It's all right.' Jaime assured his grip still tight on Bran's shirt.

'’He saw us!' Cersei shouted as she righted herself.

'’I heard you the first time.' Jaime remarked he turned to a very nervous Bran. 'Quite the little climber, aren't you? How old are you, boy?'

'Ten .' Bran said nervously.

“25… 26… 27… 28…”

'Ten.' Jaime repeated looking to Cersei. "Ten, cersei...." Jaime repeated. But Cersei's stare was harsh. 'The things I do for love.' Jaime remarked shoving Bran out the window.

“Ready or not here I- BRAN!”

It had been a fortnight since Brans fall and the starks were a mess. The Lannister twins were waiting for death for the boy. The king was impatient.

Rieka stayed with Bran curled up at the bottom of his bed with summer as their mother crouched over the bed sobbing. Or she stayed with Robb and Rickon.

Robb leaned over kissing Riekas forehead she saw him fall and it was still engraved in her mind. She opened her eyes staring back at him as Rickon shifted in his sleep between them.

"Hes going to be okay. I know it." Robb whispered resting his forehead against his twins.

"I know." Rieka croaked out. "I just want him awake now Robbie."

"Just think of it as a nap." Robb offered.

"King of naps." Rieka rasped and he brought a hand up wiping at her tears.


''Time for breakfast. Bread. And two of those little fish. And a mug of dark beer to wash it down. And bacon, burned black.' Tyrion remarked looking over the food.

'Little brother.' Jaime remarked

'Beloved siblings.' Tyrion said smirking back at them

'Is Bran going to die ?' Mycella questioned

'Apparently not.' Tyrion told her picking at his food.

'What do you mean?' Cersei questioned, her eyes darting to Jaime.

'The Maester says the boy may live.' Tyrion told them and Cersei sucked in a breath trying to remain calm.

'It's no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain.' Cersei told him.

'Only the gods know for certain." Tyrion assured "All the rest of us can do is pray... The charms of the north seem entirely lost on you.'


"I know i'm a terror at times, but I'm here for you." Rieka assured as she hugged her mother.

"You are not a terror. You are my brave and fearless little girl." Catelyn declared. "That loves to be a terror yes-" catelyn added through a sob.

"Im sorry mum. I love you so much. Im sorry I never fit into the mold you had planned like Sansa does." Rieka whispered.

"Oh my sweet girl you are uniquely you. Im sorry I tried to change you. I should have been trying harder to change Bran. Keep him off the walls."

"He loves to climb no one could have stopped him. Heavens knows I tried too."

"You did? I always assumed you would encourage his Shenanigans." Catelyn countered.

"No. He... he climbs up to my room- he did. Every morning I would find him in my window. I pull him back in and make him use the stairs when we head down." Rieka remarked as the door opened. Catelyn rose she looked a mess as Cersei entered. Rieka stared back at her stiffly. The royals had made it clear that they didnt give a damn about bran. Tyrion visited and the little children seemed to be concerned like decent human beings but the rest were c*nts Rieka decided.

'Please, sit.' Cersei assured as she looked over at Bran. Motionless on the bed. Die, die, die Cersei thought bitterly as she stared back at Bran.

'I would have dressed, your Grace.' Catelyn said trying to make herself look presentable but Rieka hugged her mother.

'This is your home. I'm your guest.' Cersei reminded her, still staring down at Bran.

"Pjs all day if it were up to rickon." Rieka remarked tipping her head into Catelyn.

''Handsome one, isn't he? I lost my first boy, a little black-haired beauty. He was a fighter too... tried to beat the fever that took him.' Cersei informed her. 'Forgive me. It's the last thing you need to hear right now.'

'I never knew.' Catelyn remarked softly. Lucky boy never to have to deal with Cersei as a mother rieka thought.

'It was years ago. Robert was crazed, beat his hands bloody on the wall, all the things men do to show you how much they care. The boy looked just like him. Such a little thing... A bird without feathers. They came to take his body away and Robert held me. I screamed and I battled, but he held me. That little bundle. They took him away and I never saw him again.' Cersei remarked. 'Never have visited the crypt, never. I pray to the Mother every morning and night that she return your child to you.'

'I am grateful.' Catelyn said softly.

'Perhaps this time she'll listen.' Cersei offered praying for death not life.

"That was a little too much lannister for my liking." Rieka muttered as the queen left.

"You are too much like your father." Catelyn murmured.

"Thats a good thing, Dad's the best."


'A sword for the wall?' Jaime questioned coming up to Jon.

'I already have one.' Jon told him

'Good man have you used it yet?' Jaime questioned looking over jon

'Of course I have.' Jon said.

'At someone I mean...' Jaime smirked. 'it's a strange thing the first time you cut a man.' Jamie told him. Rieka was sick of Lannistes how was she going to last a moon trapped with them just to meet petyr and tell him the dreadful lies she declared. They could end their union say petyr found a better option ideas filled her mind. Then she could come home.

'when you realize we are nothing but sacks of meat flesh blood... Let me thank you ahead of time for protecting us from the powers against the wall Wildlings and white walkers and what not.' Jaime mused, 'the great wall could use good men like you protecting it.' Jamie said pulling Jons hand closer before letting him go

'We have guarded the kingdom for 8000 years.' Jon reminded him

'Is it we already?' Jaime questioned 'have you taken your vows then?'

'Soon enough' Jon answered

'Give my regards to the nights watch I'm sure they will be willing to serve such an elite force and if not... It's only for life.' Jamie added walking away.

"Lannisters are c*nts." Rieka declared loudly and Jaime glanced back at her. She blew him a sarcastic kiss. "I said what I said. Stop tormenting Jon or I will give you a war you wont believe." And for a moment jaime thought Rieka knew what he had done but she turned back around to Jon not a word more to Jaime.


'Better looking bitches than your used to uncle." Joffrey remarked snidely as he looked down at Tyrion laying in the kennels. Avalon growled at Joffrey and he flinched back. Tyrion looked up to him with distaste as he brushed himself off. 'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey. Tyrion looked to Avalon as she passed a protective pup. A good sense of character too aparently.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

'None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

'The boy means nothing to me and I can't stand the wailing of women-' tyrion slapped him across the face.

'One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened. Alice's eyes went wide as she peered around to see Tyrion slapping the prince.

'I'm telling mother!' Joffrey whined.

“Stop whining.” Rieka hissed as avalon moved to her side. “You are embarrassing yourself.” Joffrey gaped back at her.

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry that you are at their service and all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out “either of you! I could have your filthy bitch head-“ and Tyrion slapped him again. Rieka smirked back at him.

“You were saying something?” Rieka pondered.

'Do you understand?' Tyrion demanded. Joffrey stormed off.

'The prince is going to remember that little lord.' Sandor remarked.

'I hope he does, if he forgets remind him for me.' Tyrion mused.

“You are now the only Lannister i like.” Rieka declared confidently. Tyrion smiled back at her.

“Thank you.”

Arya was packing Nymeria, her wolf was helping her for she was headed to Kings Landing soon when Jon came in. Rieka was already down on her knees kissing Nymeria's face. Jon carefully moved over her.

'Apparently I had to do it again.' arya told them 'my septa said that they were not folded properly so I have to do it again!' she sassed, 'who cares weather they are folded properly, they're going to get all messed up anyways!' she griped.

"Yeah, Avalon snapped at Septa when she came near my things." Rieka remarked.

'It's good you got help.' Jon remarked looking to her pup

'Watch.' arya said standing up straight, 'Nymeria. Gloves.' the dog just stared at her, arya tipped her head but Nymeria still didn't move.

"Wow! Look at that skill!" Rieka agreed sarcastically.

'Impressive.' Jon answered

'Shut up.' Arya snapped. 'Nymeria. Gloves.' she shouted again and again the dog did not move 'dammit.'

'Arya I have something for you,' jon informed her. 'but it has to be packed very carefully.' Jon told her

'A present?' arya said excitedly.

"How fitting since I too have a present for you." Rieka agreed plopping down on the bed. "Jon, not you, arya you are coming with me. Your present is my presence!" Arya rolled her eyes and Rieka smirked back at her.

'Close the door.' Jon told her pulling out the blade he had created just for her. 'this is no toy.' he told her 'be careful you don't cut yourself.' she held it in her hands.

'it's so skinny.' she remarked

'So are you.' Jon told her. ''I had a blacksmith make it for you special." Arya beamed up at him. 'it won't work anyone's head off but it can poke anyone from holes if you're quick enough.' Jon added.

'I can be quick.' Arya agreed.

"Pretty." Rieka agreed. "Stab a few holes in Joffrey.. maybe sansa too with her attitude recently." Arya snigg*red a laugh but Jon shook his head.

"You are not helping." Jon remarked.

"Like hell I'm not, I'm giving advice, real good targets for her to practice on." Rieka corrected.

'Here is some real advice." Jon corrected. "You have to work at it every day.' Jon told her.

'Every day.' Arya agreed

'how does it feel? Do you like the balance?' Jon questioned.

'I think so.' Arya said

'The first lesson. Stick with the pointy end.' Jon told her and arya crinkled her nose at him.

'I know which end to use.' Arya told him.

"Sometimes I get confused and just want to pierce out my own heart but end up stabbing others in the process." Rieka mused. "My mind is a dark place, you know that already."

'I'm going to miss you both, keep Rieka in line.' Jon requested. Rieka laughed out. Arya went to hug him but almost stabbed him, 'careful.'

"She's starting her target practice." Rieka teased As Arya carefully she put down the sword and she hugged him leaping into his arms.

'all the best swords have names you know...' jon told her.

'Sansa can keep her sewing needles I've got a needle of my own.' Arya said still holding tight to him.

"My turn?" Jon looked to rieka.

"I worked damn hard on this so you best appreciate it." Rieka declared.

"I will love it." Jon agreed and she pulled it out of her cloak. Jon stared down at it and Arya burst out laughing.

"Since you are going norther..." Rieka remarked. "Let it snow, let it snow, let it you get it?"

"Shut up." Jon muttered but he hugged her.

"I wanted to say bye to Bran, Rieka could you come with? I dont think your mother would allow it otherwise

"Come on dork, I wanted to say bye to Bran, Rieka could you come with?" Jon questioned as he closed Arya's door. "I dont think your mother would allow it otherwise."

"Of couse." Rieka agreed linking her arm with his as they walked the short distance to Brans chambers. "Hey, wheres my present?" she teased.

"Got it in my chambers." Jon remarked.

"I have a real present for you in my chambers too." Rieka declared as they pushed open Bran's door. Rieka moved to Summer laying at the base of the bed.

"I came to say goodbye to Bran.' Jon said coming in, seeing Catelyn crying over Bran. She barely left his side.

'You've said it.' Catelyn said annoyed as Jon approached the bed.

"Mother." Rieka scolded.

'I wish I could be here when you wake up.' Jon told a sleeping bran 'I'm going north with uncle Benjen I'm taking the black...'

Catelyn looked up to him with teary eyes not for Jon but for her son. Jon knelt before Bran, and Rieka stood his body guard blocking Catelyn from being difficult.

'I know we always talked about seeing the wall together but you will be able to come and visit me at Castle Black when you're better I'll know my way around by then I will be a sworn brother of the nights watch. We can go out walking beyond the wall if you're not afraid.' Jon added softly.

'I want you to leave.' Catelyn said through clenched teeth they both looked at the door to see Ned. Jon got up and pressed a kiss to Brans forehead.

"That was beautiful." Riek assured as she lay beside Bran pretending to be asleep.

"Rieka... might I have a moment with your mother?" Ned pondered.

"I'm sleeping, feel free to bad mouth the Baratheons with me present." Rieka mused. Ned stared back at her, she grumbled melodramatically pressed a kiss to Bran's cheek whispering in his ear giving him an awkward hug and rolling out of bed before heading out Ned close the door behind Rieka. Ned approached Catelyn's taking slow steps before sitting down next to her.

'17 years ago you rode off with Robert Baratheon, you came back a year later with another woman's son and now you're leaving again!' catelyn told him exasperatedly.

'I am going. I can't refuse the king.' Ned reminded her.

'That's what they always say, all our goals but that's what you tell your family,' Catelyn shouted.

'I don't have a choice.' He reminded her.

'tell that to your son... you do have a choice.' Catelyn shouted back. 'and you've made it... I cant go on like this.' She murmured.

'You can and you must."

"And what of Petyr?"

"I will put an end to it before it ever begins." Ned assured.


"It's little but I figured you wouldnt want a blade, you have that sharp tongue of yours." Jon remarked. "But i wanted you to have something to protect yourself."

"Thank you Jon, thats really sweet." Rieka agreed spinning the blade in her hand. "Thats nice, pretty too... what is that?"

"A mockingbird... you new sigil." Jon teased and Rieka choked out a laugh. "It's got a wolf on this side though..."

"Wolf eating a mockingbird?" Rieka teased. Jon shrugged.

"I wont judge you if you do." Jon agreed.

"Thank you Jon, I love it." Rieka declared kissing his cheek. "You want your real present?"

To remind yourself that you are always a stark

"To remind yourself that you are always a stark."

"Rieka, thank you. Really."

"Got us all in there.. the dogs too."

"I know I'm going to miss you too but I'm going to be back before you know it." Rieka assured as Rickon clung to her. "You are the man of the castle now Rickon, dont listen to Robbie, he is not in charge."

"I heard that!" Robb shouted back to her. Rieka stuck her tongue out at him. 'You said goodbye to Bran?' robb questioned coming up to Jon, they were headed out, Robb was to be the new lord of winterfell in his fathers absence. 'He's not going to die I know it.' Robb told him.

'You starks are hard to kill.' Jon remarked.

"You have to stay Rieka! Please, dont leave me alone here. Mother will make me eat my veggies." Rickon begged.

"That is a conundrum." Rieka agreed. "See if shaggy dog likes veggies, that what I did and Avalon ate them up."

"Really?" Rickon countered.

"And the ones she doesnt like... well they end up on the floor and mother doesnt look down there so its fine." Rieka assured and Rickon laughed out. "I miss you already kid."

'My mother?' Robb pondered.

'She was very kind.' Jon lied. "If Rieka wasnt there I'm sure she would have shot me on the spot."

'I'm sure..." Robb agreed glancing back at Rieka. "Next time I see you you'll be all in black.' Robb remarked as Jon saddled his horse.

'It was always my color.' Jon added,

'Farewell snow.'

'And you Stark.' they shared a warm embrace before Robb headed off.

"I miss you already." Rieka whispered holding tight to Robb. "But if you tell anyone I will deny it." she teased as he kissed her temple.

"We were supposed to celebrate together." Robb whispered. "Havent had a name day apart in... well ever."

"It's going to be strange being a million miles away from my other half." Rieka agreed. "Lesser half, clearly."

"Clearly." Robb entertained. "I'm gonna miss you. I already miss you."

"I left your present in your room, dont open it until name day. We can open then together and it can be like we are celebrating together... apart."

"I like that." Robb agreed holding out a little box. "But I know you are impatient and will open this tonight."

"I can be patient." RIeka remarked. "But I will be on the damn road for my name day... I will make the best of it." she assured.

"You always do." Robb agreed hugging her again. "See you soon."

"I love you, I will be back, I promise." Rieka whispered not wanting to let go.

"I love you... be careful."


'It is a great honor to be in the nights watch the starks have served it for thousands of years and you are a stark.' ned told Jon, 'you might not have my name but you have my blood.'

'Is my mother alive? Does she know about me? Where I am where I'm going? Does she care?' jon questioned hopelessly.

'Next time we see each other we will talk about your mother.' Ned promised before riding off. Jon looked to Rieka as her horse moved, prancing back and forth before she jumped up and he did the same.

"Dont sign away your life to that awful place." Rieka demanded hugging him.

"Dont get marry to a man called little finger." Jon countered.

"The black is until death-"

"So is marriage." Jon reminded her.

"No. Marriage is until his death. The black is until your own." Rieka declared. "be careful... be smart, you are a stark, you are too smart for such things and too handsome, tell him Uncle Benjen."

"You can change your mind." Benjen reminded him as he hugged Rieka goodbye.

"See? Change your mind." Rieka begged.

"Not a chance." Jon assured. Rieka groaned out.

"Why are you so difficult? Benjen fix him before he says those damn oaths." Rieka requested and Benjen chuckled. "Love you both-"


"-miss you already-" Rieka went on.

"Rieka come on!"

"Love you, love you, bye!" Rieka declared jumping back on her horse.

"Wait til we get there." Benjen chuckled. "You will be wishing for your cushy beds and the sight of a women within 50 miles."

"No women at all?"

"Not a one."

Jon glanced back at Rieka as she rode off dark red hair breaking through the roots of her dyed hair flying behind her. He would hate to never get to see his family again but with them at the capital, he had no place at winterfell.


'This is country' Robert said happily 'who am I to leave them all behind?'

'I have half a mind to go with you' ned informed him as they eat out in the open air. Ned saw Rieka staring at a little box, he figured it was from Robb, her name day was fast approaching. He hated that they would be travelling for it. Hated that she wouldnt be with her twin for her 18th name day.

'What do you say just you and me on the Kings Road... you and me a couple of whor*s at are sides and Tavern winches... something to warm our beds tonight!' Robert informed him jollily. Ned turned his gaze back to Robert as he laughed out.

'If you would've asked me 20 years ago,' Ned joked.

'There were wars to fight and women to marry,' Robert said begrudgingly 'I never had the chance to be young.'

'What were your chances?'

'Oh there was that one,' Robert chuckled 'what was her name Becca? With the great big tit* you could bury your face in,' Robert remembered happily.

'Bessie,' ned corrected 'she was one of yours.'

'Bessie thank God for Bessie and her tit*!'

'Yours was Eliana, meriyln, no the bastards mother...' Robert began.

'Lila.' Ned lied.

'That's right must've been a rare wench to make Lord Eddard stark forget his honor. You never told me what she looked like.' Robert remarked.

'Nor will I' ned said softly.

They were on their way to Kings Landing, stopping on the kings road for the night as everyone made camp and all of the knights were horrifying beasts Sansa had decided. None as perfect as her Joffrey. She stumbled backwards running into Sandor. She stared up at him taking nervous steps back away from him, her eyes wide her lip quivered.

‘Do I frighten you so much girl?’ sandor questioned she didn’t answer, ‘or is it him that’s making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.’ Sandor teased nodding to Illyn Payne. Rieka looked to Sansa, her nervous little face and jumped up, Rieka to the rescue.

‘I’m sorry if I offended you sir.’ Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past them. ‘Why won’t he speak to me?’ Sansa questioned sandor.

‘He hasn’t been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.’ Sandor informed her

“So all bite and no bark.” Rieka mused and Sandor chuckled nodding. "I almost got Sandor to smile, wouldnt that be something?" Rieka declared.

‘He speaks well with his sword though.’ Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him all the horrors forgotten for Joffrey. Rieka groaned faking a gag, there was that almost sandor kept doing around her.

"I will get you to smile." RIeka remarked. "It's a new goal, my MISSION!- and I take missions seriously."

"Good luck." Sandor agreed.

‘serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.’ he clarified ‘what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?’ Joffrey asked, concern in his voice. ‘Away with your dog you’re scaring my lady.’ Sandor tipped his head leaving.

"What a dick." Rieka muttered.

"You think little finger is any better?" Sandor countered.

"Is he worse? I dont think anyone is worse then Joffrey and I barely know him." Rieka remarked.

"Just you wait girl."

'We were at war,' Robert reminded him 'we didn't know we were gonna go back home again don't be so hard on yourself you always have been. I swear if I weren't your king you would've hit me already.' Robert told him.

'Worst thing about your coronation, is I'll never get to hit you again.' Ned joked

'Trust me that's not the worst thing.' He handed him over a scroll 'there's a rider in the night.' Ned read it over

'Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki soldier...'

'what of it?' Ned read it over again 'Did you send her a wedding gift?' ned questioned.

'A knife perhaps, a sharp one and a bold man to wield it.' Robert said taking along drink from his glass

'She is barely a child' Robert reminded him.

'Soon enough that child will spread her legs and start breeding,' Robert reminded him

'Tell me we are not speaking of this?' Ned began, Danaerys was barely a year younger then his own Rieka and Robb. Barely older then Jon by but a few moons he supposed.

'Oh is it unspeakable to you?' Robert countered 'What happened to your family was unspeakable what Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister, the woman I loved, I will kill every Targaryen I get my hands on.' Robert threatened.

'You can't get your hands on this one' Ned noted seriously, and another Targaryen he would never touch because he was safe... far, far away.

Arya was sparing with one of the children, Mych by the river. Practicing with wooden swords.

‘I probably shouldn’t have any more,’ Sansa said as Joffrey offered her a jug of ale. ‘Father only lets us have one cup at feasts.’

‘My princess can have as much as she wants, who cares what they say.’ Joffrey said kindly and Sansa took it, taking another hesitant sip. They heard the sounds of grunts and wood clashing and sansa’s face was one of panic. ‘Don’t’ worry, you are safe with me.’ Joffrey assured heading off to see the commotion.

“Arya!’ Sansa declared pulling her attention away from Mych and he got her in the arm. Arya whipped her head around at Mych clutching at her arm.

‘What are you doing here? Go away!’ Arya demanded.

“Your sister...’ Joffrey remarked. “And who are you?’

'This Khal Drogo says he has 100,000 men in his hold.' Robert sneered.

'Even 1 million Dothraki has no threat as long as they were to remain on the other side of the narrow see, they have no ships.' Ned reminded him.

'There are still those in the seven kingdoms that call me the user per usurper. The Targaryen and Dothraki whor* is back and the scum will join them.' Robert informed him.

'They will not cross' ned assured him 'and if by chance he does we will throw him back into the sea.' Ned said nonchalantly.

'There's a war coming Ned. I don't know when and I don't know who will be fighting but it is coming.'

'They've been scared of water for generations... Maybe we just let her be.'

'Let her be?' Robert questioned 'You know what is to happen. You know what is to come if she crosses!' Ned shook his head he would have no part in the massacre of a child.

"You got a sweet pup." Sandor remarked as Rieka turned her gift in her hands still.

"Thanks, she is a sweetie, deadly but a sweetie." Rieka agreed.

"Rip my throat out would she?" Sandor mused.

"If I wasnt here, possibly." Rieka agreed and Sandor looked up to see if she was serious, she made no indication that she was joking. "Is the capital really awful?"

"Smoke and sh*t." Sandor agreed.

"Great." Rieka muttered. "And Petyr?"

"Runs some damn good brothels." Sandor remarked.

"Great." Rieka muttered.

"The king is quite fond of his selection of women too."

"Our king everybody." Rieka agreed.


'Butcher's boy who wants to be a knight.' Joffrey remarked. 'Pick up your sword butchers boy lets see how good you are!' Joffrey challenged drawing a real blade from his belt.

'She asked me to me lord. She asked me to.' Mych said nervously.

'I am not your lord I'm a prince,' Joffrey sneered. 'and I said pick up your sword.'

'It's not a sword my prince it's only a stick.' Mych remarked.

'and you are not a knight.' Joffrey remarked, 'only a butchers boy. That was my lady's sister you were hitting, did you know that?' He raised his blade to Mych's cheek.

'Stop it!" Arya demanded.

'Arya stay out of it.' Sansa demanded.

"I hear shouting." Rieka remarked bored. "Do I be a good sister and check it out?" she asked Avalon and Avalon co*cked her head to the side. "I'm not a good sister today? Is that what we are going with?" Avalon co*cked her head to the other side. "I am a good sister and need to get off my ass and stop talking to you?" Avalon kissed her cheek. "Damn you and your wolf moral compass." Rieka mused as she got up.

'I won't hurt him...much. ' Joffrey drew his blade down mychs cheek, Arya wacked Joffrey from behind and he spun around as mych ran. 'YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Joffrey spat swinging at arya as she ducked and ran.

'Stop it the both of you, you are spoiling everything!" Sansa declared. Joffrey got arya on her back.

"What in seven hells is going on?" Rieka demanded.

'I will gut you, you little c*nt!' Joffrey screamed his blade pointed at her face, aryas gaze shifted to Rieka as she ran forward but Nymeria lunged at Joffrey latching onto his arm, he screamed in pain as Nymeria tore at his arm.

"ARYA!" Sansa yelled.

"Thats what you f*cking get you little c*nt." Rieka shouted offering Arya a hand up.

"Rieka do something!" Sansa demanded.

"He deserves to be gutted." Rieka corrected. Sansa sobbed out hands covering her face shaking her head.

"Nymeria, Nymeria!" Arya tried to her get Nymeria under control but she kept ripping at his arm. Nymeria finally released Joffrey and took a step back Joffrey lay on the ground his arm bloody. 'SIT!' she demanded her butt dropped to the ground, trickles of Joffrey's blood on her lips as her gaze was harsh at Joffrey. Arya grabbed joffreys sword pointing it at him as Joffrey blubbered.

"No, no please no.' Joffrey cried.

"Real man he is." Rieka sneered.

'Arya leave him alone.' Sansa demanded and arya took the blade throwing it in the river.

"Shame on you, both of you." Rieka hissed looking between sansa and Joffrey. "Come on Arya-" But Arya had already took off calling for Nymeria and she chased after her. "Arya?" Rieka spun around calling out for her.

'My prince my poor prince, you stay here I will go back to the inn and get help.' Sansa said sweetly.

'THEN GO!' Joffrey spat. 'Don't touch me.' Rieka rolled her eyes as she ran to tell her father.

Guards were out looking for Arya, Cersei was out for blood, her baby had been attacked and there would be hell to pay.

"Father, Arya ran away, Nymeria might have ... done something but that c*nt deserved it and now I can't find Arya." Rieka demanded.

"What?" Ned rasped.

'I'm so sorry.' Arya sobbed knowing she had to send Nymeria away, they would kill her. "Go, go, go..." she whimpered shoving Nymeria but she thought it was a game. "GO!"

It felt like forever looking for Arya, Sansa had long since went to bed Rieka thought as she was no where in sight either. How could she be so cruel as to not care if arya was found? Was she that bewitched by Joffrey already?

"We will find her Rieka." Ned assured. "We will find her." Rieka nodded hugging him tight.

"They found her my lord." Jory remarked running up to them.

"Where is she?" Ned demanded his steps filled with urgency. Arya had disappeared into the night not a trace. Rieka was shaking at his side.

"She was brought directly to the queen." Jory informed him.

"Take me to her." Ned agreed but Rieka was already running forward, she heard Cersei's screams. Ned pushed through the crowd of people to arya who immediately started apologizing

'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry' Arya exclaimed he held her face in his hands.

'Are you hurt?' ned questioned looking her over.

'No.' she told him softly, Arya moved to Rieka silent tears clinging to Rieka's shirt as Arya sobbed into her thinking that she was going to be killed for what she did.

'Its alright I wont let them hurt you." Rieka assured holding her sister tight.

'what is the meaning of this?' Ned demanded looking to Robert. 'why was my daughter not brought to me at once?''

''How dare you speak to your king in that manner.' Cersei said calmly but threateningly.

'Quiet woman' Robert demanded 'sorry Ned I never meant to frighten the girl but we need to get this business done quickly.''

'Your girl and that butchers boy attacked my son.' Cersei told him. 'That animal of hers nearly tore his arm off!'

'That's not true!' arya exclaimed 'she just... Bit him a little.' Arya looked to Ned, 'he was hurting Mika.' Arya told him.

'Joffrey told us what happened,' cersei informed her. 'you and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him.' Cersei spat.

"Getting beat by a girl cloud your pompous memory?" Rieka sassed snarling back at Joffrey.

'That's not what happened!' Arya shouted.

'Yes it is.' Joffrey insisted 'they all attacked me and she threw my sword in the river!'

'Liar.' She spat.

'Shut up!' Joffrey demanded.

"Little bitch." Rieka hissed. Ned put a hand on her shoulder begging her to be quiet.

'Enough!' Robert shouted 'he tells me one thing she tells me another seven hells, what am I to make of this? Where is your other daughter Ned?'

'She is asleep' ned informed him.

'She's not. Sansa come here darling' Cersei said and Sansa stepped forward giving her father a weary look.

"Other little bitch." Rieka murmured as Sansa approached.

'Well?' Cersei said. 'you saw that happened.''

"I did too, and yet you dont want to hear the truth if is contradicts your sons lies!" Rieka shouted.

"Silence." Cersei demanded.

"Make me." Rieka challenged.

'Speak now child tell me what happened tell it all and tell it true, it is a great crime to lie to a king.' Robert told her she looked at her father before looking to Joffrey

'I don't know...' she answered 'I don't remember everything happened so fast I didn't see-'

'Liar!' Arya shouted grabbing Sansa's hair 'liar liar liar!' she shouted pulling her down. Sansa screamed out.

"Traitor." Rieka agreed.

'Enough! Ladies stop it! stop it!' ned demanded. Ned pulled them apart. "Rieka, a little help?"

"Sansa deserves it." Rieka decided and Sansa whimpered unable to look at Rieka.

'She's just as wild as that animal of hers,' cersei said calmly 'I want her punished.'' Arya clung nervously to Rieka.

"Bite me bitch, you don't touch her." Rieka corrected.

"Rieka!" Ned rasped.

'What would you have me do?' Robert questioned 'strip her through the streets? Dammit children Fight. It's over.' Robert told her.

'Joffrey will bear the scars for the rest of his life!' Cersei told him.

'You let that little girl disarm you!' Robert reminded his son incredulously, Joffrey didn't have any words Robert turned back to Ned.

"Yes he did. What a big man he is." Rieka agreed. "Equal and fair punishment for both." Rieka declared and Cersei gawked back at her but Robert nodded in agreed.

"'Ned see to it that your daughter is disciplined I will do the same with my son.'' Robert agreed.

'Gladly your Grace.' Ned said pulling his daughter away.

"Thank you, your grace." Rieka declared.

'And what of the dire wolf?' Cersei question 'what of the beast that savaged your son?'

''I forgot the damn wolf' Robert turned to a guard.

'we have found no trace of the dire wolf your Grace.' Ned glanced back at Arya

'So its settled,' Robert said waving it off but cersei had other plans.

'They have two more wolves.' Cersei reminded him.

'Very well,' Robert agreed and Rieka's eyes went wide.

'you can't mean it?' Arya cried out.

'A dire wolf is not a pet,' Robert reminded Ned 'get her a dog she'll be happier for it.'

'He doesn't mean lady does he?' Sansa asked 'no not lady!' she shouted 'lady didn't bite anyone she is good!'

'Lady wasn't there. Avalon either.' Arya insisted, 'you leave her alone'

'Stop, don't let them do this father. Please, please,' Sansa begged her head frantically turning between her father in the queen 'it wasn't lady!' she exclaimed.

'Is this your command? Your grace?' Ned asked Robert

'Where is the beast?' Robert questioned

'Chained up outside your grace' Ned told him. Robert nodded. Cersei smiled.

"Stop." Rieka shouted marching forward.

'Do me the honor ser Payne.' Cersei said happily.

'No,' Ned said 'Jory take the girls to their rooms. If it must be done then I will do it myself.'

'Is this some trick?' Cersei questioned

'The wolf is of the north she deserves better than a butcher' Ned told her. 'Jory take the girls back to their room."

"You can't'' Rieka declared getting closer, Ned tried to hold her back but there was fury in Rieka like he had never seen. She was going to protect her wolf.

"Can't?" Robert countered.

"Avalon is my wolf. My betrothed has been wanting to meet her since I got her." Rieka agreed. "You will not touch my wolf or else there will be hell to pay." Rieka marched right up to the king. "I know Petyr runs some establishments that you frequent... would you hate to lose out on that added benefit?" Rieka challenged and Robert met her deadly gaze.

"Fine." Robert agreed. "Just your pup."

"Smart choice... your grace." Rieka agreed.

It was a silent rest of the journey, Rieka still fussed with her gift from Robb no longer the urge to open it. She twirled it in her fingers the little box threatening to make her cry at the sight of it but she didnt want to put it down.

"Are you going to speak with him now?" Sansa pondered.

"We just walked through the damn gates." Rieka corrected.

"But he's your-"

"I need to not be having this conversation with you right now." Rieka countered marching off. Avalon yipped following behind her.

Arya and Rieka were not happy with sansa, Sansa had yet to say she was sorry for siding with Joffrey, had yet to chose her family over her betrothed. Rieka still didnt know what Sansa saw in him. Why she was willing to put her family to the slaughter for a Lannister.

"Go on and get situated girls." Ned remarked. "I have to..." Rieka was already gone though and Ned glanced back at a moody sansa and Arya. "Welcome to the capital." Ned murmured. But Ned wasnt about to get a moment of peace.

'Thank the gods you were here stark' Jaime said sitting alone in the throne room, 'it's about time we had some stern northern leader ship.''

''Glad to see you are protecting throne,' Ned said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice, he just wanted to check on his family but he knew he needed to deal with the small council first, introductions and reintroductions he was the hand. He had hoped that Rieka would take care of her sisters but she was just as bitter with Sansa as Arya was.

'Sturdy old thing. How many kings houses have posted it I wonder...' Jaime looked him over a smug look on his face. 'I heard there was trouble on the kings road.'

'Very handsome armor' Ned noted 'not a scratch on it.'

'well people have been swinging at me for years but they always seem to miss.' Jaime informed him.

'You've chosen your opponents wisely then.' ned corrected.

'I have a knack for it,' Jaime assured him, the men stared each other down, assessing the other. 'it must be strange for you coming into this room...' Jaime noted 'standing right here where it went down, you're very brave your father too, he didn't deserve to die like that. Nobody deserves to die like that-'

''You just stood there and watched' Ned remembered.

''500 men just stood there and watched' Jaime corrected 'all the great knights of the seven kingdoms and you think anyone said a word, lifted a finger? No one... 500 men and this room was silent as a crypt except for the screams of course. And the mad king laughing. And I watched the mad king die.' Jaime informed Ned. 'I remember him laughing as your father burned,' Jaime went on 'it felt like justice.''

''Is that what you tell yourself at night? You are a servant of justice, that you were avenging my father when you stabbed your sword in the Targaryen's back?'' Ned pondered.

''Tell me if I stab the mad king in the belly instead of the back would you like me more?' Jaime questioned with a smug grin. Jaime would be a better king than Robert, he sat on the throne once but Ned made him give it up. Jaime should have had the courage to say no. now they were stuck under Robert's ruling.

'You served him well,' Ned told him 'when serving was safe.' Ned pushed past him, he had work to do and he was sick of lannisters already, why did he think this was a good idea? It wasnt.


"I don't like the capital." Rieka decided as she kicked at her trunk, Avalon got comfy on her bed.

"We just got here!" Sansa reminded her. Sansa was in a happy haze. She had moved on from the accident the massacre, Joffrey was innocent it was their father she held hatred with. She was trying to win favor back with Rieka. She did look up to her elder sister but Rieka was annoyed, mad, ready to start bashing heads to get her sister to start seeing sense.

"I don't like it either." Arya agreed.

"We could cause some-" Rieka began but sansa immediately started shaking her head.

"No, no, no." Sansa repeated. "We are to be on our very best behavior." Sansa told her and RIeka scoffed.

"I don't think Rieka has a best behavior." Arya teased.

"One, I do I just save it for special occasions and two," Rieka looked to Sansa. "I wasnt inviting you in for the fun."

"Rieka!" Sansa begged.

"You choose him. You keep choosing that c*nt of a boy, so you not see the type of lying little bastard that he is?" Rieka questioned.

"I thought you didnt like that word?" Sansa countered raising her nose up snootily.

"I dont like you being a bitch either, doesnt change it." Rieka agreed. Sansa gaped back at her. "Come on Arya, lets go explore. See if I can't find my betrothed."

"Dont hate me forever." Sansa begged chasing after them. "I'm betrothed to Joffrey. I couldnt go up against him-" Rieka scoffed as they headed outside. "I said I didnt remember, I was neutral!"

"Your silence spoke volumes and you lost your wolf because of it. Arya had to send Nymeria away because Joffrey is a c*nt with no heart." Rieka declared loudly.

"YOu are going to lose your tongue Rieka, I beg you." Sansa pleaded.

"Well then maybe I will become an executioner and take that bastards head." Rieka seethed. "Do you not even care that Ladys gone and it's Joffrey's fault?"


"The king made him because his bitch queen and her bastard son demanded it. Because you kept your mouth shut instead of protecting your family." Rieka agreed.

"Rieka." Sansa whimpered.


"Stop pulling at your dress." Arya instructed swatting at Rieka's hand.

"I can't help it." Rieka murmured. "I'm nervous... Oh Gods... is that him? I swore mother said he had hair." Rieka rasped looking at Varys as he passed.

"Hello ladies, you must be the starks."

"yes and you are?" Rieka pondered.


"Thank the Gods." Rieka murmured.

"What she means is its nice to meet you Lord Varys." Sansa corrected.

"he didnt say he was a lord." Rieka corrected.

"I'm not." Varys agreed.

"Great... Um do you happen to know where I might find Petyr Baelish?" Rieka pondered.

"Working is my guess, he owns-" Varys remarked but Rieka cut him off.

"Yes I know of the establishments but I needed to speak to him... on behalf of my mother of course." Rieka added.

"Not your pending engagement?" Varys mused and Rieka paled. "Congratulations, lady Stark." She offered a pinched smile.

"Stark." Sandor barked and she turned around.

"He's a killer." Arya reminded her.

"So if Joffrey but he has others do his dirty work for him." Rieka remarked.

"Come on, I'll bring you." Sandor remarked.

"He killed Micha!" Arya declared.


"I hate him, he will hurt you." Arya sneered and Sansa couldnt even look at Sandor.

"Alright, let me get this straight, you hate father because he killed lady because joffrey and the king and his bitch queen demanded it?" Rieka questioned and Varys took a hesitant step back. "And you hate sandor because he killed your friend, again because of the c*nt, the king and the bitch?" Arya huffed a breath. "Why would father want Lady dead? He didnt. Why would sandor care about your friend? He wouldnt. Both of you, get your heads out of your asses." Rieka hissed.

"Rieka!" they shrilled back at her.

"You two stay out of trouble." Rieka demanded chasing after Sandor. "Thanks."

"I need a f*ck after that trip." Sandor countered he looked her over as they walked. "You best keep to yourself though or the patrons are going to think you are for sale." Rieka swallowed the lump in her throat but they never arrived at the brothel.

"Lady Rieka?" she spun around. Oh, he was handsome, she could work with this. Yes this was okay.

"Yes, hello..." Rieka glanced to sandor and he nodded. "Petyr."

"I almost didnt recognize you with your hair dyed but the roots..." Petyr chuckled.

"Yeah, I... yeah..." Rieka's hand unintentionally went to her hair. "So, can we talk?"

"Of course, I always have a moment for my betrothed." Petyr assured. A mix between a squeak and a moan got stuck in her throat as she moved closer to him.

"I'm sorry about that." Rieka began as he led her somewhere more private. "I just... well honestly, I didnt want to marry Joffrey and you seemed a better option at the time."

"Thank you for thinking of me." Petyr agreed.

"You know I never really had an ideal type, an ideal man in mind for my future husband... but I knew that Joffrey was not him. Not that person that would be my guy." Rieka remarked awkwardly.

"I want to be your guy." Petyr agreed

"You are my guy." Reika agreed tapping a finger to his chest. "I had to hear what the literal hell for a moon and a half because of it. Its too late to turn back now." Petyr chuckled sitting down beside her on a bench.

"I suppose a formal introduction." Petyr remarked holding out his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you Lady Rieka."

"Nice to meet you Petyr, please call me Rieka, no lady this and that." Rieka requested. "We are to be... something. It seems silly to have titles like that."

"I agree." Petyr remarked fondly when Avalon ran up nudging into Rieka. "Who is this pretty pup?" Petyr questioned hesitantly.

"Avalon, my wolf and if anyone asks you really wanted to meet her." Rieka informed him.

"Another half lie?" Petyr mused.

"I mean now that you see her, you love her and thinks she the best right? So, not a lie." Rieka offered. She pat Petyr's thigh and Avalon moved resting her chin on PEtyr's thigh.

"SHe is pretty." Petyr agreed running a hand over her head and between her ears. "Avalon you said?"

"Yes. Avalon." Rieka agreed.

"Avalon is a paradise." Petyr remarked.

"Avalon is a sanctuary." Rieka added on and she liked petyr already, she didnt know why her mother didnt.

"Avalon is a place of magic." Petyr went on and Rieka smiled to herself.

"Avalon is where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was made and later where Arthur was taken to recover from being gravely wounded in battle." Rieka agreed. "She is... my paradise in the madness, my sanctuary when the rest of the world is upside down and she is my little piece of magic."

"So why am I not lying?" Petyr questioned.

"It's a long story. Best just agree with every bull sh*t thing I say if you want to survive."

"I can do that." Petyr agreed.

"So the union... what do you think about that?" Rieka pondered. "I dont mean to put you on the spot but well I'm pleasantly surprised."


"It's a long story. Best just agree with every bull sh*t thing I say if you want to survive."

"I can do that." Petyr agreed.

"So the union... what do you think about that?" Rieka pondered. "I dont mean to put you on the spot but well I'm pleasantly surprised."

Petyr stared back at her, she wasnt what he was expecting. She was beautiful but her sass and attitude didnt come through on paper. Her boldness, her charm. He thought he wanted someone like Catelyn but Rieka was the opposite of Catelyn right down to her dyed blonde and brown hair. He had hoped to manipulate her into trusting him, loving him but when he heard noise of his engagement of course he sent out his little bids to find out more.

When he found out that he was to be wed to Rieka Stark, well that was just the cherry on top. Then he got her raven and she smiled down at the words. Now she was here, liked him, actually liked him. No manipulation or games, not on his part at least, maybe she was a formidable partner.

She gnawed anxiously at her lip as he stared back at her. She rose up nervously. This was stupid, she was stupid, he was a man, hell he could be her father, she was certain he wasnt much younger then Ned. Yet, something about him made her open to the possibility of this not just being a ruse. He rose up meeting her gaze again and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Petyr didn’t think. He didn’t consider. He just acted, he cupped Rieka's face in his hands, and kissed her. Rieka thought it was just for show, a f*ck you to the rest of the people that thought it was a lie, but they were alone.

Sometime in the second between his lips touching hers and his tongue sweeping across the seam of her mouth, everything changed. It morphed from a declaration of yes, I want you to a plea of I need you.

Rieka leaned into him, it was a protective action of no one will hurt you once you are mine to a promise of forever.

It went from a spur of the moment impulse to a need that went marrow deep as his lips didnt leave hers. Rieka let out a low moan as she melted against his chest and opened up for him. He didn’t hesitate. There was no way he could have, he had imagined this for too long to turn back now. He pulled her closer a hand wrapped around her waist pulling her flesh to him. It felt too perfect with her body pressed against him and her fingers gripping his shirt as if she needed to hold on or she’d get sucked under by the unexpected wave of lust, a similar lust that had Petyr ready to strip naked right here and right now.

"What the hell..." Sansa rasped.

"I think she likes him." Arya declared.

"What are you doing? Where are you-" Sansa watched Arya march off.

It wasn’t until Petyr felt a tap on his shoulder that he pulled back his gaze met a breathless Rieka's. Arya tapped again.

"This is Arya. My sister." Rieka remarked when she caught her breath sucking her bottom lip into her mouth as though she could hold onto the feeling a bit longer.

"Pleasure to meet you, Lady Arya. I'm Lord Petyr Baelish." He gave Arya a small bow.

"Yeah, you just had your tongue down my sisters throat, I think we can skip pleasantries." Arya corrected. Rieka blushed profusely as she turned away from them. Petyr cleared his throat.

"Well, I had to greet my betrothed." Petyr offered innocently.

"Right, right..." Arya agreed. "So you got the go ahead from our father then?" Arya mused and Petyr forced a smile. "Yeah, between mother screaming, little finger!" Arya shrieked out and it hurt that Catelyn would call him such things, they used to be friends. "And father barking like a dog about you... I didnt think them so easy to bend."

"Arya, thank you." Rieka demanded silence and pulled Arya along. "We will talk later." Rieka offered.

"Yes." Petyr agreed. "I look forward to it." Petyr agreed.

"Rieka, father is going to kill you." Arya declared.

"Then my last day was fun." Rieka corrected.


'Lord Stark.' Varys said, greeting him in the small council room.

'Lord Varys' ned greeted him. Varys clutched at neds hands

'I was very sorry to hear about the troubles you had on Kings Road, we are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery.' Varys told him.

'Shame you didn't say a prayer for the butchers son,' Ned remarked, 'Renly you are looking well,' Ned remarked.

'And you are looking tired, you spent a long time on the road.' Renly remarked. "We surely could have waited another day."

'But then we have a kingdom to look after.' Ned added. Ned looked around the group before he saw Petyr entering. A smug smile on his face.

'I hope to meet you for some time Lord Baelish,.' Ned said hesitantly.

'"yes yes. After all we will be family soon enough." Petyr said happily.

"Yes. I had hoped to... speak with you about that." Ned agreed stiffly.

'I hungrily beg your pardon,' Maester Pycelle said

'grand Maester,' ned said looking to the old man.

'How many years has it been? You were a young man.' Pycelle noted.

'And you served another king,' Ned reminded him

'Oh how forgetful of me,' he reached into his pocket pulling out the hand of the King pin, giving it to Ned. Ned stared down at it. This was already awful. He didnt like sansa being engaged he didnt like Rieka being engaged to littlefinger. He wanted to run home. But he was a brave man.

'”shall we begin?' Ned pondered.


''Someday your husband will sit there and you will sit by his side. And one day, before too long, you will present your son to the court. All the lords of Westeros will gather here to see the little prince..." Septa Mordane told Sansa

''What if I have a girl?'' sanas countered

''Gods be good, you'll have boys and girls and plenty of them.' Septa Mordane said hopefully. “Like your parents.”

''What if I only have girls?'' Sansa asked again.

''I wouldn't worry about that.''

''Jeyne Poole's mother had five children, all of them girls.'' Sansa informed her.

''Yes, but it's highly unlikely.'' Septa Mordane informed her.

''But what if?''

'''If you only had girls, I suppose the throne would pass to Prince Joffrey's little brother.''

''And everyone would hate me.'' Sansa declared worry filled her.

''Nobody could ever hate you.''

''Joffrey does." Sansa corrected. “Rieka does. Arya does.” Sansa hissed. “They hate me.”

''Nonsense. Why would you say such a thing?” Septa countered and Sansa glared back at her. “That business with the wolves? I've told you a hundred times... A direwolf is not...''

''Please shut up about it.'' Sansa spat.

“This is why people dont like you sansa.” Rieka remarked honestly and sansa scowled back at her.

“SHUT UP!” Sansa shouted.

''Do you remember your lessons? Who built the Iron Throne?" Septa Mordane cut in.

"Aegon the Conqueror." Rieka declared. Rieka and Arya liked Targaryen history.

''And who built the Red Keep?''

''Maegor the Cruel''. Rieka declared. “He sounded like a fun guy.”

“He was a monster.” Sansa corrected.

“He got sh*t done.” Rieka countered.

''And how many years did it take to build...'' septa tried to get them back on track and Rieka opened her mouth to answer. Rieka only paid attention for the best of the best of history and lessons. Not the rest of the bullsh*t sansa loved.

''My grandfather and uncle were murdered here, weren't they?" Sansa realized. Riekas smile fell

''They were killed on the orders of King Aerys, yes." Septa agreed.

''The Mad King.'' Sansa corrected

''Commonly known as the Mad King.' she agreed. Rieka stared back at the throne. She moved to it walking the steps.

“Lady Rieka no.” Septa mordane scolded.

''Why were they killed?'' Sansa asked

''You should be speak to your father about these matters. Lady rieka dont you dare-“

''I don't want to speak to my father, ever.'' Sansa hissed.

''You will find it in your heart to forgive your father.'' Mordane begged as she rose up.

''No, I won't.'' Sansa said bitterly.

“Lady Rieka do not sit -“

“Its a nice throne.” Rieka declared standing in front of it. She turned to face them. “Sansa be good and forgive father for something Joffrey and cersei demanded he do.” Rieka demanded as she took a seat on the throne and both sansa and Septa gasped.

“Lady Rieka get down!” Septa mordane demanded.

“Rieka you are going to lose your head!” Sansa shouted but she got comfy on the throne crossing a leg over the other with a sigh.

“Damn it feels good to be me.”


"On the throne? Really rieka?"

"I looked damn good up there. I know I did." Rieka corrected ned shook his head but smiled. He always did when they were doing something they were not supposed to do. Shook his head but smiled proud. Just like when Bran climbed. Just like when arya did archery. Just like when Rieka broke all the rules.

"Rieka Rieka Rieka- yes I know. Thats your name dont wear it out." Ned assured. RIeka laughed out and Petyr followed the sound of her laughter, it echoed. "Hey, did you happen to open the gift from Robb yet?"

"Well... I kept meaning to." Rieka remarked. "But... I dont know. It's weird not having him here."

"I understand." Ned agreed. "I'm sorry, Rieka."

"It's not completely your fault." Rieka assured.

"Not. Completely." Ned repeated slowly and Rieka chuckled as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Rieka," petyr said fondly as he approached but his smile fell when he saw Ned at her side.

"Petyr." Rieka answered. Ned scowled back at him. "Daddio, be nice to my husband to be please."

"You two dont know each other." Ned reminded her.

"Sansa doesnt know Joffrey well she knows hes a c*nt and-" Ned silently begged her to stop but she didnt. "-yet she chose the enemy over her family. I like petyr. I like him a lot."

"Rieka." Ned said through an exasperated breath. Petyr smirked back at them. "You know hes older then your mother." Ned reminded her.

"And has taken excellent care of himself." Rieka added. "I was horrified for a moment, I met this round bald man and I thought he was petyr-"

"Varys?" Petyr pondered.

"Yes, and let me tell you I was thrilled that you are you and he was not." Rieka declared.

"lord Baelish, you knew my brother Brandon as well.' Ned remarked and Rieka looked between them. "Your uncle, Rieka."

"Yeah, I recall uncle Brandon." Rieka said curiously.

'All too well, I still carry a token of his esteem from stomach to collarbone.' Petyr traced up his chest. Suddenly rieka was very interested in seeing that scar.

'Perhaps you shouldn't have chosen my brother to duel with.' Ned remarked proudly. "Stark men... dont want us on your bad side." Rieka felt neds hold on her tighten protectively.

'The man that I chose was a worthy opponent for the woman I was fighting for at the time. I'm sure you would agree?' Petyr offered. Ned just looked over at Petyr with distaste. "I'm willing to fight for Rieka, if that is what she wants as well. I'm a bit better than I was back then." He added meeting Rieka's curious gaze.

"Pining for the mother and now the daughter. Is that really wise of you Littlefinger?" Ned hissed. "Or perhaps this is you trying to claim Catelyn by claiming Rieka-"

"Father that's completely ridiculous." Rieka cut in. "He didnt even propose. I did." Rieka shouted and Petyr smiled back at her. "I mean I didnt. I mean I pretended to and I mean come on I look nothing like mother." Rieka declared.

"Rieka-" Ned said through an exasperated breath.

"I'm way hotter than mum." Rieka went on. "And my hair- I dye it on purpose not to look like Sansa and mother."


"I'm..." Rieka sighed shaking her head.

"Rieka?" Ned questioned softly as she turned away. "I always thought-"

"Thats because thats what I said. Thats what I told you." Rieka whimpered.

"Baelish, can you give us a moment?" Ned asked but it was not a question.

"Of course." Petyr agreed nodding his head to them. He left but he didnt go far.

"Rieka," Ned coed.

"I have never been like mum, never been the proper little lady like her and sansa. I have their hair, nothing else. Robb is the perfect son. I'm just... me." Rieka whimpered.

"You are wonderful. You are perfect. Rickon and Bran adore you, Arya too. Everyone does." Ned assured.

"I thought that if I changed my hair I wouldnt feel the need to try to be like them." Rieka remarked. "To be like Mother and Sansa and Robb." Petyr understood that comparison it wasnt until he broke free that he really found himself and his purpose.

"Rieka your hair doesnt make you a copy of them." Ned assured.

"It was a reminder that I wasnt what mother hoped. Looking in the mirror, I saw her... I didnt care when I was little but then perfect little Sansa, mother doted on her, praised her, the septa too and sansa is a bitch-"

"Rieka." Ned rasped.

"-and it was easier to be someone, be myself if I didnt look like them." Rieka remarked and Ned sighed heavily as he held her.

"Did you tell anyone else this?" Ned questioned. "About this comparison?"

"No." Rieka admitted. "Why would I?" she countered.

"Because we are family. We help each other." Ned remarked. "I could have told you that youre perfect, blonde hair, brown, red, purple hair, it does not matter, you are beautiful, you are perfect. You need not compare yourself to sansa or your mother. Rieka you are perfect. Your strength, your ambition, your... everything about you. RIeka you are my perfect girl." Ned declared.

"Thanks daddy." Rieka whispered. "But I'm still going to dye my hair."

"Thats perfectly fine." Ned agreed. "Just know I always love you."


"I mean things could have gone worse." Reika offered.

"I understand your fathers... hesitation." Petyr remarked.

"You are not still holding a flame for my mother right?" Rieka asked even though she was almost confident she knew the answer already, she just needed to be 100% sure.

"No." Petyr agreed. "I was a boy, in close proximity to your mother for years... feelings grew and were not reciprocated. I have long since moved on." Petyr remarked and it was only a half lie.

"Great." Rieka agreed nodding along.

"I know it might seem strange, our age difference... being knowing your mother-"

"Mother was a kid when she married my father." Rieka reminded him. "Younger than sansa is now, and I'm the eldest so if you think about it, the age difference its that bad." Petyr smiled back at her but as he opened his mouth to reply one of his spies caught his eye.

"I would love to continue our conversation," Petyr remarked taking her hand in his, "But i have just been notified that I am needed elsewhere. I'm so sorry."

"No problem." Rieka assured. "I'm an independent woman, I can find ways to entertain myself." He pressed a delicate kiss to her cheek. "I will see you later then." Rieka offered and Petyr saw the little blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Yes. I can hardly wait." Petyr agreed.


'Fewer eyes back here, my Lady. But still too many.' Rodrick Cassel reminded

''It's nine years since I've set foot in the capital. And no one knew who I was the last time I came either.' Catelyn reminded him. Maester Luwein had advised against this little mission but Rodrick promised to keep Catelyn safe.

'My Lady.' Rodrick agreed

''Welcome to King's Landing, Lady Stark. Would you mind following us?' a guard said and Catelyn hesitated

''I would. We've done nothing wrong.' Catelyn assured nervously and Rodrick saw her eyes flickering.

''We've been instructed to escort you into the city.'' The guard told her

''Instructed? I don't know who's providing your instructions, but...' Catelyn said defensively her arms started flying around, punching at the air ready for an attack.

"It's alright." Rodrick assured holding to her elbow.

'Follow me, Lady Stark.' She took hesitant steps her fists clenched as she walked through the city only to see Petyr Baelish.

'Cat! Go on. Go upstairs.' Petyr told her

'You little worm! You take me for some back-alley Sally you can drag into a...' Catelyn hissed

''I meant no disrespect to you of all people.' Petyr assured, he ran a few brothels and having Catelyn here was better than anywhere else in his mind. He was grateful most days that he didn't win Catelyn's heart seeing as though RIeka was more his speed, his attitude and passions, Petyr thought Rieka and himself would get along great but there was something about a first love that you never get over, he always would have a soft spot for Catelyn.

'How dare you bring me here! Have you lost your mind?' Catelyn spat

'I did not want you mistreated." Petyr corrected. "No one will come looking for you here. Isn't that what like you wanted?' Petyr countered 'I'm truly sorry... about the locale.'

“I am not accustomed to being summoned like a serving wench,” she said icily. “As a boy, you still knew the meaning of courtesy.” Petyr sighed.

“I’ve angered you, my lady. That was never my intent.” Petyr assured. The look brought back vivid memories for Catelyn. He had been a sly child, but after his mischiefs he always looked contrite; it was a gift he had a gift for mischief. The years had not changed him much. Petyr had been a small boy, and he had grown into a tall but slim man. She looked him over curiously.

''How did you know I was coming to King's Landing?' Catelyn questioned hesitantly.

'A dear friend told me.' Petyr told her kindly.


"Varys." Petyr answered surprised she had yet to bring up Rieka.

“So it was the King’s Spider who found me.” Catelyn sneered and Petyr winced back a step.

“You don’t want to call him that. He’s very sensitive. Comes of being an eunuch, I imagine. Nothing happens in this city without Varys knowing. Ofttimes he knows about it before it happens. He has informants everywhere. His little birds, he calls them. One of his little birds heard about your visit. Thankfully, Varys came to me first.” Petyr offered. But he had his own spies as well. But best keep that pretense hidden. He could seem the good and honorable man that her daughter would love.

“Why you?” Catelyn hissed. Petyr shrugged.

“Why not me? I am master of coin, the king’s own councilor. The rest of the council is elsewhere, leaving only Maester Pycelle and me. I was the obvious choice. I was ever a friend to your sister Lysa, Varys knows that. He also knows him engaged to Rieka.” Petyr added and Catelyn's gaze turned sharp.

"Rieka is not engaged to you." Catelyn hissed.

"She seems to think so. She had proposed to me after all. I'm quite honored." Petyr corrected.

“Does Varys know about …”

“Lord Varys knows everything … except why you are here.” He lifted an eyebrow as he took a step closer. “Why are you here?”

''Lady Stark.'' Varys said stepping forward and Petyr took a step back.

''Varys.' She retorted sharply.

"To see you again after so many years is a blessing.'' Varys remarked fondly.

''How did you know I was coming?' Catelyn asked defensively.

'Knowledge is my trade, my Lady. Did you bring the dagger with you, by any chance?' Varys questioned and Catelyn stared at him a moment longer. 'My little birds are everywhere. Even in the north. They whisper to me the strangest stories.'' Varys told her as she held it out. 'Valyrian steel.' He remarked.

'Do you know whose dagger this is?' Catelyn demanded.

''I must admit I do not.'' Varys answered

''Well, well, this is an historic day. Something you don't know that I do. There's only one dagger like this in all of the Seven Kingdoms. It's mine.'' Petyr remarked turning it in his hand.

' Yours?' Catelyn spat taking a vicious step towards him.

''At least it was, until the tournament on Prince Joffrey's last name day. I bet on Ser Jaime in the jousting, as any sane man would. When the Knight of the Flowers unseated him, I lost this dagger.'' Petyr informed her raising up a hand in surrender.

'To whom?" Catelyn demanded

''Tyrion Lannister. The Imp.''


"Hello Avalon." Petyr coed as she followed him. "Where is your gorgeous mother?" Avalon yipped and Petyr smiled. He had never been a fan of dogs, they didnt seem to like him but Avalon was sweet. People always said dogs were a good judge of character, perhaps Avalon's detector of that was broken. Or maybe she did sense the good in petyr, the part that did want to Protect Rieka.


'Good news?' Petyr said approaching Ned in the throne room Ned held a scroll tightly in his hands. Rieka smiled back at him as Avalon ran to her.

"You having fun with Petyr?" Rieka coed dropping to her knees, Avalon licked at her cheeks. Petyr watched them a moment longer before Ned cleared his throat and Petyr's gaze shifted up to Ned.

'perhaps you would like to share it with your wife?' Petyr pondered and Rieka looked up to him confused.

'Catelyn is in Winterfell' Ned told him.

'Is she?' Petyr grinned walking past him. Petyr offered his arm for Rieka and she took it.

"Find Arya." Rieka instructed Avalon and she whined in protest. "I will be safe," Rieka assured. "Go check on Arya." Avalon grumbled and slinked off. Ned pulled Rieka from Petyrs side as they walked. Ned followed him begrudgingly into the city, down to one of Petyrs brothels.

'I thought she would be safest in here, this is one of the safer establishments I know-' Ned pushed Petyr up against the wall.

"Father!" Rieka shouted.

'you're a funny man you know that?' Ned said 'a very funny man.' he said strangling him.

'Ned, RIeka.' catelyn called from above, ned released Petyr and moved to the Brothel.

"seven f*cking hells." Ned grumbled.

'The starks and their tempers,' Petyr muttered brushing himself off. Rieka stared back at him concerned. "I'm fine," Petyr assured.

"My parents are never going to agree to this union." Rieka remarked. "It doesnt matter how much I like you." Petyr saw sadness in her eyes before she moved to the door following the path her father took. Petyr moved to her side holding onto her.

"The patrons... I dont want them thinking you are for sale." Petyr whispered in her ear not that she would have questioned his arm around her waist but he felt like he needed an excuse. "Also, Rieka... I am willing to prove to them that I will be a good husband to you."

'I wish I could see the girls, is Rieka coming up? I miss her.' catelyn said anxiously looking around. 'just for a moment.' Catelyn suggested hopefully Ned.

'It's too dangerous and until we know who the enemy are-' Ned began.

'I know it is the Lannister's in my bone they are not to be trusted I know it.' Catelyn assured him. She was confident in that and that alone right now. Everything else was a bit of a blur but Lannisters were bad. "Petyr said that- It was petyrs blade and he lost it to Tyrion Lannister." Catelyn told him. "They are evil all of them. Must be punished."

'If little fingers right I can't do anything without proof.' Ned reminded her.

'And if you find the proof?' Catelyn questioned her voice rising as the door opened and Rieka peered in.

"I will give you a moment, I shan't be far." Petyr assured as he reluctantly let go of RIeka.

"Thank you, Petyr."

'Then I bring it to Robert and hope he is the man I once knew.' Ned informed her.

"Rieka my dear," Catelyn pushed past ned with a huff.

"What are you doing here?" Rieka questioned hugging her. "Is RObb okay? Bran and Rickon? Are they here too?"

"Just me, oh look at you, a woman grown." Catelyn remarked.

"I havent changed that much in two moons." Rieka informed her. "Dad, could you give us a minute?" Ned nodded stiffly as he headed out. "Can you tell me about Petyr?" Catelyn's shoulders slumped. "I really like him. Just tell me... tell me why I should forgo this union and never look at him again, because I really like him, mother." Catelyn sighed taking a seat.

“He was my father’s ward. We grew up together in Riverrun. I thought of him as a brother, but his feelings for me were … more than brotherly." Catelyn began.

"I know, he told me." Rieka agreed.

"When it was announced that I was to wed your uncle Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged for the right to my hand. It was madness. Brandon was twenty, Petyr scarcely fifteen. I had to beg Brandon to spare Petyr’s life. He let him off with a scar. Afterward my father sent him away. I have not seen him since until today.” Catelyn declared. "And I know you think its kind of him to send you gifts and think that… he's not marriage material, he was obsessed with me."

"And I will gladly hope he becomes obsessed enough to fight a man the size of uncle Brandon for my hand." Rieka declared.

"Rieka," Catelyn groaned out.

"Mother, he is kind to me. I like him." Rieka admitted.

“He wrote to me at Riverrun after Brandon was killed, but I burned the letter unread. By then I knew that Ned would marry me in his brother’s place.” Catelyn went on.

"You think he wanted to marry you?" Rieka pondered.

"I know it."

"And yet when you didn't respond he turned his sights on someone he had never met before, I could have been a hideous monster and yet he wrote to me, sent me gifts. Because of his past love, brotherly or more than for you." Rieka declared.

"Took a shot in the dark." Catelyn pondered.

"Mother, thats so mean." Rieka demanded.

"You dont understand."

"I understand that he wrote me, sent me gifts, when he didnt know a thing about me. He was kind to me, I got here and he had already been gracious enough not to blow my ruse that I was engaged to him. He has been nothing but a gentleman to me and Avalon likes him too." Rieka went on. "Mother, you have known him but you dont anymore. I really like him."

Petyr leaned against the wall outside the room, acting disinterested as the women talked, Ned had stomped down saying he would wait for Rieka outside.

“Petyr sits on the small council now too, he seems a better man then the king.” RIeka declared confidently that brought a smile to Petyrs face.

“I knew he would rise high,” Catelyn admitted. “He was always clever, even as a boy, but it is one thing to be clever and another to be wise. I had wondered what the years have done to him.”

"He's quite handsome." Rieka informed her. "He's tall and slim, he's not a bear like the king, everyone claimed that the king was so handsome and every maidens dreams and now look at the man."

"Rieka!" Catelyn demanded.

"I'm just saying, you always said that he was little and slimy," Rieka recalled. Slimy? Petyr thought with distaste. He was not slimy. "But he's handsome and accomplished. I want you to agree to this union. I dont have to wed him for moons, I want Robb to be here for it." Rieka informed her. "But I want your blessing to marry Petyr Baelish."

"But he's handsome and accomplished. I want you to agree to this union. I dont have to wed him for moons, I want Robb to be here for it." Rieka informed Catelyn. "But I want your blessing to marry Petyr Baelish."

Catelyn didnt give her blessing she huffed out a breath. Rieka stared back at her silently. Petyr anxiously waited trying to hear every crisp word but Catelyn stared back at her eldest daughter.

"I used to have staring contests with Robb." Rieka informed her. "I can outlast you." Rieka declared.


"Mother, you are headed back to winterfell. Technically I just need fathers blessing and technically, technically I already have the king believing that I'm engaged so I dont need anyone's blessing." Rieka reasoned.

"Rieka dont do this." Catelyn begged.

"I like him, I dont know why you dont." Rieka declared. "Now if you will excuse me," Rieka hugged Catelyn gently. "Tell Robb and the boys I miss them... did he open my present?"

"Yes, he loved it." Catelyn agreed. "What did you think of his gift when he asks?"

"I didnt open it." Catelyn co*cked her head in disbelief. "I want him here when I open it. He's my best friend and its just strange..." Rieka offered. Catelyn nodded.

"Just as strange as my daughter marrying a man elder than myself." Catelyn agreed.

"Okay but you were a baby when you a baby when you had me so its not that weird." Rieka countered.

"Yes it is." Catelyn corrected kissing her cheek. "I will let Robb know you have lost your mind since you left and are planning on being an idiot."


"Love you, Rieka."

Rieka grumbled as she headed out. Petyr offered her his arm and a small smile. Rieka took his arm leaning into him. Ned stared back at them as they came down. Ned kissed Catelyn before she headed off too.

The walk back was quiet and Ned didnt like how Rieka was leaning into Petyr, maybe he wasnt a monster like Catelyn deemed he was.

"I have to check on Avalon, she was with Arya." Rieka remarked when they got back. "But I will see you in the morning?" Rieka offered and Petyr nodded Ned stood intimidatingly between them. Petyr wanted to kiss her goodnight, Rieka wanted him to but knew he wouldnt dare do such a thing with her father right there glaring at him like he was the devil himself.

"I will see you tomorrow." Petyr agreed pressing a kiss to her hand but she leaned forward kissing his cheek before spinning around and heading inside. Petyr's smile didnt falter as Ned glared back at him.

'Go away!' Arya shouted when Rieka knocked on the door.

"It's me dork." Rieka countered. "And father- hurry up, he's in a mood after my talk with Petyr."

'Rieka." Ned rasped hugging her to him.

"Too late, the warden is here." Rieka called through the door, she heard Avalon whining to get out. "Avalon I'm here love!" Rieka declared. "Arya open the door, I can hip check him back and then-" Ned tickled at her ribs.

"Arya open the door,' Ned requested, she begrudgingly got up needle in hand, 'may I come in?' he questioned coming into her room closing the door behind him Rieka ran to Avalon and she leapt up on Rieka licking her face. 'Arya who's sword is that?'

'It's mine' arya told him. Rieka pursed her lips remaining quiet for once.

'Give it to me,' Ned requested holding his hands 'I know this makers mark,' he noted 'this is mickers work. Where did you get this?' she didn't answer, Arya looked to Rieka for help. "Rieka? Did you give this to her?"

"I... did." Rieka agreed. "She needed a weapon."

"You didnt do this." Ned deduced.

"What? Says who?"

"Says me." Ned remarked. "Micker wouldnt give you a blade. Your mother demanded it after the first time you tried to get a blade."

"Maybe you are right or maybe I bribed him." Rieka countered. "You will never know." Ned shook his head looking back to Arya.

'This is no toy.' Ned reminded her 'a little lady shouldn't play with swords.'

'I wasn't playing and I don't want to be a lady!' arya exclaimed. 'I want to be a knight!'

"I'm okay with being a trophy wife." Rieka mused. "But it's good to know how to kill the husband off, just in case." Rieka watched a smile curve Ned's face. "Oh, that you like? Unbelievable." Rieka laughed out.

'Come here...' Ned said patting the bench at the end of the bed as he took a seat. 'What do you want with this?' Ned question holding Arya's sword up

'It's called needle,' she corrected. Rieka thought of her own blade from Jon, should she name it?

'a blade with a name... And who are you hoping to skewer with needle your sister? You know the first thing but sword fighting-'

'Stick them with the pointy end,' she told him.

"Damn right!" Rieka agreed as Avalon jumped up on the bed with a little yip of agreement.

'Yes that's the essence of it.' Ned agreed, with a laugh. His little Arya was going to be a warrior. His Rieka was going to be... trouble.

'I was trying to learn...' She told him 'I asked Mika to practice with me. I asked him it was my fault-'

'Oh sweet girl no no you did not kill the butchers boy.' Ned reminded her.

'I hate them I hate all of them, the hound, the king and the queen and Joffrey and Sansa. I hate all of them!' arya declared.

"Sandor did as he was told, its Sansa thats be bitch." Rieka corrected.

'Rieka," Ned scolded. "Sansa went before the king and queen and was asked to call the prince a liar.' Ned told her.

'So? He is a liar!' Arya declared.

"I believe Arya." Rieka agreed.

'shush my sweet girls, sansa will be married to Joffrey someday. She cannot betray him she must take his side even when he was wrong.' Ned informed them.

'But how can you let her marry someone like that?' Arya questioned.

"Yeah father, Joffrey of all people? Petyr looks like a septon in comparison." Rieka agreed.

'Look at me, you are a stark of Winterfell, you know our words?'

'Winter is coming.' Arya recited.

'You were born in a long summer you have never known anything else but winter is coming.' Ned informed her. 'we must protect ourselves. Look after one other, Sansa is your sister.'

"I know winters." Rieka corrected.

"Your winters were short." Ned agreed. "But you know the severity of them. You know that the pack survives, the lone wolf-" Rieka covered his mouth, nodding to her own Avalon.

'I don't hate her' Arya admitted 'not really.'

'I do not want to frighten you but I won't lie to either, we have come to a dangerous place we cannot fight a war amongst ourselves.' he handed her back needle 'go on this is yours.'

'I can keep it? 'She said happily.

'Try not to stab your sister with it,' Ned told her 'if you're going to own a sword you're going to need to know how to use it.' Ned studied Rieka a moment longer. "Do you have a mystery blade waiting to skewer someone too?" Ned pondered.

"It wouldnt be a mystery if I told you the answer to that." Rieka corrected with a smirk. "I will try to be nicer to sansa, but she makes it very hard." Rieka added.


''It's the Hand's tournament that's causing all this trouble, my Lords.'' Janos remarked

''The King's tournament. I assure you the Hand wants no part of it." Ned corrected. Ned had hoped to see his girls before meetings started but Rieka was still asleep she wasnt a morning person and her northern roots were still craving the cold. She didnt like the heat.

''Call it what you will, Lord Stark Ser, the city is packed with people and more flooding in every day. Last night we had a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race down the Street of Sisters.'' Janos informed him

''Dreadful.'' Varys agreed

''If you can't keep the King's peace, perhaps the City Watch should be commanded by someone who can.'' Renly offered

''I need more men.'' Janos told them simply.

''You'll get 50. Lord Baelish will see it paid for.'' Ned remarked and Petyr looked down the table to him.

''I will?' Petyr countered curiously.

'You found money for a champion's purse, you can find money to keep the peace." Ned agreed.

"Of course, I will, we will be family soon enough," Petyr remarked and Ned's jaw twitched. Petyr had also hoped to see Rieka before the meetings but no luck. At least the possibility of seeing her afterwards was keeping him alive. Tormenting Ned throughout was a good way to pass the time but Ned liked to push buttons too.

''I'll also give you 20 of my household guards till the crowds have left.'' Ned went on after a moment of restraint trying to debate if killing Baelish was a good idea before he ever put his hands on Rieka.

''Thank you, my Lord Hand Ser.'' Janos said immediately. ''They will be put to good use.''

''The sooner this is over, the better.''

''The realm prospers from such events, my Lord. They give the great a chance at glory, and the lowly a respite from their woes.'' Varys offered

''And every inn in the city is full and the whor*s are walking bow-legged.' Petyr informed him. That was another thing Ned didnt like about Petyr, sure he was master of coin but he was a brothel owner and Ned didnt want Rieka anywhere near that. He didnt trust Petyr to keep Rieka safe.

''I'm sure the tourney puts coins in many a pocket. Now... If there's nothing else, my Lords?'' Ned remarked

''This heat. On days like this, I envy you northerners your summer snows. Until tomorrow my Lord.'' Pycelle agreed

''I've been hoping to talk to you about Jon Arryn.'' Ned remarked as the council cleared out.

''Lord Arryn? His death was a great sadness to all of us. I took personal charge of his care, but I could not save him. His sickness struck him very hard and very fast. I saw him in my chambers just the night before he passed. Lord Jon often came to me for counsel.''

"Why?" Ned countered curiously.

"I have been Grand Maester for many years. Kings and Hands have come to me for advice since..." Pycelle informed him.

"What did Jon want the night before he died?"

"He came inquiring after a book."

"A book? What book?"


"I'm bored!" Rieka declared as Sansa doted over Joffrey and Arya was her lessons already. Avalon ran the gardens chasing after a ball. "ooh, Sandor entertain me!" Sandor rolled his eyes. "Come on, I'm bored, Robb isnt here to get into trouble with me and my sisters are actually doing what they are supposed to so..." she clasped her hands under her chin and smiled up at Sandor.

"What do you want girl?" Sandor countered. "Go find your betrothed to bother."

"Am I bothering you?" Rieka questioned. Sandor huffed a breath. "You know I think you act this big tough guy but you have sad eyes, I see it. I see past the monster you claim to be."

"f*ck off." Sandor begged.

"Rieka!" Petyr declared.

"Seven hells, good Gods, go away." Sandor agreed as he marched away. Rieka turned bright eyed to Petyr.

"You are done with your meetings?" Rieka questioned moving to PEtyr. He wrapped his arm around her holding her hostage to him and there was no place she would rather be.

"Yes but unfortunately your father has enlisted me to find extra coin for the hands tourney." Petyr remarked.

"My father wants nothing to do with the tourney." Rieka corrected. "he doesnt like to waste coin on frivolous things." Petyr opened his mouth to answer but her shinning pendant caught his eye. "The king seems to sling money around but hell I'm a girl of a few fine things myself." His fingers touched it and a smile curved his thin lips. Her hand covered his. "I havent taken it off since I got it."

"Come, let me treat you to an early supper." Petyr requested hooking his arm in hers.

"I would love that." Rieka agreed. "Come on Avalon." She pat her leg and Avalon bound after them.

"Jon's death..." Ned went on.

"Such a tragedy." Pycelle agreed.

"Did he say anything to you during his final hours?" Ned pondered.

"Nothing of import, my Lord. There was one phrase he kept repeating... The seed is strong, I think it was." Pycelle offered.

"The seed is strong"?" Ned countered. "What does that mean?"

"The dying mind is a demented mind, Lord Stark. For all the weight they're given, last words are usually as significant as first words."

" And you're quite certain he died of a natural illness?" Ned pushed on.

"What else could it be?"

"Poison." Ned offered bluntly and Pycelle scoffed at such an accusation.

"A disturbing thought. I don't think it likely. The Hand was loved by all. What sort of man would dare..."

"I've heard it said that poison is a woman's weapon." Ned offered cautiously.

"Yes. Women, cravens... and eunuchs. Did you know that lord Varys is a eunuch?"

"Everybody knows that." Ned remarked, Varys seemed almost proud of his eunuch state.

"Of course. How that sort of person found himself on the King's Council, I will never know."

"I've taken enough of your time." Ned remarked abruptly.

"No trouble at all, my Lord. It's a great honor..."

"Thank you. I'll find my own way out."

Ned had to protect his family, his girls, if the lannisters were bad news then he needed to protect them. Petyr although Ned didnt know if he could trust Petyr, he certainly didnt mind an extra set of eyes on Rieka while this whole thing played out. Sansa was chasing after Joffrey, Arya was content in her lessons, Rieka was his wildcard.

"You are so beautiful." Petyr couldnt help himself from saying it every time he saw Rieka's face. She blushed tipping her head from one shoulder to the other, her gaze shifted to the waiter as he approached them.

"Lord Baelish... my lady what might I get you today?"

'I hear you're reading a boring book
"What do you want Rieka darling?" Petyr questioned.

"Apple pie." Rieka answered without hesitation.

"Apple pie it is." Petyr agreed.

"And a chicken." Rieka added petting Avalon's head as she rested her chin on Rieka's thigh.

"Pie and a chicken." Petyr agreed smiling back at her.

"You know this name day gift is the only one I opened." Rieka remarked touching her locket, "also I brought the music with me, and I still need a piano."

"I have one in my flat, you will have to come and see it, it shall be ours soon enough." Petyr remarked fondly. Rieka nodded as she pet Avalon's head scratching gently between her ears.

"Robb gave me a gift, I still havent been able to bring myself to open it." Rieka remarked.

"Your father-"

"He did. Arya and sansa too but well they didnt wrap it so it didnt count." Rieka clarified. "But its... well my name day was while we were on the road and... it feels quite strange celebrating without Robb and therefore I dont want to open his present until I see him again. But I also think what if its food because he claimed that I was going to open before the day was done when I left him. and now its been moons and I'm just... " Rieka shrugged.

"I would love to throw you a party or just us two. I could cook. You could play me a song while I work, we dont even have to call it a name day." Petyr offered.

"I would really like that." Rieka agreed as their food was delivered, she promptly dropped the chicken down but it never hit the floor. Avalon grabbed it from the air and started gnawing away. "She has a hearty appetite."

"I see that." Petyr glanced under the table at Avalon as she held her catch protectively to her. Petyr smiled back at Rieka as she put the pie between them she moan at the taste.

"Almost as good as home." Rieka informed him.

"I don’t know that I ever asked what Rieka meant.'' Petyr remarked over pie. She stabbed into her pie taking a bit and licking the ooey goodness from her lips. Rieka locked eyes with him leaning in.

"Rieka means Power of the wolf." she answered. A smile curved Petyrs face.

'I hear you're reading a boring book.'' Petyr remarked coming up to Ned in the courtyard.

''Pycelle talks too much.'' Ned grumbled

''He never stops." Petyr agreed. ''Do you know Ser Hugh of the Vale?" Petyr asked and Ned shook his head. ''Not surprising. Until recently, he was only a squire... Jon Arryn's squire. He was knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death.''

''Knighted for what? Why are you telling me this?''

''I promised Cat that I'd help you besides we are going to be family and I know how much Rieka adores you, I dont want you getting hurt.'' Petyr offered. Ned debated Petyr's kindness.

''Where is Ser Hugh? I'll speak to him.'' Ned countered with finality.

''A singularly bad idea.'' Petyr assured him ''Do you see that boy there? One of Varys's little birds. The Spider has taken a great interest in your comings and goings.' Petyr nodded discreetly through the gardens as they moved. ''Now look there. That one belongs to the Queen. And do you see that Septa pretending to read her book?''

''Varys or the Queen?'' Ned mused

"No. She's one of mine." Petyr corrected ''Is there someone in your service whom you trust completely?''

''Yes.'' Ned answered immediately.

''The wiser answer was no, my Lord.'' Petyr informed him. ''Get a message to this paragon of yours... Discreetly. Send him to question Ser Hugh. After that, you might want him to visit a certain armorer in the city. He lives in a large house at the top of the street of Steel.''

''Why?'' Ned countered.

''I have my observers, as I said, and it's possible that they saw Lord Arryn visit this armorer several times in the weeks before his death.'' Petyr informed him kindly. Ned watched his gaze shift to Rieka and Avalon in the courtyard with Sansa.

''Lord Baelish, perhaps I was wrong to distrust you.'' Ned remarked.

''Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse.'' Petyr corrected. "But I assure you, my best interest is in Rieka's well being. Her happiness, and you keeping your head keeps her happy."

"You think I will lose my head?"

"The last hand died." Petyr reminded him.

"Nothing suspicious about Jon's death." Ned countered.

"Then why are you snooping?" Petyr retorted.


''Ser Hugh? Ser Hugh!'' Jory declared

''As you can see, I'm busy.'' Hugh grumbled

''I'm here on behalf of Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the king. I'm the captain of his guard." Jory informed him

''I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name, Ser...'' Hugh finally turned to look at Jory

''No "ser." I'm not a knight.'' Jory corrected

''I see. Well, it just so happens that I am.''

''He said he'd be glad to talk to the Hand himself. He's a knight, you see." Jory informed Ned.

''A knight. They strut around like roosters down here. Even the ones who've never seen an arrow coming their way.'' Ned declared.

"Rieka my darling." Petyr declared catching up with her.

"Petyr, my... I will come up with a pet name for you." Rieka assured him and Petyr chuckled.

"I look forward to it." Petyr agreed. "My oh my Rieka, dont you look lovely. Care for a walk?"

"I do look lovely." Rieka agreed glancing down at her dress. "And I would love to avoid the septa and spend some more time with you."

"So are we betting on someone today?" Rieka pondered, her father still wasnt here and she was glad that he was missing his tournament because now she got to hold onto Petyrs hand, lean into him, she liked that he wrapped his arm around her and Ned couldnt give them disapproving looks or drag Rieka away.

"Who would you like to bet on?" Petyr pondered.

'Good Lord who is that?' Sansa questioned Petyr as the competitors in the tournament rode forward.

'That is ser Gregor Clegane they call him the mountain.' Petyr told her 'the hounds older brother'

"Cleganes are tall f*ckers." Reika remarked. Petyr chuckled kissing her cheek and she loved that he did that. Loved that he wanted to be near her, wanted hold her closer. Loved that he wasnt a prissy little annoying sh*t like Joffrey, liked that he was like her in many ways.

'And his opponent?' Sansa whispered looking to the very small man in comparison.

'Ser hugh of the veil,' Petyr told her as both opponents came forward bowing before the king 'he was Jon Arryn's squire.'

"Never met uncle Jon, everyone said he was a good man." Rieka remarked. "Then again never met aunt Lysa, everyone called her a loon. I wonder what they say about mother behind her back?" Rieka looked to petyr. Petyr opened his mouth and closed it smirking back at her, his head tipped to the side slightly. "I know what they say about you and I'm not swayed away much to my parents dismay." Rieka assured as she pecked a kiss to his lips.

'Yes yes enough of the bloody pomp,' Robert said 'have at it,' he said leaning lazily back in his chair. Both riders took their places at the opposite end of the jousting arena the horn blew and both men took off their jousting spears pointed at each other's faces.

Rieka anchored her hand on Petyrs shoulder her arm draped down his back as he trailed a hand up her thigh. He had never loved these southern dresses more. The thin short fabric shifted with his touch.

The competitors missed, they turned around to begin again this time however Gregor did not miss. His lance speared Ser Hugh in the throat and he came colliding to the ground. Sansa screamed grabbing onto Rieka's hand and Rieka stumbled forward as she let go of Petyr.

"Clam your tit*." rieka instructed. "you are fine." Rieka assured holding onto her. "You are safe, I got you."

Blood spewed from his neck as part of the lance was lodged in his throat he spewed for breath before he breathed his last. Ser gregor stood victorious as ser hugh was carried away.

'Not what you were expecting?' Petyr asked and sansa shook her head into Rieka.

"Not, not what I was expecting." Rieka countered.

'has anyone ever told you lovely ladies the story of the mountain and the hound?' Petyr began, he glanced back at sandor. 'a lovely little tale of brotherly love.' Sansa and Rieka glanced back at Sandor as well 'the hound,' Petyr went on as he grabbed Rieka's hand pressing a kiss to the top of her hand, a smile crept up Rieka's face, he kept his eyes on hers until her hand rested in his lap. He traced a delicate thumb over her hand.

"The hound was just a pup six years old maybe Gregor a few years older but he was already getting a bit of a reputation some people said that the boy was just born with a talent for violence. One evening Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire Gregor's toy. A wooden knight. Gregor never said a word he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coals held him there while the boy screamed, and his face melted...' Petyr smirked over at a scared sansa. Rieka however her face showed one of sympathy, pity, awe even. Petyr stared at Rieka a moment longer. 'There aren't very many people that know that story'

'I won't tell anyone I promise.' sansa assured him slightly terrified. "Right Rieka!" Sansa said tugging her forward.

"I like to verify my gossip." Rieka remarked. "I might ask him."

'No please don't, my dearest.' Petyr said 'if the hound so much as heard you mention it I'm afraid all the knights and kings landing would not be able to save you.'

"Dont scare my sister Petyr." Rieka instructed as she saw Ned sulking up. "That's my job." she added pressing a kiss to his cheek. "And scaring Wolves... well Petyr dearest," he chuckled pulling her closer and Ned's scowl deepened. "Thats a good way to get a fresh scar of your own. Ask the prince, as his mother declared he will bear them the rest of his life." Riek'a looked to Petyr's chest. Her finger pressed at the dip in his shirts collar. "But you know about scars, don't you Petyr?"

"Would you like to see it?" Petyr pondered.

"I really would." Rieka purred letting her hand fall away from his chest and onto his thigh and Petyr had to shift his position feeling a tightness in his pants that was not acceptable for their current locale.

"Making friends I see?" Ned mused sitting between Rieka and Petyr.

"He is my betrothed, I think I can sit next to him." Rieka countered. "Sansa is a scardy cat, protect her."

"You need protecting Rieka." Ned corrected nudging Petyr over.

"Sorry." Rieka offered Petyr.

"Plenty of time." Petyr assured her.

"Where's arya?" Ned questioned glancing around.

'At her dancing lessons.' Sansa answered.

"Sounds more fun than this. I shall-" Rieka began getting up but Ned grabbed her arm pulling her back down. "I was on time, this is the Hands tourney and you were late, it only makes sense that I can leave early." Rieka offered.

"I love you." Ned coed. "Please stay... for me." Rieka grumbled leaning into him.

'The knight of the flowers...' sansa said happily as ser loras Tyrell approached he held out a rose for Sansa and she took it gratefully 'thank you ser loras.''

"He is very pretty, too pretty, you dont want a man prettier than yourself Sansa, they have big enough heads, usually prefer head..." Rieka offered leaning back and Petyr smirked as she glanced past Ned to him. Ned leaned back blocking her view. "You ruin my fun, father." Rieka decided.

"Good." Ned teased. They bowed before the king ser Loras on a white steed while Gregor was on a black horse. Gregor's horse started to whine and complain he rode off ill tempered as Gregor try to stable him.

'Don't let Ser Gregor hurt him.' Sansa begged 'I can't watch' Ned tried to comfort Sansa.

"What's wrong?" Ned asked reaching past Rieka.

"The big guy squashed the little last round." Rieka remarked simply. Ned moved to a shaking Sansa and Rieka slid into Petyrs side.

'100 gold dragons on the mountain.' petyr called back to Renly.

'I'll take that.' Renly said pleasantly.

'Now what will I do with 100 gold dragons Dornish wine or a girl from the pleasure houses?' Petyr questioned

"Not if you want me not to kill you." Rieka corrected.

"I tease, I would never." Petyr assured.

"I dont have 100 dragons, Renly are you confident in your man?" Rieka pondered.

"I am." Renly agreed.

"Enough to float me the extra coin if I bet on Loras?" Rieka pondered.

"And have Littlefinger out 200 pounds?" Renly laughed out. "Yes." Renly agreed.

"Double deal." Rieka declared. Petyr bit his lip as he stared back at her. "I win either way." Rieka purred.

"Deal." Petyr agreed. "Renly will be out 200 pounds my dear and I will take you out."

"When I win I will take you out." Rieka offered.

"What else will we do with our winnings?" Petyr pondered.

'You can even buy yourself a friend.' Renly suggested.

"I'm his friend and more than three friends is really two too many." Rieka informed him.

'He is going to die!' Sansa told Ned

'He's going to try to win.' Ned told her the horn blew and they were off. Charging at one another Loras' lance got ser Gregor, he collapsed to the ground into the fence breaking it.

'Such a shame little finger it would've been so nice for you to have a friend.' Renly told him as Rieka jumped up.

"I love gambling!" Rieka decided. "When its not my money." she clarified. "No risk, only reward!"

'And tell me Renly when will you be having your friend?' Petyr taunted gesturing to loras. 'Loras knew his horse was in heat.' Petyr told them.

'He would never do that there is no honor in that in honor in tricks.' Sansa assured him.

"No honor, but a lot of gold." Rieka offered. "Pay up honey." Rieka coed kissing his cheek.

"Exactly." Petyr agreed. Rieka was a woman of fun, adventure, brave, she seemed to enjoy the thrill of life and Petyr liked that about her.

Gregor was not happy about his loss he threw down his helmet screaming out as Loras approached the victor.

'Sword!' Gregor screamed out as everyone cheered. Gregor was given a sword and he chopped his own horses head clean off with one swing Sansa jumped as the horses head severed and fell to the ground, and for once Ned saw Rieka speechless, a scream stuck on her lips as Gregor kept going. Gregor came at Loras knocking him down again and again. Loras's shield was not strong enough to fend off against Gregor but Sandor jumped forward. Petyr held onto Rieka as she flinched back. He felt her racing heart as the horse dropped.

'Leave him be!' Sandor declared dueling off against his brother. Gregor charged at Sandor, a wicked look in his eyes. Everyone watched in horror as Sandor faced off against his older brother. Rieka fisted her dress nervously as she watched unable to tear her eyes away.

'That is enough! In the name of the king!" Robert shouted and sandor dropped to a knee, gregor's blade just barely missed his head. A little shriek left Rieka's lips as the blade whooshed by sandors head.

''Let him be.' Robert muttered as Gregor stormed off.

"You saved my life ser.' Loras said walking up, still frazzled from his near death. 'thank you.' Loras told sandor.

"I'm no ser.' Sandor grumbled but Loras lifted Sandor's hand and declared him the victor of the tourney. Sandor looked to Rieka as she stood up.

"TO THE HOUND!" Rieka declared letting out a howl. "It's not offensive," Rieka assured. "Because I myself am a wolf." she added as the crowd howled out for Sandor. But Sandor couldnt take his eyes off of Rieka's smiling face. Petyr howled out with her and he felt silly but he loved her smile as she did it as though enbracing her true wolf, her inner wolf.


"You seem to know everyone business." Rieka remarked. Petyr smiled innocently. "How?"

"I have my ways."

"If we are to be wed, real or not I like to know things sooo." She drawled out.

"Its good to know things when Varys and The queen have their own eyes on the ground." Petyr remarked. "ANd if you want to keep your head," He brought a hand to her cheek. "It's a pretty head, I would hate for you to lose it." He assured and she felt a blush creeping up her neck. "you should keep the threats and nasty comments to a minimum out there."

"Out there." RIeka agreed. "And what about in here?" Petyrs hand dropped to her waist and she leaned into him. "I was wondering when you were going to man up and kiss me again." his lips grazed hers. "Dont tell me, father scared you off." she whined tipping her head into his.

"Never." Petyr agreed his lip barely grazed hers when heavy footfalls sounded in the hallway. She peered out the door. "Whats wrong?" Petyr questioned moving with her, not wanting to let her go.

"Those are my fathers guards". Rieka remarked. "Something is very wrong".

Rieka ran down the halls Petyr stared after her if something was wrong she needed protection but she was light and quick on her feet and down the hall and around the corner before he took two steps out her chamber door.

"Father what happened?" Rieka demanded pushing into his office.

"RIeka have you seen arya?" Ned asked hugging her to him

"Arya. No. Why?"

"Shes been missing for hours. Since before the tournament. "

"She had lessons." Rieka corrected.

"Syrio hasnt seen her". Ned countered. "She had lessons but that ended this morning. Im really worried love. "

"I'll find her-" Rieka assured as she turned to the door but he held to her arm.

"I wont be losing you too love". Ned corrected.

"I cant just sit here- wheres sansa?" Rieka questioned as the door swung open

"Arya!" They both declared.

'Seven hells! What happened to you?" Ned bent down next to arya as he looked her over. Dirt covered her body, while her eyes held concern and worry. "You know I had half my guard out searching for you?" Ned questioned. "You had me in a panic.' Ned told her. 'Arya, you promised this would stop." Ned sighed.

"They said they were going to kill you." Arya proclaimed.

"Who?" Rieka countered as Arya hugged her tight.

"They said they were going to kill you!" Arya repeated as Rieka ran her fingers through Arya's hair.

"Who did?' ned questioned confused as he stood up.

"I don't know. I didn't see them. But I think one was fat." Arya remarked.

"Thats helpful." Rieka agreed sarcastically. "Bald, hairy? I need more information for my murderous plans to kill them before they attack." Rieka decided.

"I dont know." Arya admitted softly.

"Oh, Arya." Ned said shaking his head.

"I'm not lying. They said you found the bastard. And the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage. Something about a savage." Arya didn't know what any of it meant. Ned knew. Rieka looked to him confused. Petyr would probably know, he knew everything.

"Where did you hear this?" Ned questioned.

"In the dungeons. Near the dragon skulls." she said it as if it was the most obvious thing location for her to be wandering.

"What were you doing in the dungeons?" Ned gave her a scolding look.

"Chasing cats." Arya said it so calmly like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She had told him she would be chasing cats, now that ned thought about it.

'Well that makes up for it then, right father?" Rieka mused. "She was chasing cats and thats that. No need to be angry that she was gone chasing cats and you were worried out of your mind for ages." Rieka added and Arya mumbled into Rieka's chest.

"I almost caught a cat.' Arya added softly. 'Im sorry father, im sorry Rieka." Arya whispered hugging her tighter as the door swung open again

'Pardon me my Lord,' Jory said coming into Neds office. 'there's a night watchman here saying it's urgent,' Ned nodded as Rieka pulled Arya back allowing the man into the room. Arya leaned against Rieka, her arms wrapped around Arya's chest keeping her put.

'What's your name friend?' Ned questioned

'Yoren, if you please. This must be your son he's got your looks. And your eldest daughter, so lovely."

'I'm a girl!' Arya exclaimed.

"I am lovely." Rieka agreed tossing her hair over her shoulder.

'Did Wende send you?' Ned questioned pulling his gaze away from his daughters.

'No one sent me my Lord, I am here to find men for the wall see if there's any scum in the dungeons that could be used for the service,' He informed ned

'We will find recruits for you.' Ned assured.

'Thank you my Lord that is not why I disturbed you. You're brother Benjen's blood runs black that makes him my brother as much as yours it is for his sake I rode here so fast and damn near killed my horse there are others riding to, the whole city will know by tomorrow.'

'Know what?' ned questioned cautiously.

'Best said in private my Lord.' he looked at arya, kissing the top of his daughters head Ned sent her off.

'Go on we'll talk later. Jory could you take the girls safely to their room?'

'Of course... Come on, lets get you cleaned up.' Jory agreed leading them out. Rieka stared back at Ned.

"Go on love. I will see you after." Ned assured. Rieka nodded as Jory put a hand on her back nudging her forward. "Well?' Ned questioned. 'Spit it out.' Ned urged.

'It's about your wife my Lord, she has taken the imp.'


"Gross, give me someone else!" Arya demanded as she tipped back in Rieka's bed, Avalon gave a happy pant as she rolled her legs kicking up into the air as she stared upside down at Rieka.

"Nope," Rieka laughed out.

"I'm picking you gave me bad ones. I'm not kissing either of them, kill them both!" Arya declared.

"thats not the game." Rieka laughed out.

"My turn!" Arya decided. "Okay, Jory or Petyr."

"Thats not fair, I can't figuratively kill Jory or Petyr." Rieka countered.

"Play the game Rieka." Arya teased.

"I can't kill Jory I have known him since I was a child, he is barely older than I..."

"So killing your betrothed?" Arya laughed out. "Mother and father will love that!"

"This game is stupid." Rieka decided. "FMK is better."

"You play that with Robb." Arya recalled. "Played..." she corrected softly.

"You think father is okay?" Rieka changed topics quickly away from Robb.

"Yeah. No. I dont know. I swear Rieka I swear it I saw what I saw!" Arya declared

"I believe you." Rieka assured. "But I mean the crow talking to father." She clarified.

"I dont know, I dont know what he could want, maybe its about uncle Benjen." Arya offered.

"Probably right." Rieka agreed.


"Rieka?" Ned questioned knocking on her door, he saw the flicker of the candle and knew she was still up. She ran to the room pulling it open with a smile.

"Hey daddio." Rieka coed.

"Can I come in?" Ned requested and she pulled the door farther open for him.

"What did that crow have to say?" Rieka pondered.

"Nothing good I'm afraid love." Ned offered.

"Anything I can help with?" Rieka offered and Ned loved that she wanted to help.

"No, I will handle it." Ned assured.

"Is Robb okay? Bran and Rickon?"

"Bran is awake but your mother is being reckless." ned offered innocently.

"He is?" Rieka declared. "And he's doing good, walking?" Ned shook his head. "Any feeling in his legs."

"not from what I have heard." Ned remarked and Rieka sighed turning away from him.

"At least he is alive." Rieka offered. Ned looked to her dresser and saw a little box he assumed it was from Robb.

"You still didnt open your name day gift." Ned realized.

"I can't." Rieka whispered.

"No?" Ned countered confused.

"Not without Robb here." Rieka answered. "I really hope its not food and drawing bugs to it with his rotting scent though I can't smell anything." Ned chuckled. Avalon stretched as she got off the bed and moved to Ned.

''Well, I got you something... not a name day gift, so you can open it." Ned offered. "I also didnt wrap it." Rieka smiled back at him as Avalon sat between her legs tag wagging happily. "but after the reaction I got from sansa I'm hesitant to give it to you." Ned remarked softly.

''I'm more gracious than sansa.'' Rieka mused 'and I love presents.'' Ned held out the doll for her. Rieka smiled down at it.

''You hate it dont you?'' Ned remarked reaching for it but she brought it to her chest.

''Correction. I love it.'' Rieka assured.

''Thank you sweetie.'' Ned said kissing her forehead. "About Petyr-"

"I'm in charge, remember?" Rieka cut him off.

"You could be in charge of the seven kingdoms." Ned offered. "Queen Rieka." Ned suggested.

"Please, bitch queen isnt in charge of anything. Everyone knows it is the Hand that does everything." Rieka told him. "But I would look great in a crown."

"It does seem that way." Ned admitted. ''I love you Rieka, I love you my sweet girl.''

''I love you father.'' Rieka echoed hugging him again and he kissed her cheek.

"About Petyr though love, you like him..."

"I do, I really do." Rieka agreed.

"He is a sneaky man," Ned remarked. "He hears the whispers, it makes him powerful."

"I like power." Rieka assured. "Besides we all knew I needed someone thats monster fed my own."

"His monster feeds you monster?" Ned pondered.

"Yes." Rieka agreed. "In the best of ways." Rieka assured him. Ned chuckled shaking his head.

"What do you like about Petyr?" Ned pondered.

"I love that when I'm with him I don’t have to pretend to be a nice person, that sh*t is exhausting." Rieka declared and Ned laughed out.

'' Rieka echoed hugging him again and he kissed her cheek

"You are killing me Rieka." Ned declared.

"It's true!"


"Arya and I play kiss or kill."

"Kiss or kill?"

"Yeah, shes young I'm not such a bad influence that I would want her considering marriage or fornication." Rieka assured. Sansa covered her face with her hands. "Loosen up Sansa. Everything is going to be fine. Come on I'm bored and lessons are stupid. f*ck-"

"Gross." Sansa corrected.



"Gross and I pick the names not you." Rieka corrected. "And kill."

"I'm not playing your vicious game." Sansa decided.

"Father!" Rieka shouted "I'm bored.' she told him. "I miss Robb, he would have been entertaining me. Sansa doesnt like my pass the time games."

"Her games are vulgar!' Sansa hissed.

"Are not." Rieka countered Ned looked between them. "I'm an angel. See?" She pointed at her head. "Don't you see my halo?"

"Robb must have yanked it off before we left." ned mused.

"Argh!" Rieka declared with a melodramatic groan. "I hate when that happens."

"Oh wait
"Oh wait..." ned teased adjusting an imaginary halo on her head. "There is it." Rieka chuckled leaning into him.

"Thank the Gods," Rieka agreed. "Wouldnt want people thinking the worst of me."

"The truth?" Sansa teased.

"Ha, ha... but yes." Rieka agreed.

"Rieka and I were going to for a walk with prince Joffrey." sansa remarked and both Ned and Rieka stared back at her.

"I did not agree to such things." Rieka corrected.

"Sure you did." Sansa agreed, Rieka shook her head violently.

"No, I would never do such a thing." Rieka corrected. "father, save me." Rieka begged.

"Sorry love, I have to talk to the king." ned corrected pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Have fun."

"See father said so!" Sansa agreed.

"No, he didnt." Rieka corrected but somehow she was getting roped into this nonsense.

But Sansa pulled her along, thanking her profusely as they went, Rieka rolled her eyes but went along less begrudgingly with each step.

"Hello my prince." Sansa did a perfect curtsey. Rieka stared back at him. He wasnt worth the effort of a curtsey.

"Why did you bring that monster?" Joffrey shouted.

"What monster?" Rieka feigned ignorance.

"That dog." He sneered.

"Avalon is a direwolf and my friend." Rieka corrected running a hand over her fur. "She is very protective and you would do best not to call her such names."

"You and your mutt, the both of you should have been put down with the other one!" Joffrey shouted. "I could have lost an arm and now just because my father whor*s around you think, you really think you can flaunt your mutt around? Like you are in charge? You are nothing." Joffrey liked the sound of his own bitchy voice Rieka decided as he went on and on and on complaining.

Sansa was in a dream like state as she smiled back at him, surely she couldnt hear him if she had she wouldnt have little hearts in her eyes as he shouted viciously at them.

Avalon snarled her teeth but Rieka didnt flinch. She stared back at Joffrey bored. He barked and barked and she yawned, Avalon growled as Joffrey got closer to her.

"Control you beast before I kill it."

"She would kill you, hell I would before you ever got close enough." Rieka corrected.

"Rieka!" Sansa shouted. Oh she could hear, just not joffrey bitching since the moment they arrived.


'Mormont was a slave trader, not a traitor.' Varys reminded them.

'I know it's a small difference to an honorable man.' Petyr added and Ned stared at him.

'He broke the law betrayed his family and fled our lands we commit murder on the word of this man?' Ned shouted back.

'And if he is right and she has a son?' Robert shouted 'a Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army what then?'

'The narrow sea still lies between us' Ned reminded him. 'I will fear the Dothraki the day they teach the horses to walk on water.' Ned added

'Do nothing that is your wise advice? Do nothing until our enemies are on our show us! You are my council, council speak sense into this honorable fool!' he demanded

'I understand your misgivings' varys said. 'Truly it is a horrible thing we must consider the realm, to rule sometimes we must do a vile thing for the good of the realm.''


"My mother will have you head."

"Oh shut you, you are embarrassing yourself." Rieka declared.

"I'm telling mother!"

"Come here..." Rieka demanded and Joffrey took a step closer. "Can you hear that?"

"Come here… can you hear that?" Rieka questioned bringing a hand to her ear. Joffrey listened for a moment confused.

"What?" Joffrey spat.

"If you listen closely... you can hear me not giving a f*ck." Rieka spat back.

"Rieka!" Sansa shouted in horror.

"Come on Avalon, we have better places to be." Rieka decided.


'I wish this girl no ill will,' Pyselle said 'but should the dothraki invade how many innocence will die? How many towns with bleed? Is it not wise that she should die now so that tens of thousands might live?'

'We should've had them killed years ago.' Renly told him confidently.

'When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman' Petyr told them. 'You must close your eyes and get it over with. Cut her throat and be done with it.' he smiled over his cup. Ned stared back at him before letting out a long sigh.

"Rethink your words little finger, my daughter likes you but I havent given you my blessing." Ned reminded him sharply before turning to Robert. 'I followed you into war twice.' Ned reminded him 'without doubts without second thoughts. But I will not follow you now.' Ned told him 'the Robert I grew up with didn't tremble in the shadow of an unborn child.''

''She dies.'' Robert informed him. 'She dies.' Robert repeated staring ned down.

'I will have no part in it' Ned informed him.

'You are the kings hand Lord stark you will do is I command or I will find me a hand that will!' Robert warned him. So Ned pulled the hand pin off of his jacket throwing it to the table.

'I thought you were a better man.' Ned remarked.

'How dare you!' Robert said standing up 'get out of here go run back to Winterfell. I will have your head on a spike.' Robert shouted.

'... JORY!' Ned called and he came rushing out sensing the panic.

'Lord stark?' Jory questioned.

'We must leave, get the girls and...' Ned began as they walked briskly. 'It is no longer safe here, we must leave for winterfell at once.'

'My lord?' Jory questioned confused.

"Catelyn has taken lord Tyrion.' Ned told her. 'We must go, leave now before-' but as they stepped into the light they saw red coats, Lions, Jaime Lannister leading them all. They were surrounded.

'It looks like a small pack of wolves' Jaime noted

'Stand back ser this is the hand of the King.' Jory told him

'Was the hand of the King.' Jaime corrected 'I'm not sure what he is now....'

'What is the meaning of this Lannister?' Petyr said running outside, now Ned felt bad in not trusting Petyr he was trying to help. Maybe Rieka was right and Petyr wasnt a bad guy.

'Get back inside where it is safe." Jaime demanded but Petyr didnt move, this was his chance to show Ned he would be a capable husband and protect Rieka, love her right, that started with trust, false or not from Ned.

"I am looking for my brother.' Jaime informed Ned 'you remember my brother don't you lord stark? Blonde hair, sharp tongue, short man.'

'I remember him well' ned admitted

'He had some trouble on the road you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him?' Jaime questioned.

Ned remained silent, he wasn't about to take credit for Catelyn's mistake but his silence was mistaken for guilt. Jaime and his men unsheathe their swords.

'My Lord,' Petyr said stepping forward 'I will bring the city watch.' but ned held him back.

"Find Rieka, find my girls, keep them safe." Ned instructed and Petyr was shocked but didnt question it. Petyr took off he had to find Rieka.

''Come on stark I'd rather you die sword in hand.' Jaime challenged.

''If you threaten my lord again-' Jory warned.

''As in I'm going to open your lord from balls to brain and see what's starks are really made of.' Jaime clarified.

''You kill me. Your brother is a dead man' ned informed him.

'You're right...' Jaime acknowledged 'take him alive, kill his men.' Jaime instructed and Lannister soldiers stepped forward attacking but Ned was not about to go down without a fight. He had too much to live for, his children were here, what happened to them if he died.

A sword, Jamie's sword was drove through Jory's eye, all the way out the other end of his skull. Jaime pointed his sword Ned ready for a proper duel as the rest of the Lannister soldiers waited circling them ready for an attack if necessary. They were at a face off when one of Jaime's men came from behind Ned stabbing him through the leg. Jaime stepped forward punching his knight in the face.

'that was dishonorable.' Jaime informed him. Ned watched in complete agony spear still through his leg as Jaime mounted his white horse.

'He is my brother Lord Stark and I want him back.' Jaime spat riding away as Ned collapse to the ground the world went dark around him.


"Rieka," petyr declared running up to her.

"Hello Petyr-" Rieka's smile faltered though at Petyr hesitant face. "What happened?" Rieka demanded.

"Its your father, he was attacked".

"What?" Rieka spat suddenly her chest was tight and she couldnt breathe. "Is he... is he..."

"Come with me." Petyr requested holding a hand out for her. He held onto her as her legs became weaker with every step. He clung to her as she peered in on the maesters hard at work on her father. She sobbed into Petyr. He held onto her making false promises that everything would be alright.

It was two days of in and out of consciousness. High on the poppy for the pain. Reika sat across from Arya and Sansa as they piled into her bed each night filled with worry. Rieka told her sisters to take a bath and get cleaned up, the room was starting to smell, she did the same.

Rieka was brushing her hair before bed when there was a knock at the door. She jumped up the brush clattering to the ground in hopes that it was good news. she threw open the door to see Petyr.

"Rieka, my darling... I just wanted to offer you my deepest condolences and if there is anything-" petyr began.

"Hes fine right? He has to be." Rieka whispered as she hugged him. "He's not dead. Don't tell me he's...." Rieka couldnt breathe again petyr felt her chest rising and falling rapidly against him.

"The maesters are hopeful but I know this must be hard for you and your sisters. If there is anything you might need... just ask. I will do it, it shall be done." Petyr whispered kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you Petyr" Reika whispered. "Thats really kind of you." He bid her goodnight but she didnt let him go. "Could you stay? I dont want to be alone." Petyr eagerly came in and he held onto her as she fell into a fitful sleep but it was still the best sleep she had gotten since her fathers attack.


"Pardon your grace I would rise but-' ned adjusted in bed, he had hoped to see his girls and he didn't try to hide his disappointment as Robert and Cersei entered.

'Do you know what your wife has done?' Cersei questioned incredulously. Ned remained silent

'I didn't think she had it in her.' robert laughed out.

'How dare she lay hands on my blood!' cersei spat.

'I am the kings hand I was keeping the peace.' ned reminded her

'You were the kings hand.' cersei corrected. 'You will be held accountable-'

'Will both of shut your mouths!' Robert shouted. 'Catelyn will release tyrion and you will make your peace with Jaime.''

Rieka woke up in Petyrs arms, he had things he was supposed to do but he couldnt even fathom leaving her bed, she looked to perfect curled up into him. Avalon lay asleep at the bottom of the bed, Petyr noticed throughout the night, whenever Petyr woke up that Avalon watched him curiously for a moment before falling back asleep. Avalon was protective and Petyr knew that would be good for the war that was destined to come.

She opened her mouth to say good morning and thank you and I'm so scared he's not going to live when there was a knock on the door. Arya wanted to go see father, wanted Rieka to come with her, so instead. Rieka kissed Petyr quickly before heading out.

'he butchered my men.' Ned reminded Robert. defensively.

'Lord stark was returning drunk from a brothel when he attacked Jaime.' Cersei told Robert aggressively.

'Quiet woman,' Robert sneered.

'Jaime has fled the city.' Ned remarked. 'Give me leave to bring him back to justice.'

'Justice, how dare you talk to the king-' cersei spat.

'Hold your tongue.' Robert demanded as the door creaked open. Rieka peered in but saw the king and queen, she debated pulling the door closed again but Jaime lannister had attacked her father, she was going to bring the hurt to all lannisters.

'He attacked one brother and taken the other I should wear the armor and you the gown.' Cersei told Robert and he slapped her across the face. Rieka squeaked out a breath as she tried to contain a laugh as she clamped a hand over Aryas mouth to keep her from laughing as well.

"I shall wear this like a badge of honor.'' Cersei sneered.

'wear it in silence or I will honor you again.' Robert threatened as cersei stormed out. Ramming into Rieka and Arya as she left.

"Do you feel honored your grace?" Rieka pondered. Cersei huffed a breath as she kept going. "f*ck you too lady." Rieka grumbled.

''see what she does to me my loving wife... I should not have hit her, that was not... that was not kingly.' Robert remarked but there was no remorse in his eyes.

''if we don't act, there will be a war.' Ned told Robert seriously as pain shot through his leg. But his gaze shifted to his girls.

'So tell your wife to return that little sh*t of an imp to kings landing. You hear me send a raven and put an end to it!' Robert demanded.

'what of Jaime Lannister?' ned questioned reaching out for Rieka she ran to him. "Hi sweetie." he whispered, Arya followed hesitantly around him as she kept a weary eye on RObert.

''What about Jaime?'' Robert scoffed. 'I'm half a kingdom in debt to his father. I don't know what happened between you and those yellow haired sh*ts and I don't want to know. This is what matters. I can't rule the kingdoms if the starks and lannisters are at each other's throats.'

''Robert we need to talk,' ned rasped as Rieka hugged him tight.

''No I am sick of talk, I am going on a hunt tomorrow; whatever you have to tell me can wait until I return.'' Robert assured him.

'What are you doing about Daenerys Targaryen?' ned questioned softly. Ned tried to ignore the way Robert was staring at Rieka but it was hard when he was so blatantly staring at her. Rieka ignored the king all together as she held onto her father.

"Don't worry about that, it is done.' robert informed him pulling his gaze from Rieka momentarily. 'the last of the targaryens will be dead.' He spat and Ned swallowed the lump in his throat.

'of course... as you wish your grace. With your permission I will take my leave and return to winterfell. With my girls." Ned remarked. Arya stared back at him, he couldnt be serious? She had her lessons, her mother would never allow it back home. And what of Rieka, she was engaged to Petyr, would they leave her here? Arya looked to Rieka and knew that Rieka was thinking similarly.

''piss on that.' Robert told him. 'send a raven, I want you to stay. I am the king I get what I want. I never loved my brothers,' he admitted 'sad thing for a man to admit but it's true. You were the brother I chose.' Robert reminded him. Ned was liking his eldest friend less and less these days.

''why Robert? Why do you want me as Hand if you do not listen to my advice?' ned questioned

''Somebody has to run the kingdom.' Robert said honestly. 'you're the hand again, you take this off again and I pin it to Jaime f*cking Lannister.' Robert told him throwing the hand pin down onto the bed.

Riekas heart plummeted as she kneaded her hands together once the door closed behind robert. Either her sisters left her father left and she stayed and married Petyr, a man she did love or they all left, or they stayed and Ned knew that wasnt an option, it was dangerous here, lions and wolves.

"What happened-" She rasped.

"I'm fine." Ned assured.

"Yeah the hole in your says that too." Rieka agreed.

"Did Petyr find you?" ned questioned.

"Yes, he... yes." Rieka answered softly. "Is this all about what mother did? The lannisters rage?"

"Jaime wants his brother back, I understand that." Ned offered.

"Well, he is a bit extreme." Reika added.

'I'm sending you two back to Winterfell." Ned told sansa and Arya. He couldnt officially send Rieka home, he wanted to but... he didnt know if she would go. Rieka stared back at him understanding it would be her choice. But she wasnt going to leave her father here alone, no matter how much she wanted to see Robb again.

"What!" Sansa declared furiously, "What about Joffrey?"

"Are you dying because of your leg?" Arya questioned.

"Please, father. Please don't." Sansa's voice wavered with panic.

"You can't! I've got my lessons with Syrio. I'm finally getting good." Arya exclaimed. Rieka backed away she felt a wave of nauseous flood her, she couldnt stay here. She had to go home and see Robb, she needed to go home.

"This isn't a punishment." Ned assured them. "I want you back in Winterfell, for your own safety."

"Can we take Syrio back with us?"

"Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can't go. I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey. I love him and I'm meant to be his Queen and have his babies." Sansa declared.

"Seven f*cking hells sansa." Rieka muttered.

"Language young lady." Ned countered. Rieka stared back at him. "But yeah..." ned agreed. "Seven f*cking hells." Ned muttered. "When you're old enough, I'll make you a match with someone who's worthy of you, someone who's brave and gentle and strong."

"I don't want someone brave and gentle and strong. I want him!" Sansa declared "He'll be the greatest king that ever was, a golden lion, and I'll give him sons with beautiful blonde hair." Sansa went on with a fantasy she had already long since formed in her mind. She was meant to be with Joffrey she was manifesting it.

"The lion's not his sigil, idiot. He's a stag, like his father." Arya said matter of factly.

"No he's not. He's nothing like that drunk king." Sansa declared.

"Hes not not like the king." Rieka murmured.

Ned let out a deep sigh running a hand over his face.

"Come girls. Go pack." Ned told them to which they shouted louder in objection. Except for Rieka she was ready to see Robb again. "Go, stop arguing and pack.' Ned demanded and had their Septa take them back to their chambers to pack.

"Rieka... you have be awfully quiet, so unlike yourself." Ned remarked.

"Petyr... I like him." Rieka informed him.


"But I want to go home." Rieka agreed. Ned felt a wash of relief. "I miss Robb... I'm sure Petyr will understand, he's a good man he will find someone else in no time."

"Or he will be pining after you forever." Ned whispered.

"he will get over me." Rieka assured. "I will make sure they are getting packed up." Rieka pressed a kiss to Neds cheek before walking off and Ned knew that although Rieka was being honest, she did want to see Robb, she was going to miss Petyr more than she was leading on.


''They butchered them as if they were animals they covered our children and pigs and let them on fire. They weren't thieves they didn't steal nothing they even left something behind your grace.'

'He is the king's hand you are addressing not the king' Pycelle corrected. 'the king is hunting.' The man stepped forward dumping out a bag filled with fish.

'Fish... they sigil of house Tully.' Petyr noted. 'Isn't that your wife's house Tully?' Petyr knowing full well it was with a smug look on his face. Petyrs gaze shifted as the door opened and Rieka came in, she had yet to tell him and she was nervous to do so. She gave a small wave close to her chest when she met his gaze.

''These men were they flying a banner?'' Ned questioned.

''No your... Hand. the Man leading them was taller than any man by at least a foot taller than any man I've ever met,' the man told Ned. 'the blacksmiths saw them take the head off the horse with a single swing of her sword.'

'That sounds like someone we know. The mountain.' Petyr clarified.

'You are describing ser Gregor Clegane.' Ned confirmed.

'Why would ser Gregor turn though he is an honored knight?' Pyselle asked

"Honored." sandor scoffed. Rieka glanced back at him. "I heard you were heading back north."

"Keeping tabs on me Clegane?" Rieka mused.

"I'm happy to have you starks out of my way." Sandor offered.

"Lies, you like us, we bring some excitement." Rieka remarked.

"You are lucky you havent lost your head with the way you talk to Joffrey." Sandor corrected.

"f*ck that twat." Rieka corrected. "He needs a firm foot up his ass and all the way through to his pompous throat." Sandor snorted a laugh.

"You northern women." Sandor remarked.

"Its just me." Rieka assured with a wink.

''I heard him called Tywin Lannister's mad dog.' Petyr told them 'I'm sure you have as well. Can you think of any reason the lannisters might be angry with your wife?''

"I can think of a little one." Rieka offered from the crowd and Petyr chuckled smiling down at her. She tucked her hair behind her ear as he smiled down at her.

''If the Lannister's were to order an attack under the kings protection it would be-' Pycelle said cautiously.

'It would be almost as brazen as attacking the hand of the king in the streets.' Petyr informed him. Rieka liked his bravery, it matched her own at times. But Petyr knew how to play this game better than herself, she knew that too.

''Well...'' Pycelle scoffed awkwardly, he was loyal to the Lannister above all else. Not Varys or little finger, not a stark that was for sure, he didnt trust Ned completely.

''I cannot give you back your homes or restore your livestock but perhaps I can give you justice in the name of our King Robert. Lord Beric Dondarrion. You should have the command send 100 men and ride to Ser Gregor Clegane.'' Ned declared.

"Say bye bye to brother dearest?" Rieka mused. Sandor shook his head.

"I pity the fool that has to take on my brother." Sandor corrected.

''As you command.' Beric agreed. Ned stood up cane in hand, taking shaky steps forward.

'In the name of Robert of the house Baratheon the first of his name king of the Andals and the first man lord of the seven kingdoms and the protector of the realm I charge you to bring the kings justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared his crimes. I denounce him I detained him I strip him of all ranks and titles of all lands and holdings and sentenced him to death,' Ned said confidently,

'My Lord this is a drastic action.' Pycelle informed him, 'it would be better to wait for King Roberts return.'

'Send a raven the castlery rock, master pycelle, inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his Bannerman. He will arrive within the Fortnight or we branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.' Ned informed them, he nodded to Beric and he was off.

'A bold move my lord and admirable.' Petyr said 'but is it wise to yank the lions tail he is the most powerful man in the seven kingdoms?' Petyr smirked 'Gold wins wars not soldiers' Petyr added

'Then how come Robert is King? And not Tywin Lannister?'

"Daddio for king." Rieka whispered.


'You are in pain.' Cersei noted coming up to ned in the gardens.

'I have had worse your grace.' Ned informed her.

'Perhaps it's time to go home the south does not seem to agree with you.' Cersei said calmly her eyes veering away from Rieka and Petyr the gardens.

'I know the truth.' Ned told her 'the truth Lord Arryn died for.'

'Do you Lord stark? Is that why you called me here... to pose for riddles?' cersei questioned with a laugh.

'Has he done this before?' Ned asked pointing to his cheek a bruise forming on Cersei's own cheek.

'Jaime would've killed him if he had. My brother is worth 1000 of your friend.' Cersei snapped.

'Your brother? Or your lover?' Ned offered

'Targaryen's wed brothers and sisters for thousands of years to keep the bloodline pure.' Cersei reminded him 'Jaime and I am more than brother and sister we share the womb came into this world together we belong together.'

Ned thought of his own twins. Robb and Rieka. Rieka had been wanting to go home to Robb, missed him like crazy, felt like a part of her was missing but his children were good and honorable. Rieka was a sassy mouth, blunt tongued and manipulative at times young woman but Rieka wasnt like Cersei.

'My son saw you with him....'

'Do you love your children?'

'With all my heart.' Ned answered. his gaze shifting to Rieka in the gardens. She was so happy to be going home. She missed Robb but she had grown used to the idea of her and Petyr.

"So my father wants my sisters to go home." Rieka remarked.

"I heard about that." Petyr agreed holding onto her hand as they walked and she loved that he held her hand.

"I... I have enjoyed our time together immensely." Rieka added.

"As have I." Petyr assured. He couldnt help but feel like a but was coming, one that would change things completely.

"But I have decided to join my sisters home." Rieka remarked.

There it is. Petyr thought stiffly and he tried to hide it, his disappointment but he didnt do a good job.

"Will you be returning?" Petyr questioned.

"I dont... I dont know, I dont think so." Rieka admitted softly. "I really like you Petyr and I'm sorry that I led you on, know that I wanted this and its not fair of me to ask you to give up your life, your work here to come north with me, so I won't ask- I dont want to put you in that position like you feel like you need to or that I might be mad if you dont- Know that I wouldnt be but either way, I'm not asking." Rieka informed him. Petyr let out a breath and his shoulders sagged. Rieka had yet to let go of his hand.

"Petyr I'm sorry but I know that you will find another woman in no time, because I so easily fell in love with... you." She rasped her words drifting too late, she said it and she meant it.

"You love me." Petyr meant it as a question but it came out as a declaration.

"Yeah, I do. I love you, and thats why this really hurts." Rieka agreed.

"I love you Rieka Stark..." Petyr agreed and a wash of pain flooded him. He had never thought himself capable of love but he did, he loved Rieka, he loved her and she was leaving him and he could tell it hurt her to do so.

"Is there anything I can do to make you stay?" Petyr pondered. Rieka hesitated before shaking her head slightly.

"I miss Robb." Rieka finally said and Petyr nodded. He didnt have any siblings, the closest he had was the Tully's.

"Whats it like being a twin?" Petyr questioned curiously. RIeka smiled back at him.

"Well its magical and annoying and magical again." Rieka remarked. "Robb is my other half. I love him. We can feel... its like when we were home and he knew I was in trouble or scared and he would show up and make me feel better." Rieka remarked honestly.

"How?" Petyr pondered pulling her to a stop and holding her in his arms.

"Just talking to me. Giving me a hug. Telling me a story, playing FMK with me, making me laugh, anything, he always knew. He was also an annoying little sh*t at times." Rieka assured him. "But him and father are my favorite people in the world and I hate feeling like I am a world away from him." Rieka informed him Petyr.

"How do I get into the favorite men in Rieka's life list?" Petyr mused.

"If I was staying I'm sure you would get there." Hayley mused.


"No," Rieka chuckled. "You are already top three." Petyr stared back at her and she smiled sheepishly back at him. Petyr kissed her, delicately encasing her face with his hands. When he pulled away Rieka was really debating leaving again because she was sure no one in the world would kiss her like Petyr Baelish did.


'You damned fool.'' Ned hissed. That was always a good start Rieka thought as she passed the kings chambers.

''There is paper and ink on the table' Robert said through labored breaths. 'write down what I say... in the name of Robert of the house of Baratheon first of his... You know how it goes fill in the damn titles... I hear by command Eddard of house stark titles, titles.' he moaned, 'as Lord Regent and protector of the realm upon my death to rule in my stead until my son Joffrey comes of age.' Instead of writing Joffrey though Ned wrote the rightful heir. 'Give it to me.' Robert requested ned handed it over to Robert and he signed his name at the bottom, handing the ink back with a groan of pain.

''Give it to the council after I'm dead.' Robert instructed 'at least they can say I did this right this one thing..."

The king is dying, Rieka thought as she leaned up against the wall. Dead king, Joffrey will be king, Gods they were truly f*cked. Best get the hell out of the capital while they had a chance.

"- you will rule now. You will hate it worse than I did but you'll do it well.' Robert choked out a breath 'Daenerys Targaryen, the girl you were right, varys, little finger, my brother, all worthless no one to tell me no but you. Only you.' Robert remarked. 'Let her live, stop it, if it is not too late.'

'I will.' Ned agreed.

'My son, help him Ned, make him better than me.'

'I... I will do everything I can to honor your memory.' Ned assured.


"How did you hear this?" Arya questioned

"Im sneaky like that." Rieka agreed. "If father is hand and protector-"

"We can stay!" Arya declared

"Until joffrey is of age." Rieka corrected. "The Lannisters still hold the power and we will be f*cked when they do, you and I are not their favorite people."

"You." Arya sassed.

"Yeah okay, bite me, Joffrey is a c*nt." Rieka agreed as Avalon rolled over bringing a paw to her nose scratching her back on the bed, her butt wiggling back and forth, her tongue hanging out happily. Rieka reached out petting her tummy.

"How do we take the power back?" Arya questioned.

"That is a question for a wiser woman than I." Rieka corrected.


"So I had many thoughts about this king dying situation." Rieka remarked and Ned chuckled as she sat on his desk. "What if we just got rid of all the Lannisters?"


"No- just think it through. Tyrion is probably fine hes little. Arya could take him out-"

"You mother has Tyrion." Ned reminded her.

"Tell her to give him back." RIeka offered nonchalantly. "Or dont, I am indifferent on that particular lannister living past the moon." Rieka informed him seriously. "Jaime needs to go. Cersei too. Joffrey I would say send him to the wall because he would die within a week with the crows. Prissy thing never lifted a finger. Let him suffer."

"You hate him so much?" Ned questioned

"So much. Its just him. Who he is. I see it. I see the venom in him. Sansa doesnt see it, she refuses to see it, I refuse to let her be trapped by him." Rieka offered as the door opened and the slid off the desk and to her feet.

''My Lord Protector,' Petyr remarked closing the hand of the kings door with a humorous bow. "My lady."

"Give us a moment Rieka." Ned requested Rieka moved to Petyr hugging him and Petyr tried and failed to keep the smug smile off his face as ned scowled back at them.

"Hello my lady." Petyr purred kissing her gently.

"Hi." she whispered holding onto him.

''No. Stop. Now." Ned demanded immediately "I dont like it and we have bigger things to worry about." Ned reminded them.

"Next time you kiss mother I'm going to say nope, we have bigger things to worry about." Rieka mimicked and Ned rolled his eyes.

"the King has no trueborn sons Joffrey and Tommen are Jaime Lannister's bastards.' Ned informed Petyr.

''so when the King dies-'' Petyr began

''his throne passes to his brother Lord Stannis.''

''so it would seem... unless-' Petyr smirked

''there is no unless, he is the rightful heir nothing can change that." Ned reminded him

''-and he cannot take the throne without your help you would be wise to deny it to him and to make sure Joffrey succeeds .' Petyr countered.

"Make sure Joffrey succeeds?" Rieka questioned. "Petyr, what the hell?"

''do you have a shred of Honor?' Ned asked incredulously.

"you are now hand of the king and protector of the realm all of the power is yours you need only reach out and take it ...make peace with the Lannisters. release the IMP wed your daughter to Joffrey we've plenty of time to get rid of Stannis and if Joffrey seems likely to cause problems when he comes into his throne we simply reveal his little secret and seat Lord Renly there instead." Petyr offered.


"We are going to be family, hopefully." Petyr added looking to Rieka. ''and besides you'll need someone to share these burdens I assure you my price would be modest.'' Petyr offered.

''to suggest is treason." Ned spat

''only if we lose.'' Petyr countered.

"What if we fake peace and attack in the night?" Rieka countered.

"Vicious." Petyr purred.

"I'm never allowing my sister to marry Joffrey, I would sooner slit his throat." Rieka added.

"Careful dearest, the whispers." Petyr whispers his lips dragging over the shell of her ear.

''make peace with the Lannisters you say," Ned scoffed ''the people who tried to murder my boy.''

''we only make peace with our enemies my lord that's why it's called making peace." Petyr reminded him

''no I won't do it." Ned declared. Rieka nodded in agreement.

''so it will be Stannis and war." Petyr told him confidently.

"there is no other choice he is the heir." Ned spat back.

"so why did you call me here not for my wisdom clearly." Petyr mused. His gaze shifted to Rieka again was this Ned giving his blessing?

''you promised Catelyn you would help me... the Queen has a dozen knights and a hundred men-at-arms enough to overwhelm what remains of my household guard I need the gold cloaks, the city watch is 2,000 strong and sworn to defend the King's peace.'' Ned informed him

''look at you, you know what you want me to do you know it has to be done but it's not honorable so the words stick in your throat... when the Queen proclaims one king and the hand proclaims another whose peace do the gold cloaks protect? who do they follow?' Petyr asked him. "the man whos pays them.''

"Lies." Rieka corrected. "Its not just money."

"Rieka-" ned began.

"Dont you know your history father?" Rieka countered. "The gold cloaks back when Aegon II Targaryen came into power were paying the gold cloaks but they already held loyalty to prince Daemon because he gave them their cloaks and his bloodshed. The Lannisters have them. They fought with Jaime. We cant assume they will help us at all."

"Rieka you-"

"Your daughter is very smart." Petyr cut in. "Loyalty is important but any man has a price my dearest."

"This is why women should be in charge we have a stronger will."

"You need to go," Rieka begged but her smile said otherwise. Petyr took a step closer and her hands fisted his lapels of his jacket pulling him closer. "You are going to get me in trouble, I'm leaving and supposed to be falling out of love with you, not you spending the night in my bed." Rieka reminded him. Petyr took another step closer and Rieka laughed out.

"I hate that you are leaving." Petyr declared.

"I hate it." RIeka agreed. "I'm going to miss you... but hell we went all those years ravening, we can be raven pals again."

"I can never go back to just ravening you Rieka, not after I have seen you, held you, kissed you." Petyr corrected. "You and I... that was magical and I hate that we have to be do far away... but I do understand. I hate it but I understand."

'lord stark a moment,' renly requested. 'alone if you will?' ned followed Renly off. 'he named you protector of the realm. She won't care. Give me an hour and I can give you 100 men.'

'what can I do with 100 men?' ned questioned.

'attack, in the night, we take joffrey into custody. every moment you delay gives cersei time to prepare. By the time Robert dies it will be too late for us.'

''what about stannis?'ned questioned.

'save the seven kingdoms from cersei and give them to stannis?' He asked incredulously. 'You have odd notions of protecting the realm.'

'stannis is your older brother.' Ned corrected.

'the line of succession doesn't matter, it didn't matter when you rebelled against the mad king.' Renly reminded him. 'It shouldn't matter now. what's best for the kingdoms what's best for the people. We know what stannis is he inspires no trust or loyalty. I do.' Renly told him.

'Stannis is a commander. He's lead men into war twice, he destroyed a Greyjoy fleet.' Ned reminded him.

'yes he's a great solider so was Robert tell me do you believe good soldiers make good kings?' Renly countered.

'I will not honor Roberts last hours by shedding blood in these halls'. Ned informed him. 'And dragging frightened children from their beds.'

Ned went to Rieka only to see Petyr at her door. He looked at the smile on Rieka's face as she bid Petyr goodnight and watched him head down the hallway.

"I hope that just a goodnight." Ned warned and Rieka jumped.

"Father! Don't sneak up on me." Rieka declared a hand over her heart.

"I didnt sneak up on you, you were just otherwise focused on... someone else." Ned offered, Rieka grumbled an answer. "I have never seen you look at anyone like that." Ned remarked softly.

"Was there a purpose besides bringing up my nonexistent love life?" Rieka offered as she stepped back in her room.


"I'm going home remember, we all are, my union is broken and I'm... loveless." Rieka offered.

"You are not loveless, you are young and you can find another man back at winterfell." Ned assured.

"I know, its just... I really like Petyr." Rieka admitted. "Avalon likes him too... for what its worth."

"I wont force you to go home." Ned assured. "You can stay if you wish it but I would love it if you went with your sisters."

"I know and i want to go, to keep them safe although I think Arya might be better than I at this rate... I miss Robb but..." Rieka sighed.

"You know what Benjen says," Ned recalled.

"Nothing you ever say before the word but really counts." Rieka agreed.


"Petyr." Rieka agreed softly. "How about this, hear me out."

"I'm listening." Ned agreed as she hugged him.

"The north can be free and independent. The six other realms can deal with the damn lannisters." she suggested as Ned kissed her forehead.

"I love you." Ned reminded her. "I dont think i say it enough, but I do, I love you so much Rieka."

"I love you" Rieka echoed. "Daddio, I love you so much. This place is toxic. I miss the snow and Robb and Bran, Bran woke up and we need to be there for him." Rieka didnt know if she was trying to convince herself or Ned. "Then tell Jon the wall is stupid and he needs to come home. We can tell mother that Arya has to do her swordplay with the boys or else she will start chopping off heads in outrage and Sansa... find her a dornish prince perhaps?" Rieka suggested.

"My smart girl." Ned whispered. "It's late, I will see you in the morning." Ned hugged her again and she sighed into him. "You and Robb..." he stopped himself.

"What?" Rieka countered.

"You two are close." Ned offered.

"Yes." Rieka agreed confused. "He's my twin, I don't like being this far away from him. from any of them." Ned knew his girl wasnt like the lannisters, because Rieka never looked at Robb the way she did Petyr right then and there.

"I love you Rieka," Ned whispered kissing her forehead.

"I love you." She echoed as he left.


'We stand behind you lord stark.' they walked into the throne room, a united front.

'All hail your Grace King Joffrey of house Baratheon and Lannister the first of his name the king of the andals and the first man, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm.' Ned walked forward his cane clicking on the ground his leg still throbbing but he had a mission. Joffrey sat on the iron Throne

'I command the council to make all necessary arrangement for my coronation' Joffrey demanded 'I wish to be crowned within the Fortnight. Odds of fealty from my loyal council.''

''Ser barriston I believe no man here could have any question of your honor,' ned said he handed over the scroll to which he had wrote with Robert before he died

''It is King Roberts seal unbroken.' he announced stepping forward. 'Lord Eddard stark is here named protector of the realm,' he announced 'to rule as regent until the rightful heir comes of age.' Barristion said as cersei stood up annoyed. These Starks were not worth the hassle.

''May I see that letter ser Barristion?' Cersei requested sweetly but there was venom in her voice.

''Of course your Grace.' he walked up the steps delivering it to her before walking down. Sandor stared back at them, a dutiful guard to the king what a promotion he thought glumly.

''Protector of the realm?' She asked 'is this meant to be your shield lord stark?' she said ripping it up a piece of paper. She tore the pieces up throwing them to the ground.

''Those are the Kings words, the kings words!' ser barristion declared.

''We have a new King now' she informed him 'lord Eddard when we last spoke you offered me some counsel allow me to return the courtesy... bend the knee my Lord. Bend me and swear loyalty to my son and we shall allow you to live out the rest of your days at the great waste you call home.'

'''Your son has no claim to the throne.' Ned said

''LIAR!' Joffrey screamed. Ned should have told Robert when he had the chance and now it was going to be too late, liar, liar, Joffrey would have a crown and Ned would lose his girls to this monster.

'You condemn yourself with your own mouth lord stark. Ser barriston seize him. This traitor-' cersei demanded.

'Sir Barristion is a good man do not harm him.' Ned said as his men stepped forward

'Do you think he stands alone?' Cersei questioned as her guard step forward as well.

'Kill him.' Joffrey shouted 'kill him and kill them all I command it!' Sandor like a good dog drew his blade stepping forward with the rest of the knights. Petyr hesitated, he knew that Ned would die if he fought against all these guards, he knew that Ned would be sauntered here and now and Rieka would be heart broken, he didnt know what would happen to the girls when Ned was gone, it was better if he was taken into custody Petyr decided.

'Commander.' Ned said 'take the queen and her children into custody. Take them back to their Royal Apartments and keep them there under guard.'

'Unbelievable,' cersei muttered.

'I want no bloodshed no bloodshed,' ned repeated, 'so tell your men to lay down their swords no one needs to die.' Cersei looked around but there was blood shed as a Lannister forces came forward. Petyr wrapped blade around Ned's neck.

''Trust me.'' Petyr whispered in his ear. Ned gave him a side eyed glare. "Trust me." Petyr repeated.


'Sansa go to your room and bar the door.' Septa Mordane instructed.


"NOW.' Septa demanded as Sansa rushed down the hall. They grabbed her, she didn't put up a fight as they tossed her in a cell.


Arya watched in horror as Syrio was attack. He used his wooden sparing sword with elegance but he was no match for three knights and blades of steel. Arya wanted to help, she wanted to run, but all she could do was stare as Meryn Trant killed Syrio. They looked to Arya and she found her sanity and took off.


"Fetch!" Rieka declared and Avalon took off chasing after the ball for the millionth time. "Good girl, get it!" She threw it again and Avalon bound off again. She turned at Petyr running towards her, Avalon dropped the ball at her feet patiently.

"Rieka," Petyr declared holding onto her, he had been worried, he didnt know what Cersei would do. He saw a frantic Sansa as he passed Rieka's room only to find if empty. He heard avalon and made his way to Rieka as quick as he could. ALthough he was sure the Avalon could and would rip heads off anyone that tried to harm Rieka, he didnt want to leave her fate in the pups hands.

"Hello Petyr, what's going on?" Rieka asked glancing around as guards suddenly flanked her.

"Rieka, love come with me." Petyr requested and the look in his eyes said it wasnt optional. He held out his hand patiently as her gaze shifted from the guards to Petyr. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her closer. "Stick with me, I will keep you safe."

"What happened?" She whispered as Avalon chased after them. he held tight to her. Avalon snarled at the guards as they approached her.

"Don't ask questions, not yet," PEtyr instructed. "I will keep you safe. I promise."


"Petyr whats going on?" Rieka demanded. "Where are my sisters? My father? Where is he?" she begged pulling him to a stop.

"He was over powered, he was going to get hurt." Petyr whispered. "The red coats, the kings guard, you were right about loyalty, they were on the Lannister's side and now... Now my dearest your father is in chains."


"They are calling him a traitor of the crown." Petyr remarked gently. Rieka shook her head confused. "I'm sorry my sweetling." Petyr coed holding onto her.

"Where are they? Where is my family?" RIeka begged. "I need to see them."

"Just sit and listen, hear Cersei out." Petyr encouraged as they walked. "Don't let your temper show, I'm right here. I'm on your side, I'm right here. I will keep you safe."

Rieka didnt understand but then she saw Sansa shaking and she ran from Petyrs side to Sansa hugging her tight.

"RIeka whats going on?" Sansa whimpered out.

"I don't know." Rieka whispered.

'You father has proved to be an awful traitor, my dear." Varys actually seemed sadden at that as they sat down. Eyes glaring down at them. If they thought Ned was a traitor then they were all in danger. Rieka looked to sandor standing behind Joffrey before looking to Petyr as he touched her back gently. He whispered words she couldnt hear over the ringing in her ears.

"King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne." Pycelle, actually believed the words he was saying to be truth.

"He wouldn't do that." Rieka told them. "The king was his eldest friend. My father is a good man. He was not plotting, he just wants what is best, to honor his eldest friend." RIeka assured them all but they were already stuck in their ways, Rieka looked to Petyr for help but he looked to his feet, unable to meet her gaze.

"Please, Your Grace, there's been a mistake." Sansa looked between them. "Send for my father. He'll tell you. The King was his friend." Sansa continued to plead, she wanted her father, she clung to Rieka nervously. Rieka wanted Avalon to tear their throats out, all of them.

"Sansa, Rieka sweetlings, you are innocent of any wrong. We know that. Yet you are the daughters of a traitor. How can I allow you to marry my son?" Cersei sat there, tall and proud of her accomplishment. RIeka was not sweet, the queen knew what trouble Rieka was a troubled loud mouth that was bond to follow in her fathers footsteps and rebel as well. Cersei would be glad to be rid of her too.

"Then Sansa wont marry him and we go home and live out our days in the north." Rieka agreed immediately. Petyr didnt like that idea.

"A child born of a traitor's seed is no fit consort for our King. She might be a sweet thing now. Your Grace, but in ten years who knows what treasons she may hatch?" Pycelle's reminded her.

"I won't hatch anything." Sansa declared confidently.

"We will take our father and our sister... and go home... where is Arya?" Rieka questioned looking to petyr hoping his web of spies would know. He shook his head, he did not.

"The girls are innocent... your grace. They should be given a chance to prove their loyalty." Petyr told her as he moved closer to Rieka.

"Just because she is your betrothed doesnt mean she wont change her loyalties like Ned Stark did." Cersei sneered.

"My loyalty-" Rieka began with venom on her tongue but Petyr pulled her back begging her silently to remain silent herself.

"Little Doves, you must write to Lady Catelyn and your brother, the eldest.."

"Robb." Sansa filled in his name for her as Cersei nodded and grabbed a piece of paper for Sansa. She knew Sansa would bend easier than Rieka. Robb, her twin, her other half. Rieka thought about Robb reading that letter and believing it to be true, not words forced upon them. The hurt she could already feel and see in his eyes thinking they sided with the Lannisters.

"Word of your father's arrest will reach him soon, no doubt. Best it comes from you. If you would help your father urge your brother to keep the King's Peace. Tell him to come to King's Landing and swear his fealty to Joffrey." Cersei demanded.

"Swear to-" Rieka again was silently hushed as Petyrs grip on her tightened he didnt need her thrown into a cell too.

"If...If I could see my father... perhaps I could... Talk to him about-" sansa tried.

"Let us talk to him." Rieka agreed loudly. "Make him see reason." she lied, her father was right, whatever he said was truth and the lannisters were spinning it for their gain. Rieka knew her father was a good man and it was the lannisters that were ruining their life.

"You disappoint me, child. We have told you of your father's treason. Why would you want to speak to a traitor?"

"He is our father." Rieka barked back. "I assume you want to see your brother after he attacked my father in the streets." Cersei glared back at her. "Who is the real traitor?" Petyr wished she would silence her words, he could only protect her so much. He worried that Rieka would lose her head too if she kept pushing.

"What will happen to him?" Sansa's mind raced thinking of the worst.

"That depends." Cersei told her.

"On...' sansa swallowed the lump in her throat. 'on what?"

"On your brother. And on you two." Cersei gave Sansa the paper and quill. Sansa nodded, and cersei told her what to write, a smug smile on cerseis face. Rieka felt weak, her mind racing, her heart pounding she tried to stand up but her face was pale and she collapsed into Petyr, he held her up, her head was spinning and her eyes fluttered closed.


'You are summoned to Kings Landing to swear fealty to the new king.' the master told Robb.

'Joffrey put my father in chains and now he wants his ass kissed?' Robb questioned incredulously.

'You refuse to obey-'

'I don't refuse. his grace summoned me to Kings Landing then I will come to Kings Landing.' Robb said 'but not alone.' he handed back the scroll 'call the banners'

'All of them my Lord?'

'They've all sworn to protect my father have they not?' Robb questioned

'They have.' he agreed

'Then we will see what their words are worth.' Robb told him, Theon nodded in agreement Ned Stark was like a father to him. He was willing to go to war for him to get him back.

"Rieka..." Theon whispered.

"We get them all back." Robb declared confidently but he felt light headed, he felt Rieka's pain and fear and wondered if she knew he was coming for her.


'Lord stark you must be thirsty.' Varys said kneeling before him handing him a jug of water. 'I promise you it's not poisonous.' he said uncorked it, taking a sip before handing it over. And Ned took a long chug. 'Not so much my Lord I would save the rest if I were you, hide it men have been known to die of thirst in the cells.'

'What about my daughters?'

'The younger one has seem to escape the castle even my birds cannot seem to find her.'

'And Rieka? Sansa?'

'Lord Baelish is keep a close eye on Lady Rieka. As for Sansa well, she is still engaged to Joffrey, Cersei will keep her close the rest of your household though are all dead it appears. I hate the sight of blood.' Varys admitted.

'You watched my men being slaughtered and you did nothing.' Ned sneered.

'And I would again my Lord I was unarmed and surrounded by Lannister swords. when you look at me do you see a hero?" Ned took another sip 'what madness led you to tell the queen the truth about Joffrey's birth?'

'The madness of mercy. That she might protect her children.' ned admitted

'the children, it's always the innocent to suffer... It wasn't the wine that killed Robert or the boar though the wine slowed him down and the boar ripped him open but it was your mercy that killed the king. I trust you... but you are a dead man lord Eddard stark.' Varys told him.

'The queen can't kill us,' Ned said confidently. 'we have her brother.' Ned reminded him.

'The wrong brother sadly.' Varys informed him. 'Besides, your wife has let the imp slip through her fingers.'

'If that is true then slit my throat and be done with it.' Ned declared.

'Not today my Lord'

'Tell me some thing Varys who do you truly serve?' Ned questioned curiously.

'The realm my Lord. Someone must.' Varys said walking away and leaving him in darkness.

Rieka and Sansa had been confirmed to their chambers, Arya was still missing and Petyr couldnt bare to look at Rieka's seeing her broken face and knowing he couldnt help her. He held onto her claiming she was his responsibility since her father was incapacitated, he didnt want her anywhere near here, he missed her smile, she was angry and bitter now.

'Do you deny your father's crime?" Petyr questioned gently, Sansa clung to Rieka as she ran a hand up and down her back.

Petyr had tried to show he was an ally with Sansa, Rieka already adored him but Sansa was a nervous little dove and she was almost believing him when he said he wanted to help. But maybe it was her lack of communication with anyone else that her had mind betrayed that Petyr wasnt the villain. But Rieka liked him, so Sansa had to believe that he was a good man too. RIeka wouldnt fall in love with a monster, would she?

"No, My Lords. We know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know my Lord Father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him. You all know he loved him. He never wanted to be Hand until the King asked him. They must have lied to him, Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!" Sansa spoke truthfully and honestly, begging for her father.

Rieka had so much to say but Petyr had begged her to hold her tongue she wasnt in favor with the queen he didnt want her in any more trouble. So Rieka leaned into Petyr and kept her lips slammed shut. He ran a hand up and down her arms as she bit her lip.

"Your father said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that?" Joffrey shouted.

"Because you arent." Rieka mumbled under her breath. Petyr nuzzled into her neck whispering, Save you pretty head Rieka.

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn't himself. Otherwise he never would have said it." Rieka declared. He wasnt stupid as to confront the prince in public, calling him a bastard. Ned Stark was smarter than that, yet here they were. Maybe he did, maybe he declared it and Ned wasnt thinking clearly, he could have manipulated the prince, the bastard prince, he should have been sneaky like Petyr wanted, maybe he wouldnt be in chains right now.

"A child's faith. Such sweet innocence. And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes." Varys said solemnly.

"Treason is treason!" pycelle declared.

"Anything else?" Joffrey sat pompously in the iron throne. Make him believe you love him, Petyr told Rieka and Sansa. Sansa did love him and think the best of him still, because Sansa was an idiot.

He is an arrogant, pompous child he will believe you if you fall to your knees and proclaim love in your heart for your king. Rieka looked to Petyr and he nodded it was the only way, Rieka hated it, hated what she was going to do but she pulled away from Sansa and dropped to her knees.

"Please... If you still have any affection in your heart for my sister, as we do for you... please do us this kindness, Your Grace." Rieka begged. Joffrey leaned back in his chair debating Rieka's words.

"Your sweet words have moved me. But your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the King. Or there'll be no mercy for him."

"He will." Sansa agreed. Rieka slowly pulled herself off her knees and she felt like a whor* as she got up, selling her soul. She never wanted to kneel for a man again. Not Joffrey, no man. They should bow down before her, she liked that better. Now the next mission on the agenda, get Ned out of the prisons.


"Do you really think if my father confesses Joffrey will let him live?" Rieka asked quietly.

"That is the hope." Petyr lied as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Thank you Petyr for everything, you have been a true friend, I'm glad... I... dont know what I would do without you." Rieka remarked.

"Well hopefully you never have to find out." Petyr offered.

"You still want to marry me?" Rieka rasped. "I'm the daughter of a false traitor and a traitor to the crown no less."

"I love you." Petyr declared. "I want to marry you, nothing would make me happier."

"Im trouble, I might be losing my head soon enough too." Rieka added. "You might want to reconsider that answer."

"Never. I can't wait to marry you." Petyr assured her.

''Lord Baelish.'' Petyr and Rieka turned around to see Cersei and her guards approaching.

''your grace.'' they echoed. Petyr held rieka a little closer and she felt him tense slightly.

''I wonder if I might ask you for a favor." Cersei asked coming up to Petyr

''of course your grace.' Petyr said turning to her. "Why don't you head back to your chambers. I will see you soon." Petyr suggested kissing her temple and Rieka nodded curtseying to the queen before leaving silently but the queens words made Rieka halt.

''Ned Stark's youngest daughter Arya... we can't seem to locate her." Cersei remarked calmly.

" if she's escaped the capital Winterfell seems the logical destination." Petyr offered. That was the hope, she was headed home, to Robb, Robb would protect her.

''and yet my friends in the North report no sign of her." Cersei corrected.

''Curious.'' Petyr offered simply. He knew, he hoped for Rieka's sake that Arya stayed out of Cersei's grasp.

''if we choose to negotiate the Starks the girl has some value whoever finds her well you know what they say about Lannister's and debts.'' Cersei reminded him calmly. RIeka peered out from behind a pillar to hear better. They were looking for Arya but Arya was smart, so smart she wouldnt get caught by cersei. RIeka hoped she was safe but knowing Cersei didnt have her or already had her killed was enough for the moment.

''well you could ask Varys where she is she'll have an answer for you whether you believe it myself I have always had a hard time trusting eunuchs who knows what they want.'' Petyr chuckled innocently.

''a mockingbird you created your own sigil didn't you?' Cerise remarked looking to his pin.

''yes.'' Petyr said touching it gently. He was excited for Rieka to adorn his sigil.

''appropriate for a self-made man with so many songs to sing.'' Cersei mused Petyr offered her a smile.

'' I'm glad you like it. some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family others have to find their own way." Petyr told her.

'' I heard a song once about a boy of modest means found his way into the home of a very prominent family he loved the eldest daughter sadly she had eyes for another.'' Cersei recalled and there was bitterness in her gaze.

''when boys and girls live in the same home awkward situations can arise, but I'm better off now than I was before." Petyr assured. "I'm quite happy with my engagement to Rieka Stark, she remains innocent in all this." Cersei hummed a disagreement.

"Pinning after the daughter of the woman you once loved." Cersei tsked.

"I liked Cat, like a sister, as I said... Rieka and I are happy." Petyr assured. "You know, sometimes I've heard even brothers and sisters develop certain affections and when those affections become common knowledge well that is an awkward situation indeed especially in a prominent family prominent families often forget a simple truth I found.'' Petyr added.

"in which tooth is that?'

''knowledge is power." Petyr told her.

''seize him." Cersei instructed and Petyr was grabbed his eyes went wide as he struggled in their grip. ''cut his throat." Petyr trashed trying to get free Rieka took a step forward but she was too far away to help, she choked out a breath. 'stop." Cersei smirked. "oh wait.... I've changed my mind let him go." They let go of Petyr and Rieka's eyes went wide her heart raced. Petyr was her friend, her fiancé, she loved him, and he was their only ally in the capital and cersei so easily could have killed him.

''step back three paces." Cersei instructed as Petyr breathed labored breaths watching her guards moved. ''turn around close your eyes..." she approached Petyr with threatening steps. ''power is power. Do see if you can take some time away from your coins and your whor*s to locate the stark girl for me. I was truly appreciate it." Cersei told him before marching away.

Petyr glanced to Rieka and saw true worry for him in her eyes. He composed himself as he walked to her. He reached out a hand for hers and she held tight to him.

"She could have..." Rieka whimpered into him.

"I'm alright." Petyr assured.

"This time, what about the next time?" Rieka rasped and he wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed it gently.


'You have seen better days my Lord.'

'Another visit?' ned questioned varys.

'Rieka and Sansa came to court this morning to plead for your life.' Varys informed him.

'I don't need her begging for me, did you laugh with the others?' Ned asked

'You do me wrong my Lord your blood is the last thing I want.'

'What do you want?'

'When I was still a boy before they cut my balls off with a hot knife I traveled with a group of actors through the free cities they taught me that each man has a role to play the same is true at court. I am the master of whispers. I am a good actor my Lord.'

'Can you free me from this pit?' ned spat.

'I could but will I? No. As I said I'm no hero.' Varys reminded him.

'What do you want? no riddles no stories tell me what you want?' Ned begged

'Please do you know that your son is marching south with an army of Northman?' He said kneeling before him 'fighting for his father's freedom'

'Robb, he's just a boy.' Ned muttered.

'Boys have been conquerors before but the man giving Cersei the keys is the Kingdom... the Brothers ban together with Stannis. He has the best claimed to the throne he's a battle commander and he is-'

'Renly doesn't think so.' Ned remarked

'Rieka pleaded so sweetly for your life it would be a shame to throw it away. She dropped to her knees and begged." Varys remarked.

Ned couldnt picture that. Rieka was not one to beg she was one to fight. She must truly be scared. Or desperate. Ned sighed kneading his hands together, Rieka on her knees begging for him to be released.

"Cersei is no fool she knows a Wolf is useful to her more alive, than a dead one.' Varys went on.

'Do you want me to serve the woman who killed my king? who butchered my men? who crippled my son?' ned questioned incredulously.

'I want you to serve the realm.' he shouted 'tell the queen you will confess your vile treason and tell your son to lay down his sword and proclaim Joffrey as the true heir that he is. Cersei knows you as a man of honor if you give her the peace she needs and promise to carry her secret to the grave I believe she will allow you to take the black and allow you to live out your days there with your bastard son.' Varys informed him.

'You think my life is some precious thing to me? That I would trade my honor for a few more years... Of what? You grew up with actors you learn the craft and you learned well.' Ned told him 'but I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago.'

'Pity,' varys said 'such a pity. what of your daughters life.... my Lord? is that a precious thing to you?'


Rieka lay curled up beside Petyr, he ran a hand along her side as Rieka pet Avalon's soft fur. She had so many questions so many unknown possibilities but she was scared to ask any of them. She didnt think she would like the answer, so she held to Avalon and Petyr finding strength in them.

"Do you need anything?" Petyr questioned as she shifted laying her head on his chest.

"Just you." Rieka assured. She had grown used to Petyr being beside her. Falling asleep next to her, his body warm beside her. She liked it, she wondered what would happen when this was over and their father was released, if he would go home, to the wall, she didnt know, she could only hope he would be released. She knew she couldnt stay here, they would never be safe but she didnt want to leave Petyr either.

So she was going to take it one day at a time. Breath by breath, heartbeat by heartbeat until she wasnt scared of what the future held.

Petyr held tight to Reika, Avalon was kept at Petyrs, which Rieka didnt like one bit but they both decided that no matter what happened the capital wasnt a safe spot for Avalon, Rieka didnt feel safe putting Avalon in her own chambers and Petyr suggested his place. Rieka agreed, what if they came after her pup next?

Rieka saw her father being brought onto the stage and Rieka pulled away from Petyr hugging him tight just in case.

"I love you, I love you so much." Rieka whimpered into him.

"I love you Rieka," Ned rasped as Cersei demanded the hound to remove Rieka from her father. Rieka felt Sandors hand on her and she pulled away from him. Petyr stepped forward.

"I got her." Petyr assured nudging Sandor away. Ned gripped Petyr's arm.

"Protect them." Ned begged softly. Petyr locked eyes with Ned and never saw him so desperate before.

"I will protect them with my life." Petyr agreed. Rieka held tight to Petyr's hand as Ned faced the crowd.

'I am Eddard Stark. Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King." Ned looked to sansa. Petyr kept a hand on Rieka to keep her from running but she wasn't going to run. Petyr held her a little closer though, she let out a shaky breath, she had to hope for the best but she feared the worst.

Ned let out a sigh as Sansa's eyes pleaded with him. Rieka tried to be brave. She tried but silent tears fell from her cheeks as she reached for sansa's hand. This was the end of Eddard Stark as they knew it, Rieka felt it and she hated it, she hated that this was the end because she couldnt imagine a world without Eddard Stark, her father, her hero.

"I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my King and the trust of my friend Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children. But before his blood was cold I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself." Ned lied, the crowd started yelling at him again, some throwing rocks at his head. Rieka cringed back and Petyr held her closer, more tears falling, her father was a good man, honorable and brave, she couldn't lose him. Her father was her favorite person in the whole world, she couldnt lose him. She couldnt... she choked out a sob as a stone hit his face drawing blood. Rieka wanted to run out and set him free, to take Cersei and joffrey's heads instead. Petyr held her tighter sensing her need for true justice.

"Let the high septon and Baelor the blessed bear witness to what I say. Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne by the grace of all the Gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the Realm." The crowd once again started yelling at him. Sansa looked to Joffrey hopefully but Rieka kept her gaze on Ned. He was lying to try and save his head to keep them from losing a father. Rieka's knees threatened to give way as she saw Joffrey's vicious smile, he was going to make an example out of her father.

"As... As we sin...' pycelle continued seeing Joffrey loving the attention. 'So do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of Gods and men. The Gods are just but beloved Baelor taught us they can also be merciful. What is to be done with this traitor, Your Grace?" Pycelle turned to Joffrey. Joffrey waved a hand settling the crowd.

"My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night's Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my Lady Sansa and her sister Rieka have begged mercy for their father." He turned to look at Sansa and Rieka but Rieka was focused on Ned. Sansa however smiled just slightly at Joffrey. "But they have the soft hearts of women. So long as I am Your King treason shall never go unpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!"

"NO!" Rieka screamed as the crowd erupted into cheers. Sansa lunged forward but Meryn grabbed her, keeping her back. Petyr held tight to Rieka but she was strong, there was that power of the wolf. She screamed and sobbed out, Sandor saw Petyr losing his grip on her and held Rieka back. 'No, no, no.' she sobbed trashing in Sandor's grasp. Ned looked to her again, an apologetic look on his face. "FATHER!" Rieka screamed out. As the sword was brought above his head, a single motion, swish, it was through his neck. Ned's head lay on the ground. Joffrey smiled down to it. Cersei stood confused as Sansa sobbed for her father, pulling at Meryn's arms. Rieka stopped fighting, she dropped to her knees unable to believe what her eyes were seeing, her vision soon clouded with tears. Petyr knelt beside her holding onto her.

It was all she could do to not rip Joffrey's head off right then and there.

"Hound. Do me the honor." Joffrey demanded. Sandor pulled away from Rieka as she shook curled up on the ground. Sandor picked up Ned's head for all to see. Rieka gaze shifted up to him and she thought she might just hate Sandor too.


Rieka curled up beside Sansa that night, Arya was missing and their father was dead. Rieka couldnt close her eyes though. She saw the blade drop, saw her fathers head roll the stage every time she closed her eyes.

They were prisoners again and their father was dead because of a vindictive little boy, a bastard with no honor. Jon would have made a better king. He had honor and justice, bravery... Rieka thought about her family hearing the news of their fathers deaths, thought about Robb. It made her want her family and the safety of winterfell all the more.

'You look nice.'

'Thank you my lord.' Sansa said stiffly as she followed Joffrey along. Joffrey was too awful to even pretend that he was a half decent human being.

'Your grace.' Joffrey corrected. 'I'm king now. walk with me, I want to show you something.'

"Of course... your grace." Sansa agreed.

'Do as you are bid.' Sandor told Sansa and she glanced back at him. He gave her a little nudge. Sansa wanted Rieka here, she would protect her.

'And as soon as you had your blood I will put a son in you, mother says that shouldn't be long.' Joffrey remarked as they walked and then sansa realized where they were.

'No, please no!" Sansa begged pulling away but Meryn Trant held her put. Sansa went pale.

"I dont know why he wanted to see me." Rieka grumbled. "I hate him, he is lucky I dont..." Rieka hesitated and Petyr stumbled into her.

"Sorry love..." Petyr too knew where they were.

"He... I can't." Rieka whimpered looking to Petyr. "I cant look at him up there, see his face on the wall like a monster... I just-" Rieka sobbed out already at the thought of seeing her handsome and charming father dead and in a state of decay on the wall.

"You dont have to." Petyr agreed. "I will bring you-"

"NO!" Sansa sobbed out.

"sh*t." Rieka murmured. She shook herself off and marched forward, Petyr loved her strength.

"'This one is your father, this one here.' Joffrey told them. 'look at him and see what happens to traitors!'' Rieka held onto Sansa's hand when she got to her. But seeing their father, she lost her strenght.

'You promised to be merciful.' Sansa whimpered not looking up, her eyes slammed closed. Rieka felt her knees buckle as she stumbled back a step but Sandor kept her upright inching her forward just slightly.

'I was, I gave him a clean death.' Joffrey corrected. 'look at him.'

"Just let us go home. You can rule and we will sing your praise from here to winterfell." Rieka suggested.

'Please let us go home I swear I won't do any treason,' sansa sobbed. "Right Rie, we wont!"

'mother says I'm still to marry you, Sansa," He hissed out her name "so you stay here and obey. LOOK AT HIM!" sansa's eyes slowly looked up to her fathers head. Joffrey grabbed the front of Rieka's dress pulling her forward taring the fabric. Petyr didnt like that one bit he stepped forward about to tell Joffrey to unhand his bride to be but Rieka's gaze turned deadly as she eyes locked on Joffrey and he let her go nervously, he saw venom in her gaze. 'W-Well?''

''How long do I have to look?'' Rieka questioned still glaring at Joffrey.

'as long as it pleases me... do you want to see the rest?" Joffrey questioned happily as he took another step away from Rieka.

'If it pleases your grace.' Rieka answered stiffly, she took a step in front of Sansa blocking her view.

'That one there is your septa.' Joffrey told her and Rieka stared up at septa mordane, honestly with everything going on she had forgotten about her. ''I will tell you what. I am going to give you a present.' Joffrey went on as Rieka stared up at their severed heads Sansa shivered into her back. 'After I raise my armies and I kill your traitor brothers I'm going to give you his head as well.' Joffrey told Sansa and Rieka as she was staring up at her father severed head. Her perfect father, his head... on a wall, she wanted to cry and scream and kill the c*nt right now. Then she looked to Joffrey again taking another step towards him. "Your twins head, won't that be wonderful."

'Or maybe he will give me yours.' Rieka threatened staring Joffrey in the eyes.

'my mother tells me a king should never strike his lady,' joffrey said calmly but nervously as Rieka looked like she would kill him in that moment. If Meryn and the hound were not so loyal he might have shown his fears. He couldnt imagine being alone with Rieka Stark, she embodied power of the wolf.

'Ser meryn.' Joffrey declared and Meryn spun Rieka around slapping her hard twice in the face. RIeka tasted the metal tang of blood on her tongue. Petyr shouted his outrage putting space between them.

"I'm wide awake Meryn, careful boy, you have a sword but I have claws." Rieka growled before turning back to Joffrey. Rieka looked to the catwalk Joffrey was standing on it would be a long way down. She took a few steps forward, just one push, her pain would be done and they could run but sandor grabbed her arm spinning her around.

"Here girl.' Sandor held out a rag for her bloody lip.

'Will you obey now? or do you need another lesson?" Joffrey questioned. Rieka's gaze shifted back to him. "I will look for you in court' Joffrey said marching off. Sansa nodded softly.

"Can't f*cking wait." Rieka agreed sarcastically as he went.

'save yourself some pain girl. Give him what he wants.' Sandor said following after Joffrey.

"I see you Sandor Clegane." Rieka declared and his step hesitated but he kept his back to her, Petyr wrapped an arm around her. "I see the real you Clegane and I never want to see you again."


Rieka didnt remember leaving her chambers for the next moon. Sansa and her were exclusively crying in bed. Rieka stopped eating, but Petyr visited more seeing Rieka's broken state he wanted to bring her smile back. He didnt know how though.

Then he thought what did all of Rieka's misery have in common? The capital. The castle. Seeing Joffrey and his family every damn day. He knew what he needed to do. He hoped he would be able to get her smiling again.


'My sword is yours the victory and defeat.' Theon said 'to this day until my last day.'

'The king of the north'

'The king of the north'

'The king of the north!' they repeated as they all bow down before Robb laying their swords at his feet.

Robb would feel more accomplishment in this title if he wasnt going to war with the people that still held his sisters captive. He knew Rieka was a fighter but he felt broken at the news of his fathers murder and was sure Rieka was feeling the same.

Rieka Was miserable. She lost her father and her little sister and she was terrified to come. She didn't know about her union petyr wants to come with that if you even wanted to marry her still. But he kept coming around kept showing her that he cared giving her little gifts but what was most impressive was...

"An early wedding gift!" Petyr declared

"You bought us a..." She looked around "house? apartment? Mini castle?" She mused looking around the top level of one of his establishments away from everyone else, private and secure. She would be safe, Avalon would have more room to run. "You know I have a place at the castle-"

"This is for us," he corrected "when we wed." he added.

"You still wanna marry me?" Rieka questioned taking a step towards him.

"Of course I do my dearest but this isn't the only present." Petyr declared and Rieka's heart swelled. He put his hands over her eyes and walk to deeper into the top level suite.

It was beautiful and spacious had a kitchen an off suite bath, a bed so large against the pale blue wall she wanted to swim in its luxurious sheets.

He dropped his hand to his side and told her to open her eyes she did and a beautiful piano revealed before her. She thought this was the first time she truly smiled since her father died. She moved it silently and pressed down gently on the keys.

She moved it silently and pressed down gently on the keys
He watched her curiously. Her fingers trilled along the keys and she smiled back at him. She had never known anything more precious than creating something beautiful mixing her own notes together to make the most marvelous creations.

"What do you think?" He asked taking a step towards her

"I love it," she declared spinning around towards him. "It's too much it's much too much and I love it!'' she exclaimed hugging him tight.

"I'm glad, I hoped to find something to bring your smile back." Petyr remarked.

"Thank you, you are so sweet Petyr."

"You can come here when ever you please, this is your home now too, if you like it." Petyr added.

"I love it." Rieka agreed. "Petyr..."

"Yes my love?"

"I can't wait to marry you."


Joffrey's name day celebration was in full swing and Rieka was bored out of her mind. She had been trying to be less like herself, more silent and less I'm going to rip your head off towards Joffrey for Sansa's sake. Rieka expected them to cut off her head for all the sh*t she spewed to Cersei and Joffrey but no. Here they were. Rieka poured herself another drink. A man was currently having wine pour down his throat to the point of choking Joffrey was smiling maliciously

'You can't!' Sansa sputtered

'What did you just say? Did you just say I can't?' Joffrey questioned. Rieka cleared her throat, protect your sister ran through her mind.

'My sister just mean that would be bad luck to kill a man on name day.' Rieka clarified. Sansa nodded in agreement.

'Some sort of peasant superstition.' Joffrey muttered brushing it off.

"I drink and I know things." Rieka offered rising her cup to him, joffrey scoffed as Rieka finished what might have been her 6th cup, she stopped counting after she remembered she was a prisoner and would rather drink herself to death than watch her sister marry Joffrey.

'No the girl is right,' Sandor told him, Rieka spared him a glance, was he trying to win back into her good graces, if he ever was. 'what a man sows on his name day he reaps all year.''

''Take him away I will have him killed tomorrow, the fool.' Joffrey said as the man was thrown to the ground spewing out the wine that was forced down him.

'A fool, you are so clever.' Sansa remarked as Rieka poured another glass. 'he would make a much better fool than a knight, he does not deserve the mercy of a quick death.'

Quick death. Mercy. I showed him mercy, joffreys voice rang out in Rieka's head and it only made her want to drown him, strangle him, burn him to the ground until he was nothing but ash. Wow, very Targaryen of her, maybe she should be queen. Mad Queen, Rieka stark, I will burn your evil bastard king and bring the queens justice to the realms. She was already thinking of her campaign speech.

'Did you hear my lady? from this day you will be my new fool.' Joffrey decreed.

'Thank you your Grace and you my lady thank you.' He said bowing before them nervously.

'Beloved nephew' Tyrion said approaching 'we looked for you on the battlefield you were nowhere to be found.' Tyrion remarked pouring a glass of wine.

'I've been here ruling the kingdom's.' Joffrey said pompously.

'And what a fine job you've done...' Tyrion turned to his younger niece and nephew. 'look at you more beautiful than ever and you, you are going to be than the hound but much better looking,' Tyrion said talking to Myrcella and Tommen. 'he doesn't like me,' tyrion said to Bronn, motioning to Sandor.

'I can't understand why...' Bronn said standing next to Sandor.

"My ladies." Tyrion remarked looking between Rieka and Sansa.

"I do hope mummy wasnt to harsh with you." Rieka remarked with a smirk. "She has been known to be a rule follower but ever since the Lannisters came to winterfell she has been in such a rebellious mood." Tyrion chuckled meeting Rieka's gaze.

"I have noticed that." Tyrion remarked. "Oh, your brother says hello. Robb, he wasnt the friendliest to me but when I passed by Winterfell he said when I made it to the capital- that was before all hell broke loose-" Tyrion clarified when Rieka's breath caught in her chest. "Well, he says hello."

"Thank you." Rieka whispered her attitude gone.

'Well,' Tyrion took a step back 'I wish I could stay and celebrate but there is work to be done,' Tyrion informed Joffrey. "So lovely to see you again Lady Rieka."

"Goodbye Lord Tyrion." Rieka said softly, she no longer felt like drinking the day away.


‘A raven arrived from the citadel this morning your grace and we have received reports from maesters all over and has declared this great summer is done. The longest summer in living memory,’ maester Pycelle told them.

‘Most think that long summers mean even longer winters,’ Varys noted.

‘I would not call on superstition’ the grand maester corrected.

‘We have enough supplies to last five years but any longer we can deal with a few were peasants.’ Petyr offered nonchalantly. ‘The city is dying and with nowhere to house them once winter comes we expect the worst-‘

‘Close the citadel... How did you even get a title, you not a Lord.’ Cersei remarked.

‘I own my titles to your Lord father Tywins generosity.’ Petyr told them.

‘Then shut the gates they belong in the field not in our capital.’ Cersei informed them.

‘Yes your grace.’ Petyr agreed. Then whistling was heard as Tyrion came in. Petyr half expected Rieka to come strutting in but he was disappointed.

‘Don’t get up’ Tyrion told them ‘hello big sister,’ cersei wore her usual scowl when it came to tyrion. ‘this weather agrees with you.’ Tyrion kissed her cheek before heading to his seat at the small council table. ‘Forgive the interruption everyone...’

‘What are you doing here?’ Cersei questioned

‘It’s been a remarkable journey. I pissed off the edge of the wall, I slept in the sky, fought with the Hill Tribes so many adventures, so much to be thankful for.’ Tyrion remarked.

‘What are you doing here? This is the small council.’ Cersei reminded him.

‘Yes well I do believe the hand of the King is welcome at all small council meetings,’ Tyrion told her.

‘Father is hand of the King’ she corrected

‘Yes but in his absence...’ Tyrion pulled out a note varys read it over

‘Your father. Has named Tyrion hand of the King in his absence.’ Varys informed her.

‘Everyone out! Everyone out!’ Cersei screamed but Tyrion did not move. ‘I would like to know how you tricked father into this.’ Cersei demanded.

‘If I was capable into tricking father I would be the emperor of the world by now,’ Tyrion informed her with a grin as he poured himself a drink. ‘you brought this on yourself.’

‘I’ve done nothing!’ she told him sternly.

Petyr would have rather been rieka anyways and was glad to be done with this meeting and find her, she was excited to marry him he was excited to marry her.

‘Quite right you did nothing.’ tyrion told her. ‘when your sh*t of a son called for Ned starks head and now the entire north has risen up against you.’

‘I tried to stop it’ she told them.

‘Did you? Well you failed.’ Tyrion sassed. ‘Yes, that bit of theater will haunt our family for generations.’ Tyrion informed her.

‘Robb Stark is a child!’ Cersei declared.

‘A child who has won every battle he has fought,’ tyrion reminded her ‘do you understand what losing the war means?’' Petyr hesitated at the door. Rieka would like to know that her brother was doing very well in battle, but it would have made her more nervous as well.

‘What do you know about war?’ Cersei spat.

‘Nothing. But I know people. And I know people hate each other almost as much as they hate us.’

‘Joffrey is King.’

‘Joffrey is King.’ Tyrion agreed.

‘‘You are here to advise him’ cersei said looking down to him.

‘Only here to advise him.’ tyrion agreed. ‘if the king listens to what I have to say the king might just get his uncle Jaime back.’ Tyrion told her and that caught her attention.

‘How?’ she questioned pathetically.

‘Do you love your children it is your one redeeming quality, the stark also love their children and we have three of them.’ Tyrion reminded her.

‘Two of them’ cersei corrected

‘Two?’ He spat.

‘Arya the little one got away’ cersei told them.

‘What in a puff of smoke? We had four, four starks to trade. you chopped ones head off and let one escape. Father would be furious.’ Tyrion told her letting out a deep breath before a smirk appeared on his face. ‘Must be hard for you. To be the disappointing child."


Rieka ran out of joffreys name day tourney once sansa was tucked away she ran to her and Petyr's new place she didn't care about anyone or anything that had gotten her way she just kept running until she was home.


That was what she considered a place to be. And the moons since her father's death she has spent her time locked away in her chambers but as soon as Petyr got her out she was in love with the space that didn't remind her of so much deaths and misery.

She ran to the piano and sat down on the bench. Petyr heard the noise and followed her in. He watched her for a moment before saying the words Rieka loved to hear from him.

"I love you."

'From this time till the end of time we are not part of your realm we are free and independent kingdom of the north.' Cersei ripped up the letter, the peace treaty. 'He has more spirit than his father I will give him that.' she remarked

'You have become quite effective at tearing up papers.' Tyrion remarked 'we can give him his fathers bones back at least a gesture of good faith.'

'Will you give the Starks our reply cousin?' Cersei asked

'I will your Grace.' Alton Lannister replied

'Did you see my brother? When you were the Starks guest?' cersei added

'I did.' Alton admitted 'they have not broken his spirit your grace.' Petyr looked between them, he wondered how strong Rieka's bond was with her own twin, he wondered if Cersei would use Rieka to hurt Robb too. Robb Stark had Jaime captive, Cersei had Rieka captive, Rieka surely had more freedom than Jaime but she was still trapped her. Petyr wanted to marry her, she would no longer be a stark but Baelish. Rieka Baelish, and he would really protect her. Her Stark title although it would always be in her blood her new namesake would protect her a bit.

'If you speak with him... Tell him he has not been forgotten.' Cersei told her cousin.

'I will your grace.''

'Safe travels cousin.' Tyrion added 'do you have a death plan with diplomacy?'

'If that's everything?' cersei said

'A raven flew in this morning from Castle Black.' the maester said

'Trouble with the wildlings.' varys said

'That's why they're called wildlings.' Petyr remarked bored. He found he couldnt sit through meetings anymore. He found his mind drifting away to Rieka. He wondered if her mind drifted to him as well.

'Some of the wildlings it seems have stopped killing each other and started following this king beyond the wall.' varys added

'Another King.' Cersei remarked 'how many is that now? Five? I've lost count.'

'Lord Commander asked that we send more men.' Tyrion read off the note 'to man the wall.'

'Perhaps he forgot we were fighting a war and we have no men to spare.' Cersei told him

'Cold winds are rising and the dead rise with them.' Tyrion went on

'Northerners are superstitious people,' the high maester said.

"Not all northerners." Petyr offered not thinking Rieka superstitious at all.

'According the Lord Commander these dead men attacked one of their camps. Mormont does not lie.'' Tyrion corrected.

'How do you kill a dead man?' Petyr questioned curiously.

''Apparently you burn them.' Tyrion said reading through the note again.

''One trip to the wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks?' Cersei teased.

''I don't know what I believe.' Tyrion told her 'here's a fact for you though the nights watch is the only thing that separates us from what lies beyond the wall.'

''I have every confidence that the man of the nights watch will protect us all.' Cersei said leaving Tyrion.

Petyr moved quickly past Rieka's chambers finding it empty before turning and moving as fast as he could while still looking composed to their place. Petyr pushed open the door and saw Rieka reorganizing and decorating.

"Rieka," Petyr declared fondly. She spun around.

"Oh I'm not done I thought you would be longer." Rieka remarked. "I was trying to... Housewarming present..." Petyr smiled looking around before she grabbed the flowers from the table.

"House warming flowers!" Rieka declared with a little shimmy.

House warming flowers!" Rieka declared with a little shimmy
"Beautiful, just like you." Petyr agreed kissing her.

"I miss you when you're gone." Rieka whispered against him.

"I miss you too, you consume my mind." Petyr remarked holding her face in his hands. She blindly put the flowers down as he kissed her again.

Then his arms wrapped around her, his body pressing insistently against her as sparks of delicious awareness tingled up and down her body, rippling out from every contact point. Well, really. How is any woman to resist such an onslaught to her senses? She gave in to his kiss, her lips opening under his, her body pressing closer as she tried to not drown in the taste and feel of him against her.

All thoughts evaporated as his tongue dipped into her mouth, teasing her own. With an approving sound, she allowed him greater access, pressing herself into him, plastering them together. This new position had her pressing against his co*ck. He wanted more and she wanted more but for her parents sake she could wait until marriage. She reluctantly pulled away but not before kissing one last time.

"Marry me." Petyr declared.

"Thats the plan." Rieka agreed as she got ready.

"Today." Petyr requested. Rieka stared back at him in the mirror. "Marry me today."

"Yes." Rieka agreed. "Yes."

So they were to be wed. Rieka had wanted her mother and Robb... her father to be there. She wanted her whole family but didnt know when they day would come so she had to be okay with just sansa, and Petyr.

Sansa helped her with her hair and Avalon made sure to get her fur everywhere while they got ready.

"Rieka whats this?" Sansa questioned. Rieka turned to her.

"What's wha-" then she saw it. The little box from Robb. "That's a name day gift I havent had the strength to open." Rieka remarked.

"Name day? That was ages ago." sansa declared.

"I know." Rieka agreed. "I'm just... I suppose having him with me today, this gift is as good as I'm going to get." Rieka offered taking the box from her. She opened it up but closed her eyes. Sansa awed out and Rieka let out a slow exhale before opening her eyes.

"Oh," Rieka rasped. "That's... its his wolf ring."

"Theres a note." Sansa remarked. Rieka wiped at her eyes as she unscrolled it.

"So you always have me with you." Rieka whimpered tears falling down her cheeks. She put the ring on and as suspected it was too large, she picked up the box and it was like Robb knew and out fell a chain. She looped the ring through and wore it like a necklace. Her hand covered it and she closed her eyes.

"Should have opened this moons ago." Rieka choked out through sobs.

"You want to tell Lord Baelish no? That she dont want to wed him today?" Sansa pondered.

"No. I want to marry Petyr." Rieka assured. "I trust him." Sansa nodded. He seemed nice, he certainly doted on Rieka. "Hey Sansa, can Avalon stay with you tonight?"

Rieka wanted Avalon here for two reasons. If she was getting married they were going to be making some noises that Rieka was sure Avalon would interpret as Petyr is hurting my Rieka and I must rip his throat out. She didnt want that. Also Rieka wanted Sansa protected. Avalon was great protection, if the night ended how Rieka hoped and into the morning she would not be leaving her bed and she wanted to make sure sansa was alright.

"I would love that." Sansa agreed. "We can have a sleepover!" Sansa declared and Avalon's tail whacked happily against the bed.


"What are you doing?" Joffrey's voice echoed down the aisle, she was almost there. "What are you doing?" He repeated slowly.

"I'm getting married, didnt know I needed your blessing." Rieka answered stiffly. "Your grace," she added with mocked tone.

"You need me to walk you down the aisle." Joffrey corrected.

"Incorrect." RIeka decided as she took the final steps to Petyr. "Because I'm already here."

"Well I think-"

"This is my wedding day, dont you know not to piss of a bride on her wedding day?" Rieka challenged glaring back at him.

PEtyr had been at the capital long enough to know that no one stood up to Joffrey, long enough to know that Joffrey didnt show fear like that with just a glare to anyone, except when Rieka showed her strength. Joffrey was afraid, Petyr saw his fear coursing through him.

"Thats what I thought, now get the hell out." Rieka demanded and a smile curved Sandor's face. He wished he could talk to the little sh*t like that. Joffrey scoffed running into Sandor as he tried to get away.

"I'm sorry where we were?" Rieka asked sweetly. Petyr didnt answer with words but with a kiss. She was about to become Lady Rieka Baelish.

Petyr was quick about discarding her dress, he didnt stop kissing her as his hands got a grip on her dress and he tore it from her. The pieces lay on the ground around them and she pulled back impressed.

"That was hot." Rieka informed him as he kissed her again, his hands moved over every inch of her. He nipped at her neck and down her chest as his hands grabbed her ass pulling her into his arms. He walked her to the bed, her legs wrapped tightly around him. When he sat her down she tugged at his shirt, he threw it aside as he dropped down to her c*nt. His palms speared her legs wide open for him.

Rieka stared down at him as he looked at her c*nt like it was the golden egg. Precious and rare. Rieka opened her mouth thinking maybe his hesitation was more because something was wrong with her but he didnt give her any time to prepare, she heard what women did down there but he sprung a wedding on her, she should have given herself more time to be better- but her silenced her every thought as his face found her tongue. A mix between a moan and scream left her as she prodded at her c*nt, licking up the evidence of her desire, sucking at her cl*t making her toes curl around him, her head tip back into the bed.

Her body arched, her legs squeezing his head as she cried out, her body clenching around his finger as she came in a lusty, noisy, beautiful mess. He used his shoulders to brace her, holding her up, and pressing gentle kisses against the inside of her thighs as she caught her breath.

If he tried really hard, he could almost ignore the sweet ache of his co*ck as he begged to be balls-deep in her tight c*nt.

Their mouths danced together, tongues twisting and stroking as they heightened the anticipation.

"Petyr, hurry the f*ck—" she began but he thrust in, cutting her complaint off. They both groaned, the friction almost too much to handle.

Don't you dare come! This wouldnt be done yet he commanded himself. He was going to make this last all night long.

"More!" she demanded, her legs wrapping around him. "Harder!" Well, this settles it. He was in love. He gave in to the need to brand himself on her body. He drove hard, f*cking viciously into her tight little c*nt, loving how she clutched him, loving the tightness of her, the feel of her breasts against his chest, the taste of her on his tongue, the scent of them together as they made love.

He dropped a hand, finding her cl*t, pressing it in that way she seemed to love. She arched back, her c*nt milking his co*ck as she came.

"Rieka." He moaned out as he thrust twice more, grunting her name and emptying himself into the woman he truly loved.


As she lay there awake, watching him sleep, her heart swelled thinking how wonderful her life had been since they met, then awful and then miserable but petyr was one of the only good things in her life.

She snuggled closer, he moaned a little smile she have to touch him, her fingers stroll along his chest, and as they do her eyes are following them… he’s so gorgeous… kissing his shoulder she move her hand down to his lower stomach, he lays there naked, herself with nothing on but his shirt with only one button closed across her breasts. Her desire for him grew stronger but he looked so peaceful laying there sleeping she debated it. Debated if he would like to wake up with her lips wrapped around his co*ck. Her hands on him, she thought he might.

She couldn’t help but touch him, her head on his shoulder she felt his warmth, a warmth that she wanted to know forever.

As she lower her hand further she looked up to watch his face her hand reaching his manhood. She waited, he moans and moves slightly into her, smiling she watched his expression on his face. She could see he enjoyed her touch even in his sleep. Her palm rubbed along his shaft as his moan grows slightly louder, she liked being able to cause such a reaction for him, to him.

"good morning, love." He kissed her gently, she just smiled in return.

Her hand still on his co*ck she felt him grow stiffer as he woke up and immediately her body responded wanting him wanting to claim him again. But she controlled herself wrapping her hand around his co*ck she knew he was not fully awake yet as he blinked away sleep, she smiled rolling over on top of him his arms go around her pulling her to him as she leaned forward to kiss him gently.

"good morning my husband". She coed. His smile grew.

"My wife." He agreed.

Slowly she moved down his body kissing her way down, letting her tongue trail as she lowered herself, his hands gliding along her back to her neck, up into her hair and he grips softly to her locks when her lips were right where he wanted her.

That first fortnight was spent in majority in bed, she was sore and stiff but she wouldnt have it any other way. Avalon was still getting used to it. Petyr was already on Avalon's good side so when Rieka screamed out in delight and Avalon started to growl, Rieka waved a hand at her silencing her.

Petyr had gotten extra bones from feast, chicken legs, spare meaty brothy fatty bones for Avalon and he would stew them, give her the bone to gnaw on while he consumed Rieka. Avalon and Petyr came to agreement. Petyr was going to need more bones though at the rate him and Rieka were gone and the rate Avalon was grinding through them but it was worth it.

That's beautiful Peter declared coming up behind Rieka, her fingers never stopped.

"This was a favorite of my fathers." she remarked. "He used to have me play it on every name day of his, on their anniversary too he said I want one thing. I want my Rieka to play a song, my song." Rieka choked on the words. But her fingers never stopped moving. "Its his name day today..." she added softly and Petyr sat beside her. "I can't thank you enough. For everything."

You are my wife I do anything for you he remarked know that I would do anything for you
"You are my wife I do anything for you," he remarked "know that I would do anything for you."

"And I you." she agreed finally letting her hands fall from the keys into her lap. "Can you walk me back to the castle? I want to see sansa."

"Of course, let me put my shoes on... and some pants." He realized RIeka smiled back at him before turning back to the piano.


"I will find you after my love, I have been summoned." Petyr remarked kissing her quickly.

"Summoned?" Rieka questioned.

"Just the little lord." Petyr assured kissing her again. Avalon ran circles around them used to their long goodbyes.

"Okay, drop kick him if needed." Rieka decided and Petyr choked out a laugh.

"I love you more and more." Petyr declared.

"I love you." Rieka agreed before seeing Sansa. "Find me after." Rieka instructed as she pat her thigh, Avalon looked to her. "Ready?" They took off and Petyr watched them longingly.

'I'm so grateful to have a man of your knowledge with this quick wisdom on our side, on my side.' Tyrion told him.

'Thank you my Lord.' Petyr answered confused.

'The crown is in the need to form new alliances and these alliances must often be sealed in matrimony.' Tyrion told him. 'But remember no one must ever know' Tyrion added.

'Tell no one what?' Petyr questioned

'I plan to wed princess Marcella to Robin Arryn of the veil. Lysa is not fond me but perhaps the promise of a royal match will convince her to let bygones be bygones.' Tyrion told petyr.

'She imprisoned you, she tried to execute you.' Petyr reminded him 'and you offer her a princess?'

'A man in our position holding grudges can be an encumbrance don't you think?' Tyrion asked.

''And I suppose you want me to broker this agreement?' Petyr questioned 'yes I could sing this song to Lysa if I care too... What's in it for me?''

''The gratitude of the people, helping in this war, admiration of the King for bringing the Veil back into the fold..." Tyrion offered but PEtyr gave him a blank look. Right not good enough, Tyrion agreed before deciding that his father wouldnt mind giving up Harrenhal. Petyr waited patiently for a better offer for his services. "And Harrenhal.' Tyrion told him.

'' Harrenhal is cursed' petyr corrected. he would rule their, he wouldnt want to bring Rieka there either, for the fear of it burning down on them.

''I didn't take you for a superstitious man but by all means tear it down and build another. You'll be able to afford it.' Tyrion told him 'I plan to make you Lord of the Riverlands.'' Petyr liked that. He liked that very much.

''with a single stroke you would make me one of the greatest lords in the realm?' Petyr questioned incredulously and curiously.

''You have served my family well in the matter of this succession.' Tyrion reminded him.

''So did the last man you slaughtered, you sent him away, and snatched his title away.' Petyr reminded him.

''Yes pity, but he was an incompetent fool.' Tyrion remarked. 'I need you to convince Lysa Arryn' Tyrion told him. Tyrion had spoken to three men, not he left to ponder their deals, now all he had to do was wait to see which one spilled his secrets.

"I think father would like this." Sansa remarked softly as they set little paper sail boats into the water.

They wrote a little prayer for the future on them, wrote for their family, for them, for freedom.

"What's it like being married?" Sansa questioned. "I feel like I have hardly seen you."

"Sorry, Petyr keeps me busy." Rieka offered.

"Is he treating you right?" Sansa pondered.

"Very well." Rieka agreed a blush on her cheeks. "I really love him, I think father would be proud, happy that I'm happy." Rieka's hand went to her wolf ring around her neck. "Mother would be in a fit..."

"You still havent told her?" Sansa questioned incredulously.

"You know her." Rieka countered. "She abducted Tyrion, I dont want her doing anything else stupid. Besides, it's done. WHen i see her I will tell her and she was give me that oh you little scoundrel face but I'm hoping I will be pregnant by then and she wouldnt kill Petyr if he is going to be father... right?"

'You monster!' Cersei shouted she was waiting for tyrion in his room. 'My only daughter! You think I will sell her like a common whor*?'

'Marcella is a princess some would say she's born for this.' Tyrion told her.

'I will not let you ship her off to Dorne just as I was shipped off to Robert!' Cersei screamed.

'Dorne is the safest place for her.' Tyrion told her. So it was Pycelle that ratted him out, he was certain it would be Petyr.

'Are you mad the martells are at war with us!' Cersei screamed.

'That is why we need to seduce them, we are going to need their support in the war your son started.' Tyrion reminded her.

'She will be a hostage!' Cersei told him.

'A guest' Tyrion corrected.

'You won't get away with this, you think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe? Ned stark had a piece of paper to.' Cersei reminded him

'It's done cersei.' Tyrion told her.

'No' she stormed through the room

'You cannot stop it.' Tyrion agreed.

'No!' She smashed around the room.

'Just how safe do you think Marcella is if the city falls?' Tyrion questioned. 'Do you want to see her raped and butchered like the Targaryen children? Make no mistake they will mount a pretty little head on a spike right next to yours.' Tyrion told her. 'right next to mine.'


"Just have to check in on the..." PEtyr stopped himself. "Please know, I hope you know that I dont I'm not- the brothel I mean. I don't-"

"I know." RIeka assured kissing his cheek. "Avalon spies on you and reports back to me." RIeka teased but Petyr half thought she was serious.

"Can I come in?" RIeka questioned.

"In... to the... no." Petyr corrected.

"Why not?" Rieka pondered. "I know the female anatomy better than a man. It wont phase me, I want to see where you work," RIeka remarked.

"I dont work- I run the brothel." Petyr corrected.

"Same difference."

"Different difference." Petyr assured pulling her closer.

"Come on, let me see, I'm sure the ladies have some improvements they would want issued and a womanly touch will be good for-"

"Okay." Petyr agreed cutting her off.

"Hello little lord, need your fill?" RIeka mused.

"Constantly, you would be surprised at the size of my drive." Tyrion agreed smiling up at her but RIeka rolled her eyes. "But thats not why I'm here."

"Oh, mysterious I chose a good day to visit." Rieka declared.

"Pycelle, which room is he in?" Tyrion questioned Petyr.

"My patrons have privacy." Petyr corrected.

"I can have Bronn break down every damn door. THis is official hand business." Tyrion reminded him. Petyr grit his teeth.

"Just a moment." Petyr agreed. "Rieka you-" but she already left his side. Panic flooded him.

"I shouldnt be surprised all men seem to be here." Rieka remarked as she sat across from Sandor.

"Unless you are stripping go away." Sandor grumbled.

"Not stripping but... I may have been a bitch to you but you didnt help your case." Rieka remarked. Sandor scoffed. "What happened?"

"What?" He barked.

"Is what Petyr said true about your face?"

"Partially." Sandor grumbled into his cup.

"I'm sorry." Rieka offered gently.

"Thank you Baelish you have been most helpful." Tyrion declared. Petyr rolled his eyes moving to Rieka.

"You're not bad little wolf." Sandor decided. "You got claws though."

"Yep, thats the only way to survive the capital." RIeka agreed clawing out a hand at him he almost smile and leaned closer. "Hey Sandor, I havent been at the castle as much and since you follow Joffrey around and he torments sansa... would it be awful for me to ask to look out for her when you can?" Sandor thought on that for a long silent moment.

"Come on Rieka." Petyr reached a hand out for her. Sandors gaze stuck on Rieka.

"A free f*ck tonight and another drink to entice you." Rieka decided. "You can do that right petyr?"

"What?" Petyr questioned confused.

"I want him to keep an eye on Sansa, if he can't then I have to spend more time at the castle and away from you." She informed Petyr sweetly. "You dont want that."

"I dont want that." PEtyr agreed. "Fine." He murmured moving to get sandor another drink.

"You could be a good friend to have Rieka." Sandor remarked.

"Does that mean you will do it?" Rieka questioned.

"Aye. I can't protect her from him, but I can try and not make her life miserable when she's with him." Sandor agreed.

"Thank you." Rieka declared. She looked awkwardly to a whor* that hesitantly stepped forward. "Have fun... this is on Petyr." Rieka added. "So make sure you request a high tip... can you do that? YOu should be able to. You work your ass off."

"Lady Rieka... Lady Baelish." the whor* corrected.

"Yes. I'm going to trying to make his establishments better for you and the other girls." Rieka decided. "So if you want to start compiling a list I will see what I can do-"

"Well for starters the rooms need to be cleaned out better, and we need time out of this stupid place, teas too, moon teas, the ingredient at the ready-"

"Wow, you are really... okay." Rieka agreed. "Let me find some parchment-" Rieka remarked when a scream rang out. She froze, her body stiff but the whor* didnt seem phased in the slightest. Maester Pycelle was dragged out his pants still askew. Tyrion smiled back at Rieka as he passed.

"Rieka... I'm going to bring you home, there has been too much excitement for today." Petyr decided.

"What did Tyrion do?" Rieka countered.

"Come on." Petyr begged.

"Oh, pay her first please and thank you." Rieka instructed.

"I'm May."

"Nice to meet you, we will talk again about things that need fixing I assure you." Rieka declared. She held her hand out and petyr put a coin in. "Another." Rieka demanded Petyr stared back at her. "Sandor is a large man, that must hurt." Rieka offered. Sandor snorted a laugh, Petyr put another coin in May's hand.

"Like you already Lady Rieka.'' May declared. "You come back anytime beautiful."

"Okay," Rieka declared as she came into the brothel she was ready for improvements, Petyr shook his head but agreed because he loved her. She was glad to have something to do besides worry about her family. She knew Robb was in the middle of a war to get them back and she wondered if she could just ride off, sail off with Petyr and no one would be the wiser, sure, she would never leave sansa here but still, if sansa wasnt here she would have already left. She knew that for a fact, her and petyr would be at Robb's camps already and she would be reunited with her brother.

Rieka's hand went to her necklace, she fingered the wolf. It made her feel like Robb was with her.

"Teas are huge." The whor*s agreed.

"Is anyone working here or is this is a knitting club now?" One of the men bitched.

"Rieka," petyr wrapped an arm around her. "Come on, we should be upstairs, I dont like you down here with all of them." He nodded to the patrons.

"Upstairs we go." Rieka agreed. "What's in a moon tea? Does anyone know?" They shook their heads.

"Which is why we got little bastards running around."

"Child care!" Another whor* declared. "That would be nice," They nodded in agreement. Rieka moved to one woman a babe on her teat.

"Born last fortnight," She remarked.

"So precious." Rieka whispered. "I wouldnt mind spending a few hours with the children every day." Rieka offered. "I have many younger siblings and I can't wait for my own, this would be good practice." The ladies all nodded in agreement.

"Rieka you are a Godsent!"

"Janos... what can I do for you this evening?" Petyr pondered. "Let me guess, a blonde."

"Not here for your whor*s littlefinger." Janos hissed as he pushed past Petyr.

"What?" Petyr demanded chasing after him. "You can't be up here." he corrected. Was he coming for Rieka, how did he even know she was here. Rieka picked up a crying baby and lulled him back to sleep.

"Does this one have a name?" Rieka questioned.


"Robbie." Rieka whispered smiling down at him. "He's perfect."

"Thats your twins name, isnt it?" they realized.

"Yes, Robb," Rieka agreed when the door flung open, she saw Petyr shoved back hitting the wall and she shouted out. The men didnt care they grabbed the babies, Rieka clutched little Robbie closer. THe babe was pulled from the woman teat and stabbed, the woman cried out. Janos moved to Rieka and she screamed bloody murder before sending a foot out. It collided with his chest and he stumbled back.

"I have my orders bitch!" Janos shouted.

"Orders? To kill innocent babies?" RIeka shouted holding Robbie closer the woman screamed out.

"I have my orders, give me the babe!"

"This is my baby!" Rieka shouted back. "You can't hurt my baby!" He stared at her a long moment. "get out now, You and your monster men are not allowed in any of Petyr's establishments ever again." Rieka declared. "Get out!" She demanded. Petyr had a trickle of blood on his face once he pulled himself up and came in to the screaming, sobbing woman, Rieka was furious among them.

"This your baby littlefinger?" Janos questioned pointing a blade at Rieka but she was unyielding. She was going to protect this baby.

"Yes." Petyr answered without hesitation. "Get out." Petyr demanded.

That night they had a funeral for all the babes, Rieka tried to give Robbie back to his real mother but she shook her head.

"They will come for him, he is not safe with me." she answered softly.

"I can keep him safe." Rieka declared. "I will protect him."

"WIll you raise him as your own?" She pondered. Rieka looked to Petyr.

"Yes. I will." She answered as Petyr met her gaze.

"Seems I have a son." Petyr remarked holding onto Rieka. "What's the little lads name?"

"Robbie Stark-Baelish." Rieka answered. Petyr pressed a kiss to her forehead and she sighed.

"Thank you Rieka, thank you."

"I will protect him with my life." Rieka assured. "No one will touch him."


''I heard there was trouble at Baelish is brothel house the other night.'' Tyrion remarked.

''Yes it had to be done' Janos Slynt agreed.

'Yes I understand people can get rowdy but I didn't know that included killing newborn babies...'' Tyrion remarked.

''Orders are orders,' He told him nonchalantly.

'' you are right, of course orders are orders.' Tyrion tested.

'Especially the Queens orders.' Slynt agreed.

'I never said they were the Queens orders.'

'No but...' Slynt began.

'Who else would want to murder King Roberts bastards. She's always been a jealous woman.' Tyrion told them.

'You know your sister better than I do' slynt offered.

'You've heard the awful rumors about my brother and sister.' Tyrion went on.

'I do not listen to filth' Slynt assured.

'Well that's nice but you have heard. I suppose people who do believe that filth would believe Robert bastards to have a better claim of the throne then cersei's children' Tyrion went on.

'Joffrey is my king the rest does not interest me.''

''Loyal.' Loyal to the wrong people though.


"Meet me son, Robbie." Rieka remarked fondly. Sansa stared back at RIeka confused.



They were losing and Tywin Lannister didn't lose.

'The Starks have overextended their lines. Now that summer's over, they'll have a hard time keeping their men and horses fed.''

'The Starks understand winter better than we ever will. The cold won't beat them.' Tywin countered.

'Our spies report growing discontent among the northern lords. They want to return home and gather the harvest before the crops turn.'

'And I'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments, they would report growing discontent amongst the southern lords.' Tywin told them. 'This is war; No one's content. We've underestimated the Stark boy for too long. He has a good mind for warfare, his men worship him. And as long as he keeps winning battles, they'll keep believing he is King in the North.' Tywin added. 'You've been waiting for him to fail. He is not going to fail, not without our help'. Tywin looked around the table. 'So how do we stop him?'

'We've worked through the night, My Lord.' Reginald reminded Tywin.

'Perhaps we'd profit from some sleep. As I think you would, Reginald. And because you're my cousin, I might even let you wake from that sleep.' Tywin countered sternly. ''Go, I'm sure your wife must miss you'

''My wife's in Lannisport.' Reginald reminded him.

''Well, then you'd better start riding. Go before I change my mind and send her your head. If your name wasn't Lannister, you'd be scrubbing out pots in the cook's tent. Go!' Tywin declared and Reginald ran off. As arya came to refill his cup. 'Not wine, water. We'll be here for some time.' Arya nodded heading back to get the water jug. 'Girl.' Tywin said after a moments hesitation. 'Where are you from?'

"Maidenpool, My Lord." Arya lied.

'And who are the Lords of Maidenpool? Remind me.' Tywin quizzed Arya.

'House Mooton, My Lord.'' Arya answered on command, her lessons finally coming in handy. She wondered if Rieka and Sansa were hurt or alive or dead, after her father was killed she was stolen by Yoren, he was going to bring her to the wall to Jon but clearly she didnt get that far. She was at harrenhal, so close and yet so far from Rieka and Sansa.

'And what is their Sigil?' Tywin questioned 'A red salmon.' He answered for her when she hesitated. 'I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that. You're a northerner, aren't you?' Arya nodded slightly. 'Good. One more time, where are you from?'

'Barrowton, My Lord. House Dustin. Two crossed long axes beneath a black crown.' Arya answered quickly.

''And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North?''

''They call him the young wolf.''


'His twin is said to have the power of the wolf within her." Arya offered. Tywin co*cked his head at her. "They say he rides into battle on the back of a giant Direwolf. They say he can turn into a wolf himself when he wants. They say he can't be killed.' Arya finished proudly.

'And do you believe them?' Tywin questioned

'No, My Lord. Anyone can be killed.' Arya answered locking eyes with his harsh gaze.

'Fetch that water.' Tywin demanded.


"Meet me son, Robbie." Rieka remarked fondly. Sansa stared back at RIeka confused.


"Yes, you see I was staying away because, I was pregnant and we... I can't lie to you." Rieka whispered. "The brothel was attacked, they were killing babies and I claimed Robbie, is he not the cutest and she had named him robbie! It was meant to be." Rieka declared. "anyways, they were killing babies, Janos, killing babies! He was going to slice me open to get to the babe as well, what f*cking monsters." Rieka hissed. "So this is Robbie Stark - Bealish. You must not tell anyone."

"You havent been married nine moons yet." Sansa reminded her.

"But I am married and had... 'had' the baby when married, therefore not a bastard. Easy as can be." Rieka offered.

"Rieka-" Sansa shook her head.

"Sansa what was I supposed to do? Let the babe be killed? No, never, it was awful. The women were sobbing out, their babies ripped from their teats Sansa, its not right." Rieka declared.


'A girl says nothing? A girl keeps her mouth closed no one hears.... but her friends may talk in secret yes?' Jaqen asked as arya stood nervously before him. 'A boy becomes a girl.' Jaqen noted with her change of clothes.

'I was always a girl.' she corrected snottily.

'And I was always aware. But a girl keep secrets it is not for a man to spoil them.' Jaqen told her.

'You're one of them now? I should've let you burn!' Arya said handing him off his helmet off the water barrel.

'And you fetch water for one of them now.' he noted, arya had become a cup bearer for Tywin Lannister 'why is this right for you and wrong for me?'

'I didn't have a choice.' Arya sassed

'You did. I did. And here we are.' Jaqen told her simply. 'a man pays his debts a man owes three.'

''Three what?'' Arya asked

''The red god takes what is his from a lovely girl and only death may pay for life.' Jaqen explained. 'You saved me and the two I was with, you store three deaths from the red god. We have to give them back.' Arya looked at him confused. 'Speak three names and a man will do the rest. Three lives I will give you no more no less. Then we are done.''

''I can name anyone? And you will kill him?'' arya questioned hesitantly, it seemed too good to be true.

''A man has said.'' he agreed

''The man who tortures everyone.'' Arya told him

''A man needs a name.'' Jaqen told her

''I don't know his name...'' arya said thinking it through, ''they call him the tickler.'' She offered

''That is enough.' Jaqen agreed, 'go now girl your master is thirsty.'' she walked away with her jug of water, now all she had to do was wait and see if this Jaqen H'ghar would keep his word.

"I am heading to renly baratheons war camps, to discuss the future of this war with the crown." Petyr remarked and Rieka shifted anxiously on the bed. "Tywin lannister-" rieka groaned at his name "My love I know he is fighting Robb but stannis is coming for the crown too, I dont know that you will be safe when he does."

"Renly wants the throne too." Rieka reminded him.

"Yes which is why I need permission to try and gather their forces, if I ride off to an enemy camp it will seem like I'm betraying the crown, betraying Tywin lannister." Petyr remarked. "But not if I gather troops for tywin and the upcoming battle."

"Are you?" RIeka pondered shifting little Robb in her arms. He smiled back at her.

"It's good to have an in with all the houses. To show your support and when the time comes, if the time comes they will spare my head and yours."

"I'm coming with then." Rieka decided.

"No, thats- it would be dangerous." Petyr offered.

"Lies." Rieka corrected. "I'm coming with. Avalon can stay with Sansa, Robbie can used the fresh air, away from this place, it will be fun, we can make it fun." Rieka begged as she kissed him. "Please husband dont make me part from you."


There was a joust in honor of the new king and queen Renly Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell.

'Loras! Go high garden!' Margaery declared standing up clapping for her brother. But the opposing knight got her brother on his back.

'I yield.' Loras said 'I yield.' and the knight stood up, Loras let out an exasperated breath as he pulled himself up. His eyes locked on Renly before Renly turned his attention to the winning knight.

'Well fought, approach.' Renly said and the knight knelt before him. 'rise remove your helmet.' A woman was revealed one of the tallest woman any of them had ever seen. 'Your father promised greatness and more my lady,' Renly told her happily. 'I've never seen ser Loras bested once or twice never in quite that fashion.' Renly applauded.

'No no my love my brother fought valiantly for you.' Margaery encouraged.

'That he did my queen but there can only be one champion,' Renly told her 'Brienne of tarth you might ask anything of me that you desire within my power is yours.' she bowed again before him

'Your Grace I asked the honor of a place in your kings guard. I will be one of your seven pledge my life to yours and keep you safe from all harm.' Brienne told him.

'Done.' Renly agreed 'rise Brienne of the kings guard.'. Brienne stepped back only for Catelyn stark and a squire stepped forward.

'Your Grace I have the pleasure to introduce to you Catelyn Stark sent by her son Robb Lord of Winterfell.''

''Lord of Winterfell and King in the north.'' Catelyn corrected.

'Pleased to see you. May I present my wife Margaery of house Tyrell.' Renly told her.

'You are very welcome here lady Stark I'm so sorry for your loss.' Margaery told her.

'Your most kind.' Catelyn said aoftly. She wanted her girls back and thought renly could help them get her daughters.

'My lady I swear to you I will see the Lannister's answer for your husbands murder.' Renly hold her 'when I take Kings Landing I'll bring you Joffrey's his head.' there's a roar of approval.

'It'll be enough to know that justice was done my lord.' catelyn told him

'Your Grace,' Brienne corrected 'and you should kneel when you approach the king.' Renly stood up to approach Catelyn.

'Don't worry the war is just beginning.' he said leading her off. Margaery watched them leave with distaste.

Renly and Catelyn walked the camps to get a bit of privacy when they came across a soldier he limp towards them.

'Your grace.'

'Hows the foot?" Renly questioned, Brienne followed behind him a dutiful kings guard.

'Better your grace.' He answered. 'they don't know their own size is all.' He gestured to the horse, he had been stomped on recently. Catelyn noticed how the people seemed to like Renly, open up to him.

'I have 100 thousand men in my command all the knights in the stormland and the reech-'

'and all of them young and bold like your knight of flowers.' Catelyn remarked. 'it's a game to you isn't it. I pity them.'

'why?' Renly questioned

'Because they are knights of summer and winter is coming.' Catelyn warned.

'brienne, escort lady Catelyn to a tent.' Renly instructed. 'she is tired from her journey.'

'Of course your grace. Shall I return after?'

'That won't be necessary I will pray awhile, alone.' Renly said walking off

'if you would follow me, my lady.' Brienne instructed.

'you fought bravely today lady Brienne.' Catelyn told her.

'I fought for my king, soon I will fight for him on the battle field, die for him if I must and if it pleases you Brienne is enough I am no lady.'

"Welcome lord Baelish." Renly remarked. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"An offer." Petyr remarked. "Getting you on the throne." Rieka smirked, Petyr was good at playing the game.

"I'm listening... oh, Rieka Stark..." Renly remarked realizing who she was. "Or should I say Baelish?"

"You should." Rieka agreed.


Renlys war camps were a mess. RIeka didn't know why she was here now that she was here, she thought it would be an adventure but it wasnt. Robbie cried softly into her. She rocked him in her arms as Petyr came up to her.

"Come on, King Renly-" Petyr chuckled out the words. "-has given us a tent."

"How generous, this little man is tired too." Rieka agreed. She sat on the ground of her tent Robbie sat in her lap smiling happily.

Petyr and Rieka's tents were next to Loras, she covered her mouth to keep from laughing out when she heard the hushed voices next door. Loras was f*cking the king and Margaery RIeka assumed was far from a virtuous woman.


'I'll make it up to her.' Renly said as he pulled at Loras's pants

'Not tonight your grace.' Loras spat 'there's another Tyrell that requires your attention.' Renly scoffed. 'you did it, with my fathers support all his armies on your charm alone.' Renly flopped over next to him. 'Your vessels are starting to snigg*r behind your back' Loras warned him. 'Brides are not usually virgins two weeks after their wedding night.' he reminded him

'Is Margaery a virgin?' Renly questioned.

'Officially...' No one outside of the family knew of her indiscretions, to be a stain on the family name, not Margaery she was the prized flower and Loras was their golden goose. He would lead the tyrell name into the future. His eldest brother crippled and lacking in suitors, his next eldest Garlan had a barren wife. Loras was going to be their only chance at continuing the family name.

'Should I bring her to you?' Loras questioned and Renly started drinking, he was going to need a lot to get through this.

'I should warn you I've had quite a bit of wine.' Renly said when Margaery approached

'As is your right, you are a king.' Margaery told him standing seductively across the tent from him.

'You are very beautiful.' Renly told her awkwardly.

'Thank you your Grace.' Margaery said stepping forward.

'A lovely gown.' He told her.

'Do you think so? I can't decide how I like it better this way or..' she pulled her gown off revealing her breasts.

'You certainly don't need it.' Renly told her as she kissed his face, 'although some say beauty most desired is beauty concealed.' he let her kiss him but he didn't feel anything, her hand slipped down his chest to his limp co*ck. 'must be the wine.'

'Here let me,' she said pulling down his pants kissing at his lips, his face pinched awkwardly as she tried her best to seduce her husband but he pulled her back.

'I'm sorry,' he told her

'Do you want me to bring my brother? To come in and help?' Margaery offered.

'What?' he asked incredulously

'Well he could get you started I'm sure he wouldn't mind or I can turn over and you can pretend I'm him?' she offered hopefully.

'I don't know what you're talking about,' he said defensively heading to the bed miserably.

'There's no need for us to play games, save your lies for court you're going to need a lot of them.' She stepped overconfidently to him massaging his shoulder as she sat on the bed next to him. 'Your enemies aren't happy about us they want to tear us apart and the best way to stop them is to put your baby... In my belly.' She told him 'we can try again later. You decide how you want to do it with me, with me and loras whoever else you like,' she forced him to look at her 'whatever you need to do. You are a king,' she told him gently kissing his cheek.

Rieka walked the camps and ran into Margaery. She smiled softly but Rieka saw the bitterness as she looked to Robbie in her arms.

"You and the king getting along well?" Rieka mused.

"Of course." Margaery agreed.

"You need not lie to me," Rieka assured "My husband is just as much a master of whispers as Varys and queen bitch Cersei." Rieka remarked and Margaery chuckled.

"Rieka Stark? Right?"

"Thats me." Rieka agreed.

"I want a child." Margaery admitted. "I want a babe of my own. Someone to call mine and Renly doesnt... he hasnt..." she groaned softly. "You clearly dont have that problem with your husband."

"No, he enjoys every part of me." Rieka agreed.

"To have a husband so devoted, whats that like?"

"I hear once you are really a queen- I hope you dont mind me being honest, I'm very blunt." Rieka remarked and Margaery chuckled.

"Yes, honesty is good." Margaery agreed.

"From my experience, kings are c*nts, maybe Renly will be a good man, he seems better than Joffrey and Robert but Margaery you shouldnt have to try so hard to please him. You are more than enough." Rieka assured. "You are worth more than to just sit still and look pretty."

"Thank you Rieka. But I still want to be the queen."

"Of course you do." Rieka agreed. "I hope you get to sit that throne- oh wait that is the mans duty, you will stand by his side and look pretty.... but you will do a damn good job of it."

With all that talk of husbands and kings with Margaery it got Rieka in the mood for her handsome husband.

With one hand she guided him onto her waiting entrance, she was soaked for him, needy for him. She down onto him, in one quick deliberate thrust, and Rieka's eyes rolled back in her head as she was filled with pain and pleasure all at once, she lavished in the feeling. A quivering moan escaped her pretty mouth and she drew a sharp breath. Petyr grunted at the feeling, of feeling her tight soaking walls around himself.

He pulled out slowly and thrust in her body again and she whimpered breathily in response, her hands wrapped around his back, her nails dragging against his shirt.

"Mmm." She moaned as he took her, his pace grew faster and soon the rolling of his hips into hers had her crying out, begging for release. He clamped his hand quickly over her moaning mouth. He looked down at her with a smirk, his eyes sparkling with lust and love.

"You must be quiet," He whispered, they were in the tents the tents has no solid walls but Rieka glanced to a sleeping Robbie that was who Petyr wanted her to be quiet for. He didnt care if the whole of westeros knew when he was f*cking his beautiful wife but the moment RObbie woke up his fun would be done. She nodded, sliding his hand from her lips and caressing her cheek. His hips rolled against her slowly, rhythmically, sensually, she rocked against him with shaky breaths.

"Don't want to wake up Robbie, do we?"

She bit her lip, shaking her head and smiling as she tried to hold in her strangled moans. He moved her onto the small table to get a better angle. She wrapped her legs around his waist, gripping them over his hips as he pushed in deeper, his co*ck hitting her deep, repeatedly, the pounding sensation and the sound of wet, smacking flesh built a heat within her.

"There, right there." She told him, pulling his lips to hers. Petyr too was nearing his climax.

"Then let us come undone together my love, I want you to fall apart with me." He groaned above her. The stumble on his face tickled her face, neck and breasts as she arched her back into him as his face traveled with every heaving breath, she was so very close.

She moaned out, cries of pleasure as she tipped over the edge and fell into her org*sm. Her walls fluttered against Petyr's co*cks, causing him to spill inside her with one last strong thrust. He breathed heavily into her neck as he pulled himself from her warm walls, a mixture of their juices oozing out of her as he did. Her legs trembled around him as she rode the waves of her org*sm. Petyr collapsed onto her, before she tipped him back into the hair. Kissing him again, his vision was blurred with pleasure.

"I love you," she said softly, her eyes were closed, her lips swollen and parted, strangled breaths escaping between them.

"I love you." He echoed.


Looking around Renly's camps the next morning Rieka seeing Loras and Margaery together it made her wonder about her own siblings. Arya and Sansa in particular.

"I hope Sansa is alright." Rieka offered softly. "She is right? She has Avalon and hopefully Sandor looking out for her."

"I'm sure she is just fine." Petyr agreed as he passed off Robbie.

A crossbow was pointed at Sansa, but Joffrey put down the crossbow a smug look on his face.

'My mother insists you stay alive so we'll have to find another way to punish... your brother,' Joffrey said sitting back down. 'Leave her face I like a pretty' Joffrey said as his guard started to beat sansa. 'My ladies overdressed, unburden her.' Joffrey told him meryn ripped at her dress, sansa on her knees cried out. The door slammed open and all heads turned.

'if we want robb stark to hear us we are going to have to speak louder!' Joffrey decreed.

''What the bloody hell is the meaning of all of this?' Tyrion said storming forward Bronn behind him.

'I was following orders' Meryn told him confidently.

'Who orders someone to beat a helpless girl?' Tyrion questioned incredulously. Sansa wanted Rieka here, she would have stopped this. She wanted Avalon here, she would have ripped Joffrey's head clean off by now.

'One that follows the king you best learned that imp!' Meryn, always the loyal servant. Til the end. 'I do not bow before anyone unworthy of-'

'My grace,' Tyrion stepped forward, ignoring meryn, 'She is to be your queen, have you no honor for her dignity?' he questioned, sandor came down the steps and wrapped his cloak around her sansa was shaking as she pulled it tighter around her.

'She committed crimes' Joffrey said

'She is not her brother you halfwit.' Tyrion told him.

'You can't talk to me like that!' Joffrey declared. 'The king has can do as he likes!' Joffrey told them.

'The mad king did is he liked, has your uncle Jaime ever told you what happened to him?' Tyrion reminded him.

'No one threatens his grace in the presence of the kings guard!' Meryn said threateningly. Sansa shivered praying RIeka would walk through the doors and save her from all of this but the doors remained sealed, she was alone here.

'I'm not threatening the king ser I am educating my nephew. Bronn next time Ser Meryn speaks kill him. That was a threat, see the difference?' Tyrion walked back down to Sansa cautiously he offered her hand she wrapped the cloak tighter around her before accepting his hand and standing up and following him out.

'I apologize for my nephews behavior... tell me the truth do you want an end to this engagement?'

'I am loyal to King Joffrey my one true love.' Sansa said obediently.

'Lady stark you may survive us yet.' Tyrion said as she disappeared. She ran to her chambers and clung to Avalon, sobbing into her soft fur.

'The little king is backed up clogged from balls to brains.' Bronn told him.

'Do you think dipping his wick will cure his ales?' Tyrion questioned.

'There's no cure for being a c*nt but the boy is at that age and he's got nothing to do all day except pick wings off flies. It couldn't hurt to get some of the poison out.' Bronn suggested.


''Your grace''

''Lord Baelish' Margaery answered politely.

''All these tents look the same to me.' Petyr remarked ''would you be so kind.''

''It would be my pleasure I took me weeks to make my way around the camp. Twice I walked in on ladies of undress. the moment I learn which tent is mine we would move again.'' Margaery remarked.

"'Your tent not our tent? The king snores perhaps or simply prefer solitude? Pleasures of command no doubt for kings fighting for the thrown...' Petyr questioned smugly.

''I am not tutored in welfare but basic arithmetic favors the side with greater numbers.' Margaery told him.

''If a war were arithmetic the mathematicians would rule the world Your grace.' Petyr told her 'I did notice your brother entering his tent just now.''

''He is on the kings guard his place is to remain by the King side.' Margaery told him defensively but she forced a smile as they walked.

''And on the night of your wedding...' Petyr added 'who is by the Kings side then?''

''You seem quite interested in our marriage.' Margaery noted

''Your marriage is quite interesting,' Petyr told her 'not only to me but to the realm the marriage of a wealthy girl always breeds interest if nothing else.''

'You are married, should I pry into your marriage?" margaery pondered.

"I'm quite happy with my dear wife. We scarcely sleep apart, she is my reason for getting up in the morning." Petyr remarked and margaery stared back at him. "Not the answer you were hoping for?"

"Rieka said some kind things about you." Margaery offered. "I'm glad to see that they are not a farse for her sake, she seems lovely."

"She is." Petyr agreed.

'But still, your union is lacking in title. Perhaps since your marriage has been sunshine and roses, the whole notion of a real marriage seems to confuse you so allow me to explain my husband is my King and my King is my husband. Here's your tent." Rieka peered out. "Lady Baelish, Lord Baelish, good night.' she said walking away proudly.

"What did you do?" RIeka questioned.

"Just a talk." Petyr assured as he kissed her, Margaery turned around to see their warm embrace. She didnt love, she needed to be queen, she didnt want that. She could at least pretend that she was find in her solitude if she had a crown.


'Lady stark I had not thought to find you in the stormlands.' Stannis remarked, looking at her rode next to Renly. Loras Tyrell rode behind him as was Brienne of tarth.

'I had not thought to be here Lord Stanis,' Catelyn told him. She wanted her daughters back, Renly was so focused on the war, that he didnt even think to tell Catelyn that rieka was here, surely she knew, she was Rieka's mother after all. But Catelyn didnt know and when she heard the babbles of a baby, she didnt think once that her daughter would be a mother herself, tending to a babe.

'Can it truly be you?' Stannis asked Renly.

'Who else would it be?' Renly questioned a crown worn proudly on his head.

'when I saw you, well I could not be sure.' Stannis teased, he had been at Dragonstone while renly was named the lord of the stormlands much to his dismay.

'Who's banner is that?' Renly questioned

'My own,' Stannis told him

'I suppose if we use the same one the Bannerman would be terribly confused,' Renly said with a grin, 'why is your stag on fire?''

''The king has taken for his sigil the fiery heart of the Lord of light.' The red woman told him.

''you must be the fire priestess, we have heard so much about you.' Renly remarked looking her over. Not his type but certainly beautiful. 'brother now I understand why you found religion in your old age.'

''Watch yourself right now.' Stannis warned.

''No no I am really moved, you really believed you a fanatic, less rigid, a bore yes but not a godly man.' Renly mused.

''You should kneel before your brother he's the lords chosen born amidst salt and smoke,' the red woman told him

'Born amidst salt and smoke.' Renly remarked 'Does he come with the ham?''

'That's twice I've warned you.' Stannis remarked angrily.

'Listen to yourselves.' Catelyn said 'if you were sons of mine I would knock your heads together and lock you in the bed chamber until you worked things out and remembered that you were brothers.'' Rieka and Robb rarely fought and when they did Robb always ended up agreeing that Rieka was right and that was the end of it. Riea was manipulative like that but she was sweet at her core.

'It is strange to find you beside my brother lady Stark, your husband was a supporter of my claim Lord Eddards integrity cost him his head,' Stannis reminded her

'while you sit by and chastise me... we share a common enemy.' Renly told him

'The iron throne is mine by right.' Stannis reminded them 'and you dare deny it?"

'All the Realm denies it from Dorne to the wall. Old men denied in their death chamber and unborn children tonight and their mothers wombs.' Renly told him 'no one wants you for their king you never wanted any friends brother, a man without friends man without power-''

''For the sake of the mother who bore us I will give you this one night to reconsider,' Stannis told him 'strike your banners come to me before Dawn and I will grant you your old seat and the council or even name you my heir until a son is born to me otherwise I shall destroy you,' Stannis warned

'Look across those fields brother you see all those banners?'' Renly corrected.

''Do you think if you bolt of Cloth will make you king?''

''No, but the men holding those bolts of cloth will make me King.' Renly corrected.

''we shall see Renly, tomorrow at Dawn and we shall see.' Stannis told him.

'Look to your sins Lord Renly,' the red woman said 'the night is full dark and full of terrors.''

''Can you believe I loved him once?' Renly said as they rode off in the opposite direction.

Catelyn thought of her own siblings. Edmure and Lysa, she hadnt spoke to either in years and when she saw Lysa she was a nervous wreck, power hungry and paranoid but so was Catelyn when she came demanding justice against Tyrion lannister. Now Edmure was helping them, brought the riverrunns to help them get her girls back. The longer they fought between brothers the longer her girls were prisoners in the castle.

'Yes right back, close your eyes.' Rieka instructed and she saw Robbie peak back at her. 'I will be right back.' Rieka assured. Putting Robbie to sleep was hard, he was a night owl like Rieka the liked to sleep in and stay up with the stars. But Robbie didnt like the camps as much as he liked Avalon snuggled up beside him.

Rieka was looking for Petyr, she made her way through the camp, Searching by the moonlight and the dull glow of the fire. A sheik escaped her lips as she was grabbed from behind.

""You're the whor*.' One of the soldiers said and RIeka shook her head.

"I'm Rieka Stark.' She corrected. 'Let me go.'' she demanded. He sneered down at her. "Let me go or you will regret it." RIeka hissed trying to pull from his grip. Her breath hitched in her throat as the mans grip tightened on her. RIeka tugged and pulled uselessly at his grip. ''f*ck off!" she demanded kicking at him.

'I haven't had my fun yet. Why should the king get to have all the fun?' Rieka tried to punch him but he pinned her back.

"Let me go!' She demanded, she should have just stayed with Robbie. 'Please.' She screamed stumbling back, he released her and she fell onto her ass. He pulled at his pants as she scurried back. 'Stop, please.' She screamed but she was cornered. ''Don't do this.'' she searched for something to use as a weapon she didnt have her blade from Jon on her, why didnt bring her blade? She could have killed this man right now.

'You will like it.' He told her running his tongue over his teeth.

"No, no,' she screamed, the man gripped her hair yanking her head back.

"Suck my co*ck!' he demanded pulling her face to his freed member. She shook her head pulling back but he only gripped her head harder.

'Let me go,' she begged, he kicked her in the stomach and her jaw dropped in pain he shoved himself closer but suddenly he was on his back, Rieka closed her eyes and curled into herself. She choked on her breath. She heard the screams and moans the blade being pulled from flesh she had gotten used to the sound. A hand on her shoulder she flinched back.

'RIeka...' Petyr coed. Rieka looked up and lunged at Petyr holding tight to him.

"Petyr," She whimpered.

"It okay, I'm going to get you out of here.' He told her.

'Did he hurt you?'

"I think he broke a rib." she rasped her hand going to her stomach.

"Did he touch you?" Petyr held her closer.

'if you were a moment later-'' Rieka whimpered.

'I wasn't though.' Petyr told her.

'I need to get to Robbie.' Rieka said wiping at her eyes, Petyr walked back with her. 'Do I look like sh*t?" Rieka questioned quietly at the tents opening.


"I don't want little Robbie to wake up and to see me a mess, I don't want him to know I was afraid, I don't want him to be afraid.' Rieka told him and he brushed down her hair with his hands and wiped away her tears.

'you are a wonderful mother, you know that right? Robbie is so lucky to have you.' Petyr told her as he kissed her forehead gently.

'Thank you Petyr.' Rieka entered the tent hugging Robbie tight. Rieka put Robbie down and put him back in the makeshift crib. He smiled up at her. "Go to sleep little love." Rieka coed before rummaging through her bag she pulled her blade from Jon out.

"Thats a fine blade." Petyr remarked.

"Jon had it made for me, hoped I never had to use it, wish I did now." Rieka murmured.

"I could make a strap, so you could keep it on you while you are here." Petyr offered. "On to keep on your thigh," his fingers moved to her hip.

"I would like that." RIeka agreed. "Thank you Petyr."


'You swear it?''

''By the mother, my son has no interest in the iron throne.' Catelyn agreed Renly sat across from her drinking his wine

''and I see no reason for hostility between us then,' Renly agreed 'your son can go on calling himself king of the north the starks will have control over all land north of Moat Caitlyn as long as your son swears fealty to me.'

''And what would that be?''

''The same that was sworn with Ned. Ned swore to King Robert 18 years ago. Cat their friendship held the kingdom together,' Renly reminded her and she considered it

''And in return for my son's loyalty?''

''In the morning I'll destroy my brothers army when that is done,' he said 'the Baratheon and Starks will fight they will come together as they have done many times before.''

''Our two houses have always been close which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle negotiate a peace with your brother.' Catelyn begged.

''Negotiate with stannis? You've heard them out there I'll have better luck beating the wind,' he said as Brienne helped him remove his armor. 'please bring my terms to your son,' Renly said 'I believe we are natural allies I hope you feel the same together we can end this war in fortnight.' Suddenly there was a dark wind in the night Brienne stood stunned only to see a shadowy figure with the face of Stanis Baratheon appear, stabbing Renly through the chest Brienne screamed out

'You'll die for that!' two guards said coming and seeing Brienne over Renly's body

''No it wasn't her!' Catelyn said but they charged at her anyways but Brienne was a fierce warrior and she killed them.

Renly laid dead before them. Brienne dropped to the ground before her king sobbing into him. Catelyn came up to her kneeling before them.

'You have to leave!' she told Brienne 'they will hang you for this,' she warned 'now!'

''I won't leave him.' Brienne whispered

''You can't avenge him if you are dead,' catelyn reminded her pulling her up

''Not that way,' she said it's going out the back catelyn followed. She never did see Rieka and they were only a few tents away this whole time.

When Rieka and Petyr woke in the morning, Renly was dead. King Renly was killed using blood magic it was no longer safe for the Tyrells at the Baratheon camp. No longer safe for Rieka or Robbie and Petyr. They had to leave.

'We need to go home,' Margaery told her brother Loras.

'my Lord my lady,' Petyr said entering the tent, Rieka came in behind him Robbie in her arms.

'Get out.' Loras demanded from Renly's side.

'Stannis will be here in an hour,' Petyr told them 'when he arrives Renly Baratheon's Bannerman will flock to him, your former companions will fight for the privilege of selling you to their new king.'

'And you want that privilege for yourself?' Loras sneered sheathing his sword aiming it at Petyr. Petyr moved slightly keeping RIeka and Robbie out of his line of sight.

'You will note that I am standing here talking to you not Stannis,' Petyr remarked. Rieka was armed though, but she couldnt get to her blade easily while holding Robbie and not quicker than loras if he wanted to attack, get his anger out on someone.

'This is ridiculous,' Margaery said pushing down her brothers blade down.

'Ride back to high garden sister I'm not running from Stannis.'' Loras declared.

''Brienne of Tarth murdered Renly,' Margaery reminded him.

''I don't believe that,' loras told her. 'You don't believe that.' he added ''who gained the most from our King's death? Stannis a sword through his righteous head!' Loras demanded 'a true king a good king,' he said kneeling by Renly's side. Rieka saw true love as he looked to Renly's dead body, LOras loved him, truly loved him. To be torn a part by death in such a vicious way, she hoped she would never see the day she lost Petyr.

''Tell me ser Loras what do you desire most in this world?'' Petyr asked

''Revenge.'' He answered without hesitation.

"You can't get it if you are dead." Rieka cut in. Petyr nodded in agreement, Loras glared back at them.

''I have always found that to be the purest motivations,'' Petyr told him ''but you won't have a chance to put your sword through Stannis not today... you'll be cut the pieces before he sets foot on solid ground if it is just as you want you have to be smart about it.''

''You can't get revenge from the grave,' Margaery agreed she didnt want to lose her brother. ''bring the horses. Please,' she said stroking her brothers hair. He rose from Renly's side picking up his sword and heading out a broken look on his face.

'He was very handsome.' Margaery remarked.

'He was your grace.'

'Your Grace,' she mimicked ''calling yourself king doesn't make you one if friendly wasn't a king I wasn't a queen.'' she said disappointed.

'Do you want to be queen?'

'No.' Margaery answered 'I want to be the queen.' she corrected.


"Are we going home?" RIeka pondered as they got ready to leave, she strapped Robbie to her chest and he smiled up at her.

"I need to go to Tywin lannister at Harenhall." Petyr corrected.

"Then I go with you." Rieka agreed.

"You are hurt-"

"I'm fine, just a bit sore. If Stannis killed Renly like LOras thinks, then he used magic. He wasnt here to do it and that very large woman loved Renly, thought the world of him, it was clear as day. If he can take out his brother with magic, then he can take out anyone and I dont want you to leave and never see you again. That would kill me Petyr."


'Can you read?' Tywin questioned Arya.

'My Lord?' Arya questioned

'Can you read? This letter detailing our infantry movements was meant for Lord Damon of House Marbrand. It was sent to Lord Marlyn of House Dormand.' Tywin told her and arya stepped away, embarrassed and worried that she got caught snooping

'My apologies, My Lord. I must have ...' Arya began

''Girl, fetch me the "History of the Greater and the Lesser Houses." It's the one on the ...'' Tywin began but Arya grabbed it. ''My cupbearer can read better than you. To whom does House Dormand owe allegiance?''

''My Lord, I ...''

''To the Starks of Winterfell!'' Tywin shouted at his council. ''Who have 20,000 men and my son! I judged you might be good for something more than brutalizing peasants. I see I overestimated you. If you ever put my son's life at risk again, I'll..." Tywin sighed. 'Leave us.' Tywin demanded and waited for his council to clear out. ''Put the book away, girl.'' Arya nodded taking the book, Tywin watched her ''Maybe you should devise our next battle plan while you're about it.'' A knock at the door drew his attention.

''Lord Petyr Baelish and Lady Baelish.'' Was announced

'Hmmm.' Tywin said thinking that through before nodding ''Give us the room. Clear all this.' Tywin gestured at the table for Arya to clear

' Lord Tywin.'' Petyr remarked.

''Baelish. You have a wife." Tywin remarked and Arya's gaze shifted slightly. "And a child."

"Yes, I have been busy." Petyr agreed. "Let me introduce lady Rieka." Arya dropped the plate, to clattered to the floor as she met her sisters gaze.

"Girl." Tywin grumbled.

"I will help her." Rieka offered calmly. "Petyr, take your son." Rieka passed off Robbie and knelt beside Arya. Arya's eyes went wide, she had to many questions but knew she couldnt say it here and now. Rieka seemed to know as she silently helped her clean it up she gave Arya's hand a squeeze.

"Wine?'" Tywin pondered.

"'Thank you.' Petyr answered sitting down he shifted Robbie in his lap.

"'What news from the capital?'"

''I travelled here directly from Renly Baratheon's camp.''

'Ah, the late king Renly. Rather a short reign.' Tywin mused. 'murdered by a woman, I hear.'

'So they say.' Petyr agreed softly. Arya smiled back at Rieka she couldnt believe her eyes.

'There has been talk of other forces at work, dark forces.' Tywin remarked.

'Men love to blame demons when their grand plans unravel. It is my belief that a moment of chaos affords opportunities lost soon after.' Petyr offered holding Robbie a bit closer.

'You say that as if you were the first man alive to think it.' Tywin retorted smugly.

'Yes, a crisis is an opportunity.'

'What other brilliant insights have you brought me today?' Tywin said needing him to get to the point.

'After the Lannisters and the Starks, the Tyrells command the largest host. Their lands are the most fertile in the Seven Kingdoms, feeding horses and soldiers.' Petyr reminded him.

'Yes, yes, yes.' Tywin said bored, he knew all this.

'The Tyrells have not yet declared for any of the surviving kings. Loras wants revenge. He blames Stannis for Renly's death. And Margaery ... Wants to be queen.' Petyr reminded him.

“Margaerys would be a pretty queen. We all know rhats all queens do is sit still and look pretty.” Rieka murmured. Arya smirked back at her.

'Yes, she does. House Tyrell rebelled against the Iron Throne, against my grandson.' Tywin reminded him.

'They did. And perhaps that treason should be punished one day, after Stannis and…” Petyr hesitated rieka would have his head if he said her brothers name. He cleared his throat isntead. “When Stannis is defeated'. Petyr offered

'More wine for Lord Baelish.' Tywin told Arya

'If you will allow me to represent your family's interests, I believe that an advantageous agreement ...' Petyr offered

'The Tyrell host has returned to Highgarden?' Tywin questioned

'They have.' Petyr agreed

'You would ride there yourself?' Tywin questioned

'Tonight, with your leave. I'll have an answer by nightfall.' Petyr confirmed. Arya poured the wine looking over the babe.

'That'll be all, girl. What else?' Tywin urged as arya slowly made her way out. Rieka reached for Robbie arya kept her eyes on rieka.

'On your son Tyrion's directive, I will meet with Catelyn Stark.' Petyr told him. Riekas tried not to show interest in that particular statement.

'Why?' Tywin countered.

'’He had an interesting proposal for her concerning her daughters.'’

"I want you stay here. Tywin already said it was fine and provided a room for you. It will be back before tomorrows night fall." Petyr assured.

"Alright." Rieka agreed and he had expected her to put up more of a fight but she agreed easily. It made him curious as to why but she smiled kissing him. He pressed a gently kiss to Robbie. He felt like the boy was truly his with how much rieka loved the babe. Robbie smiled a lopsided smile back at him.

"I will be fast." Petyr assured.

"Be safe." Rieka corrected. She watched him head off before she went to find Arya.


'You should stand side face.' Arya remarked as gendry was practicing

'Side face?'

'Sideways.' She clarified


'Smaller target.'

'Am I fighting someone?'

'You're practicing for a fight.' Arya told him 'You should practice right.'

'Guards! Help.' Arya ran to see what the shouting was about.

'Did you see anything?'

'Go up there.'

'Go and see where he fell from. Go up the back.'

A scream rang out and the tickler was dead. Arya looked around for Jaqen, she saw him eating an apple a smirk on his lips as he brought a single finger to his mouth, one named done two more to go the ghost of a smile covered her face.

'That is strange.'

'Move away.'

'Stand back.'

'He's dead.''

"What a great start!" Rieka declared.

"Rieka!" Arya hugged her tight. "I missed you. You married Baelish? Had his baby? Gods!"

"I love him chose him im happy with Petyr." Rieka assured. "How did you end up here?"

"Long story." Arya grumbled as Rieka led her away.

"And Who are your friends arya?" Rieka glanced back at Gendry.

"Met em on the way to the wall." Arya answered

"The wall. You were going to jon." Rieka realized.

"Yeah but things went bad and now im a f*cking cup bearer and-"

"They dont know who you are." Rieka agreed.

"Little finger didnt say Rieka stark. Rieka isnt a common name yet tywin didnt seem to notice or care." Arya remarked.

"Tywin is concerned about tywin not me." Riek assured her.

"And the babe?"

"Robbie." Rieka answered.

"Your baby? Really?" Arya couldnt believe it.

"My baby, he's perfect and I love him. Arya you can't stay here forever. If Petyr is right they are going to attack the castle, that is when you will be free to run or come back with me-"

"You can't seriously want to go back there?"

"Of course I do." Rieka agreed. "I have..." it was hard to say I have a life there, I have a home, "-Sansa is there." Rieka reminded her. "You will be safe." But would she really be safe?

"I'm never going back there and neither should you." Arya corrected sternly. "Where is Avalon?"

"With sansa, keeping an eye on her... come on I was given a room until Petyr returns, stay with me tonight, we can talk in private." Arya nodded following her in.


But the next morning Rieka saw Arya talking to a man, shouting his name out, Rieka didnt understand. She took a hesitant step closer. Jaqen glanced to her.

"Unname me." Jaqen requested.

"No!" Arya shouted. Rieka took another step closer.

"Unname me."

"Fine I un name you." Arya agreed. "If you get me and my friends out." Arya declared. Jaqen shook his head. Rieka couldnt hear them as they bickered back and forth but it looked like a losing battle.

"You should know better than to argue with Arya." Rieka remarked.

"Let me guess, her too?" Jaqen hissed.

"No she is being an idiot." Arya corrected.

"Ouch, thanks." Rieka grumbled.

"Well you are!" Arya shouted. "We can be free and get to Robb and you want to go back to him? Little finger?"

"To Sansa." Rieka corrected.

"You dont even like Sansa." Arya corrected.

"She is a lone and the long wolf-" Rieka began and Arya huffed a breath.

"Dies but the pack." Arya answered.

"Survives." Rieka agreed. "I'm not leaving her to fend for herself forever, shes not like us, she couldnt handle that. She wouldnt survive alone that long."

"Why leave her at all then?" Arya countered. Jaqen looked between them bored.

"Because I would have made myself miserable if I stayed there watching her mop around." Rieka admitted. "I'm a bad sister but I have a life too, I didnt want... I just needed a break. SHe loved Joffrey, she stuck up for him and I tried to protect her but I needed a moment to just be with Petyr and Robbie and not think about Sansa and her stupid choices in boys." Arya nodded in agreement.

"Now," Rieka looked between them. "What in seven hells is going on?"


"Are you sure?" Arya questioned.

"I'm sure." Rieka agreed. "Besides I have a baby, you have a nephew." Arya shook her head. "Get north, get to Robb or Jon if you can." Rieka suggested, "We will see each other again, I know it." Rieka remarked. Arya nodded hugging her tight.

"I miss you already Rieka." Arya whispered.

"Miss you too." Rieka whispered back not wanting to let her go. "Are you sure there is nothing I could do to convince you?"

"Nothing you could do." Arya agreed.

"be safe Arya."

"You too Rieka."

Rieka went back to her chambers to check on Robbie that night she stayed up and watched the front gate, she saw Arya and her friends in the darkness waiting. Waiting for what though, RIeka didnt know.

''What did you bring?'' Arya asked

''Some cheese and some sausages.'' hot pie answered

'What are we going to do about those guards?' Gendry asked as they crouched behind a pillar waiting for the moon to hit its peak.

'He didn't say.' Arya admitted 'he just said walk through the gates at midnight.''

'But what about the guards?' Gendry asked again

'He didn't say anything about guards,' arya told him, she watched the guards hesitantly.

'he left them out? it's pretty important part don't you think?' Gendry asked

'We have to trust him.' Arya told them.

'Trust him? You trusted him to fight with us and he ran.'

'I wanna go back to the kitchens.' Hot pie told them nervously.

'Shut up.' she shouted at them.

"What about your sister?" Hotpie questioned.

"She's not coming. You two can stay here if you're afraid.' Arya remarked with all the sass in the world as she got up walking towards the gate

'Arya don't!' they called but they followed after her hesitantly walking through the gates. The guards did not stop them because they were already dead their bodies hanging to look as though they were guarding they walked and walked and walked the sun was peeking up when they saw Jaqen on the top of a cliff looking down upon them. Rieka watched them go and if Sansa wasnt at the capital she had half the mind to go with them to get to Robb and Jon and Bran and Rickon.

'How did he find us?' hot pie questioned. Arya told them to stay put that she would deal with this she kept her eyes on the cliff but when she got around the peak Jaqen was gone. She kept walking looking when he appeared behind her.

'What are you doing here?'

'Waiting for you.' Jaqen answered

'How did you know we would come this way?' arya questioned curiously.

'After all the things you've seen this is your question? Not how did you kill those guards?' Jaqen questioned.

'Was it hard?' arya asked.

'No harder than taking a new name if you know the way.' Jaqen informed her.

'Show me how I want to know the way.' Arya begged.

'If you want to learn then you must come with me.' Jaqen told her


'Far away across the narrow sea to bravos.' Jaqen told her.

''My dancing masters from Bravvos.' arya smiled fondly at the memory.

''To be a dancing master is a special thing,' Jaqen agreed ''to be a faceless man that is something else entirely. A girl has many names on her lips Joffrey, Cersei, Tywin Lannister, llyn Payne, the hound...These names mean little to the faceless God.' jaqen told her. 'She could off them all one by one.' Jaqen suggested.

''I want to.'' arya agreed 'but I can't... I need to find my brother and mother... and get my sisters back.' she added, 'I need to find Sansa too if Rieka can't get her out of there, I need to help her.''

''Then we must part a man has duties as well... here.' he held out a coin to her

''What is it?' arya questioned holding the coin in her hand, she didn't recognize it.

''A coin of great value.' Jaqen assure dher.

''Could I buy a horse?' She asked looking it over in her hands

''It is not meant for the buying of horses.' Jaqen informed her.

''Then what good is it?''

''If the day comes when you must find me again just give that coin to any man from bravos and say the words and say valar morghulis.' Jaqen told her.

' valar morghulis' arya repeated. He nodded smiling down to her, he turned to leave 'Please don't go Jaqen.' Arya called to him.

'Jaqen H'ghar is dead.' He informed her, 'say it again valar morghulis.'

' valar morghulis'' arya answered.

'Good.' he turned around pulled off his mask revealing a new face. 'goodbye arya stark.' she looked at him baffled as she watched him leave.

Rieka held Robbie to her thinking of her own Robb, she wondered if he would be just as disappointed in her as Arya seemed to be. But Rieka was a wed, she had a child, she wanted more children but she wanted her family safe. They had to get out of here, after the war, they needed to get sansa out of the capital.


'The dark arts have provided Lord Stannis with his armies and paved his path to our door. For a man in service to such powers to sit on the Iron Throne, I can think of nothing worse. And tonight, I believe you are the only man who can stop him.'

''They're welcoming the new king.'' Stannis remarked as the bells rang out as they got closer to the shores.

'I've never known bells to mean surrender.' Davvos remarked

'They want to play music with us? Let's play.' Stannis declared

''Drums.'' Davvos declared

''Drums!'' the men echoed

War was upon them. the chimes and battle drums rang out as the soldiers prepared for battle, Stannis ships were entering the bay.

'Remember wait until the ships-' Tyrion began as they walked.

'The ships are in the bay.' Bronn said 'I know.'

'They must be far enough in.' Tyrion reminded him.

'I know what IN means... do you know how to use that?' Bronn questioned looking down at the axe in tyrions hand.

'I chopped wood once no... I watched my brother chopping wood once.' Tyrion admitted looking down to the axe.

'I saw you kill a man with a shield you'll be unstoppable with an axe... don't get killed' Bronn said shaking his hand

'Nor you my friend.' Tyrion told him.

'Are we friends now?' Bronn questioned

'Of course we are just because I pay you doesn't diminish our friendship.'

'It enhances it, really.' Bronn agreed

'It enhances it? fancy word for a sell sword.' Tyrion remarked.

'I've been spending time with fancy folks.' Bronn told him.

'Lady Sansa and Sarah?' Tyrion said

'Shae' she corrected bitterly.

'Yes Shae of course I'm sorry. Surely my sister has asked you to join her and the other highborn ladies?' Tyrion told Sansa. Sansa hoped Rieka would have been here by now but she wasnt. She was going to die here alone.

'She has my Lord but King Joffrey has asked for me to send him off.' just then Joffrey and Sandor appeared

'He's always been a great romantic.' Tyrion told her, as Joffrey called out to her

'Sansa! come here!' Joffrey demanded.

'I will pray for your safe return my Lord.' Sansa said turning back to Tyrion.

'Will you?' Tyrion questioned curiously.

''Just as I pray for the kings.' Sansa said turning around

''Stay safe my lady.'' Tyrion whispered to Shae.

''And you my lion.' Shae said quietly before following Sansa.

'Your king rides forth to battle, you should offer his sword a kiss.' Joffrey told sansa. 'My new blade heart eater I've named it.' Joffrey told her 'kiss it!' he demanded and sansa slowly put her lips to blade. 'You will kiss it again when I return and taste my uncles blood. Your sister too when she comes back from her little honeymoon with little finger.'' Joffrey cackled out.

''Will you slay him yourself?' sansa questioned curiously.

'If Stannis is foolish enough to come near me.' Joffrey muttered trying not to be nervous but he was a scared little boy.

'So you will be outside the gates fighting in the Vanguard?" Sansa questioned

''The king does not discuss battle plans with stupid girls.'' Joffrey sneered.

'I'm sorry your Grace I am stupid, of course you'll be in Vanguard. They say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is the thickest but he is a pretender.' Sansa remarked hopeful that joffrey would die having never seen battle before. She wondered where Rieka was though, if she was safe, where she went, she didnt tell her much. Just that she would be back soon and Avalon would keep her safe while she was gone.

'Your brothers time will come and you can lick his blood of heart eater too.' Joffrey said walking off.


"Where is our fleet?" Joffrey demanded looking out over the battle.

"on the way.' Tyrion answered.

"Why isn't it here now? they are coming!" Joffrey demanded but Tyrion kept his gaze on the horizon.

'Hound, tell the hand that the king has asked him a question!' Joffrey sneered. Sandor rolled his eyes but obeyed like a good dog. He had told Rieka he would look out for Sansa and he tried to but he was so f*cking done with the king.

''The King has asked you a question.' Sandor said in dull tone of voice.

''Tell the King that the hand of the King is too busy to tell him of every decision he makes.' Joffrey retorted. He nodded to Lancel.

''The hand of the King wishes to tell you-' Lancel began.

''If I tell you to cut him in half-' Joffrey began

''That would make me the quarter man.' Tyrion told him ''it doesn't have the same ring to it.' Joffrey didn't approve of his uncles teasing. 'chop me in half and I won't be able to lead our fleet no signal no plan and Stannis Baratheon takes the city and the iron Throne put your pinch little head up on the gate somewhere might be quite amusing except my head will be up there too. I like my head I don't think that I want to see it up there just yet.' Tyrion informed him.


''There they are.''

'Archers to their marks. '

''Archers, to your marks!'

''Archers! Nock your arrows!''

''Nock arrows! Hold fast.'' They were getting ready, their soliders locked and loaded and ready to aim.

''Hold fast! '' Tyrion remanded.

''What are you doing? We need to attack them." Joffrey shouted

''Hold fast.'' Tyrion said again.

''Boulders ready!'

'' Hold fast!'' the commanders echoed.

''There's only one ship. Where are the rest of them?'' Davvos muttered

''Where are the rest of them?! There's only one ship.'' Stannis's men looked around as they prepared for a fight but with only one Lannister ship approaching they waited.

''Archers, stand to!'

''Man the below! Nock!''

'''Nock and set! Draw!''

''Hold.'' Tyrion demanded

''Hold! '' the commanders echoes.

"There's no one on board." Davos remarked as a ship sailed next to theirs.

''More rocks coming up!''




"Wildfire." Stannis remarked. 'Steer clear! Steer clear!' Tyrion sent the signal and Bronn shot out a flaming arrow into the water it soared through the air as Stannis and his army watched it land the water, the water turned green exploding the boats around it a green haze of fire irrupted it. Consuming them. Bronn shot his arrow it flew through the sky. A haze of green flooded the water. He thought mother would be proud of him.

' Matthos! Get down!' Davos yelled for his son but the green explosion blasted him away. Stannis men were screaming and shouting, crying out as the burned.

''Prepare to land.'' Stannis demanded

''Your Grace...'' Davos begged

''The dwarf has played his little trick.'' Stannis sneered

''The wildfire ...'' Davos looked around at their ships getting devoured.

''He can only play it once.'' Stannis reminded him stubbornly.

''We're too far from the gates. The fire, their archers ... hundreds will die. Thousands.'' Davos warned.

''Come with me and take this city!" Stannis demanded


'He is a serious man Stanis Baratheon.'

'They are coming ashore.' Joffrey noted

'Rain fire on them.' Tyrion declared. One by one Tyrion sent the men off their positions and jobs assigned

'If there's any of those flaming f*cking arrows come near me I'm gonna strangle you with your own guts.' Sandor warned one of the archers. Tyrion stayed up top watching as his plan was working, they were going to win the war and it was all thanks to him. A burning man on fire came charging at Sandor and he stood frozen as well. His fear paralyzed him. sandor pushed away from the fire dazed and angry.

'Someone bring me a drink.' Sandor said stepping away from the water, towards the wall. He spit it out 'f*ck the water bring me wine!' he demanded taking a long chug.

'Can I get you some iced milk and some raspberries' Tyrion questioned as Sandor got farther and farther away from the fighting.

'Eat balls.' Sandor told him bluntly

'You're on the wrong side of the wall.' Tyrion told him

'I lost half my man the black water is on fire.'

'Dog I command you to go back out there and fight.' Joffrey yelled outraged.

'You are kings guard,' Tyrion reminded him 'you must beat them back... where you are going... take the city. Your king city!' Tyrion told him

'f*ck the kings guard. f*ck the city. f*ck the king.' Sandor spat marching away, he was done with kings landing.


'When we were young my father couldn't even tell us apart...'' Cersei was telling the women in her chambers as the men fought. 'I didn't understand why he let jaime fight and not me.' cersei went on. "but father hated the idea and I wanted to please him..." Cersei said with a long sigh. The flock of noble woman sat praying with sansa while cersei drank. Sansa prayed for death for Joffrey and Rieka's quick return.

''I wanted to fight with sword and lance but instead I was taught to smile and say please and he was the heir to Castlery rock and I was sold to some stranger like a horse to be ridden whenever he desired...' cersei went on bitterly.

''You were Roberts queen.' Sansa told her

''And you will be Joffrey's...' cersei told her. 'enjoy...''

''If the city falls, these fine women should be in for a bit of a rape. Half of them will have bastards in their bellies come the morning. You'll be glad of your red flower then." Cersei remarked and sansa paled even more at the thought. She had gotten the talk from Cersei and really wanted Rieka here, she had flowered and she would wed Joffrey soon enough, maybe rieka was dead somewhere and Sansa was truly alone here. ''When a man's blood is up, anything with tit* looks good. A precious thing like you will look very, very good. A slice of cake just waiting to be eaten.''

Cersei smirked smugly at the pained look on sansa's face.

'I don't think I know this one.' Cersei said seeing Shae standing in the corner she got up walking over to her. 'pretty,' shae stood up straight before doing an awkward curtsey before cersei. 'that is the worst curtsey I've ever seen.' Cersei told her 'I mastered it when I was four.' Cersei informed her snottily. 'straighten your back and bend.' cersei demonstrated shae repeated her. 'Better you learn fast. How long have you been in lady sansas service?'

'A few weeks... Your grace.' shae answered as soon as cersei sat back down

'When did you leave Loro?' shae didnt answer. 'I had a Baratheon handmaiden once although she was a lords daughter and you're not. When did you come to Westeros?' confused, shae answered.

''ten years ago.' shae said softly.

'From a commoner to the red keep in ten years... yet somehow you didn't learn how to curtsey... I imagine that is an interesting story considering your age.'' Cersei remarked, Shae offered her a tight lipped smile.

'What is your name?' cersei questioned looking her over.

'Shae your grace.'

'tell us a story Shae.' Cersei requested taking her glass back from her sister and bringing it to her lips once more. shae thought for a moment she didn't have many stories that wouldn't give away her past.

'When I was 13...' Shae began but a guard came running in calling for her Grace.

'Get the king back to his room.' Cersei demanded.

'the kings presence is good for moral, your grace.'

'GET THE KING BACK TO HIS ROOM!' cersei demanded.


"I feel like we should be there." Rieka remarked.

"Win or lose, you and I are safer here." Petyr assured. "Once the war is done, either way you are safe and you are my top priority."

"Sansa and Avalon are there, if they attack-"

"Stannis wouldnt hurt Sansa." Petyr assured. "He is an ally of the north."

"And he if wins and he doesnt find sansa first?" Rieka countered. "The men that raid the castle will go after the women, rape them, little sansa will be raped. Avalon will be killed. They are alone over there and us sitting at Harenhall and pretending that we are safe... Arya was right I shouldnt have left."

"Arya?" Petyr questioned.

"She was here." Rieka agreed. "Shes not anymore, she fled. I dont blame her. I wanted her to come back with us, we could have kept her safe but she ran instead. Now Arya is alone again and Sansa is alone and we are sitting here at Harenhall playing house while the war rages on outside out window."

She brought tommen to the throne room, sitting on the iron throne.

'this is going to help you sleep. Give you sweet dreams.' Cersei was saying kissing her sons face as he sat nervously in her lap. Cersei looked down to tommen nervously.

''He could hear them howling in the night. The little cub was frightened. His mother said, "You are a lion, my son. You mustn't be afraid. For one day all the beasts will bow to you. You will be king. All the stags will bow..." Cersei told Tommen nervously as she brought the vial to his lips. "all the wolves will bow. The bears in the north and the foxes of the south, all the birds in the sky and the beasts in the sea ... they will all come to you, little lion... to rest a crown upon your head." And the cub said, "Will I be strong and fierce like my father? Yes, said his mother. You will be strong and fierce just like your father. I will keep you safe, my love. I promise you.''

''Back to the boats! '' stannis men demanded.

''Stand and fight! Stand and fight, damn you! No!" Stannis shouted he wasn't ready to lose, but his men pulled him back. "NO!" he wasn't prepared to lose this war.

The doors of the throne room opened and Cersei's hand shook, the vial in her grasp as Loras Tyrell removed his helmet and her father marched forward.

''Father.' Cersei whispered the vial shattering to the floor.

'The battle is over. We have won." Tywin declared and Cersei sobbed into him.

Rieka ran as soon as Petyr said it was safe and she ran to Sansa.

Sansa was still shaking in her room when Rieka arrived at the capital, she jumped at every sound, every creek of the floorboards, every knock so rieka bursting in made her scream in horror.

"Sansa!" Rieka declared running to her. "Honey, we won, I dont know that its a good thing or not but we did. You are fine you are safe." Rieka assured. "I'm right here, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I left you. I should not have."

"I was so scared Rieka." Sansa whimpered clinging to her sister.

"I am so sorry... can I tell you something?" Rieka pondered. Sansa nodded into her. "Arya is okay, I saw her at harrenhall."

"She is? What was she doing there?" Sansa demanded.

"She was working for Tywin Lannister."

"Why!" Sansa shouted suddenly not scared but angry.

"He didnt know who she was, she was scared too, but she is okay, she got out Sansa, she got out." Rieka remarked. "We will get out of here too."

"You dont want to leave." Sansa corrected.

"Of course I do. I miss our family."

"You started a new family and left me here to die!" Sansa shouted dramatically.

"I'm sorry-"

"Sorry doesnt change it." Sansa hissed.

"I came back." Rieka reminded her gently.

"You are just going to leave again because you are not a prisoner. Not like I am." Sansa remarked.


"I'm glad you are back Rieka but I'm also mad you... I'm scared and I want to go home."

"I will get us home." Rieka assured. "I promise. We will get home again."


'Your house has come to our aid the whole realm is in your debt none more so than I,' Joffrey said as Garlan knelt before joffrey. Loras, Margaery Tyrell and their grandmother olenna, along with their Tyrell troops had come to their aid but they were not doing it from the goodness of their hearts.

'Ser Loras Tyrell.' Joffrey said and he stepped forward bowing down before the king 'your house has come to my aid the whole realm is in your debt as am I. if your family would ask anything in return ask it and it shall be yours.''

'Your Grace my sister Margaery... her husband was taken from us before... She remains innocent I would ask your grace to find it in your heart to do us this great honor to join our houses.' Loras requested still kneeling before him.

"She wants Joffrey, see this is a good thing, she can have him and they will toss you aside and we go home." Rieka whispered as she cradled Robbie to her chest, he drooled into her sound asleep. Sansa leaned into Rieka, they had to hope for the best she assumed.

'Is this what you want lady Margaery?' Joffrey questioned, as she stepped forward, sansa stood at the over look staring down at them.

'It is you grace... with all my heart your grace. I have come to love you from afar, tales of your courage and wisdom have never been far from my ears.' Margaery said flattering him. 'And those tales have taken root deep inside of me.''

"Deep." Rieka repeated with mock tone. "But boys like him do love it when you are on your knees." she added.

''I do have heard tales of your beauty and Grace but they do not do you justice my lady.' Joffrey complimented. 'it would be an honor to return your love but I will promise to another.' Joffrey reminded them. 'A king must keep his word.''

"Now he keeps his word?" Rieka hissed as Petyr came up she felt his hand on her back and leaned into his touch. "Hi."

"Causing trouble are you my love?" Petyr pondered.

"No, never... you know me, I'm an angel." Rieka agreed.

"What did father used to say about Robb stealing your halo?" Sansa mused and Rieka smiled a real smile.

"Robb stole it again?" Rieka teased. "Gods I need to have a talk with him." she agreed bumping her hip into Sansa.

''Your Grace the judgment of your small council.... giving you proper advisor as not to marry the daughter of a man who committed treason against you. a girl whose brother is an open rebellion against the throne as we speak for the good of the realm your counselors beg you to set Sansa Stark aside.' Cersei informed him. There was an uproar, agreeing with the queen regent in the throne room Joffrey stood up.

'I would like to heed your wishes and the wishes of my people but I took a holy vow.' Joffrey said and sansa's heart plummeted.

"He seems to do the opposite of what is told of him, lets say marry sansa today and he will probably end the union of the spot." Rieka remarked.

''Your Grace' maester pycelle said stepping forward. 'The gods do indeed hold of betrothal solemn but your father bless his memory made this pack before the starks revealed their falseness... I have consulted with the high septon and he assures me that for the good of the realm, to free you from any promises you have made to them in the sight of gods.' Pycelle assured him.

"Listen to the man older than death." Rieka agreed.

''The gods are good I am free to heed my heart.' Joffrey proclaimed. 'Ser Loras I will gladly wed your sweet sister... you will be my queen.' Joffrey told her 'and I will love you from this day until my last day.' Sansa couldnt help but smile.

'My lady my sincerest condolences.' Petyr remarked. Rieka rolled her eyes.

'They are right I'm not good enough for him.' Sansa lied innocently.

'You are good enough for many things... he would've enjoyed beating you and now that you are a woman he would've enjoyed you in other ways as well.' Petyr corrected and Sansa paled. Rieka had not thought about that.

''But if he is not marrying me-'' Sansa whimpered.

"'and you thought he would let you go home?' petyr questioned. 'Joffrey is not the boy who gives away his toys.' Petyr told her. 'you have a tender heart just like your mother did at your age. We are family Sansa, you need not worry, I will help get you both home.'

'Kings Landing is my home now.' Sansa told him obediently.

'Look around you. We are all liars here and everyone of us is better than you.' Petyr warned her. "Your sister knows how to play the game, she is learning, you need to..."

"Toughen up." Rieka cut in. "We are wolves and these bitches have been calling you dove for too damn long. You are not a dove sansa. You are a wolf."


"So you survived my mother just to nearly get your head chopped off, that must be... wow you are just not having the greatest past few moons are you Tyrion?" Rieka pondered.

"Thank you for your concern I am fine." Tyrion assured her.

"I'm sure you are... does it hurt? It looks painful."

"It hurts." Tyrion confirmed.

"What happened?" Rieka pondered.

"Do you really want to know?" Tyrion questioned curiously.

"Sansa is at lockdown lessons and Petyr is in a council meeting." Rieka remarked. "Avalon is hunting something that probably isnt the king the right and I'm bored and here you are."

"Wow, that makes me feel so loved." Tyrion told her, sacasum oozed from him.

"I'm sweet like that." She agreed with a wink.

"Well, I was in the thick of the fighting while joffrey was brought back to his room." Tyrion began and Rieka snorted a laugh.

"Our king everyone!" Rieka clapped out.

"Our King," Tyrion agreed. "then I fought valiantly and almost died... the end."

"Great story, thank you for that. Now I can add that to why Joffrey should die a painful death." Rieka remarked as she got up. "Avalon what did you catch? A lion?" She winked back at Tyrion. "No its just bird... good job honey." she coed petting between her ears.


Tywin sat at his desk while Tyrion sat across from him, the hand of the King no more.

'The badge looks good on you,' he told his father 'almost as good as it looked on me. Are you enjoying your new position?''

''Am I enjoying it?' tywin questioned.

''I was very happy.' Tyrion reminded him.

''Yes I know how happy you were you brought a whor* into my bed.' Tywin snapped.

''It wasn't your bed at the time.' Tyrion reminded him.

''I sent you here to advise the king I gave you real power and authority. You chose to spend your days as you always have bedding harlots and drinking with thieves.' Tywin declared thoroughly annoyed.

''Occasionally I drink with the harlots.' Tyrion teased.

''What do you want Tyrion?' Tywin questioned as he poured wax on his scroll sealing it closed with the hand of the King stamp.

''Why does everyone always assume I want something?'' Tyrion questioned, 'cant I simply visit with my beloved father. My beloved father who somehow forgot to visit his wounded son after he fell in the battlefield....''

''Master pycelle assured me your wounds were not fatal.' Tywin told him.

''I nearly got my head chopped in half!' Tyrion reminded him. 'you didn't think to check for yourself? Lady Rieka Stark did. She-"

''yes, nearly.' Tywin agreed. 'Unfortunately Stannis's men were not more skilled.' Tywin sneered. Tyrion scoffed not believing his ears.

''I organized the defense of the city while you were caught in the ruins of harrenhal. I led the armies when the enemies were at the gate while your grandson, the king quivered in fear behind the walls. I bled in the mud for our family and as my reward I was trundled off to some doctor but what do I want? A little bloody gratitude would be a start!' Tyrion declared.

''Jugglers and singers require applause you are a Lannister. Do you think I demanded a garland of roses every time I suffered a wound on the battlefield?' tywin asked with a deep sigh of annoyance. 'Now I have seven kingdoms to look after and three of them are in an open rebellion so tell me what you want?''

"Petyr!" RIeka declared running to him. Avalon rubbed up against his legs. "You know I was thinking as need to get the hell out of the capital... take sansa this time. And just you know... stay away." she whispered.

"You want to..." he didnt want to say the words out loud, didnt want unwanted ears to hear. RIeka understood and she gave a small nod. "I will see what I can do."

"Thank you... I know she feels trapped and I... I want to help her while she still trusts me to do so."

"She's your sister of course she trusts you."

"I wouldnt be so sure at times." Rieka countered.


'My sister request you take care with her in the Gardens.' Loras said coming up to Rieka and sansa.

'Thank you Ser loras.' Sansa said in a dreamy haze as she let Loras lead her away.

'You're such a dear,' Margaery said taking Sansa's hand.

'I will take my leave... Lady Sansa, ' Loras said walking off

'Thank you sir Loras,' Sansa said looking after him.

"Thank you Petals!" Rieka agreed. "Hey loras..." Rieka chased after him. "How are doing after everything from... you know."

"He was my king." Loras corrected

"And more." Rieka agreed and Loras grit his teeth. "You loved him, no one cries that hard for just a friend, a king, unless there is more to it. I loved my father, I wept like that, tears, snot and a sobbing mess when he was killed." RIeka remarked and Loras shifted from foot to foot.

"I'm just saying, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here." Rieka offered.

"You should get to my grandmother, she doesnt like to be kept waiting."


Tywin sat at the head of the table as the other masters followed in taking their seats. Tyrion, and Cersei took the seats as well but Cersei moved her chair to sit at her father's right side. Tyrion took his chair and moved it as well, it scraped along the floor to the opposite end head of the table.

'Intimate. Lovely. The table And chairs are better than the old small council chamber conveniently closer to your own quarters. I like it.' Tyrion noted getting comfortable.

'What news of Jaime?' Tywin said looking around the table '20,000 unwashed northerners have known about the escape for weeks, collectively you control more spies and informants than the rest of the world combined.' Tywin reminded them getting more and more aggravated by the moment. 'do you mean to tell me that none of you have any motion of where he is?"

'We are trying my Lord' Varys said 'there's the-'

'Try harder.' he demanded 'what do we have then?'

'Robb stark and most of his Bannerman are in the riverrunn for the funeral of his grandfather Lord Tully and in the starks absence Bolton holds Harrenhal. Which would seem to make him Lord of Harrenhal in practice if not in-'' Petyr remarked looking to Tywin.

''The name suits our purposes, more on that useless pile of rubble the Lord of Harrenhal will make a worthy suitor for the widow Ayrn.' Tywin told Petyr.

'For which I am extremely grateful to you my lord...' Petyr said 'Lady Aryn and I have known each other since we were children she has always been positively predisposed towards me but I am wed-'

"Since when?" Tywin countered.

"You met my wife, Rieka stark." Petyr corrected. Tywin let out a long sigh.

"Thats right... Stark?"

"Yes, lovely isnt she?" Petyr agreed.

"Sevens... we need the Veil. Make it work, Lord Baelish.' Tywin snapped.

'Titles do seem to breed titles.' Petyr acknowledged. "But what would you have me offer?"

"Make it work." Tywin demanded.

"I dont think my wife would-" Petyr stopped himself as Tywin's glare threatened death itself.

"'You will leave for the erie as soon as possible and bring lysa aryn into the fold and the young wolf can add the Aryns to the list of people who is taking up arms against him.' Tywin informed him.

'Far be it for me to hinder true love,' tyrion added, Petyr scoffed, he loved Rieka and Rieka alone. He never loved Lysa. 'but Lord Baelish's absence would present certain problems the royal wedding may end up being the most expensive event in living memory. Summer has ended hard days are a head. It is not a good time to leave the kings crowns finances unattended.' Tyrion reminded them.

'Fully agreed' Pycelle said.

"Yes I agree. I cannot leave." Petyr agreed. He couldnt leave RIeka either.

'Which is why I'm naming you the new master of coin' tywin told him.

'Master of coin?' Tyrion questioned.

"WHat?" Petyr countered through an exasperated breath.

'it seems to me that is the best position that suits your talents.' Tywin added smugly .

'No I'm quite good at spending money.' Tyrion reminded him, 'but a lifetime of outrageous spending has not taught me about managing it.'

'I have no doubt he will prove equal to this challenge.' Cersei told him.


'Come,' Margaery said leading them to her grandmother. 'lady Rieka, lady Sansa it is my honor to present my grandmother the lady Olenna of house Tyrell.'

'Kiss me child ,'she said holding out her hand for Sansa to kiss. 'it is so good of you to visit me in my foolish flock of hens. Very sorry for your losses.''

''And I was sorry when I heard of Lord Renly's death. Lady Margaery said he was very gallant.' Sansa told them. Rieka bumped her hip against Margary and she rolled her eyes.

'Gallant yes,' Olena agreed 'and charming and very clean he knew how to dress and smile and somehow this gave him the notion he was fit to be king''

"Same like our current king." Rieka agreed and Olenna chuckled.

'And he was brave and gentle grandmother, father liked him so did Loras.' Margaery added.

'Loras is young and very good at knocking men off horses with a stick that does not make him wise as for your fat flower of a father-'' Olenna cut in and now it was Rieka laughing.

''Grandmother what will Sansa and Rieka think of us!' Margaery exclaimed.

'She might think we have some wits about us one of us at any rate.'

"That your grandmother is the best and I wish she was my gran." Rieka declared.

"Marry loras and it can be done." Olenna agreed.

"I'm already married." Rieka countered.

"To- Oh, thats right. Baelish." Olenna recalled.

''Dont say his name like that." Rieka mused. "I love him. We have a son and I'm hoping for another child in the future."

"Her boy is the cutest." Margaery agreed. "Named him after her brother... didnt you?''

"Yes... I did." RIeka agreed. Some of the whor*s were tending to him, his true mother, she swore she just wanted to hold him, she could be his nanny when she wasnt working. Rieka agreed, after all it was her child, but Robbie was Rieka's baby too.

''Are you going to bring us our food are we going to starve to death?' Olenna called passed them to a server. 'Here Rieka, Sansa, come sit with me. We've heard some troublesome tales is there any truth to them? Has this boy mistreated you?" Sansa stayed silent.

"I could tell you stories." Rieka agreed but Sansa elbowed her shaking her head.

''Has he ripped out your tongue?" Olenna questioned.

'Joff- King Joffrey he... his grace is very fair and handsome and fit and as brave as a lion.' Sansa said nervously. Rieka scoffed.

''Yes all Lannister the Lions.' Olena agreed, 'and when a Tyrell farts it smells like a rose but how kind of see how clever does he have a good heart and gentle?' Olena asked.

"You best watch out for a Starks bark is just as bad as our bite." RIeka decided.

"I like that." Margaery remarked.

"Thank you, your grandmother brings out the creativity in me." Rieka decided.

"Dont let her get a big head." Margaery corrected.

"Too late." Olenna countered. "Now, the truth please." Sansa let out a shaky breath.

'I'm to be his wife I only want to know what he is like.' Margaery asked innocently.

''Tell us the truth no harm will come to you.' Olena agreed.

'Our father always told the truth.' Sansa remarked.

"Not always." Rieka muttered.

'Yes he had that reputation,' Olena told her 'and they named him trader and took his head.''

'Joffrey,' Rieka corrected.

"'Joffrey did that he promised you'd be merciful and he cut my father's head off and then he said that was mercy then he took me up on the walls maybe look at it.'' Sansa declared.

''Go on,' Margaery encouraged.

''I... I can't I never meant... My father is a traitor my brother as well I have traders blood please don't make me say anymore.' Sansa stammered.

"Joffrey is a malicious c*nt and you need to sleep with a blade under your pillow once you are wed." Rieka remarked.

"Rieka!" Sansa whimpered.

''She's terrified grandmother just look at her.' Margaery noted

''Speak freely child we would never betray your confidence I swear it,' Olena told her

''He's a monster.' Sansa told them

''Oh that's a pity.''

"It is a pity, or else father would still be alive." Rieka agreed. "But its not his fault he's a bas-" Sansa elbowed her again. "Stop doing that, you are hurting my ribs!"

"'Please don't stop the wedding.' Sansa begged.

''Have no fear the Lord oaf of high garden is determined that Margaery should be queen, but we thank you for the truth.''

"You will be a good queen, but hell, anyone is better than Cersei." Rieka assured.


'Why have we stopped?' Joffrey demanded peeking out of the carriage gates, last time they walked back from the sept things ended badly so this time they were protected yet they were stopping in the middle of the streets. Joffrey was king, he shouldn't wait for anyone.

'It's lady Margaery your Grace.' The knight told him.

'What is she doing who gave her permission?' Joffrey sneered.

'My lady we should have guards my lady.' Margaery's handmaiden called after her.

'Why?' she asked as they marched through the streets they were coming back from the sept when Margaery noticed an orphanage. 'Pardon me,' she said sweetly walking around a large man dung was being dropped onto the streets in front of them, dumping their waste, not on them but in the streets, Margaery looked down at the mess in front of her. Margaery's face pinched just the slightest.

'Stop my lady you will ruin your dress!' Her handmaiden said but Margaery marched right through.

'I have others,' she said her handmaiden hesitantly followed after her.

"Loras this is the last place I would have expected to see you." Rieka remarked.

"Well I heard you were at the brothel and thought, Rieka stark is stripping herself bare, little finger must really be desperate." Loras mused.

"Ha, ha." Rieka countered. "Come on in. This is the top floor, the best suite." Loras looked around at the woman dressed in thin flimsy dresses. "Careful Loras that nonexistent boner is really giving you away if you keep staring." Loras swatted a hand at her.

"I... Margaery said your little boy was the cutest and that I should formally meet him." Loras offered.

"You wanted to see me, no need to make excuses." RIeka assured as she turned around. Avalon sat on the couch getting her belly rubbed as Robbie was playing in between a group of whor*s.

"This is Robbie, he just turned two." Rieka remarked.

"He's a handsome little lad. Looks like you." Loras offered. Rieka chuckled as she picked Robbie up.

"I think he looks more like Petyr." Rieka countered knowing full well there was no Baelish or Stark blood in this little bundle of joy.

"And look at that hair, thick black. He has..." Loras stopped himself.


"He has Renlys eyes..." Loras whispered and RIeka shifted Robbie in her arms.

"You think?" She tried to keep her voice even.

"Maybe I'm just wanting to see something that isnt there." Loras offered. "Might I?" He reached out for Robbie.

"Of course." Rieka agreed and Loras bounced Robbie in his arms.

"He's a smiling little guy." Loras declared as Robbie giggled back at him.


''He was a soldier he went to fight in the wars,' a little boy was telling Margaery at the orphanage. 'he was going to Blackwater Bay he never came back,' the little boy told her.

'And your mother?' Margaery questioned.

'She died when she had me.'

'Bad men wanted to come into the city and do terrible things but your father stopped them,' Margaery told them. She gave him a little wooden knight figurine, 'whenever you look at this knight I want you to remember your father.' She said handing it over to him

'He wasn't a knight he was just a soldier,' he told her

'But what do knights swear to do? Protect the week and uphold the good,' she told him 'your father did that be proud of him,' she looked around at all the children 'was your father a soldier to?' She asked and another boy nodded 'you should be proud to,' she told him 'under King Joffrey's leader ship your father saved the city.' Margaery told them 'they saved us off from now on we're going to take care of you.' she said and little wooden knights were passed out to all the children 'all of you,' she said they grabbed her hand as they led her out.

'Come to me whenever you need to feed them clothe them or house then,' Margaery told the woman running the orphanage 'directly to me,' she kissed little girls cheek as they made their way back.


"Loras you are lucky that they are late or else you would be making a bad impression with our future in laws." Margaery hissed.

"I was with Rieka and RObbie, I lost track of time." Loras offered. "He's a sweet boy. Gran would love him."

"He's sweet, I dont know where he gets it from, Rieka is such a spitfire." Margaery teased.

"He's got Renly's eyes." Loras rasped and Margaery opened her mouth to say dont you dare speak of Renly in this place they will have our heads but the king and Cersei approached them.

'Your Grace,' Margaery said as they were waiting for the King's arrival. Margaery sent Loras a pointed look, one minute more and loras would have been tardy.

'Sit sit I do apologize,' Joffrey told them 'my lady a small council meetings at what point does it become treason to waste the kings time.' Joffrey remarked sitting down Margaery kept a smile on her face. 'That's a lovely gown, my lady.' Joffrey told her happily raking his eyes over her, looking at the thin fabric, no sleeves, deep cut on her neck.

'Yes it suits you perfectly.' Cersei said 'I imagine you might be rather cold.'

'The climate is a bit more forgiving back in high garden your grace.' Margaery told them.

'Should I have them bring you a shawl my lady?'' Joffrey offered, what a kind act, Margaery knew the act well. SHe played the good girl well and saw past Joffrey's facade.

'I'm touched by your concern your grace but luckily for us Tyrells our blood runs quite warm doesn't it brother?"


'stop your sulking girl.' Sandor said to arya. The three of them rode uncomfortably on a horse. 'truth is you're lucky.' He told arya, she had the most grumpy face on... 'you don't want to be along out here girl... someone worse than me would find you.'

'there is no one worse than you.' Arya spat.

'you never knew my brother.' Sandor said with a chuckle. 'he once killed a man for snoring. Plenty worse than me... plenty of men worse than me. there are men that like to beat little girls... men that like to rape them...'

'it that the black water?' arya asked

''the black water? Where do you think I'm taking you?'' sandor questioned pulling his horse to a stop.

''back to kings landing, to joffery and the queen.' Arya said confused.

''f*ck joffrey and f*ck the queen.' Sandor told her. 'That's the fork... I'm taking you to the twins.'

'but why? where are we going?' arya asked.

'to your brother and mother, because they will pay me for you.' sandor said and also because Rieka had been kinder to him, he got free drinks and free f*cks at the brothel when she was there for him trying his best to protect Sansa while she couldnt. Sandor wondered if Sansa told Rieka when she returned from her little vacation what Sandor did for her, tried to protect her.

"'my brother? Why would they be at the twins?' arya asked.

''those outlaws you love so much didn't tell you... the whole country side is yapping about it... your uncle is marrying once of the frey girls...' Sandor remarked. 'we just might make it in time for the wedding.' Sandor said and arya nodded. She was going to be with her family, she would get to see Robb before RIeka did, she would be so jealous she didnt come with them now.


'I don't mean to disturb you,' Margaery said as Sansa knelt and prayed

'You haven't.' Sansa told her. Robbie sat on the ground of the little outlook with Rieka playing with some wolf blocks Petyr had made for him. He roared and howled out as he made them run around.

'we'd like some privacy please if you wouldn't mind waiting inside the keep,' Margaery told the guards 'or if you'd be kind enough to give me your names I will ask King to speak with you himself?' Margaery threaten sweetly as she walked past them. Since sansa was on house arrest still not able to go anywhere without guards, they didn't want her running, just in case they needed to chop off her head. Rieka was mad and sad, Petyr was packing up, he was taking a damn trip to the errie and Rieka was still trying to figure out how to get him to say no to Tywin and not lose his head. Maybe this was the chance they needed to pretend they were going to Loony aunt lysa and just set sail and never look back.

'what did you pray for?' Margaery pondered.

''I can't tell you.' Sansa told her.

"I prayed for an answer to my current problem." Rieka remarked. "Your turn sansa."

"I can't. I wont." Sansa corrected.

'Why not?" Margaery pondered.

"Death upon the king." Rieka whispered as she picked up Robbie.

"I'll tell you what I pray for... I was at the sept this morning let's see... for my family's health and happiness for an end to the war for a short winter boring in tradition I'm afraid and you?'' Margaery went on.

'I'm sorry I just can't,' Sansa told her.

'My cousin Alana was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen but I was 12 I was all elbows and knees and Alana looks like a goddess sent a torture me pig face she called me.' Margaery told them as they walked.

'Pig face that's ridiculous.'

"I can't imagine you as anything less than the Goddess that you are, Margaery." Rieka agreed. Margaery feigned a blush as she tossed her hair over her shoulder.

'I think it had something to do with my nose whenever she passed me in the hall she would oink.' Margaery told them. 'I was so mad, so I pray that she'd catch a horrible skin disease A week after that she came down with porridge plague.'

'Porridge plague?' Sansa questioned.

'Oh you don't have another North?' Margaery questioned. Rieka snorted a laugh and Margaery oinked back at her. 'Your skin starts to look like boiled oats and eventually your face falls off and you die in agony.'

'That's awful,' Sansa said and Margaery nodded and Margaery chuckled as well. 'you are unbelievable I believed you porridge plague, I'm an idiot.'

'Don't say that no you're not.' Margaery said as they continued on their walk. Robbie tried to oink out but ended up laughing instead.

'So what happened to Alana?'' RIeka pondered.

''Oh she is still the most beautiful woman and married a handsome Lord and they have darling children and live in a castle by the sea it's all terribly frustrating.' Margaery told them.

"Yes terribly frustrating indeed." Rieka agreed. RObbie laughed out.

"Oh noo!" Robbie pointed at his fallen wolf and Margaery picked it up handing it to him.

"What do you say to Margaery?" Rieka pondered.

"Tank ouuuu." Robbie said fisting the wolf in his little fingers.

'I'm sure she's jealous of you now. You'll be married here in the capital and she'll have to come watch you pretend to be happy that you're a queen.' Sansa told her.

''I want us to be friends good friends. Like I am with your sister.' Margaery offered.

"are we good friends?" Rieka teased and Margaery bumped her hip into her.

''That would make me very happy.' Sansa told her

'You must visit high garden you'd love it there I know you would. we have a great masquerade the night of the harvest moon you should see the costumes people work on them for months.' Margaery told her.

"That sounds fun, Robbie would you like that?" Rieka coed kissing his little face.

''I don't think the queen would let me kings landing.' Sansa reminded her

'The queen regent you mean.' Margaery corrected 'once I marry Joffrey I'll be queen and if you were to marry Loros...' Margaery suggested. Rieka held back her laugh. At least Loras would be kind to Sansa. ''Your place would be at high garden wouldn't it?'' Margaery went on with a wink. 'We would be sisters, would you like that?' Margaery asked and Sansa nodded.

"Sisters... and considering our little sister is current missing in action, we can always use another." Rieka agreed. "And as sister, you should change Robbies diaper to show your loyalty."

"I will be back as soon as I can." Petyr assured. He had just told Rieka about Tywin's demands. "You can't come with me." He repeated.

"He wants you to seduce Lysa, my aunt lysa. Loony Lysa!" RIeka shouted. "ANd you think I'm okay with this? Dont answer that, I'm not." Rieka assured him.

"She has been in love with me for ages, I'm not falling for her, not then and not now you want to know why?" Petyr pondered.

"Because you love me and I would castrate you." Rieka answered Petyr nodded slowly.

"Because I love you." Petyr agreed giving her a kiss. "I am loyal to you and when I get back..."

"We run away." Rieka suggested. Petyr nodded against her.

"Be ready." Petyr agreed kissing her again.


'He's such a splendid fighter.' Sansa said as they watched Loras duel with another knight Margaery smiled over at her 'do you have any idea when we might...'

'I'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and I are married it should go quickly.'

'Joffrey won't let me leave he's got too many reasons to keep me here.' Sansa muttered.

''And only one to let you go,' Margaery told her ''because it will please me.''


'I would much rather have Loras married off to Sansa.' Olenna informed Tywin. 'Cersei is old, loras is young. I don't want him tied down to her. to the Lannister name.' olenna hissed out.

'No.' Tywin said simply and utterly annoyed.

'You may have the stomach for blood shed but this is a completely other matter,' olenna assured him.

'My stomach remains quite strong the only thing that might turn it could be the details of your grandsons nocturnal activities,' tywin countered. 'do you deny them?'

'Not at all.' Olenna admitted. 'a sword swallower through and through.' olenna told him, sipping her wine.

'His affliction, when a boy with his affliction should be grateful for the opportunity to marry one of the most beautiful woman in the kingdoms and remove the stain from his name.' tywin told her calmly.

'Did you grow up with boy cousins, lords sons, sons of your fathers Bannerman, Squires, stable boys?'

'Of course' tywin answered

'And you... Never...'

'No' he assured

'Not once?' She said disbelieving 'not in anyway?'


'I congratulate you upon your restraint but it's a natural thing to boys having a go each other underneath the sheets.' Olenna said nonchalantly.

'Perhaps high garden has a high tolerance for unnatural behavior.' Tywin suggested.

'I wouldn't say that, we didn't tie ourselves in knots over discreet bit of a Buggery but brothers and sisters... Where I come from that stain would be very difficult to wash out.' Olenna countered.

'I will not breathe more life into a malicious lie by discussing it.' Tywin spat.

'Lie or not I must admit many people find it quite convincing. Convincing enough to put sword in your hand and send them off to kill Lannister's and Tyrells thanks to a new affiliation.'

'I don't care what people believe.' he said offering her more wine but she covered her hand over her glass 'and neither do you.''

''As an authority on myself I must agree.''

''No if the rumors about my children were true then Joffrey is no King at all and house Tyrell is throwing its prized flower into the dirt.'' Tywin reminded her.

'The starks are sweet, they are good girls, if Rieka hadnt already wed that unfortunate little finger I would have had Loras and Rieka wed by now." Olenna remarked. "And Sansa adores Loras... besides if cersei Is too old to give Loras children... We are throwing another prize flower into the dirt it is a chance we simply cannot take-''

''Don't make this difficult.' Tywin sneered.

''Im not throwing away both my grandchildren on corrupted lannisters.' Olenna informed him.

'The uncertainty makes you uncomfortable.' He said it was a statement not a question. 'All right I'll remove it for you. If you refuse to marry loras to cersei, I will name him to the Kings Guard. I'm sure you're familiar with the kings guards vows. He will never marry, he will never have children, the Tyrell name will fade and high garden will go to the children of Joffrey and Margaery.' Tywin informed her.

'You would have your grandson protected by someone who disgust you?'' Olenna questioned.

''I will have my grandson protected by skilled warrior.'' tywin corrected. 'Who takes his vows seriously.' He smirked over at Olenna. 'so shall I draw the order? Or do you consent to this marriage?'

'It's a rare enough thing for a man who lives up to its reputation.' she said breaking his quill pen.


'What is she doing here?' Tyrion asked

'You are late.' Tywin said

'Yes yes well you will be pleased to learn that after one conversation with the Tyrells I have saved the crown hundreds of thousands on this wedding.' Tyrion said happily.

'Never mind that we have something important to discuss.'' Tywin corrected.

'A master of coin saving money is important. Stop that,' Tyrion turned his eyes to Cersei 'you're making me uncomfortable.'

'Your sister has learned that your new friends the tyrells are plotting to marry Sansa stark to ser Loras.' Tywin told him.

'Very well she's a lovely girl missing sort of Loras' favorite fits but I'm sure they'll make do.' Tyrion told them.

'Your jokes are not appreciated' tywin informed him.

'Wasn't my best but I got-' Tyrion began but was cut off.

'I bring them into the Royal fold and this is how they repay me by trying to steal the key to the north out from under me.' tywin muttered.

'Sansa is the key to the north?' Tyrion asked 'I seem to remember she has an older brother and an older sister.'

'The starks have marched home, the young wolf has lost half his army and his days are numbered.' Tywin told him. "Theon Greyjoy murdered both his brothers that makes Sansa the heir to Winterfell and I am not about to hand it over to the Tyrells. Or Baelish. He will seal a union with Lysa and Rieka will be... I will find her a match once the deed is done and if she doesnt cooperate... then sansa is the key.'

'You can't be serious!" Tyrion shouted. "Rieka did nothing wrong, Sansa either. Besides the Tyrell army is helping us win the war do you really think it's wise refuse them?' Tyrion questioned

'There's nothing to refuse, this is a plot, plots are not public knowledge.' Tywin reminded him. 'the Tyrells will not carry this out until after Joffrey's wedding we need to act first and kill this union in it's crib tonight.' tywin added.

'And how do we do that?' Tyrion asked

'We find sansa stark a different husband.' Cersei informed him grinning.

''Wonderful.' Tyrion agreed he was distracted by Cersei's smiling face.

'we already found one.' Tywin told him. Jaime would put down his gold cloaks and marry Rieka if and when he returned, but in the meantime, he couldnt afford to lose Sansa to the tyrells. She was one third of the remaining starks that needed handling.

'Yes it is wonderful.' Cersei added smiling mischievously at her brother.

'You can't mean...' Tyrion said flustered. 'you cant-'

'I can and I do.' Tywin informed him.

''Joffrey has made this poor girl's life miserable since he took her father's head, now she's finally free of him and you give her to me that's cruel. Even for you.' Tyrion spat.

'Do you intend on mistreating her?' Tywin questioned and Tyrion gave him a pointed look. 'the girls happiness is not my concern nor should it be yours.' tywin reminded him

'She's a child!' Tyrion declared

'She's flowered I assure you she and I have discussed at length.' Cersei added.

'See there you have it. You will wed her, bed her and put a child in her surely you can be capable of that.' tywin told him.

'And if I refuse?' Tyrion questioned.

'Do you want to be rewarded for your bravery in battle? Sansa Stark is a fine reward, you could never do better, and it is past time you were wed.' tywin reminded him.

'I was wed.' Tyrion reminded him 'or don't you remember?'

'Only too well.' he said slowly

'You should be thanking the gods for this, this is more than you deserve.' Cersei told him.

'Tyrion will do as he is bid.' Tywin informed them both. 'As well you Cersei.' tywin informed her, Cersei turned her attention to her father.

'What do you mean?' cersei snapped.

'You will marry Ser loras.' Tywin told her.

'I will not.'

'He is at a high garden, Tyrion will secure the north-"

"Again Rieka." Tyrion corrected.

"- and you will secure the reach.' Tywin said calmly.

'No I won't do that.' cersei shouted, this was taking a turn for her.

'You will, you are still young, you need to marry again and breed.' Tywin told her.

'I am queen regent!' she screamed 'I'm not some broodmare.'

'You're my daughter!' he screamed back 'you will do as I command and you will marry Loras Tyrell and put an end to the disgusting rumors about you once and for all.'

'Father don't make me do this again.' Cersei whimpered.

'Not another word,' he said slamming his hands down the table rising from a seat. 'my children...' he said disgusted. 'you two have both been a disgrace to the Lannister name for far too long...''

"So I was thinking Stark blues and greys for the wedding, really lay on the wolf in us. I found Robbie a cute pattern, and I turned it into a bow tie!" Rieka declared. "It's adorable. So adorable!"

"I'm sure it is." Sansa agreed.

"You are going to be the cutest man at the stupid wedding." Rieka coed bouncing him in her arms. "Yes you are!" she declared when there was a knock at the door.

'Lady Sansa, Lord Tyrion is here to see you.' she said and shae quickly redressed the girl

'I beg your pardon my lady.' tyrion said come into the room. He looked to Rieka as she bouced her babe in her arms.

'I beg your pardon my lord,' sansa countered. 'I was just trying on the ground for King Joffrey's wedding.''

"I was discussing how Robbie is going to look the cutest!" Rieka cut in.

''Yes it should be quite a wedding I need to speak with you lady sansa.....' His eyes moved to shae.

'Of course.' Sansa agreed.

'Alone if I may?' Tyrion questioned again his gaze moving to shae. shae didn't move though she looked at Tyrion stubbornly.

'It's all right shae but I do trust her even though she tells me not to.' sansa informed Tyrion.

"And Sansa is just going to tell me anyways so might as well hear it now." Rieka assured.

'Sometimes... We think we want to hear some thing it's only afterward when it is too late that we realize we wish we heard it under entirely different circ*mstances.' Tyrion said awkwardly.

'It's all right really.' sansa encouraged

'How to begin...' tyrion said closing the door, 'well this is awkward.'


'She is a child.'

'She is a foot taller than you.'

'A tall child.' Tyrion said

'What's the youngest you've ever had?'

'Not that young.'

''how much older?'

'Older.' tyrion said simply

'You're a Lord she's a lady.' Bronn reminded him 'and a beauty at that.' bronn remarked and Tyrion sighed.

"Then there is the problem of Shae." Tyrion offered.

'Shae is a whor* Are you going to marry her?' Bronn questioned 'How did marrying a whor* turn out for the first time?'

'I never should have told you that.' Tyrion said slumping in his chair.

"wed one bed the other.' Bronn offered 'all you have to do is get a son in the stark girl, you will have two women and if your father gets his way which he seems to, a whole kingdom of your own.' Bronn remarked.

'Two women who despise me and a whole kingdom to join them.' Tyrion corrected.

'You can waste time trying to get people to love you, you will end up the most popular dead man in town.' Bronn said pouring them both another drink 'you wanna f*ck that stark girl you just don't want to admit it.'

'I do not pay you to put evil notions in my head.' Tyrion said. 'The ones in my head don't need the company.'

'No you pay me to kill the people that bother you.' Bronn told him 'evil notions come free.'


'When I was at Winterfell all I ever wanted was to escape to come here to see the capital see the knights and kings landing after dark... All the candles burning and all those windows.' Margaery sat along side sansa 'I am stupid.' sansa admitted 'stupid little girl with stupid dreams who never learns.' she said sadly tears in her eyes. maergery offered sansa her arm.

'Come walk with me.' Margaery told her 'I remember the first time I saw you in the throne room I had never seen anyone look so unhappy. I want you to be happy and so does my grandmother you would've been happy at high garden.' Margaery said taking a rose off the bush 'but women in our position must make the best of it our circ*mstances.''

'How do I make the best of my circ*mstances? I have to marry him.' Margaery held out the rose and sansa took it. Gently twirling the stem in between her fingers.

'Has lord Tyrion mistreated you? Has he been kind to you?' margaery questioned

'He has tried.' sansa admitted

'But you don't want him though...'

'He is a Lannister.' she reminded Margaery.

Rieka stared down at what should have been a blood stain on the bed, she had been feeling nauseous and lightheaded since Tyrion announced he was to wed sansa and she thought thats why she was sick to her stomach. But she also felt sick before a bleeding and her sheets were clean.

It could just be late by a few days, Rieka didnt count correctly... many, many things. She wanted to talk to sansa and Margaery but they had enough on their minds without her possible... pregnancy. She really wanted to talk to Petyr.

'Far from the worst lannister though wouldn't you say?'

'I am sorry here I am complaining to you...'

'My son will be king, sons learn from their mothers and I plan to teach mine a great deal.' maergery told her 'and your son if I'm not mistaken, your son might be the Lord of Castlery rock and the north someday.... what?' maergery questioned seeing sansa disgusted face.

'My son....' sansa said 'with him... I'll have to... We will have to...' She felt sick to her stomach even thinking about it.

'If it is the pain you're worried about-'

'I'm not afraid of pain.' Sansa admitted 'not after what Joffrey has done to me.'

'Then what is it then? He was rather good looking even with the scar especially with the scar.' Margery told her.

'He is a dwarf and loras... Loras.' Sansa said dreamily.

'Some women like tall men some women like Short man some like hairy some like bald gentle, rough man ugly men, pretty girls. Most women do not get to know what they like until they tried it and sadly so many of us get to try so little before we are old and gray.' Maergery told her. 'Tyrion may surprise you from what I've heard he was quite experienced.'

'And that is a good thing?' Sansa asked incredulously

'It can be, you know we are very complicated beings pleasing us takes practice.' Margaery told her.

'How do you know this? Did your mother teach you?'

'Yes sweet girl my mother taught me.' she lied.

Rieka wished her mother was here to tell her how this was done, what she would be feeling, she supposed she could go to the whor*s, they knew, many of them had their own children.

Now was not the time to be pregnant. She had wanted a child, of course she did, Robbie was so wonderful and he would be a great big brother, she knew it but Petyr was off and Sansa was to be wed to Tyrion and nothing was right in the world.

'What are you doing?' Sansa questioned as Joffrey came up offering his arm. He shoved Rieka aside.

'Your father is dead and I am the king so I'm everyone's father.' Joffrey said smugly.

"Well personally I thought since you are not family-" Rieka countered.

"Take a seat Mrs Little finger." Joffrey sneered and Rieka gave sansa an apologetic look as she moved to Loras and Margaery. Loras handed off little Robbie and she clung to him like a lifeline, she wondered if RObbie, if anyone could tell she was late and with child.

As they walked down the aisle Joffrey marched up the steps taking the stool from the stage for Tyrion to stand on.

When it was time to cloak Sansa with Tyrion's protection he looked awkwardly up at her not able to reach her shoulders everyone laughed but the snigg*r died quickly as Tywin shot them a glare and they silenced. Rieka felt so sick, she wanted to blame the wedding but knew it was more than that.

'If you could,' Tyrion said and sansa knelt down before him. He cloaked her she rose and he pressed a quick kiss to her lips very awkwardly Sansa looked like she was going to barf, pale and in pain she stared down atRIeka and Margaery before making a quick exit out of the sept.

'So their son will be your nephew after you are wed to Joffrey of course,' Olena said 'and you'll be the king stepfather and brother-in-law when you marry the King's mother. Joffrey will become his sister-in-law and your son will be Loras nephew? grandson... I'm not sure but your brother will become your father-in-law that much is beyond dispute.' Olenna said and Loras stood up a knot in his stomach.

"Why do you look more miserable than me?" Sansa asked coming up to Rieka

"You are married... to him." Rieka offered. "I just dont feel well."

"Neither do I." Sansa said disgusted. Rieka smiled softly as Robbie shoved his face in cake.

"I dont know how someone can look so beautiful and so miserable at the same time, it's a skill." Rieka went on as she touched Sansa's cheek.

"Then lets drink and dance tonight away." Loras declared coming up to them.

"Oh, Loras." Rieka mused dramatically looking to Sansa and Sansa blushed leaning into Rieka. "Come on." Rieka said and Loras spun her around, buzzed smiles on their faces and not proper dancing at all was the only thing Tyrion could focus on and not run out of his own reception. Robbie laughed out clinging to Rieka as they danced around trying to keep their minds off their own misery. Tyrion tipped back his glass finishing another one.

'You seem rather drunk.' Tywin said as he approached Tyrion.

'Isn't it a grooms duty, a man's duty to be drunk at his own wedding?' Tyrion questioned over his glass.

'This isn't about your wedding. Renly Baratheon had a wedding, your wife needs a child, a Lannister child.' Tywin told him. Tyrion nodded leaning back in his chair, yet he was not nearly drunk enough to have this conversation. 'As soon as possible.' Tywin added.


'If you're going to give her one you need to perform.' Tywin reminded him.

'What did you once call me? A drunken little lust filled beast?' Tyrion reminded him

'More than once.' Tywin agreed.

'There you have it I am the god of tit* and wine I shall build a shrine to myself.' Tyrion declared.

'You can joke,' Tywin said pulling the glass from his lips 'you can engage in juvenile attempts to make your father uncomfortable but you will do your duty.' Tywin said walking away.

But then Tyrion saw the wave of pain wash over Sansa's face as Joffrey screamed out.

'Time for the bedding ceremony!' Joffrey declared and Rieka sobriety hit her like a punch to the gut as Sansa paled before them.

"Remove her clothing she won't be needing those anymore!" Joffrey declared glaring back at Sansa. Sansa moved to Rieka holding tightly to her.

"Well!" Joffrey demanded and Sansa saw a few of the knights step forward, ready to strip her right there in the middle of the banquet hall.

'No,' Tyrion corrected him, Sansa was a scared little girl, Tyrion wouldnt see her embarrassed by joffrey if he could help it.

'There is if I say so, so Bedding ceremony!' Joffrey said happily. Tyrion stabbed his knife down into the table.

'then you'll be f*cking your own bride with a wooden co*ck.' Tyrion threatened. Tywin stood up, clearing his throat, the room went silent. Sansa stared back at Tyrion, grateful, confused but gladdened.

'What did you say to me?' Joffrey questioned 'What. Did. You. Say!' he screamed out like a boy that had just lost his favorite toy.

''I believe we can dispense with the bedding your Grace I'm sure tyrion did not mean to threaten the king.' Tywin suggested calmly glancing over at Tyrion and Tyrion started to laugh. Rieka offered a choked smile. Robbie babbled on like he was a real part of this conversation.

'A bad joke your grace.' Tyrion said laughing releasing his hand that was clutched very tightly to his knife 'a small man's envy of your own royal manhood... mine is so small my poor wife won't even know I'm there.' Tyrion added, the tension slowly faded from the room. Tyrion looked to Sansa and she nodded just slightly.

'Your uncle is clearly quite drunk your grace.' Tywin told him.

'I am.' Tyrion agreed. 'guilty.' He looked to Sansa and reached out a hand. 'come wife. I will tell you about the time I threw up on someone while f*cking. It's a great story actually.' Sansa reluctantly pulled away from Rieka and grabbed his hand as she followed him out.

"Did you really?" Sansa whispered as they got farther away.

"Did I what?" Tyrion asked.

"Throw up on someone while f*cking?" Sansa clarified.

The door pushed open early the next morning, Rieka couldnt hold it in anymore.

"Sansa I'm pregnant." Rieka declared as she stumbled into Tyrion he had fallen asleep on the couch and rolled onto the floor in the night.

"Congratulations, seems today is all about exciting news." Tyrion offered.

"Did you f*ck my sister?" Rieka demanded.

"He was drunk and passed out before luckily.' Sansa corrected.

"Good." Rieka agreed. "Now... I hate to burst your newlywed bubble-"

"Burst it." Sansa demanded.

"Come on, i'm freaking out!" Rieka demanded pulling Sansa along.


'You look radiant your grace.'

'Radiant... right radiant..' Cersei said looking Margaery over.

'It's the word that came to mind.' Margaery told her. 'We are to be sister shouldn't we be friends?' she added grabbing onto Cersei's arm.

'Your musical girl aren't you imagine you have a lovely voice.'

'A better dancer than a singer I'm afraid.' Margaery offered.

"Petyr must be thrilled." Sansa offered.

"He doesnt know, I just realized and he was already gone!" Rieka countered.

"Oh hell." Sansa whispered.

"I'm worried, Tywin, I heard him saying you are the key to the north but hello what about me and Robb? What is he planning for me and Robb?" Rieka whimpered. "And-"

"He wont hurt you. Petyr loves you he will protect you-"

"He's not here." RIeka reminded her.

'But you know the rains of Castamere?' Cersei pondered.

'Of course they play it so often here at court.' Margaery agreed. It was a lovely banquet, a lovely feast, a lovely party, perfect time to try and get a read on Cersei and how difficult she would make Margaery's life at the capitol.

'So you know the story of house reyne of Castamere?'

'Not as well as you I'm sure.' Margaery said sweetly.

'House rayne was a powerful family very wealthy second wealthiest and Westeros now the Tyrells the second wealthiest family Westeros now of course ambitious climbers don't stop on the second highest rung, only you could get that final steps further than all the rest you would be alone with nothing but blue sky above you.' Cersei told her as they walked the room. 'So Lord Rayne built a castle as grand as Casterly rock he gave his wife diamonds larger than any woman ever wore and finally one day he rebelled against my father do you know where House rayne is now?'

'Gone.' Margaery said simply.

"Petyrs gone and I dont know when he is coming back." RIeka whispered. "You know Tywin wanted him to seduce loony lysa."


"Yeah, like he is already ready to dispose of me but wants to make sure petyr does what he wants first before he removed me." Reika hissed.

"Gods." Sansa whispered.

'Gone,'' Cersei agreed 'a gentle word I would say slaughtered. Every man woman and child put to the sword. I remember seeing their bodies hanging high above the gates at Casterly rock my father let them rot up there all summer it was a long summer and now the raynes weep the halls and not a soul to hear them.' Cersei took Margaery's hand in hers 'if you ever call me sister again I will strangle you in your sleep.' she threatened marching off.


When the news of Robb and Catelyns death reached the capital Joffrey was only too happy to tell Rieka and Sansa. It didnt take long for his vicious smile to cackle out that Robb stark was dead and his head would be delivered to them.

Rieka broke. She and Avalon curled up in bed and she held her Robbie to her. She wanted Petyr, she needed Petyr. Sansa couldnt sleep and Rieka couldnt stand to be awake. Between the morning sickness and the thought of robb being decapitated. His head supposedly sewn on to his wolf, or was is grey winds head on Robbs body, maybe both rieka thought miserably. When she wasnt snuggling Avalon and RObbie to her, she was spinning her ring on the chain, Robb's ring. She slipped it on her finger, before securing it back around her neck. Her twin was dead... dead... She felt like she was next.


"Petyr! You were gone for forever! I have news!" Rieka declared hugging him tight.

"I missed you."

"Did you marry aunt loony?" Rieka pondered.

"No, I didnt do what Tywin wanted, he will be very disappointed." Petyr offered. "But I dont care. WHat is your news?"

"Oh yes well...." She brought his hand to her stomach. "I'm pregnant." Petyr's eyes went from her own to her stomach. "You are going to be a dad again," Rieka remarked. Petyr hugged her tight kissing her hungerly. "Petyr, I'm scared." Rieka admitted. "You didnt hear Tywin, how he was speaking, he... he kept... Sansa married Tyrion and he kept saying that Sansa was the key to the north, like RObb and I..." She choked out a breath, for a moment, seeing Petyr she forgot about RObb and her mother being gone.

"Robb, Tywin had him and my mother killed." Rieka rasped out through tears. "And... he kept saying sansa was the key to the north, easily manipulated is my guess, everyone knows Im vocal and bossy, Tywin can't control me and he couldnt control Robb so he had him killed... but Petyr... I'm scared I'm next."

"I would never let him hurt you." Petyr assured.

"We need to get sansa and go." Rieka begged crying into him. "Far, far away."

'How many Dornish men does it take to f*ck a goat?' Bronn said and Tyrion let out a huff of a breath. This was turning out to be a long morning.

'Please don't.' Tyrion begged, Bronn sat down on a stump by a tree leaning against it.

'it seems to me a smart place to meet travelers is in a tavern that way one parties late the other party can drink some ale inside.' Bronn remarked.

'It is the prince of Dorne we are waiting for.' Tyrion reminded him 'not to sell sword friend.'

'If he's so damn important why did they send you to meet him?' Bronn questioned.

''There is bad blood between the Martell's of Dorne and the Lannister's of Castlery rock for years.' Tyrion told them.

'And just in case the Martel's of Dorne spill some Lannister blood it might as well be yours?' Bronn suggested.

''I also happen to be a skilled diplomat.' Tyrion reminded him.


'You're a queen not an ox your grandfather gave me a necklace just like this one on my 51st name day.' Olenna said tossing it over the balcony Margaery watched it fly. They were supposed to pick out necklaces for the ceremony for Margaery to wear

'Grandmother!" Maragery exclaimed. 'The wedding is in a fortnight grandmother you can't say no to everything,' Margaery told her

'Nonsense... my little dears go and speak to the jewelers of Kings Landing tell them who you are tell them who sent you the one who brings me the best necklace will get to keep the next best,' Olenna told her flock and they ran off excitedly.

'The Margaery Tyrell who walks into the steps a Fortnight from now will inspire a song of thousands,' Olenna went on, 'how sad it would be if she's wearing rubbish like that.' Olenna told her as they sat down.

'I should've just let Joffrey choose it for me end up with a string of dead sparrow heads around my neck.' Margaery remarked.

'You watch that even here even with me.... My word...' Olenna said looking back at Brienne of tarth. She walked up behind them hesitantly. It had been rumored that she had killed Renly Baratheon, she didn't but she didn't know if she would be welcomed.

'My lady, my lady, please pardon me for interrupting my name is Brienne of tarth-'

'I know who you are, we heard all about you.' Olenna told her 'hearing is one thing aren't you just marvelous absolutely singular. I hear you knocked my grandson into the dirt like a silly little boy that he is.' Brienne tried to hide the smile from her face as Olena talked.

'My lady,' she turned her attention to Margaery 'I know this is very busy time for you but if I could just have a moment.'

'You best not refuse,' Olenna said looking to Margaery


"The wedding would be a good distraction." Rieka remarked as she lay in bed with Avalon. Petyr was playing with Robbie on the floor.

"I agree." Petyr remarked. "You should start packing some things I will get a ship ready."

"Okay." Rieka agreed as she sat up looking around. "Should I tell sansa to pack a bag?"

"You dont want them to know what we are up to. Maybe just pack a few things discreetly for her. Bring them back here and then... I pack the ship... I... you are going to be okay." Petyr assured. "I promise you. We are going to be okay."

"Thank you Petyr." Rieka whispered.

"I love you, I'm going to keep you safe." Petyr assured kissing her again.

"What happens after this? What happens... Arya, Jon... I heard that Bran and RIckon are... were... Theon killed them. But Arya and Jon are out there... I..." Rieka stopped herself again.

"YOu want to find them or you want to go far, far away?" Petyr pondered.

"Jon is at the wall, he's safe there and I dont know where Arya is... I dont know that she is even still alive." Rieka admitted. "I can only hope... but... I suppose far, far away is better." RIeka offered. "Would you leave all this behind?"

"For you, of course." Petyr agreed. "I love you. I love you."

"You worked so hard to become this man, get onto the council and create this life for yourself, if we leave I dont think I ever want to come back." Rieka remarked.

"I dont care about this life, I care about you. There is nothing worth staying in westeros for if I dont have you."

Rieka had packed up their little home and Petyr was bringing bags and boxes, clothes and toys to the ship. Avalon went with him. Prancing behind him as he moved from the ship and back. Rieka however had to act the part. She didnt remember the ceremony, Margaery was queen, they kissed and walked down the aisle, Rieka held Robbie to her as he clapped out, she had sewn a little wolf onto his bowtie she created for him.

Joffreys wedding was large and obnoxious and hot. So hot. Maybe that was the pregnancy or maybe the fear that they were not going to get out of here in time. Someone would go wrong and they would be held hostage.

Sansa sat next to Tyrion, miserably. Tyrion drinking his way through this god forsaken wedding. He downed his next goblet as a group of dwarves came out in costume. He didn't have a clue what joffrey had planned. Even Margaery, Joffrey's new queen didn't look to pleased.

Robbie was shoving his face with food, the boy liked to eat. She smiled wiping the jelly from his nose. It was the only thing she could focus on so she wouldnt vomit. Joffrey was laughing and clapping. The half mens came out preforming the death of Robb stark, a play of Robbs downfall at the wedding. Rieka looked up as the actors howled out and she paled. Tyrion's face was pinched watching the men get laughed at by everyone, the king the loudest.

"Take RObbie." Rieka whispered passing him to Sansa before she ran off barfing in the bushes. Sansa glanced back at her before looking to Robbie.

'well fought, well fought.' Joffrey said as every took a bow. 'a champion purse.' He held out a pouch of gold for them. 'although you are not the champions yet are you?' he slapped the pouch in his hands. 'a true champion defeats all the challengers. Surely there are others out there who dare to challenge by reign... uncle. How about you? I'm sure they have a spare costume...'

'one taste of combat was enough for my your grace.' Tyrion said ever so kindly. 'I would like to keep what remains of my face. I think you should fight him. This was but a poor imitation of your own bravery in the field of battle. I speak as a firsthand witness. Climb down from the high table with your new valyrian sword and show everyone who a true king wins his throne... be careful though, this one is clearly mad with lust.' He pointed at one of the actors for joffreys little skit. 'it would be a tragedy for the king to lose his virtue hours before his wedding night'. Tyrion sat back down and sipped on his drink, Joffrey however was not pleased he sauntered over to Tyrion and poured his drink on tyrions head.

Rieka paced back and forth in agony as her fingers kneaded into her nauseous stomach. She couldnt do this, she couldnt do this.

"Gods," Rieka whimpered. "I can't be here, I can't be here." SHe kept walking until she got to the docks when she saw Avalons smiling fluffy face staring back at her. Petyr waved to her from the ship.

"Get Robbie and Sansa." Petyr instructed, Rieka nodded running off.

'a fine vintage.' Tyrion said calmly. 'shame that it spilled.'

'it did not spill.' Joffrey told him.

'My love come back to me.' margaery told him reaching a hand out. 'its time for my fathers toast.'

'well how does he expect me to toast without wine?' Joffrey questioned moving back to her. 'uncle... you can be my cup bearer seeing as you're too cowardly to fight.' Tyrion glanced back Joffrey begrudgingly.

'your grace does me a great honor.' Tyrion said as he got up.

'it was not meant as an honor.' Joffrey muttered. Tyrion walked around the table and reached out for joffreys cup but Joffrey dropped it to the ground kicking it away.

'bring me my goblet.' Joffrey demanded. Tyrion searched for it but it was sansa who found it bringing it to Tyrion. Tyrion brought it back over to joffrey, everyone else at the wedding was silent. Completely silent. The only sound was the waves in the distance and the birds in the trees.

'what good is an empty cup? Fill it.' Joffrey told him. Tyrin filled it, handing it back to him. 'kneel. Kneel before your king, kneel...i said... kneel!' Joffrey yelled.

'Look the pie!' Margaery said and everyone cheered, tyrion looked over at her and let out a deep sigh. Joffrey walked off the high table and took his valaryan sword he smashed the cake and doves soared out.

'Can we go?' Sansa questioned hopefully. Tyrion nodded getting up. Sansa held Robbie in her arms she looked for Rieka, maybe she went back to her room, maybe she was sick to her stomach and still in the bushes vomiting.

'uncle... where are you going?'

'I thought I might change out of these wet clothes...' tyrion told him,

'no, no, no you are perfect the way you are.' Joffrey said smirking taking another bite of the murdered dove cake. Joffrey cleared his throat looking to tyrion 'serve me my wine.' Tyrion moved slowly over to joffrey's cup which was right night to him, Tyrion locked eyes with Olenna Tyrell, Joffrey had attitude and lack of skill in anything except humiliating and hurting people.

'well hurry up this cake is dry!' joffrey demanded and Tyrion handed over the cup moving back to his seat as Joffrey started coughing.

'mmm good.' Joffrey said downing the wine. 'needs washing down.' Joffrey said and Margaery smiled sweetly at him.

"Sansa." Rieka whispered grabbing Robbie.

"Rieka, are you alright?" Sansa whispered.

"Come on..." She whispered back.

'if it pleases your grace-''

''no... no... you will...' Joffrey started couching. 'you will wait here..' choking... coughing unable to breathe. He took another sip.

"I think he's dying, this seems a good time." Rieka offered as Sansa quietly rose while all eyes were on Joffrey choking for breath.

'your grace?' tyrion questioned.

'hes choking!' Margaery cried out as he grasped at his throat and stumbled off the high table.

'Joffrey! Out of the way!' Jaime came running, everyone watched as Joffrey fell to the ground. Coughing up blood, Jaime rushing to his nephews side.

'someone help him!'

"Come on, time to go." Rieka ran, she ran and Sansa chased after her. They kept running, Robbie laughed out happily as they ran.

"Where are we going?" Sansa questioned.

'joffrey!' Joffrey what is it?' cersei questioned cradling Joffrey in her arms. Tyrion moved forward as well not believing what he was seeing. His face turning pale as he gasped for breathe.

'joffrey what is it?' cersei questioned again.

'Help him! He is your king!" Olenna demanded. Everyone seemed in shock, everyone, there gaze fixed back on the king. Joffrey reached out pointing at Tyrion, pointing at his cup, blood spilled down his nose as he died.

'my son,' cersei cried. 'hes gone. Our king is gone.' Cersei shouted as she held Joffrey his body limp in her arms. 'He did this. He poisoned my son. Your king.' Cersei said getting louder and louder with each word until she was screaming. 'Take him. Take him. Take him! Take him!' cersei demanded pointing at tyrion, joffery still in her arms.

Guards dragged Tyrion away.

Cersei was out for blood.

"Where are we going RIeka?" Sansa questioned again when they got to the ship.

"Far, far away."


Rieka was sea sick as they sailed away. She didnt know where they were going and didnt think to ask, just far, far away.

Petyr came up behind her and kissed along her neck. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned back into him.

"Morning sickness..." Rieka whispered. "Do you have more of those-" He kissed her again as he pulled out the candied gingers. "I love you more and more." She popped one in her mouth. "You know it wasnt this hard for Robbie, it was just bam, baby."

"Bam baby." Petyr repeated kissing her cheek.

"I'm really excited for this baby dont get me wrong but... this is hard." Rieka offered.

"You are strong." Petyr assured. "You have the power of the wolf in you."

Sansa watched them, she couldnt help but think that they really were perfect together. She wondered if she would ever find someone that made her smile like Petyr made Rieka smile.

"So where are we going?"

"Should we look at the map then close our eyes wave a finger around?" she remarked the big smile on her face.

The morning sickness and passed and now it was the seasickness that was taking over Sansa. Robbie was the man. The little man. He commanded the seas. He followed their captain around yelling a ahoy there maytee! And Savvy! Savvy!

"Wheres the rum!" It should be known that little Robbie did not know what Rum was but their captain declared for rum so often that Robbie thought it was some thing magical and spectacular.

"No!" Rieka corrected pointing a finger at him. " you are too little for rum.''

"Where is the rum mama?" Robbie laughed out

"You're not even three yet you don't get rum yet." Rieka laughed out.

And if it wasn't rum it was something else more scandalous and considering Robbie lived in a whor*house for his first few months of life and often visited when Rieka had things to do in the capital and didn't want to bring her son near the lannisters- but this was a fresh start. They were going to be starting fresh across the sea and she was so excited to do so she didn't want her son to have the mouth of a sailor of a pirate by the time they got there.

"Captain Jack sparrow I would appreciate if you would not speak such ways around my son. I don't need him talking about whor*s and rum and tit*." Rieka shouted.

"I'm sorry little lady but that's just-"

"my son is not a pirate he's going to be a good well mannered little boy,'' she sassed. "And I'm not little in fact I'm rather large and hormonal." She reminded him as she placed a hand on her pregnant stomach.

"Don't make mama mad.'' Robbie decided as he wagged her finger at Jack before sticking his thumb in his mouth

"That's right don't make mama mad." Petyr agreed.


Rieka lay beside Petyr as the waves rocked them to sleep. Robbie splayed out beside them. Little arms and legs punching them in his sleep.

" What are we gonna do? When we get there?" Rieka questioned softly.

"Anything you want. Have a baby get a place by the water if you want. We can teach lil Robbie to swim to read and write did you more words than rum and pirate." Petyr offered and she laughed out before silencing herself and his chest.

" yes let's definitely start with his language. He can be refined and eloquent... I don't know that I use that word correctly." she realized again muffling her laughter into his chest.

There was one room on the ship if you could even called a room well technically two; the captains quarters and a secondary supposed to be for the co captain but considering it was Petyrs coin exclusively getting them across the narrow sea he basically bought the whole thing out pretty much and he made sure that they would get a room private from the rest of the crew.

Avalon guarded the door at night because there was not enough room on the feather bed for her. But considering there was not a third room petyr and rieka shared a little bed with robbie and then sansa had her own bed but in their room. Rieka wasnt about to let Sansa sleep with the riff raff.

Once robbie was fast asleep petyr or rieka would transfer robbie to a secondary feather bed beside them and Petyr would pull Rieka closer.

Sansa lay and pretended to sleep while petyr and rieka whispered sweet nothings. It was sweet. It was so sweet. It made her love sick. It made her wonder if there was someone for everyone. Maybe her person was across the narrow sea.

They docked at the shores and Avalon ran out rolling in the green grass immediately.

"Land sweet glorious land!" RIeka declared flopping down beside Avalon. Robbie ran after her colliding into her. She rolled over to her side to pull herself up to a sitting position. This pregnancy, Gods her stomach was huge.

"Where are we?" Robbie asked smiling back at her.

"This is going to be our home." Rieka whispered

"The grass?" Robbie asked co*cking his head to her confused.

"No not this spot right here." Rieka corrected holding him to her "this land this place. We traveled a long way to get someone new somewhere free from the past so we can have a glorious in the magical future. Do you want a magical future Robbie?"

"Yes!" he agreed jumping up and down.

"Me too... hey Petyr?" Rieka breathed back.

"Yes?" Petyr answered moving closer to her.

"I'm... i think this is... petyr am I... is this... oh my Gods. Baby is coming." Rieka realized.

"Right now?" Petyr questioned moving to her and pulling farther away from the ship.

"I mean either that or I pissed myself and I dont think I did. I think im warly though. Maybe I did. Maybe i... oh my gods the pain!" Rieka declared dramatically.

Rieka had not done this before. Sansa was terrified as Rieka screamed and screamed it went on forever. Rieka had helped her mother with Bran and Rickon and a bit with arya but that was more holding her hand not knowing the true pain she was feeling and then Rieka was crying for a different reason.

Her parents were dead. They wouldnt be grandparents, they were dead and gone. Her fathers once handsome head pierced on the wall.

Sansa tended to Robbie as Rieka delivered a baby into the world. They were in a new land and Rieka had hoped for another fortnight getting settled before she was pushing out a baby, she didnt even have a place to bring the babe yet once she was done, she didnt have a place for the baby to call home.

Sansa smiled down at Robbie trying to remain calm. But how could she remain calm? her sister was giving birth in a new land and nothing had ever been more uncertain before.

"I want mama!" Robbie shouted out and Sansa wanted her mother too. Knew that Rieka would want their father though, she was always a daddy's girl.


"Petyr, would you be alright if we called him Eddard?" Rieka whispered as she cradled her baby to her. "We could call him eddie."

"Its a fine name, a strong man for him to be named after." Petyr agreed. He would have agreed to anything because he loved her so much.

"Thank you Petyr." Rieka rasped through a heavy breath. "Hello little Eddie, welcome to the world."


3 Years Later

"Haven, get your naked booty back here!" Rieka demanded as Haven ran past her to Avalon colliding with her soft fur.

"Petyr get your daughters." Rieka demanded. "Your baby brother is listening better than you!" She added. Parker smiled up at them as Rieka wrapped him in a towel his little face peering out.

"I got Sayla, Haven is your daughter." Petyr teased as he carried Sayla upside down.

"Haven!" Rieka begged but she giggled out. "Gimme, gimme Sayla." Rieka requested. "Bath time little love, be better than your twin."

The past 3 years had been eventful. Rieka very quickly got pregnant again and had twin girls, they had found a house near the water and they went swimming every day. The girls had just turned two and they were not swimming as much as leaning how to use their legs and really loving running around bare ass naked through the house and onto the sandy shores outside.

Avalon was their protector and Robbie was the man of the house in his little mind. He was the eldest sibling and he had to look out for his little brothers and sisters.

Eddie just had his third name day and Rieka thought her father would be proud of her. Thought that maybe her parents, if they got to see her and petyr together they would have really blessed the union and gotten to be the best grandparents. Rieka found herself thinking less and less of westeros though as the years went on.

Three moons ago she gave birth again to a little boy, Parker. Parker had dirty blonde hair compared to their darker hair but he was Petyr's son. Rieka still loved Petyr so much.

Sansa had started to give into this life, she got her own room, spent most of her time with Rieka's children, her nieces and nephews, Avalon kept her company but Sansa wanted to go home. They heard that after they left Joffrey had died. Tyrion was blamed and Sansa was seen as a conspirator. Rieka said we can't go back they will hang you. But this place wasnt home for her.

RIeka pushed westeros from her mind most days, she had enough on her mind. She had five children and Avalon, plus Petyr and Sansa to tend to. That was more than enough without wondering what Lannisters were up to across the narrow sea.

Rieka liked this life, she loved this life. Her children were happy and they didnt have to fear for their lives, she wanted them to be happy and safe forever and that clearly wasnt westeros.

But all the kids were bathed now that Petyr caught Haven giggling down the hall. Everyone was in bed and sound asleep. Time for some grown up time.

“Hey.” Petyr whispered pulling her to him.

“Hi.” She replied and he kissed her right there in the hall for anyone to see. She melted into him but he heard a crash coming from Robbie's room and his head spun towards her door. Rieka slapped a hand to her head.

“What’s going on in there?” Petyr questioned hands still wrapped around her. Rieka shrugged kissing him again.

"Heavens help us with that boy." Rieka mused.

"You got to bed I got him." Petyr assured. “I will be there. Don’t fall asleep before I get there.” he begged and Rieka shot him a fake yawn over her shoulder. “Rieka!’

“Be quick.” Her voice a whisper trailing down the hall. Petyr chuckled as he moved to Robbies door.


The next night Rieka did what she did every year on Robb and her name day. That night as the moon was high in the sky, striking the start of their day, she sat alone and she stared out over the waters, the stars and moon reflecting in the dark waves. She had done that since they made a home here across the narrow sea.

Petyr came up sitting behind her and she leaned back into his legs, staring up at the moon. The moon made her feel closer to Robb. WOlves howled at the moon and she could change her name all she liked, she was always going to be a wolf, be a Stark.

"Tell me more about your connection with him" Petyr whispered kissing her shoulder.

"He knew. I never had to say anything. It was as though we could really read each others minds. It was the same for him I could feel it in my heart but its... I dont know. I cant feel it as much now that he's..." Rieka remarked her breath hitching. "It feels like that invisible string tying me to him it about to break. Snap. Coming flying all the from westeros and hit me in the face with a wave of pain."

Petyr took a deep breath before hugging her tight.

"Sometimes the power of a hug is greater than words." Rieka agreed. "Thanks for being here Petyr."

"Always, I know you like to be alone this night but I wanted you to know I am here if you want me." Petyr offered.

"I want you here."

Arya failed her mission coming back to the black and white temple she knew she would be punished.

‘And?’ Jaqen asked. Jaqen knew from the grin on a womans face that Arya had failed.

‘As I suspected.’ the woman told him happily.

‘Shame.’ Jaqen answered ‘a girl had many gifts,’ he said looking back to the face he was preparing.

‘You promised me.’ a woman said and Jaqen looked at her.

‘Don’t let her suffer.’ Jaqen told her, he gingerly peeled away the face from the bone the muscle as the woman walked out a spring in her step.


"Um… ohh…" Riekas lip quivered as a spider ran across her bed. It was little and if she didn't kill it now she would never be able to sleep in this room again, worried that it was crawling around wanting to lay eggs in her. "P-Petyr? Pe-Petyr?" She whimpered. Before a squeal, a mini battle cry left her lips and she made a fist slamming it down on the bed. The guts dragged and a shiver went through her as she got up, the shiver over took her entire body as she scrubbed ruthlessly at her hand. Then demanded new sheets and then after rubbing the skin raw she felt like bugs were still crawling all over her.

"Where the hell were you?" Rieka demanded.

"I… whats wrong?" Petyr countered confused.

"There was a spider and I-" Petyr grabbed her hand.

"You are hurting yourself." Petyr remarked.

"I touched it." Rieka corrected another involuntary shiver ran through her completely from her head down her arms and all the way to her toes curling beneath her.

"Touched what?"

"The spider." Rieka rasped another shiver. "Gods it was awful." She declared. "This place must have an infestation. I don’t think I can sleep here ever again."

"You are being dramatic, and you love it here." Petyr countered. Rieka nodded scratching at her back and neck.

"But the f*cking spiders." Rieka shivered again. Just the word sent shivers through her spine, made her think every little tingle and touch, every hair of Avalon's that fluttered to the ground or onto Rieka's leg was a spider crawling up her ready to lay eggs in her and kill her slowly.

"I will protect you better." Petyr assured. "I'm sorry, I know that was traumatic."

"it was." Rieka agreed.

"You okay mama?" Robbie asked peering in.

"Your mother say a spider."

"Did you keep it?" Robbie asked running.

"SHe killed it." Petyr corrected. "Very brave she was."

"Why did you kill it? I could have kept it as a pet.' RObbie countered and Rieka's jaw dropped.

"Never. Never, I dont know how we are related." Rieka decided. They werent, not really but she was his mother and Petyr was his father.

"Mama," Robbie laughed out.

"Hard no on all spiders." Rieka demanded as she kissed his forehead, grabbing his chin. "No spiders." She whispered against him.

"No spiders." he trilled his fingers over her leg and she picked him up snuggling him to her.

"You are mean, you used to be sweet and perfect, you are living up to your namesake my dear." Rieka decided.


Jaqen went to check went to collect the body, have it cleanse the face removed they followed the blood trail but they saw a new face on the wall already, blood dripping down the cheeks, the face they saw on the wall was not arya stark.

‘You told her to kill me?’ Arya questioned, appearing behind him, Jaqen turned around slowly. He felt a smile tug at his lips.

‘Yes.’ Jaqen admitted ‘but here you are.’ she held her sword out to him aiming at him ‘and there she is...’ he turned, stepping closer, the silver blade pressed against his chest. ‘Finally a girl is no one.’ Jaqen declared.

‘A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell,’ Arya corrected, ‘and I am going home.’ she told him before dropping her sword from his chest and walking away. He watched her leave. She was getting the hell out of here.


"I want to go home." Sansa demanded and Rieka stared back at her.

"I like this life sansa." Rieka corrected.

"Home. What about home?" Sansa countered

"Bran and rickon are dead. Robb-" Riekas breath hitched in her throat. "Mother and father too. The wolves are gone, except Avalon and who knows about jon at the wall. We two, you and me the last of the starks." Rieka declared and sansa huffed a breath.

"You are not a stark anymore." Sansa corrected marching off. Rieka grit her teeth watching her storm off.

"And i'm glad not to be!” Rieka shouted standing up. "Because starks were dropping like f*cking flies!" RIeka spat. "Wait-" Rieka whispered walking to the balcony. "Is that?" her words faded as she squinted down to the shore. "Arya?"


"You are not a stark anymore." Sansa corrected marching off. Rieka grit her teeth watching her storm off.

"And i'm glad not to be!" Rieka shouted standing up. "Because starks were dropping like f*cking flies!" RIeka spat. "Wait-" Rieka whispered walking to the balcony. "Is that?" her words faded as she squinted down to the shore. "Arya?"

"What?" Sansa rasped.

"I swear, thats Arya." RIeka pointed a finger down. Sansa peered down.

"It can't be." Sansa countered.


"I'm looking!" Sansa spat back and Arya heard bickering thought it sounded like her sisters and turned to get a glimpse of the girls. Her eyes tracked the noise and saw them peering down at her.

"ARYA!" Rieka shouted waving wildly.

"Rieka?" Arya rasped moving closer.

"DO NOT MOVE!" RIeka instructed. "WE ARE COMING DOWN!"

"RIEKA!" Arya shouted running towards the house. "Rieka! Rieka! Rieka!"

"Rieka where are you-" Petyr was plating their mid deal meal when Rieka ran past him. He looked to sansa as she chased after Rieka.

"I will get her." Robbie declared getting down from his seat.

"Me too!" Eddie shouted.

"You two stay put." Petyr corrected when the twins opened their mouths. They started giggling immediately. "Giggle bugs." Petyr remarked kissing Sayla's head as Avalon marched out after the boys. Arry was taking a nap and missing all the fun. Petyr peered out seeing what he assumed was Arya Stark.

"Arya!" Rieka declared holding her little sister to her. "I missed you! Look at you! You grew up, you got boobs!"

"Rieka!" Arya was already embarrassed. Rieka smashed Arya to her.

"Oh my goodness, look at you, how did you get here? Last I saw you, you were at harrenhall and yelling at men with no faces?" RIeka recalled.

"Yeah, I... he's not really my friend anymore." Arya offered. "But he taught me a lot."

"Oh my Gods, Arya look at you!" Rieka hugged her again.



Rieka looked between them of course they were going to be bitchy.

"Mama?" Robbie questioned running up behind them.

"Mama, mama, I'm here too!" Eddie declared.

"Mama?" Arya countered looking to the little boys. "You have another."

"I have many." Rieka agreed. "You remember RObbie, and this is Eddie." Rieka introduced. "Boys this is your auntie Arya, you know the stories I told you about her."

"Hi aunt Arya." Robbie answered politely.

"Hey kid..." Arya said looking between them as Rieka scooped up Eddie.

"Come inside, meet the girls and little Arry."


"After my favorite littlest sister." Rieka agreed. "Be nice to sansa, shes moody lately." Sansa grumbled as Rieka and Arya headed inside. "ANd you have to officially meet Petyr!"

"Rieka... hello you must me Arya." Petyr remarked as she stepped in looking around at their home.

"Hi... yeah." Arya agreed. Arry waved back at her. "This is the mini me in the making?" Arya pondered.

"I hope not." Sansa countered.

"I hope so." Rieka said simultaneously.

"You had a lot of kids." Arya remarked. "I... wow."

"Sayla, Haven, can you say hello to aunt arya?" Rieka coed moving behind them as they waved out.

"HI!" The girls shouted giggling again.

"They got your loud mouth." Arya remarked.

"What are you doing here?" Sansa questioned.

"What are you doing here?" Arya countered.

"Rieka gave birth on braavos and we were going to got farther north but..." Petyr shrugged.

"I literally stepped off the boat and Eddie was ready to be born into the world." Rieka agreed. Eddie smiled up at her.

"Thats me!" Eddie agreed bouncing in her Rieka's arms.

"I wanted to become a faceless man." Arya declared and Rieka rose a curious brow.

"Tell me more." Rieka declared.


‘I came to brood over the Greyjoy attack but you’re making it difficult... although you are better brooding than I am... you make me feel like I am failing brooding over failing to save my people’ Tyrion told Jon.

‘I’m a prisoner in this island’ he answered in monotone. Not looking at Tyrion. He should have been looking for his sisters not answering a mad womans demands.

'‘You are not a prisoner you’re free to move the castle to the beaches.’ Tyrion told him, knowing that didn’t sound too good, but he wasn’t in a cage.

‘'You took my ship’ jon spat. ‘I’m not playing word games with you the dead are coming for us all!’ jon declared.

‘You figure out what to do with my missing fleet and I will figure out what to do with your walking dead man?’ Tyrion offered.

‘If someone told me about the white walkers in the night King... you wouldn’t believe me.’ jon said defeated.

‘I do believe you’ Tyrion assured. Jon wanted to go home, he left winterfell in a vulnerable state but he needed Daenarys dragonglass if he was so save the realms. He thought it was something his father would do, he wanted to make him proud, make his whole family proud. Wherever they were, he wanted to find them make sure they were safe but he knew it was foolish that if they were alive and in westeros they would have come home already knowing that the Starks... the Snows held winterfell again.

'‘It was nonsense but then Mormont saw them and you saw them and I trust the eyes of a honest man over whatever everyone else claims.’ Tyron told him

‘'How do I convince people that don’t know me, that don’t believe in me that this is going to kill them all?’ jon questioned

‘'Good question.’' Tyrion offered.

'‘I know it’s a good question I’m asking for a good answer’ jon informed him sharply.

'‘peoples minds do not want to answer the questions that large.’ Tyrion informed him. ‘white walker night King... it’s almost familiar to face a monster like my sister.’

‘I can’t help my people from here Tyrion. I would like to leave’ jon requested.

‘It seems unlikely that you became king of the north giving up that easy...’

‘Everyone told me to learn from my father’s mistakes don’t answer summons from mad King’s daughter and here I am the northern fool.’ Jon remarked

‘Children are not their fathers lucky for us and sometimes there’s more to the northern fools than meets the eye... Daenarys could have fled but she stayed she saved the people. you might wanna ask some of the people what they think of the mad king’s daughter... she protects people same as you. she’s not about to go north and fight an enemy she has not seen after a single meeting, it is not a reasonable thing to ask. So do you have anything reasonable to ask?’'

'‘What do you mean?’' Jon said desperately.

'‘I’m asking if there’s anything I can do to help you.’'

‘Amazing thing to see. I named them for my brother Rhaegar and viserys. They're both gone now. You lost two brothers as well. People thought dragons were gone forever, but here they are. Perhaps we should all be examining what we think we know.’

‘You've been talking to Tyrion.’

‘He is my Hand. ‘ Danny reminded him.

‘- He enjoys talking’. Jon countered

‘- We all enjoy what we're good at.’

‘I don't.’ jon admitted. "And I lost more than that. I lost my sisters too. I lost my father, my family..." he met her gaze.

"So did I." Daenerys reminded him. But you didnt know them and didnt love them, Jon thought softly. You were a baby when you were stolen away, you never got to love your family like I loved mine. Jon stared back at the dragons wondering where Rieka was int he world.

'‘You know I'm not going to let Cersei stay on the Iron Throne.’ Danny informed him.

‘I never expected that you would.’ Jon assured.

'‘And I haven't changed my mind about which kingdoms belong to that throne.’ Danny told him sternly.

‘'I haven't either.’ Jon told her and Danny let out a long sigh

‘'I will allow you to mine the dragon glass and forge weapons from it. Any resources or men you need, I will provide for you.’ Danny agreed

‘Thank you. So you believe me, then, about the Night King and the Army of the Dead?’ jon questioned hopefully.

‘You'd better get to work, Jon Snow.’ Danny said walking up to Viseron.


"I did it too but I realized, I didnt want to be no one, I am a Stark. We belong at winterfell, we belong with our family." Arya remarked.

"Thats what I have been saying!" Sansa declared.

"Arya," Rieka rasped shaking her head. "I like it here, I have a family to worry about-"

"What about us? We are family." Arya countered.

"You are but- Arya I have kids. I have kids and a husband and... I have to think about them first."

"Dont you want them to know winterfell? Jon?" Arya countered.

"I do but-"

"Rieka." Arya begged and Sansa nodded.

"I love you and I missed you. If you two want to go home, I wont stop you but this is my home now." Rieka reminded them as she picked up Haven and then Arry as they whined for her. She shifted them on each hip as she gave a quick whistle and Avalon came running towards her as she walked away.

"Excuse me a moment." Petyr offered with a choked smiled as he chased after Rieka. "Rieka, my love-"

"You want to hear about the time I was blind?" Arya pondered looking to Sansa.

"Rieka," Petyr coed closing their door as Rieka tugged off her shirt and Arry latched onto her teat.

"Do you want to go back?" Rieka pondered. Her nose scrunched up as she checked Haven's bottom. "She needs a changing." Rieka remarked and Petyr took Haven from her changing her quickly.

"I dont need to go back." Petyr assured. "I love our life, I love being with you but... dont you want to see your home again?"

"I dont think I do." Rieka countered softly. "There are so many bad memories from that place, so many memories of my family in winterfell and Joffrey hurting my family in the capital. Everywhere I would look I would see fathers death, I would picture my mothers death, I would see Robbs wolf grey wind, his head on Robb's body." Rieka whimpered. "I can't do that. I have to be strong and brave and I can't do that if I'm falling apart."

"You are strong and brave." Petyr assured. "If you dont want to leave, then we stay, if in a few years time you change your mind, we can go. There is nothing for me in westeros without you and the kids." Petyr put Haven in Rieka's lap as he sat beside her on the couch.

"Thank you Petyr." Rieka let out the breath she was holding in a slow whoosh. "Thank you... best husband ever."

" Gods Arya, what you went through... I think you're the strongest person I know." Sansa remarked.

"I believe that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Arya realized as she looked to Sansa.

"Well, don't get used to it. You're still very strange and annoying." Sansa assured her as Sayla sat in her lap babbling. Arya looked to the snow and the sand and she realized that she missed the snow.

"In winter, we must protect ourselves. Look after one another." Arya remarked looking to Eddie.

"Father." Sansa agreed '‘When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.''

"I miss him."

"Me, too." Sansa whispered. "We can't leave her, she didnt leave me, she could have. I didnt make this transition easy for her and yet she put up with me for the past years without a fuss. I want to go home but I can't leave Rieka here."

"I figured you would say that. I still have a list though... I need to check off a few names." Arya informed her vaguely.

"What does that mean?" Sansa countered.

"I'm going to kill Cersei Lannister." Arya declared.

"Good luck to you then." Sansa agreed.

"I dont need luck."



"I'm staying." Rieka cut them off. "But I think you should go home. If you want to."

"No, I dont want to leave you here." Sansa countered.

"Sansa you have been miserable, asking to go home for moons. You miss winterfell and I understand but I can't go back. I can't because at winterfell I will see Father standing on the balcony, I will see mother scolding Bran for climbing again. I will see Rickon running through the courtyard laughing as Shaggy dog chased after him, I will see Bran in my window, climbing through the window, the little dork... I will see Theon flirting and Robb-" she took a long moment to drag her hand over her eyes wiping at the tear, as she sniffled her nose. "-Robb, I will see Robb," she whimpered. "I will see him everywhere. And Jon. He... I will see him in the courtyard practicing, always practicing against the lord of straw." Rieka mused. "And I can't see all of them all the time, I will break. I am breaking just thinking about it." Rieka informed them as she wiped at her eyes again. "But you should go home."

"Rieka-" Sansa whispered reaching for her.

"I love you Sansa, I love you so much, but I... I... you kept calling westeros home, but this is home now for me. Winterfell... it cant be home... not without all of them." Rieka begged. "Not for me."

"I can stay." Sansa offered.

"No, you will be miserable here." Rieka corrected. "You should go home and... Arya you should kick ass and if you find yourself across the narrow sea, may we see each other again." Arya took a step forward and Rieka thought she was going to make a fuss but she hugged her tight. Arya locked her arms around Rieka trapping her in a hug.

"Arya I miss you already." Rieka whispered tears falling down her cheeks.

"I will be back." Arya assured. "Westeros isnt for me either... I just need to do something."

"I look forward to seeing you, you can tell me about your adventures." Rieka suggested.

"Rieka, I can stay." Sansa whispered.

"I would feel better if you went with Arya, try not to kill her along the way." Rieka remarked looking between them.

"No promises." Arya half teased.

"Kids say goodbye to aunt Sansa and aunt Arya." Rieka instructed and sansa knelt down hugging them all. "You will do great things in westeros. Hey, winterfell needs a new lady of winterfell, you could rule winterfell." Rieka suggested.

"I'm going to miss you Rieka. You were there for me and kept me safe and got me out of there and now I feel like an idiot for wanting to go back to that place." Sansa admitted. "But I do. I want to go back."

"And you shall. Write me when you get there. Tell Jon I say I miss him like crazy if you see him. Kiss fathers statue in the crypt for me if he has one. Put a few flowers on Rickon and Brans for me... tell mother I'm not sorry that I love Petyr and by some shocking event, she was wrong about Petyr." Rieka went on and Arya snigg*red a laugh. "And Robb, well I talk to him most full moons but let him know I never took off his ring." Rieka's hand went to her neck. "And make sure his statue in the crypt got his good side." She added as she hugged her sisters again. "I miss you already."


Alone. They were alone. Five children and a wolf but sansa and arya were gone. Rieka finished supper and was cleaning up the plates when Petyr spun her to him.

He kissed her hungerly. Letting her explore his mouth. Let her fingertips trace the planes of his jaw down to his shoulders. Let her control the kiss. Until he didn't. He couldn't quite say when he took over, probably when she yielded to the pressure of his lips.

Maybe when his hands moved from her jaw to the back of her head cradling her to him. Most likely when he sat down at the table and she crawled into his lap and melted against him. It didn't really matter because they were both breathing heavily. While the world continued to move around them, the only thing that mattered to him was more. More of this. More of her. In this moment there was only them. Avalon was on babysitting duty and Petyr liked being able to consume his wife like this.

He pulled at her dress loosening the strings as she pulled at his belt. Her dress skirt bunched around her hips.

Her heart gave up any resistance, gleefully taking all of him. She loved him. Her husband. He freed himself to her, his co*ck pressing against her core as he tasted her nipples, sucking them and licking, teasing until she was one aching, moaning body of need.

"Petyr!" she begged and he hushed her just slightly, the kids were in the other room after all. Rieka smiled back at him and he thrust forward, burying himself to the hilt. They both cried out, the friction and heat overwhelming. He f*cked into her, and her control broke. She no longer thought of her body or the mess on the floor. THe dirty dishes, the toys and clothes over the floor. It was a bit of a mess but it was her mess. Her family. She cleared her mind focusing on Petyr.

Her only thought was of him. He surrounded her, consumed her with his smell, his feel, and his co*ck as it drove her higher, chasing her release.


It wasnt long after Sansa and Arya departed that Rieka felt a weight lifted off of her and considering she had two children sprawled out over her that was saying something.

"I feel good." Rieka remarked as she looked to Petyr.

"You look good." Petyr agreed.

"I mean like... my heart... my heart feels good." Rieka offered. "I thought that them leaving would... I dont know maybe I'm a bad sister."

"You are an amazing sister. Am I glad we get the house to ourselves and you dont have to be quiet anymore when I'm devouring you because you wanted to be respectful? Yes." Petyr declared.

"Okay that was because we have five children and they are light sleepers. Less for Sansa as opposed to I dont want to scream out and wake to stop before org*sm because I woke the twins up." Rieka corrected.

"Good point." Petyr agreed. He moved Sayla and Arry from her and Arry snuggled between them as Sayla climbed back onto Rieka holding onto her tighter. "Mama's girl." Petyr whispered running a hand through her hair.


"Can I have a necklace like yours?" Robbie questioned as he fingered RIeka's ring from Robb on her neck.

"I think we should have matching rings, that would be fun." RIeka agreed and RObbie nodded.

"I know a welder in town," petyr remarked from the stove. "I will what he can do."

"We can have him make you a new pin." Rieka suggested. "With our new sigil too." Petyr smiled back at her.

Sayla and Haven pat their little stomachs as Petyr cooked waiting impatiently.

'I hun-ge' Haven declared.

"HUNGER!" Sayla agreed.

"They got your dramatics." Petyr teased. Rieka tossed her hair over her shoulder.

'Alright then lets go find some supper.' Rieka suggested scooping them up and putting them in their chairs strapping them in. "Petyr, hurry up they hunger! They hunger my love."

"Food is coming right up." Petyr agreed.

"MAMA!" HAven shouted. Rieka spun around thinking she hurt herself in the three seconds since Rieka turned her head. "Dolly?" Haven whimpered looking for it.

"Where is dolly?" Rieka questioned.

"Dolly? Dolly?" Haven called out before little tears filled her eyes. "Dolly!"

"Petyr?" Rieka questioned.

"I think she had outside." Petyr recalled. "But I thought she brought it back."

"Is dolly inside or outside HAven?" Rieka pondered.

"Dolly, dolly, dolly." Haven whimpered as she looked around the room from her seat. "Where dolly?"

"I will find Dolly." Rieka assured. "Robbie can you help me?"

"Me too!" Eddie shouted jumping up. "Dont worry Haven, we will find favorite dolly."

"Ank uo." Haven whimpered as Rieka pressed a kiss to her head.

"Alright boys, search the house first I will check outside." Rieka instructed and the boys went around the rooms. Rieka headed outside with Avalon. "Avalon find dolly." Rieka instructed and she put her nose in the air and then to the ground, tracking the doll.

While looking for Haven's dolly that she had somehow dropped. Rieka didn't know how, Haven had a grip on her dolly at all times and she couldn't fall asleep without it. There was a mini melt down and it would have turned into a major meltdown in no time if they didnt find dolly.

She retraced her steps that day looking under things, barrels and crates, logs anything where Dolly could have gotten stuck but she didn't find it.

'Come on, where are you...' Rieka muttered when Avalon started digging in the sand. "You got it?" Rieka questioned hopefully.

When they got back Petyr had Arry on his hip helping him finish up their meal. Arry gripped the spoon banging it around the pot, splashing as he went. He laughed out when he spilled onto Petyr or himself. Haven jumped in her seat when she saw dolly.

"Avalon found her." Rieka remarked.

"Dolly!" Haven declared hugging her to herself. "Oh Dolly!"

"Oh Dolly indeed." Rieka agreed taking a seat. "Went on a treasure hunt already today Petyr, come on pick up the pace." She teased.

"Arry is being very helpful." Petyr mused. "But maybe if you took him we would finish faster." Rieka reached out for Arry and he babbled away.

"Can I say grace?" Eddie questioned once they were all sitting down.

"That would be lovely." Rieka agreed as she grabbed Petyrs hand. Avalon sat, chin on the table ready for fallen food from the kids plates.

"Hello Gods, its me. Eddie." eddie began and Rieka held back a laugh. "Thank you for mama and daddy and Avalon and Sayla, and-" Rieka reached over touching his little head as he said all his siblings names. He really was her sweet boy. "And thank you for Avalon finding dolly for Haven. Amen."

"Amen." Rieka agreed.

"Dolly." Haven agreed as she grabbed a fistful of noodles.


That night Rieka saw Bran. She was home, she was in winterfell, she didnt see her children in the snow, didnt see Petyr. She saw Bran. She saw Robb and her father. She sobbed out reaching for them but she couldnt touch them.

"Rieka." Bran declared. He had grown up so much, he wasnt a little boy anymore, he was a man.

"Are you really here?"

"I'm here in westeros. I'm alive." Bran agreed. Rieka ran to him bare feet sinking into the snow but she wasnt cold at all. Why wasnt she cold, why didnt she feel the cold on her skin? She held her baby brother.

"I missed you Rieka." Bran whispered clinging to her.

"This is a dream, I am dreaming and you arent here, just like Robb and dad." Rieka realized.

"I'm in westeros and you are in Braavos." Bran agreed. "But I'm here. I see you Rieka."

"Bran... bran..." Rieka hugged him tighter, she could feel him. She sobbed out as snowflakes fell down around them.

"Come home rieka."

"I have a home here. In Braavos, I'm here here." Rieka corrected.

"Come home Rieka." Bran begged. Rieka looked around and saw all the things she used to love, and how the lannisters corrupted their home.

"You dont have to see the pain and pain alone." Bran added. "You can still remember the good."

"I'm... I feel so broken here Bran, so fragile." Rieka countered and bran shook his head.

"RIeka, you are fragile." Bran agreed and Rieka choked out a laugh.

"Thanks." Rieka agreed.

"RIeka you not fragile like a flower you are fragile like a bomb." Bran corrected.

"Calling me deadly?"

"Bombs hurt some to protect others..." Bran countered. "I need you to come home, to the capital."

"The capital is not home." Rieka countered.

"You need to come, please, promise me you will come." Bran begged and she felt herself being shook. "Rieka please, I need you here, even if its just for a moment."

"Bran-" Rieka whispered. "This is a dream, I'm not here and you are not... this isnt real." Rieka reminded him.

"It's the closest we can get while you are a worlds away." Bran countered, he pressed a kiss to her cheek and she stared back at him. "Your children are ready to break their fast I believe." Bran offered with a knowing smile. "See you soon Rieka."

When Rieka's eyes opened Eddie and RObbie were jumping on the bed, Avalon howled out. Petyr was putting his pants on and Rieka blinked back to reality.

Rieka was being ridiculous but she had this strange dream and just had to see Bran. She felt like she was being called to Westeros.

Rieka was being ridiculous but she had this strange dream and just had to see Bran. She felt like she was being called to Westeros.


‘Our new king has chosen to send you to the nights watch.’

‘There is still a nights watch?’ jon questioned

‘You will take no lands father no children... the unsullied still want your head but they have agreed.’

‘Was it right? What I did?’ Jon asked ‘It does not feel right’ Jon admitted

‘Ask me again in 10 years.’ Tyrion Told him

‘I dont expect we will see each other again’ Jon said

‘I wouldn’t be so sure a few years his hand of the king would make anyone want to piss off the end of the world’ Tyrion told him.


‘I wish there was another way’ Sansa told him ‘do you forgive me?’

‘The north is free thanks to you’ jon reminded her.

‘But they lost the king’

‘Ned Starks daughter speaking for them she’s the best they could ask for’ Jon told her, he turned to Arya. ‘You can come visit me at Castle Black whenever you want’ he told arya.

‘I can’t’ she told him.

‘Do you think anyone can tell you can and can’t do?’ jon questioned

‘I’m not going back to the north I’m going past I’m going where all the maps stop I’m going to see what’s out there.’ arya told him. "I'm going to visit Rieka, I miss her already."

‘Me too, tell her to visit me at the wall." Jon requested. Arya chuckled. "Do you have needle?’

‘Right here’ she told him. Jon bowed before Bran

‘Your grace. I’m sorry I was not there when you needed me’ Jon told him

‘You were exactly where you were supposed to be’ Bran told him. "Just like you are going exactly where you need to go." Jon nodded solemnly but then they heard Rieka's voice.

"What the literal hell! Clearly I leave and the world goes to hell, I knew it would happen but come on!" Rieka declared.

"Rieka!" Jon shouted running towards her, he held her in his arms spinning her around.

"Someone missed me." Rieka kissed his cheek. "And Bran is not dead but the king! Wow, honestly guys I feel like I was kept out of the loop on a lot." RIeka remarked as sanas hugged her.

"Are you heading back?" Arya pondered.

"This was just a sail by, I had this weird urge to come to- why are you smiling like that?" Rieka demanded Bran.

"I'm happy." Bran offered as she sat down in his lap. He hugged tight to her.

"I told you I would come and visit." Rieka teased kissing his cheek.

"I missed you." Bran breathed back as he closed his eyes not wanting to cry but Rieka was always his favorite person in the world and he had only gotten to see her through his visions.

"I'm sorry I didnt come back sooner Bran." Rieka told him.

"You were where you needed to be." Bran assured. "How does it feel being back?"

"My heart hurts." Rieka admitted her emotions catching up with her.

"I like your sigil." Bran whispered. Rieka looked at the sail. Ghost wagged his tail coming to sit between her legs and she dropped down beside him scratching his ears and back.

"Thanks." Rieka whispered glancing back at the direwolf looking up at the mockingbird sitting on its head. "Avalon posed for it." Rieka mused. "YOu remember Avalon, do you handsome?" Rieka questioned Ghost.


"Rieka I'm going to the wall- you can visit-" Jon began but Rieka grabbed his arm.

"No." RIeka countered looking to Bran. "You are the king, you can forgo his vows.

"Jon is getting on a ship." Bran countered staring back at Rieka.

"Jon-" Rieka was about to be furious. But then she realized. "Jon is getting on A ship." Rieka agreed. "I dont want to leave you yet Bran."

"I know Rieka, but if you want Jon getting on the right ship, you have to go." Bran whispered holding onto her. Rieka nodded crying into him.

"Okay, I will be back, I'm not calling you, your grace," She added kissing his cheek. "You are always going to be my king of naps though." Bran chuckled.

"I love you Rieka."

"I love you Bran... okay Arya, we are going now apparently." Rieka remarked hugging sansa again. "Take care of the north for us."

"I will." Sansa assured.

"Come on Jon, you are getting on A boat." Rieka declared hooking her arm with his. "Yep I got this hooligan." Rieka assured as she nudged him onto the ship. "Petyr time to go." Ghost bound on and immediately ran towards Avalon and they yipped and barked and caught up just as much as Rieka did with her own siblings it seemed.

"Rieka you had kids, Arya said but... wow." Jon remarked.

"Petyr, faster now." Rieka repeated.

"You want me to kill them?" Arya pondered as they lifted anchor.

"Who?" Rieka countered.

"The dragon queens slaves." Arya offered as they started shouting that Jon Snow was their prisoner.

"The next person to call Jon a prisoner, yeah, skewer the bitch." Rieka agreed.

"Hello, I'm Jon." He knelt before Sayla.

"I'm Say! LA!" she laughed out.

"I'm Heyyy- van!" Haven giggled back.

"Sayla and Haven..." Jon repeated smiling back at Rieka.

"And this is little Arry." Rieka remarked pointing to the babe in Petyrs arms "and oh, right you dont know Petyr. petyr this is my brother Jon, Jon this is my husband Petyr."

"Nice to meet you Jon." Petyr extended his free hand to jon and he shook it.

"You too." Jon agreed.

"Then we have Robbie and Eddie-"

"How many children do you have?" Jon questioned.

"Too many." Arya answered for her as she sent an arrow flying at Grey Worm. He groaned out as an arrow went through his eye before dropping to his knees.

"Just the five." Rieka offered.

"Just the five." Jon chuckled back.

"You are going to love our place in Braavos!" Rieka declared. "Oh this is going to be so great Jon! So Great!" she hugged him again.

"Avalon!" Jon declared. Avalon jumped off Ghost and jumped on Jon giving him a kiss. "Oh, hey girl, look at you, still so beautiful. I heard you threatened the king when the wolves were... taken." Jon recalled.

"Yes, well you see I threatened to take away his whor*s." Rieka agreed. Jon chuckled out, his jaw agape as Petyr moved to Rieka.

"Oh thats what you did." Petyr mused kissing her shoulder.

"In my defense the moon was full and I was left unsupervised and without a plan."

"Wow, i didnt know that." Petyr remarked.

"What else is there to tell?" Rieka mused as they sailed into great blue and beyond.

"Thanks for saving me Rieka." Jon remarked as he looked to Robbie and Eddie.

"Anytime, now lets go home."

Monster / Petyr Baelish - Rissarosewrites (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.