Third Grade Curriculum Night - ppt download (2024)

Presentation on theme: "Third Grade Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Third Grade Curriculum Night
August 27, 2019 Mrs. Glum and Mrs. Haefner

2 Arrival Procedures No student should be on campus prior to 7:30 A.M.
Third grade students will gather on the PE Court when they arrive on campus. When the first bell rings at 7:50 A.M. students will be released to their classrooms by classes. Tardy bell rings at 7:55 A.M.

3 Dismissal Procedures Any changes in your child’s transportation need to be made in writing (note or message in the planner.) In case of emergency, please call the office at PLEASE do not leave a message regarding transportation changes on my voic as I usually check my voic AFTER dismissal. Students are not allowed to ride a bus that is not assigned to them.

4 Daily Schedule Mrs. Haefner’s homebase Class
7:50 – 8:05Unpack / Planner / KNN 8:05 – 8:35W.I.N. 8:55 – 9:35CAMP (W 9:20-9:50) 9:35 -9:55Recess 9:55 – 11:30Math/Science 11:30Switch classes 11:40– 12:10Lunch 12:15 – 1:50Reading/Language Arts/ Social Studies with Mrs. Glum 1:55-2:10 READ Eyes on Text 2:15Car riders dismissed 2:20 Bus riders dismissed SNACK!

5 Daily Schedule Mrs. Glum’s homebase Class
7:50 – 8:05Unpack / Planner / KNN 8:05 – 8:35W.I.N. 8:55 – 9:35CAMP (W 9:20-9:50) 9:35 -9:55Recess 9:55 – 11:30 ELA/Social Studies 11:30-11:35 Switch classes 11:38 – 12:08Lunch 12:15 – 1:50Math/Science 1:50 Switch back 1:55-2:15 READ Eyes on Text 2:15Car riders dismissed 2:20 Bus riders dismissed SNACK is after RECESS

6 C.A.M.P. Mrs. Haefner’s Homebase
Our class rainbows. We split into two groups. One group goes with Mrs. Glum’s class and the other group goes with Mrs. Kempke/Mrs. Miller’s class. We have a chart by the front door if your child would like to know what they have for CAMP each week. During the week, I will provide additional minutes of P.E. support usually on Thursday.

7 C.A.M.P. Mrs. Glum’s homebase
We will always have Art on Monday. We will always have Music on Tuesday. We will always have P.E. on Wednesday and Friday. We will have Computer on Thursday the first and last quarter. We will have Chinese on Thursday the second and Third quarter. During the week, I will provide additional minutes of P.E. support usually on Thursday.

8 Standards Expectations
All children are expected to master rigorous standards. Emphasis is placed on higher-level questioning and critical thinking as well as building strong academic vocabulary. Our job, as educators, is to enrich and support our students based on each student’s needs. This means differentiating instruction for children needing support or enrichment.

9 “Equity through Excellence”
One Year’s Growth in One Year’s Time Growth Mindset Monitor with Feedback Rigorous Instruction Build Positive Relationships & Culture

10 Skills/Benchmarks In ELA (Reading and Language Arts) and Math, we are using the Florida State Standards. These standards were developed by Florida educators using the Common Core Standards as a basis. In Science and Social Studies, we will continue to use NGSS (Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.)

11 ELA = Part Language Arts
Benchmarks based on Florida Standards Spelling English - grammar, proofreading/editing, punctuation, capitalization, word usage Writing Cursive Handwriting A list of the standards can be found at WARNING! Parents, don’t try this at home! ELA grades are weighted!

12 ELA = Part Reading What is a ‘cold read’?
Benchmarks based on the Florida Standards - Phonemic Awareness - Phonics - Fluency - Vocabulary - Comprehension A list of the standards can be found at State law requires a 90-minute uninterrupted reading block each day. Students who need additional support will have 30 minutes of daily intervention as well (W.I.N.) What is a ‘cold read’?

13 Sunshine State Reading program and Accelerated Reader (AR)
This program is for 3-5 graders and there are 15 titles. To motivate kids to read, we challenge and recognize those students that read these books and pass the AR tests. In addition to the school-wide recognition program, third grade has a book club where each month a book is selected and if the students read that book and pass the AR tests before the last day of the month, they are invited to a special lunch with a treat the first Thursday of the next month. (see the yellow handout in your folder) AR is located on the portal and we encourage our students to take the AR test on every book they read. Starting in September, students will be assigned a number of AR points they must earn that month.

14 Sunshine State Reading program and Accelerated Reader (AR)
This program is for 3-5 graders and there are 15 titles. To motivate kids to read, we challenge and recognize those students that read these books and pass the AR tests. In addition to the school-wide recognition program, third grade has a book club where each month a book is selected and if the students read that book and pass the AR tests before the last day of the month, they are invited to a special lunch with a treat the first Thursday of the next month. (see the yellow handout in your folder) AR is located on the portal and we encourage our students to take the AR test on every book they read. Starting in September, students will be assigned a number of AR points they must earn that month.

15 Social Studies Based on NGSSS Map and Globe Skills
U.S. Geography and Government North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) A list of the standards can be found at

16 Math Go Math! Based on Florida Standards
(consumable book) Based on Florida Standards Emphasis on using manipulatives and higher level thinking skills (strategies) Unit 1 – Addition and Subtraction Unit 2 – Multiplication and Division Unit 3 – Expanding on Multiplication and Division Unit 4 – Area and Perimeter Unit 5 – Fractions Unit 6 - Measurement Memorize multiplication facts A list of the standards can be found at

17 “Elevate” consumable book
Science Benchmarks based on New Generation Sunshine State/Common Core Standards Physical, Earth, and Life Science Bodies of Knowledge Labs/activities Use the scientific method Super Scientist program Tested in 5th grade on Annual Assessment A list of the standards can be found at “Elevate” consumable book

18 Student Evaluation Data Notebooks Writing samples Reading assessments
Math assessments Grades - Florida State Standards (ELA, Math, Science) Annual assessment scores State mandated assessment Administered in the Spring Aligned to Florida Standards More information will be forthcoming

19 The Portal Students log onto the portal using their student ID and password.

20 i-Ready A web based tool to help students make gains in Reading and Mathematics. It includes assessments which measure students’ growth and performance through personalized instruction. This program is prescriptive which means your child will be working on his/her level. Students will sign in to the portal and then click on the i-Ready tile. We suggest a minimum of 45 minutes of reading and 45 minutes of math weekly.

21 Grade Reporting We are on the quarter calendar which means progress reports and report cards come out 4 times a year. Skyward Family Access (Is your correct? You should be receiving s from Mr. White and Mrs. Wagner.) It is our goal to conference with every family during the first semester.

22 Homework and Study Skills
Usually 2 subjects a night M-Th Designed to provide practice and review of subject matter taught during the day No HW assignments from books (Reading, Math, and Science are online) Homework is due with the child in the morning – not brought in later in the day.

23 Homework and Study Skills
Please review your child’s planner every night to check assignments. Initial your child’s planner in the white box every night (even Friday.) Read for comprehension and practice Math facts regularly.

24 Notices Notices, newsletters, and graded papers will go home in the Take Home Thursday folder. Please sign the paper in the back sleeve to indicate you have seen the graded work. Homework will go home daily in the Homework Folder. Please initial planner every night. Please check your child’s backpack for these folders .

25 EX – S.T.R.E.A.M. Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art,
Mathematics. 8 Wednesdays in Fall Program designed to offer ALL children an opportunity for enrichment and exploration in an area of strength or interest. EX-S.T.R.E.A.M. activities are not graded. Students who arrive tardy will not participate that day.

26 Party, Party, Party... We will have 2 class parties this year - before the Winter Break and the end of the year. *******You must be a registered dividend to help at the class party. You may send in treats for your child’s birthday. Please send an individual treat like a cupcake, cookie, or brownie. No drinks please. Send the treat with your student or drop them off in the office in the morning.

27 Field Trips 2 or 3 field trips this year – still in the planning stages. All parents interested in chaperoning any trip must fill out Chaperone Form on-line at least 3 weeks prior to trip. Form can be found on the Seminole County Schools website and Heathrow Elementary’s website.

28 Class Management Emphasis is on a positive approach to reward and encourage good behavior. Rewards include ARMOR Awards, tickets, class compliments, table points, etc. Weekly “Knight of the Week” will be chosen by Thursday and presented on KNN Friday morning. I will alert you if problems arise by writing a note in the planner, ing or calling you.

29 Absences Students must make up missing work AFTER absences.
Please send in a written note to ensure the absence is excused. Unexcused absences, early check-outs, and tardy minutes are documented.

30 Safety Please check in at the front office before going to morning or afternoon conferences. Drop your child off at car ramp following car ramp policy-No need to walk them on campus. Students can open car doors and get out by themselves on car ramp.

31 Safety cont. Do not go to classroom to pick up your child. Doors will always be locked. We have a Seminole County Sheriff, Deputy Joe Rodgers, assigned to us full-time. You must always check in at the office to be on campus -Wear visitor tag.

32 Lunchroom Policy Lunch is $2.50.
Get all needed items before sitting down. Must remain seated during lunch. Treat assistants and other students with respect. Access menus on county website.

33 Lunch with Your Student
Parents are able to have lunch with their children after signing in the front office. Thursday is 3rd grade’s day to have lunch visitors. Lunchroom seating not available due to class sizes – no extra seats, even in bad weather. No siblings, please. *Meet them at the lunchroom after signing in at the front office.

34 Dress Code Just a reminder…
all students must wear shorts AT or LONGER than the length of their arm, all the way to their fingertips and shirts that have a collar OR sleeves. NO tanktops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, bare shoulders (even one!), or bare midriffs. This is SCPS dress code and we have to enforce it. 

35 Our 3rd Grade Class Website
Please check the website often to find new and updated information. Please check the website often to find new and updated information including test dates, vocabulary terms, current skills, school/class events.

36 Communication Planner is primary form of communication!
Conferences - 7:30 or 2:30 me! Michelle Phone number Feel free to leave a voic (BUT not a transportation change.)

37 Communication Planner is primary form of communication!
Conferences - 7:30 or 2:30 me! Phone number Feel free to leave a voic (BUT not a transportation change.) Parent list – if you haven’t received an from you, see me.

38 In closing... We are very excited about this school year and hope we can work together to provide your child with every opportunity to be successful in third grade.

39 Donations Reward Prizes (Example: Dollar Store puzzles and toys)
Copy paper!!!!!!!! Labels (Avery 5162, 8160, 5163) Color copy paper Reward Prizes (Example: Dollar Store puzzles and toys)

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Third Grade Curriculum Night -  ppt download (2024)


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