The Amazing Spider-Man - Chapter 3 - thepiggamer (2024)

Chapter Text

It’s been a week since he’s gone. The hardest week of my life. Feeling his loss is one thing, but seeing my aunt like that kills me inside. She is so strong, but the spark that gave her meaning is gone I feel… the worst part is that this is all my fault. I don’t dare to go near that suit. My life only got worse after these powers; I wish I never had them. This is a curse, a nightmare I can never wake up from.

Harry called me for a party tonight, guess he wants to cheer me up. Haven’t left home for a week so it’s been a while since I saw him. I’ll see how that goes…


  • You invited Eugene? – Peter whispers, worried sick someone might hear.
  • I’m sorry but, look we really clicked this week, he’s being nicer to me and everything. – Harry whispers back.
  • Goddamnit man… look, as long as I don’t have to deal with his sh*t today. I’m gonna get a few drinks.

As Peter goes to the drinks, Flash Thompson sees Parker. Despite everything that Pete thought about him, Eugene still has a heart, and a beating heart can understand another’s pain. He approaches.

  • Jesus, what do you want man? – Parker almost spills his drink because of the surprise.
  • Look Parker, I just wanna say my condolences to your uncle. – Parker, visibly annoyed, shrugs at Flash. – I know I always haven’t been easy on you-
  • Oh really?
  • Look, I am here offering my condolences man, no tricks.
  • Well guess what EUGENE? I don’t need your pity! Grab those SORRY EYES of yours and SHOVE IT! – Parker’s voice is heard in the entire room. An unbearable silence can be heard and felt. Parker walks to the balcony.

Peter finishes off his drink at the balcony. In a feat of rage, he throws the plastic cup he was holding far away, at least he tried, since it was a plastic cup, the wind made it so the cup came back to the same balcony.

  • Peter? – A softer voice could be heard.
  • Who – Peter turns back to the source of the voice, it was Liz! – Liz! What are you doing here?
  • I came to see you. I was worried; you are not your usual self.
  • You are… worried? But-but I was a real asshole to you! And I was an asshole to Flash just now!
  • Still, I feel like it’s understandable. You know Flash isn’t that bad of a guy, he is just insecure. He sees you are way smarter than everyone and gets mad. In a way he kinda wishes he was like you!
  • I am flattered. Wish his flattery came with roses instead of black eyes. But, Liz, why now? Why did you decide to be nice to me now? Every time Flash picked on me you never stood by him.
  • I guess I was insecure myself… but after I saw a boy, gaining confidence and fighting his bully for the first time, that gave me courage to stood up to him, even if he is my friend. – She places her hand on his shoulder. – You’ve inspired me Peter.
  • It wasn’t intentional but, I’m glad. So you wanna – His sentence is interrupted by a sound. They were 5 guys; they were trying to break in a residential building, way lower from Harry’s apartment. He knew what he had to do. He has never done it, he was scared, anxious. His thoughts were loud, but his determination became louder. – Do you wanna grab more drinks for me? – He gives the fakest of smiles.
  • Uh… sure Pete. – She is confused. His behavior seems erratic and irrational.

Peter makes sure she isn’t seeing him, that no one is seeing him. He does something rash or rather, he does something insane. Parker jumps off the balcony, and slides down on the buildings windows. He didn’t have his suit, nor his web-shooters, so he decides to use his shirt to make a mask to cover his face, he almost looks like one of the crooks. Peter is almost at the residential building’s level, so Parker jumps, landing on its wall, nearly at the top. With his hands trembling, his heart bumping, he climbs, no turning back now.

  • Hey there you freaks! – At this point Parker regrets his decisions immediately. But there is nothing he can do except go.
  • Hey Mitch, who is this joker? – A masked man with a crowbar, points at Peter.
  • What? – Another masked man, “Mitch”, was trying to picklock the door.
  • I said: WHO IS THIS JOKER?! – The man yells.
  • Just nick him will ya? I need to concentrate!
  • Hey you lousy KID! Where do you want me to hit you, the leg? Or the arms? – He prepares for an attack.
  • I think I’d rather for it to hit your face! – The robber swings the crowbar with such great force that, when Parker dodges it, the robber hits his own face. Peter smiles. – Anyone else wants to feel the taste of metal?
  • Oh you little shi – Another criminal joins the fight, his punch is quickly dodged and Peter lands him a kick. He flies to the other side of the roof. He is out.
  • 2 armed men against a teenager, and you still managed to lose? Criminals back in the day used to have some backbone people!

The 3 remaining criminals are now fully focused on the little frail kid that just took out 2 of their men. They are all walking slowly towards the boy.

  • Now now, didn’t your mothers teach you to beat someone your own size?

One of the crooks throws a direct at Parker’s direction and it is properly dodge, not missing a moment, another one swings a baseball bat over his head and Peter dodges it again. The bat hits the ground. While Peter was finding his footing, the third crook grabs him with an arm lock. He is trying to choke him out!

  • Hey! Peakaboo! – Peter pokes both of his eyes, he is released from the arm lock and proceeds to give him a low. He is out.

The first one that attacked him now does the same thing and throws a direct, which not only is dodged but Peter grabs the criminal’s arm and throws him at the other one. Knocking them both at the same time!

  • Guess this was just some public service for the citizens of New York! Thank you! Thank you!.
  • HEY YOU! – Suddenly from a nearby window! – STOP TRYING TO BREAK IN THERE! I AM CALLING THE COPS!
  • What? – Peter sees who is yelling, it’s an old angry lady. – LADY I JUST STOPED A B&E! DIDN’T YOU SEE THE FIGHT?

“Damnit, I need to get the f*ck out of here.” He follows his mind and does just that, leaving the yelling lady by her own demons to fight. He goes home. A little late so Aunt May is sleeping. He feels guilty so he doesn’t want to bother her with anything. After building some courage, he reaches for the suit. The suit started all of this, it was because of the suit they fought, and it was because of the suit that he felled. But the suit was merely a construct, Peter’s. He decided to take it with him tomorrow.

It’s a long night of waking. He can’t stop thinking about his uncle and everything. He fears for a future where he won’t grow up with his dad beside him. He eagers for his embrace, yet he finds only the cold touch of his suit. Its embrace it’s a reminder, a warning, as long as he lives, he will be trapped by it. Today’s doings were something, the reality is that he might’ve saved some people, the ones inside the building, the comfort he feels is enough for him to sleep at night, the suit traps him, but it gives him comfort, it gives him something.

Its tomorrow morning. He is wearing the suit below his normal civilian clothing; he has a long day ahead of him. While going downstairs he overhears Aunt May speaking with someone on the phone:

  • I understand but we- I understand, but our situation is delicate. Our main provider passed away recently and I don’t have any way of getting money. Okay, I will see to it.

While she was talking, Peter was hiding behind the stairs. He is concerned for her and she is concerned for him, the paradox it creates is that none of them really talks. He finally decides to leave his hiding spot.

  • Hey Aunt May. How are you?
  • Oh! – She seems surprised. – Good morning dear. I didn’t see you arriving yesterday, was the party okay?
  • Oh it was fine… I uh… I’m going to leave now I need to take care of some stuff okay?
  • Oh… I see… if you need anything call alright? And please don’t be late.
  • I won’t.

He walks out. “I hate leaving Aunt May alone, but I need to find some way to get me some cash! Guess I’ll have to hop on City Bone again!” With the grace of a wounded bird, he swings through the city, the nearby spectators are in awe of his amazing features through the air as he crosses building to building.

He arrives at the place. He finds himself at the manager’s office, hanging on the ceiling.

  • Hey, I’m gonna need some fights and some checks!
  • Oh… okay… what was your name again? I got your documents lost after the confusion last time!
  • Just write a check for Spider-Man! There’s a hyphen between “Spider” and “Man”.
  • Oh… okay… you can grab your check after the fight. – The manager is confused as to how Spider-Man is going to check out this check.

The fight is as quickly as all the other ones. Nothing new, he grabs his check and goes to the bank.

  • Hi I would like to cash this!
  • – He looks to the check. – Okay, very funny.
  • What? I am serious!
  • How am I supposed to cash this boy? Do you have an ID for the name “Spiderman”?
  • With a hyphen please… and no I don’t.
  • How the heck are you supposed to prove you are this fella then?
  • I… uh…. The… suit I have…?
  • Any joker can make a costume. Now get lost will ya?

“Damn it! How am I supposed to make money now!” As he gazes through New York’s landscape, he looks at a certain eye catching building. “BINGO! The Fantastic Four! They have a building, they must be crazy rich. Maybe they will pay Spider-Man!”

It takes a couple of minutes to arrive at the famous Baxter Building, home of the fantastic “Fantastic Four”. He sees an air duct entrance and sneaks his way in. His inner sense, that he calls now “Spider-Sense” is able to warn him of the traps and alarms inside the building. Now he is above the room where all of the members of the group are there. With no time to waste he makes his entrance from above.

  • GREETINGS EVERYONE! I AM THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN HERE TO ANNOUNCE MY- His speech is interrupted by the mass of bricks, quite literally, that rammed into him. “The Thing” as they called, despite the warning of his Spider-Sense, manages to run into Spider-Man like a quarterback running towards the ball.
  • INTRUDER ALERT! EVERYONE, ASSUME COMBAT! – Mr. Fantastic, long dough like elastic, stretches his body and wraps himself around our poor soul trapping him.

“This just isn’t my day!” Spider-Man thinks. Using his strength, he frees himself from Mr. Fantastic. The Human Torch fires some fire balls at him, which he swiftly dodges with precision. Not wasting anytime, The Thing charges at him again, this time, though, Spidey dodges.

  • Wow, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you guys are trying to hurt me! – He pushes Ben (The Thing) and he gets stuck to the metal walls. – Wait a minute… one, two, three… where’s the fourth – He is interrupted by his spider-sense, which screams of danger make him dodge Sue Storm’s attack. He tries giving her a taste of his fists, but she dodges the man she kicks his legs making him fall. Before she could do anything, Spider-Man is able to kick her to the other side of the room.
  • GUYS! You got it all wrong! I just want a job here! Something that… pays?
  • That’s one heck of interview dude! – Johnny Storm proclaims.
  • You think I liked fighting you? 4 heads and yet I see 0 brain usage in this place!
  • We are sorry Spider-Man, but we can’t give you a steady job with income here, we don’t make any income! All of our money is dedicated to science and research. – Sue Storm, fully recuperated, carries a more understanding voice.
  • Is that so… - Disappointment is what can be heard through his voice. – I guess I will find somewhere else. – The windows open up and he shoots a strand of webbing outside. – I’m glad they have someone like you Sue; at least one of you uses your brains. – He flies.
  • Uh… guys… a little help here. – Ben is still stuck at the wall.

It’s getting late, so he decides to go back home. As he was passing through a window, he overhears the newsman speaking.

  • Colonel Jameson is in great danger! – Spidey turns around and starts spying on the TV!
  • What the- JANET GRAB THE GUN! – The man watching the TV is frightened over the sudden appearance of the masked vigilante.
  • Shhhh! I’m trying to listen! – He shuts the man’s mouth with a quick web shot! The man’s screams are muffled!
  • On his test of the new ejection system of his rocket ship, the parachute wasn’t installed by a maintenance error. He is currently falling down from the sky and is expected to hit the ground in 5 minutes. His landing point will be Central Park, we warn every citizen to stay out of its way!

“Not far! Gotta move!” He launches himself from the wall and swings as fast as he can to Central Park!

  • HERE! – The woman arrives with a 12 gauge shotgun, only to see her husband with his mouth webbed up.

At a nearby building from the Central Park, Parker sees Col. Jameson’s capsule falling. He shoots two strands of webs in front of him, and slingshots himself towards the falling box. In the blink of an eye, and with extreme precision, he hits the capsule. “I hate to test this now, but I hope this works.” With his webbing, he starts working a makeshift parachute. The capsule is falling fast, but he has no time to waste. The parachute is half complete, and they have less than 1 minute to hit the ground and become paste! Spider-Man is concentrated, this has to work, it WILL work! There! DONE! The parachute was complete and it worked! The capsule is slowing down. Col. Jameson is safe!

The capsule finally reaches the ground, safely. Spider-Man rips the door out and let’s Col. Jameson out!

  • Thanks my friend! You saved me from quite a pickle out there.
  • No problem! Next time, try to check the parachutes okay?
  • A mistake that won’t happen again. – Before Spider-Man could swing out, Col. Jameson asks. - I didn’t catch your name Mr…?
  • Spider-Man! Call me Spider-Man!
The Amazing Spider-Man - Chapter 3 - thepiggamer (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.