SPARTACUS out of the bag (2024)

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (19)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (20)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (21)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-3:38 PM
By: Morricone(Member)

The cat is anyway.

This is for those not interested in Townson's 1000th but are wild about SPARTACUS which now can be combined. For those who did not know Mark Isham mistakenly posted a video of his tribute part of the package pretty much acknowledging SPARTACUS is happening with an extra tribute album from people like Isham and Desplat.

SPARTACUS out of the bag (22)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (23)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (24)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (25)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (26)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (27)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-3:43 PM
By: litefoot(Member)

The cat is anyway.

This is for those not interested in Townson's 1000th but are wild about SPARTACUS

The Michael Bay remake. I can't wait.

SPARTACUS out of the bag (28)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (29)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (30)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (31)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (32)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (33)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-4:23 PM

'Every cover-artist has been given his battle orders'.

'Excellent ... All YouTube links will now be changed .... FSM takes too much interest in our plans I fear'.

'Record it in unfrequented studios, at dead of night, without fanfare without even a drum ...'

There it is ... just like that. Out of nowhere.

SPARTACUS out of the bag (34)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (35)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (36)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (37)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (38)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-5:20 PM
By: That Bloke(Member)

I have the MCA CD and the DVD of Kubrick's film. One of the few Kubrick films I like.

I look forward to the Varese release but am not getting overly excited about it. Not yet anyway. The MCA CD will keep me sated for now.

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (40)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (41)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (42)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (43)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (44)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-5:20 PM
By: Sarge(Member)

'Every cover-artist has been given his battle orders'.

'Excellent ... All YouTube links will now be changed .... FSM takes too much interest in our plans I fear'.

'Record it in unfrequented studios, at dead of night, without fanfare without even a drum ...'

"I'm after the complete score to Spartacus - and gentlemen, I mean to have it. However, this campaign is not alone to kill the MCA edition of Spartacus. It is to kill the bootleg of Spartacus..."

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (46)

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (49)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (50)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-5:31 PM
By: Niall from Ireland(Member)

'Every cover-artist has been given his battle orders'.

'Excellent ... All YouTube links will now be changed .... FSM takes too much interest in our plans I fear'.

'Record it in unfrequented studios, at dead of night, without fanfare without even a drum ...'

There it is ... just like that. Out of nowhere.

Hey, where'd you come out of ? I thought you were resting after the big 'battle in the air' !

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (52)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (53)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (54)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (55)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (56)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-5:38 PM
By: w-dervish(Member)

That Bloke: I look forward to the Varese release.

I'm not. Because I don't see any proof that Varese or anyone else is releasing it...

YouTube says: This video has been removed by the user.

Could someone who viewed the video describe it please?

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (58)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (59)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (60)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (61)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (62)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-7:52 PM

Hey, where'd you come out of ? I thought you were resting after the big 'battle in the air' !

What battle? He tried to fly under the bridge I tell you. It could have been him or me.

SPARTACUS out of the bag (63)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (64)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (65)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (66)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (67)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-8:45 PM
By: cody1949(Member)

Why do these things have to be a dark deep secret ? Is someone going to run to the "patent office" and do it before Varese ? Did it hurt sales that we knew about the Rozsa Box Set a number of months before it came out? To answer my own question: I don't think so.The smart thing for Varese to do now is fess up. Create anticipation !

SPARTACUS out of the bag (68)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (69)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (70)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (71)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (72)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (73)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-8:59 PM
By: SillyString(Member)

Why do these things have to be a dark deep secret ? Is someone going to run to the "patent office" and do it before Varese ? Did it hurt sales that we knew about the Rozsa Box Set a number of months before it came out? To answer my own question: I don't think so.The smart thing for Varese to do now is fess up. Create anticipation !

Varese won't, though. They won't even tell some of their own workers!

SPARTACUS out of the bag (74)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (75)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (76)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (77)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (78)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (79)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-9:51 PM
By: SchiffyM(Member)

Why do these things have to be a dark deep secret ? Is someone going to run to the "patent office" and do it before Varese ? Did it hurt sales that we knew about the Rozsa Box Set a number of months before it came out? To answer my own question: I don't think so.The smart thing for Varese to do now is fess up. Create anticipation !

There are several reasons for being secretive, and they can change as a project goes along. Among the reasons at this stage is mundane, but not insignificant: They don't need to be constantly pestered about when it's coming out, especially if a release date isn't firm yet. Witness the frequent (and unavoidable) delays with the Rozsa Box, and how often the equivalent of "Are we there yet?" came up. I'm sure they'll announce it when they have a firm date, artwork, and a track list (or some combination of those). Who knows? Maybe they were planning on announcing it tomorrow!

SPARTACUS out of the bag (80)

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (84)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (85)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-10:41 PM
By: CindyLover(Member)

There's something to be said for it being a surprise, you know.

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (89)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (90)Posted:Jan 26, 2010-10:53 PM
By: Morricone(Member)

Well since the Isham tape was dated the middle of January my guess is the idea of the accompanying tribute CD has come recently and is the reason for the delay of the whole package. I was told personally that the 1000th CD was originally scheduled for 2009. But personally a tribute CD is a great reason to push it back. Alex North's position in film music history is too often minimized here. The esteem he is held by his modern peers should help to put him where he belongs amongst many, somewhat like the Morricone tribute CD did for him. People need to be reinforced about this stuff or it tends to fade.

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (94)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (95)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (96)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-1:24 AM
By: Juanki(Member)

I guess this is coming around summer

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (101)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (102)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-1:26 AM
By: Steve Johnson(Member)

I guess this is coming around summer

That, no one can tell. SPARTACUS out of the bag (103)

Until someone opens their big bazoo.

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (105)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (106)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (107)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (108)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-3:14 AM
By: Francis(Member)

Just the other day Spartacus was on television (my dad watched it). I've never seen the movie but I did go and see the Stanley Kubrick museum exhibition in Gent. It showed props, stills, footage from his movies and regarding "Spartacus" it also focused on the cut scene where Marcus Licinius (Laurence Olivier) attempts to seduce Antoninus (Tony Curtis).

SPARTACUS out of the bag (109)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (110)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (111)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (112)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (113)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-3:35 AM
By: Hercule Platini(Member)

I'm glad it's coming, if not for me, but because maybe people will stop banging on about it in every spec thread.

Regardless, it will be a matter of minutes before people start complaining that this fanfare is missing, that track is in mono, those cues tracks are not in film order, the channels seem reversed on Disc 2 Track 26, there's a 4-millisecond dropout somewhere in the unused alternates, the clarinets are mixed a tad too low in the entracte and that photo of Ustinov on page 17 of the liner notes is actually from Quo Vadis, and within three days you'll have a 5,725-post slanging match-cum-bitchfest leaving no-one happy, several people in intensive care, half a dozen in therapy and everyone jumping up and down stamping their size nines and demanding a DeLuxe Edition of SPARTACUS done properly..... SPARTACUS out of the bag (114)

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SPARTACUS out of the bag (118)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (119)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-3:36 AM
By: Thor(Member)

Forgive me for not keeping up with the gazillion SPARTACUS threads that go on for like 600 pages, but can someone please tell me what's going on here without assuming it's common knowledge to everyone.

Has an expanded SPARTACUS been confirmed (or "leaked") as an upcoming Varese release? Yes or no.

SPARTACUS out of the bag (120)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (121)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (122)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (123)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (124)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-4:35 AM
By: pp312(Member)

that track is in mono, those cues tracks are not in film order, the channels seem reversed on Disc 2 Track 26, there's a 4-millisecond dropout somewhere in the unused alternates, the clarinets are mixed a tad too low in the entracte and that photo of Ustinov on page 17 of the liner notes is actually from Quo Vadis

Oh no...OMG...take it away, I don't want it after all!

Just kidding. SPARTACUS out of the bag (125)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (126)

SPARTACUS out of the bag (127)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (128)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (129)
SPARTACUS out of the bag (130)Posted:Jan 27, 2010-4:38 AM
By: pp312(Member)

Just the other day Spartacus was on television (my dad watched it). I've never seen the movie

??? Couldn't you have watched over his shoulder?

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.