Rylan Clark reveals the shocking damage done to his home (2024)

Rylan Clark has revealed the shocking damage done to his garden after extreme winds battered his Essex home.

The TV presenter, 35, took to his Instagram Stories on Tuesday to show his followers a tree had been knocked over during the blustery weather.

The MET Office had warned winds of up to 55mph would sweep through the UK and Rylan's home fell victim.

Sharing the snap to his account, Rylan wrote: 'Safe to say it’s windy out, for f**k sake'.

Rylan's home has suffered a series of misfortunes lately as he recently revealed he was attacked by a bat.

Rylan Clark has revealed the shocking damage done to his garden after extreme winds battered his Essex home

The TV presenter, 35, took to his Instagram Stories on Tuesday to show his followers a tree had been knocked over during the blustery weather

The presenter expressed his shock that he had just opened his door to have a bat swoop down and land straight on his hand as he begged his followers for advice.

He said: 'I opened my front door and something flew toward me and a bat landed on my hand. An actual bat. Like a real bat. It is five to five, I have not had a drink.

'This is not normal behaviour. Is it the snow? Can someone please tell me? Because bats do not come and land on your hand.'

In a further update posted to the microblogging platform, the This Morning' host assured fans that he had not been 'bitten or scratched' by the flying mammal but was keen to sanitize his hand as he questioned what was 'wrong' with the animal.

He said: 'I’ve not been bitten or scratched I don’t think but google is giving it- go to hospital. I’m just gonna dip my hand in alcohol gel. Like seriously what are the chances. What is wrong with all these animals?'

The former X Factor star posted another update to X - formerly known as Twitter - where he wrote in all capitals as he vented his frustration at the situation once again.


'This ain’t normal surely WHY ME. It’s snowing.'

Rylan's home has suffered a series of misfortunes lately as he recently revealed he was attacked by a bat

Rylan - who has become known for sporting a set of gleaming white teeth since having veneers fitted following his rise to fame - added: 'Maybe this explains the teeth.'

It's not the first time Rylan has had issues with wildlife at his home.

Back in September, he was left petrified after finding a grass snake in his home a year after it was invaded by another slithery fiend.

He took to Instagram to plead with his followers for help after catching site of the wily reptile on his security cameras.

Taking to Instagram on Tuesday, Rylan shared footage of the snake on his home that he captioned: 'OH MY F***ING GOD. Noticed one of my cameras had moved. THAT B*****D IS BACK SEND HELP OMG.


Expressing his shock, Rylan revealed he was hiding out away from the area because he 'didn't feel safe' in his house.

Despite calling in professional help, Rylan revealed the snake had managed to evade capture, sharing a video captioned: 'Thanks @gtkanimals . Snake 1 Rylan 0.'

He explained: 'We didn't find the snake...the lovely people from GTK Animals, they have some zoo where they find alligators and stuff, I wasn't really listening because my head... But we haven't found the snake.'

'I've come back in and I forgot that I left my belt on the kitchen side and it scared the s*** out of me.

'So no update on the snake, but we've found the frog. So yeah...the snake lives another day.

'I'll be checking those cameras an we'll go from there. I won't be sleeping tonight, have a lovely night.'

It's not the first time Rylan has had issues with wildlife at his home. In September, he was left petrified after finding a grass snake in his home a year after it was invaded by another slithery fiend

The TV presenter took to Instagram back then to plead with his followers for help after catching site of the wily reptile on his security cameras

Froggy friend: Despite calling in professional help, Rylan revealed the snake had managed to evade capture, although the experts did find a frog

Last summer, Rylan was faced with another visit from a footless intruder, asking fans, complaining 'this was why he shouldn't live alone'

Moreover, Rylan seems to have adopted a pet pheasant called Patrice who regularly appears in his social media videos

Last summer, Rylan was faced with another visit from a footless intruder, asking fans: 'Is it going to attack' and complaining 'this was why he shouldn't live alone.'

Rylan posted a series of videos in the early hours that showed the snake slithering on the carpet, complaining he had no idea who to call to remove such an animal from his front room.

Sharing a series of videos of the snake last August, Rylan shouted: 'A f****ng snake in my house - what do you do? What do you do?

'Can someone tell me what do I do, I think this is why I shouldn't live alone. I tried to touch it and now it's moving! Oh my God what is this creature? Will it attack? I don't know I can't deal with it.'

Showing the snake slithering towards him Rylan added: 'Guys it literally just went at me - no!'

Turning the camera on his terrified reaction, he added: 'The snake it's moved away, but I don't think it's gone out it's gone in the doors. I've been googling can you get killed by them. Why is this happening why there is a snake in my house?

'I knew there was a few snakes in Brentwood but I didn't think there was actual snakes. You don't need this on a hangover!'

Later Rylan shared another video telling fans he hadn't seen the snake for over an hour, but he couldn't sleep because he was 'frightened it would come back.'

Moreover, Rylan seems to have adopted a pet pheasant called Patrice who regularly appears in his social media videos.

Rylan Clark reveals the shocking damage done to his home (2024)


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