Read MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter - Chapter 154 Cold blood kills fellow students - NovelBuddy (2024)

Updated: 2013-09-12

"Live live version? Uh ... Xiaoyi, are you okay?" Liao Qing'er asked carefully, "You must be very worried about these things? Sorry, I've been curious and kept asking, you just kept answering I also pulled out your wife ’s abuse of your mother. Forget it, I ’m not curious anymore. I ’ll talk about things like changing the identity of a woman later. If it ’s not possible, let my father and mother take you for justice. Female, marry better than now. "

He Danggui smiled: "Qinger, the environment of your Liao family is simple, so you know little about these wives and concubines in your house, and you can't accept the basic common sense of men and women, so you will find it difficult to accept. In fact, many young concubines marry to their husband's family. Go, the status is not much higher than those slaves who are slaves. In detail, the master of the whole family is only the master and the wife. It is also a matter for Xiaoyu to serve them. Many ladies like to use this. A trick to rectify the beautiful young girls who are new to it, make them feel wronged, and then have a suspicion with the husband. "

"It seems like you are very experienced," Liao Qing'er turned his angelica with his arm, and laughed, "Must you have also seen Xie Qiaofeng and Zhu Chacha, er, their ..."

"Ah! Ah—" A scream suddenly sounded somewhere on the bank of the stream. He Danggui and Liao Qing'er looked together, and saw that not far away, one of the Qian family sisters, Zhan Zhan, was about to fall into the stream. The other person clutched her tightly, but in the end still looked unsuccessful, exclaiming the former and falling into the water.

The lady on the shore cried at the opposite bank and cried, "Quick! Save my sister! Please, she's impermeable!"

The opposite sons and sisters heard that they looked at each other for a while, although more than half of them would be swilled, but if in the public eyes, they had embraced the sweet body of the seventeen-year-old lady Qian Qian, they could not rely on it. Unless she refuses to be responsible, she must marry her! Think of it this way, none of the boys and girls from the other side of the bank moved their feet, staring at each other, watching Madam Qian toss in the water twice, then plunging into the water with horror, and finally no more.

On the shore, there are no more than ten people who are slightly water-permeable, and three or four people are afraid that they will be suffocated by the ice water after going into the water, and cramps, but will not save people but put themselves in danger; there are three Now it ’s a small day. I am afraid that I will be injured by the cold water, and that the blood stains will melt into the water and be perceived as a laughingstock by everyone. There are two more people who can understand the water, namely He Danggui and Liao Qinger, and He Danggui is not only familiar with water, but also has the general light weight of "water without traces, flying on the grass". There is no need to dive to save people. As soon as she stretches her arms, she can pick up the drowning person-provided she is willing to expose martial arts in front of everyone.

Liao Qing'er frowned and said secretly, although he was the young lady of rival Qian Jia, he couldn't be saved. I'd like ice water, I'll exercise as a winter swim! Thinking about it this way, she took two steps to the shore, stretched her arms and made a gesture of plunging into the water, but was hugged by He Danggui from behind.

Liao Qinger looked at her in puzzlement, and He Danggui shook his head slightly, and whispered a few words with Liao Qinger, so Liao Qinger settled down. Because everyone's eyes were on Miss Qian, who fell into the water, no one noticed this scene. He Danggui sighed with relief, and carried Liao Qinger's arm to observe the development of the situation. Good people can do it, but it is unnecessary to abuse good people. If Qing Er gets into the water at this time, it will definitely be a troublesome task.

In this way, half a cup of tea was deadlocked. None of the male and female students launched into the water to save people. The lady Qian Qian who fell into the water never floated up again. He Danggui and Liao Qinger looked at each other in confusion and began to hesitate. Enter the water to save people. After waiting for another breath, He Danggui couldn't hold back first, raised his hand to take off his long-life lock and gave it to Liao Qinger, and whispered, "I'll go and see the situation." However, there was a dark red figure. She jumped into the water one step first, her stroke was awkward, and she swam to the scene of the accident.

When everyone looked at him, they found that Mr. Zheng, who was a women's hospital, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally someone went into the water to save people. Especially those who are quite water-soluble or boast to their classmates that they have been water-cooled, after all, watching a living person drown in front of themselves and die is a psychological torment for anyone. Now it is more appropriate for a lady to save someone, because the husband is an adult, everything should be in the forefront!

And Mr. Zheng in the water could n’t tell the bitterness. One was that the water was so sparse and normal that she had n’t launched for many years. The other was that she was afraid of drowning. The student had to bear the blame. She was panicked and had no preparation. Diving, not only is the cotton skirt and cotton shoes very heavy after absorbing water, but also far from the accident site, she paddles very slowly. It is better to run to the diving point and dive faster to save people. According to her, the student Qian Mudan also returned Not dead anymore? It ’s a real disaster. How many years has this stream of water been run, and there has never been such a fall into the water!

He Danggui also noticed this, so he took a breath and jumped into the water for a second time after Mr. Zheng, quickly swimming to the place where Miss Qian made his last move and quickly paddling in the flowing waves of Qingbi Pass a white mark.

At first glance, the famous "Ice Beauty" Miss He also poured water. There were several sons on the shore who were eager to move. With such cold water, Miss He was so delicate. It must be irresistible. Maybe she had leg cramps and drowned Well ... if she can take this opportunity to rescue her, the little beauty who can only watch from a distance and not blasphemy on weekdays can only marry the one who saved her!

Although as long as there is silver, it is not a problem to find how many beauties, then Miss He is not the only beauty they have seen in their lives, but the little girl He is smart and perceptive, and is not moved by gold and silver. Therefore, there is no one in the sons who have gone forward. Being able to take her down made many princes regrettable. The thought of being able to bring back the cool girl who was so cold, slippery, and nowhere to go from her bones, brought her home, and slowly conquered her body and mind ... Such a temptation, which man can resist.

Think of it this way, after He Danggui's diving, there are four or five male brothers “plop”, “plop”, and “plop” one after another. They swim faster than one, and all of them are straight toward He Danggui. Swim past, quite a bit of paddling, first-come-first-served taste.

In this scene, Liao Qinger on the shore jumped straight, and it was bad. I knew I had launched the water myself. Although I was not worried that Xiao Yi, a high-strength martial artist, would suffer, but the current of the river is turbulent, and the underwater situation is not clear on the shore. The satyr approached Xiaoyi, and after he went ashore, he insisted on touching her and destroying her goodwill. What should I do if I had to marry her and go back as a little wife?

It's really a bunch of bastards. They're busy helping people over there, they are robbing while they're on fire, it's so shameless! Wen Han, Guan Mo, Tong Shenglan, Wu Junhao ... Oh my god, Han Fang, her favorite cream naughty, has also launched into the water. Looking at the shore, Zong Qiao, Du Ruofei, Du Ruoguang, and others are also eager to jump, and obviously want to robbery in the fire, but they will not swim! Oh my god, Xiaoyi in her house is really a mess of beauty and a piece of fat in the eyes of the wolves!

He Danggui watched Liulu ears and listened to all directions. Naturally, she heard the sound of water flowers approaching herself. If she went directly ashore at this time, the five people in the water could be able to save the money lady and pull them by. However, now that there is no trace of Miss Qian, I wonder if it was carried away by the water. No one will be better than the one who has lived in the water prison for two months, or will he be the one who has the best grasp of saving people? Would you like to perform a trivial exercise and walk down the water to find that money?

The ladies on the shore also noticed the intention of the diving boys, and because Han Fang, Guan Mo and Wen Han had a high approval rate among female students, several ladies immediately turned their attention The knife was thrown into the water, what angelica, hum, Mr. Zheng has already launched into the water to save people, but she would be the most able to do it.

As everyone held their minds, a distant figure leaped from the volley in the distance, and swayed two times over the stream, holding one hand with Dr. Qian who was drowning, and one hand with Mr. Zheng, who was about to drown, and fell slowly to the shore. side. After placing the two on the lawn, the comer turned back to see He Danggui in the water, and when she saw her two slammed, she rushed to the shore, and he turned around and stopped looking at her.

The children in the academy picked up a thick blanket for the first time to protect Mr. Zheng, who was freezing and his lips were blue, and Mr. Bao, the person in charge of the men's school, tarried over and made a lot of gifts. Thanks, "The father of two students just came to visit, so I just talked to them. I did not expect that there was such an accident here. Fortunately, Meng Mengzi gave a helping hand in time, otherwise the crimes will not be great. Thank you son! "

The comer's jade crown is like a moon, and the moon-white dark silver-patterned gown is extremely windy, the smile is light, the eyebrows are sharp and clear, and the handsomeness is like the clump of bamboo behind him. When he was only able to save people, he was like a sword out of the sheath; now when he saves people, when he talks with the former teacher, he is as gentle as a clear beautiful jade, especially the lazy smile at the corner of his mouth. There are indescribable likes.

This person is not someone else, it is Meng Wei who has been away from Yangzhou for nearly three years.

Meng Yue smiled and replied: "It happened to catch up, just raise your hand, how dare you accept the gift of Mr." Mr. Bao still insisted on giving thanks again and again.

When He Danggui came ashore, she was blown by the cold wind, and her lips became pale as soon as possible. Although she was running immediately to expel the cold, she still couldn't get rid of the coldness. Fortunately, Liao Qinger rushed up and took off the pipa jacket outside her. The cotton blouse wrapped himself tightly, and He Danggui immediately felt much better. Liao Qinger whispered: "Just scared to death, the dead boys dared to play overcast, so a group of wolves came to eat in public. It was really heartless. The other day we will go overcast to them. Let ’s go back to class first. To change clothes, I have spare clothes and cotton skirts. "

He Danggui glanced at Mr. Bao with Yu Guang, and nodded gently, "I'm lacking, let's go home."

"Yeah!" Ms. Qian Er, the narcissus, who came from not far away, looked at her sister Qian Mudan, and cried loudly, "My sister is dead, my sister is drowned! My sister!"

Zheng, who was wrapped in a blanket to warm himself, heard that he looked at the girl lying to the left and found her pale, indeed a dead man, and exclaimed: "The students in my class are drowned!" She looked up at Mr. Bao in panic and begged, "Mr. Bao, you have to testify for me, I have tried my best to save people, I can't afford this responsibility!"

Mr. Bao has not spoken yet, Meng Yue first said: "In any case, report it to the government first. If it proves that this lady died in an accident, everyone will discuss the issue of responsibility. I believe that the academy will help Mr. Zheng take this responsibility."

Mr. Zheng nodded again and again, saying that he was about to say two more words about the relationship. Qi Muer, who was standing aside, suddenly spoke and said quietly, "Mr. Zheng, Mr. Bao, depending on the students, you do n’t have to Responsible for this matter, because another person killed Qian Mudan. "

One word shocked everyone to look at her. Who killed Qian Mudan? Murder? No, Qian Mudan fell into the stream by herself. Her sister Qian Narcissus did not pull her back a few times. Was it an accident that fell into the water?

He Danggui also looked at Qi Muer, who was nicknamed "little white rabbit princess" by Liao Qinger, who killed Qian Mudan? Could she have heard those two conversations?

Mr. Bao looked at Qi Muer and said quite dignifiedly: "This classmate, although Mr. Zheng and I thank you for helping us to excuse us, the investigation of the case must always be left to the government. "

Qi Mu'er blinked his watery eyes, and it seemed that tears would come down the next moment, and asked in a quiet voice: "Mr. once taught us a sentence in class, but I didn't kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me. That's one of the most sinful things. Mu'er said he couldn't spit it out. After Qian Mudan fell into the water just now, if anyone immediately went into the water to rescue her, she would not drown and die, sir, are you right? "

Mr. Bao slowly nodded: "That's a good thing."

Han Qiqi sighed coldly: "Miss Qi means that we didn't go to rescue her in time, so we are all the murderers who killed Qian Mudan. So this" killer "package does not include Miss Qi? "

Qi Muer showed a timid expression like a small animal and bit his lips twice. Fang drummed up and said, "Sister Qi Qi has misunderstood what I mean. You and I do n’t know water, and I can only do it on the shore. Qian Mudan hangs his heart secretly and prays silently, that's also no way to do it. But some people are very good in water, and they don't have to save people immediately, they also stop others to save people. Please comment. This is direct. What's the difference with killing Qian Mudan? "He Danggui looked down, she said ...

Shen Meng asked, "Who is Miss Qi talking about?"

Qi Muer was as beautiful as a lilac flower, she was firm in her weakness, and raised her finger to He Danggui, who was cuddling beside Liao Qinger, and spread a clear voice throughout the audience: "I saw it with my own eyes. To save people, why would Angelica stop her from saving her, so the person who killed Qian Mudan is He Danggui! "

Everyone brushed down and looked at He Danggui with dripping water on her body and pale lips. Seeing that she had not a trace of panic or anger after being accused, she seemed calm as if she was just a bystander of the incident, so many people immediately On the authenticity of Qi Muer's discourse raised three points of doubt.

And Zong Qiao and Du Ruofei retorted in unison: "It's impossible, it won't be Miss He!" The two looked at each other, and Zong Qiao continued to add: "Ms. He was a woman rescued by the cold wind Hero, even if you really see what Miss He and Ms. Liao are doing similarly, Ms. Qi is definitely not worried about her friend's launching, and feels that it is safer to enter into the water-do n’t you all see it, Miss He ’s water-based She's so skilful, all five boys have been dumped by her. "

Upon hearing this, a few boys who had the intention to imitate the launcher, but who were struggling to swim, sneered. The beauty was not touched, and it turned into a chicken. Is it funny? Retribution!

Liao Qinger also focused on his words and strongly proved Song Qiao's words, saying loudly: "As he said, my water is very poor, and I have suffered from severe wind and cold. Most importantly, I just stretched myself and wanted to walk near the shore. Looking at it clearly, I have no intention of launching the water to save people. If I really jumped down, it is estimated that like Mr. Zheng, I would still expect others to rescue me. And the angelica sister mistakenly thought that I was going to dive, and I was worried about me Safety, so I stopped for a moment, this is the case, Qi Muer is too exaggerated, she is not standing next to us, how can she rely on two actions like this? Everyone, my sister is trying to save People are frozen into popsicles! "

"Since Angelica intends to save people, and everyone can see it, her water is the best for us. Why didn't she launch the water in the first place? Why didn't everyone wait for a long time and she didn't come out. She was forced out. After Mr. Zheng got into the water for a while, she slowly swallowed the groundwater. Was she really going to save the peony? "The question was raised by Wu Yuying, the first golden branch. Just now I was looking for the stubble of Angelica sinensis. Stuck by Mr Zheng, she decided to find another opportunity to give He Danggui a stumbling block. The thing that made her furious most was that among the male son who jumped into the water to "rescue" He Danggui, her second elder brother Wu Junhao was also listed. Now he shivered under the blanket, and he might have a serious illness. Well, all are to be cited by He Danggui.

And the "first son" Han Fang, the sister-in-law of Yangzhou's prefecture Han Yan, and the other son who dived to "save" He Danggui, now also issued his righteous voice: "Among the more than one hundred people present, only Can a fragile Miss He swim in the water? Although she swims very fast, but she has little strength, and she ca n’t find Miss Qian to drag her ashore. I waited for a man to prevent the men and women from entering the water to save people. Does the lady present dare to say, none of you knows water? "He was better than Wu Junhao after he went ashore, and only slowly put on a fur cloak that was accompanied by the accompanying young man.

What surprised Liao Qinger unexpectedly was that Han Fang, who seemed to have a little creamy taste, had even practiced internal skills. I saw him standing there for a while and then breathed a mist of water. After a while the mist had dispersed, his robe was half-dried. He Danggui gave him a stunned glance. This degree of luck can warm up by himself, but he can't smoke water and white smoke in front of people. After warming up, he looks warm and envious. Han Fang felt her gaze and cast a friendly smile.

"Ah! My sister is dead! She is only seventeen years old. Today she was happy to attend the poetry festival. She said she would die if she died. Should someone be responsible for this?" Qian Shuixian cried in a complaint, "She didn't need to die. You all swim. Why don't you save her?"

"I know, Liao Qinger is lying!" Guan Zhan suddenly shouted, "Liao Qinger's water is very good, and she is not sick at all. I also saw the scene that Qi Muer said. It was clearly why Danggui died and stopped. Liao Qing'er went to save people! "

"I also saw it, as Qi Muer said." Another witness, Miss A, followed by four or five ladies in unison, all saying that when she saw that Liao Qinger had gotten into the water with one leg, what happened? Angelica was dragged back alive, and words such as "cold-blooded", "selfish", and "murderer" gradually flew through the audience.

Mr. Bao asked Meng Yue: "General Meng, what do you think?"

Meng Yue's face was not shocked, and he said lightly: "Leave it to the government to deal with it. They are specifically investigating the case, and they are especially good at major human life cases."

Liao Qinger nervously pulled some Angelica sleeves and whispered, "What should I do? Or I'll send someone to find Gao Jue to help? He is now working in Yangzhou, waiting for him to slash two swords at the bamboo forest, those The birdman closed his beak. "

He Danggui shook his head slightly, then looked at Mr. Bao and Mr. Zheng with a smile, and said in a clear voice: "It is my wish to ask the government to intervene. Please send two gentlemen to report to the officer." 2k novel reading network

Read MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter - Chapter 154 Cold blood kills fellow students - NovelBuddy (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.