Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

D-4 Friday, November 26, 1999 Post-Gazette Classifications 300U to 445 430 Legal Notices 408 Tickets 300U Temp Servlcee 380 Sales-Marketing 310 General Help Wanted 310 General Help Wanted 310 General Help Wanled 320 Automotive Career 350 Health Care 430 Legal Notices ton, D.C., for consent to the transfer of control of Capstar TX Limited Partnership from the Stockholders of AMFM Inc. to Clear Channel Communications, Inc. Capstar TX Limited Partnership controls ra-. dio station WPHH, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which operates on the FM frequency of 96.1 megahertz. The sole generol and limited partner of Cap-star TX Limited Partnership Is Capstar Radio Operating Company, which is wholly-owned by Capstar Communications California, which In turn is wholly-owned by Chancellor Media Corporation of Los Angeles, which In turn Is wholly-owned by Capstar Broadcasting Pdrtners, which in turn Is wholly-owned by Chancellor Mezzanine Holdings Corporation, which In turn Is wholly--owned by AMFM Inc.

There are numerous parties with minimal Interests In AMFM Inc. However, the only 10 or greater shareholder of AMFM Inc. Is Cap-star Broadcasting Partners, L.P. Capstar Broadcasting Partners, P. is controlled by Its sole general partner, HM3Capstar Partners, L.P.

which, In turn, is controlled by Its sole General partner, HM3 apstar, which Is whoilv-owned by Thomas O. Hicks. The following individuals serve as officers andor directors of one or more of the previously mentioned entities that control Capstar TX Limited Partnership: Kathv Archer, D. Geoff Armstrong, William Banowsky James Burtson, Robert Cran-dall, James de Castro, Omar Choucair. James Donahoe, Kami Doyle, John Fullam, Jack Furst, W.

Schuyler Hansen, Steven Hicks, Thomas O. Hicks, Thomas Hodson, Andrea Hulcv, Tammy Jackson, Vernon Jordan, David Kantor, David Knickel, David Lebow, Michael Levitt, Perry Lewis, John Madison, John Massey, Kevin Mischnick, John Muse, Kenneth O'Keefe, Steve Rivers, Michael Sallm, Steven Streit, Lawrence Stuart, Charles Tate, George Toulas, R. Gerald Turner, Ann Vanter, Charles Warf-ield, and J. Otis Winters. There are no 10 or greater shareholders of lear Channel Communications, Inc.

Its officers and directors are: Karl Eller, Alan Feld, Herbert Hill, Juliana Hill, Mark Hubbard, Kathryn Johnson, Deme-tra Koelling, L. Lowry Mays, Mark Mays, Randall Mays, B.J. Mc-Combs, Susan Ross, Theodore Strauss, Deborah Williams, John Williams, David Wilson, Richard Wolf, and Kenneth Wyker. A copy of the application is on file for public inspection at 200 Fleet Street, Pittsburgh during normal business hours. PITTSBURGH'S Online Ticket Source www.openseats.com STEELED CINCI 11-21 STEELE RBALT.

11-12 SEASON TIX 412-915-5758 STEELERS ALL home games tickets for sale. Great seats. 724 832 24i8 STEELERSCINCIBALT 2-6 tix on 50 yd. also 6 box, 4th Ivl. 412-343-0413 WWFRAW January 31.

412-951-8773. 411 Dating Service HOT LOCAL SINBLES PostListen to ads FREE 412-341-2263. Ad 5200. 18 Lonely In Pittsburgh? No C.C. Req'd.

1-473-468-2563 N.T.E. No Credit Card Needed To Meet Women 1-473-468-4284 N.T.E. SWING INTO DATING RecordListen toads FREE 412-341-2220 Ad 5300. 18 412 Personal Anyone witnessing elderly woman falling 11-14-99, 10:10 am corner of Liberty Ave 8, Pearl St 412-761-3926 SEARCHING For relatives of Leroy, Marie, Robert J. or Bunny Hosier Call Pat Santoro 203-753-0384 414 Loans LOANS ON DIAMONDS Gold, Coins, Stock, Quick Easy.

Broil's, 413 Smlthfield 412-566-1728 416 Health Care Counseling Pregnant? Need Help? ConfidentialCaring Free Pregnancy test LIFELINE: 562-0543 425 Legal Services A BANKRUPTCY As Low As S225 Cost Arty Purcell 800-635-2419 A BANKRUPTCY As Low As $225 Cost Powell 8 Assoc. 412-373-3753 A DIVORCE $185 COMPLETE Attvs Reisman Davis Free Info 24 Hours No-Fault Uncontested Immediate Service! No travel 600-486-4070 Pgh A SOLUTION TO DEBT Only complete program that reduces or eliminates debt helps reestablish credit. Bankruptcy Alternative plans. Call for FREE REPORT which reveals secrets creditors. Attorneys credit counselors don't want vou to know Call 800-481-4418.

For immediate help Call 800-738-8019, E-Z Payments, Low Fees, Free Parking a Helping Hand. www.mmay.com CIVILCRIMINAL CASES DivorcesAccidents Joel Dresbold, Arty. 261-7066 Reas. Rates. I do house calls FEK-PHENWllll tr REZIIUH Use of these drugs may result in a large money recovery Attorney Paul M.

Goltz: 1-800-371-0846 430 Legal Notices RICHARD W. Kelly, Esquire, Richards Kelly, LLP, Attorneys at Law, 900 Law Finance Building. 429 4th Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1546. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Fictitious Names Act of Pennsylvania that an application for registration of a fictitious name was filed in the office of the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the conduct of a business under the fictitious name of ISDN with its principal office or place of business at 3949 Laurel Oak Circle, Murrvsville, PA 15668. The names and addresses of all persons who are parties to the registration are: Ron Meledandri, 3949 Laurel Oak Circle, Murrvsville, PA 15668; Teresa Anderson, 1127 Spruce Street, Greens-burg, PA 15601.

430 Legal Notices LINDA Leebov Gold-ston, Esquire, Goldston 8. Caputo, P.C., 200 Pitt Building, 213 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2224. Notice is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with respect to a corporation which has been incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of 1988. The name of the corporation is Area 51 Pittsburgh, Inc. NOTICE Is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for a business corporation which has been Incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of 1988.

The name of the corporation Is John J. Bruce Corporation. TUCKER Arensberg, P.C., Attorneys, 1500 One PPG Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Notice is hereby given that Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with respect to a corporation which has been incorporated under the provisions of the Business Corporation Law of 1988. The name of the corporation is D.

L. McQuaid Associates, Inc. 430 Legal Notices NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS In Re: Adoption of 411 Dating Services jwJ set Clerra Constance Stitt, a minor. No. CYS 324 of 1999 In the Orphan's Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, To: Connie Lisa Johnson, also known as Connie Stitt and Edgar Benjamin Slitt, parents of Cierra Constance Stitt, a minor, born on June 25, 1990 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

A Petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights vou have to your child, Clerra Constance Stitt. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to vour child. A hearing will be held at Juvenile Court, 3333 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on December 13, 1999, at 9:00 o'clock a.m., prevailing time, before the Honorable Cheryl Craig. You are warned that even if you fall to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer.

You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If vou do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where vou can get legal help. Lawyer Referral Service, The Allegheny County Bar Association, 920 City-County Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219, Telephone: 412-261- 0518 Kerry A. Fraas, County Solicitor, George Jan-ocsko, Assistant County Solicitor, Contact: Klm-berlv J. Pierson, Reed Smith Shaw McClav LLP, 435 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, (412) 288-3131, Attorneys for Petitioner.

NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS In Re: Adoption of Corrine Cassandra Stitt and Christian Sarah Stitt, minors. No. CYS 325 of 1999 In the Orphans' Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. To: Connie Lisa Johnson, aka Connie Stitt and Edgar Benjamin Stitt, parents of Corrine Cassandra Stitt and Christian Sarah Stitt, minors, born on October 2, 1987 and September 29, 1993 In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, respectively. A Petition has been filed asking the court to put an end to all rights vou have to your children, Corrine Cassandra Stitt and Christian Sarah Stitt.

The court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to vour children. A hearing will be held at Juvenile Court, 3333 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on December 13, 1999, at 9:00 O'clock A.M., prevailing time, before the Honorable Cheryl Craig. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to vour children may be ended by the court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to vour lawyer at once.

If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help. Lawyer Referral Service, The Allegheny County Bar Association, 920 City-County Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219, Telephone: 412-261-0518. Kerry A. Fraas, County Solicitor, George Jan-ocsko, Assistant County Solicitor, Contact: Kim-berlv J. Pierson, Reed Smith Shaw McClav, LLP, 435 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, (412) 288-3131, Attorneys for Petitioner NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS In Re: Adoption of Josephine Starr Mercuric a minor.

No. CYS 337 of 1999 In the Orphans' Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. To: James Brocato and The Unknown Father, Alleged Fathers of Josephine Starr Mercurlo, a minor, born on June 28, 1998 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. A Petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights vou have to your child, Josephine Starr Mercuric The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. A Hearing will be held at Juvenile Court, 3333 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on December 15, 1999, at 8:30 O'clock A.M., prevailing time, before the Honorable Susan Ruffner.

A Petition has also been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights Joycelynn Bernlece Mercurio has to vour child. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending her rights to your child, which wilt be at the same time as your hearing. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once.

If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help. Lawyer Referral Service, The Allegheny County Bar Association, 920 City-County Building, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219, Telephone: 412-261-0518. Kerry A. Fraas, County Solicitor, George Jan-ocsko. Assistant County Solicitor, Contact: Joshua Verdi, Reed Smith Shaw McClay LLP, 435 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, (412) 288-3131, Attorneys for Petitioner.

430 Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE -WPHH On November 16, 1999, an application was tendered for filing with the Federal Communications Commission in Washlng- 411 Dating Services tmVmM'UwammKtawwweiW SAFETY DIRECTOR 8, responsibilities, OSHA and DOT compliance of hazardous material, environmental reus. Employee training. Mon Valley area. Reply to PO Box 18049, Peh PA 15236. SALES SS5K In-home kitchenbath sales.

Paid training, qualified leads provided, company paid benefits, lucrative commissions bonuses EOE 1 888-732-7798 SALES PERSONFT, Downtown. Candy-Rama. Call: 412-683-228S SALES W. Pa. Honest Individual with good tele- fhone sates techniques, toreroad sales.

Prefer higher education. Send letter resume to Progressive Mobility 502 Washington Rd. Washington, PA 15301 SALESCLERK FLORAL Shop. FT, typing. Caring ft patient person.

Belle vue area. (412 766-0506 SAHTAS Looking for Santas at South Hills Village, Parkway Center, Century III, Ross Park, North Hills, 888-437-2357 EOE SECRETARYSALES Great opportunity for someone Independent and detail oriented. Ideal candidate will have experience with sales and some secretarial skills. FT, South Hills decorating showroom. Salary and benefits open.

Call George (412) 563-1338. SECURITY OFFICERS Immediate, Full-time and Part-time positions available In the North HlllsAlllson Park areas. per hour, progressive wage increases, bonuses, healthcare and vacation. Must be able to work all shifts including nights. Microsoft Office experience preferred.

Apply In person or call: trnlq tetoctm Agency, Inc. 5777 Baum Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Immediate Interviews: 8:30 to 4:30 (412) 665-5406 SECURITY OFFICERS opportunities are available for job sites located throughout the Pgh. area. Must have own transportation and a strong work ethic. Capital Asset Protection, Inc.

800-891-2136 SERVICE CLERK Part time. To service select Kaufmann's stores In Pgh. area. Flexible hrs, good pay. Send resume to BWM Sales, 9403 Kenwood Rd, Ste 202C, Cincinnati, OH 45242 SUPERVISOR Primary metals industry seeks qualified person with previous foundry experience.

Knowledge of computers and melting a plus. Three shift operation. Excellent benefit package and competitive wage. Send resumes to: Box 5085 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15230.

TELEMARKETERS Experience Required Starting hourly rate $9.25. Work for Kelly Services performing telemarketing duties at PNC's National Financial Services Center. Full time hoursMon-Sat 412-762-3090 KELLY SERVICES Equal opportunity employer TELEMARKETERS: EBSC0 TeleServices Hiring now. 412-937-9467 TELEMARKETING Tired of sales? Then verify. PT $7hr 412-921-1677 jimcHE KEcmmsr Immediate opening for busy office, includes various clerical duties.

PC expr preferred. Send resume to: Left Electronics, 225 Braddock Braddock PA 15104 TEMPORARY POSITIONS The UPMC Temporary Services part of the Human Resources Div. of UPMC, provides temp opptys. In business, clinical service areas within the System. Most temp, placements are FT last at least 3 mos; many lead to perm positions.

Openings incl: clerical, medical physician office CNAsRNsLPNs, housekeepers, dietary, ware-hse, accountants, social workers. Interested? Complete an application at the HR Forbes Tower Plaza, 3600 Forbes Meyran, Oakland or mail resume UPMC HEALTH SYSTEM, HR Temp Services, 200 Lothrop PA 15213-2582 EOE TRACTOR TRAILER FLATBED DRIVER CDL lie. Home mid wk wkends. Hourly lobs percentage fobs. Bene-fits, vacation.

724-478-1563 TRAVEL AGENT Leisure sales, exp. req. Hourly bene. Fax re-sume to: 724-337-0369 WAREHOUSE MANAGER 5-6 dayswk. Salary neg.

salary. Full benefits. 401 vac, holiday pay, supervising 12-15 people. Reply to: Box 5316 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15230 WAREHOUSE WORKERS needed in a food mfg.

plant in Robinson Twp. Immed. FT positions for 1st 2nd shifts. Ability to operate material handling equip. Apply in person 9-4 M-F.

Pinnacle Cheese, 4700 Campbells Run Rd. WELDER Min. 3 yrs exp. Must have exc. work ethic attendance.

Salary benefits based on exp. performance. Fax resume to: 412-471-0512. 320 Automotive Careers AUTOMOTIVE iCCOtlimXS FT accounting position available for individual with experience in AR AP, car deals payroll. ADP computer experience helpful.

We offer pleasant working conditions and excellent benefit package. For an Interview, please call: (724) 327-4900 BODY SROP MAHACER We are a large GM dealership looking for a strong Body Shop one that con walk in and take over a five man shop. We offer good pay, good benefits and a 401 (k) plan. If you are Interested please send resume to: Box 5180 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pittsburgh, PA.

15230 MANAGER 1 versal nderw I te Is looking for an experienced Finance Manager who has worked in a 100 volume store. Applicants must posess excellent communication management skills. Send resume with salary requirements. No phone calls to: Universal Underwriters, Attn: Samuel Raid, Penn Center West, Building 4, Suite 313, Pittsburgh, Pa 15376. Tntem I Id IttMdiiiis Sea Harbor Autoplex.

Contact Jeffrey Keener (724) 929-8000. LOT ATTENDANT FT PT, over 18 yrs. of age, able to drive a stick, valid PA drivers license. Call: ED VILALPANDO (412) 487-3600 The New Shults Ford SALES MANAGER One of the nations most aggressive and fastest growing commerce solution providers has an Immediate opening for an aggressive, career oriented salesperson tor our Pittsburgh office. The successful candidate must have a proven record In sales, a desire to build new business to business relationships and an understanding of commerce ana custom software development.

We offer a competitive base, benefits and aggressive commissions. Send resume A salary history to: bttons Iskncfm Softwin Suite C7 311 South Craig St Pittsburgh PA 15213 For quickest consideration Email to: cmomberg(a salsgl ver.com SALES POSITION Industry leader of plat-tic distribution manufacturing of sheet, rod, tube, and film has immediate opening for inside soles position. We offer competitive salary, commission program, and benefits. Sena resume and salary requirements, in confidence to: Attn: Branch Manager 2022 Chateau St. Pittsburgh, Pa 15233 Drug testing required, EOE.

SALES REPS Pittsburgh's larges automotive reconditioning company, is seeking money motivated individuals, to fill empty spaces In the Pittsburgh region. We Need Help! Business is booming faster than we can hon-dle. Automobile sales a plus, but not necessary for the right individual. For confidential interview Call Palma: 412-278-4383 or 412-278-4384 EOE SALES WRIGHT PONT1AC OF CARNEGIE No Experience? Like Sales? Guarantee? We are looking for aggressive Individuals who want to make money. We offer a 1st month guarantee of $1200 and then salary plus commission.

Successful candidates will make up to $60K In the 1st year plus a comprehensive benefits package. We offer strong management support and training. Contact John Carpenter or Steve South Hills 412-276-2900 390 Business Opportunities BuyersSellersValuation www.pghblznet.com Business America 276-7701 DO YOU Earn $800day? Your own candy route inc 30 machines candy. $9995. 1-800-9V8-VEND INVESTORS NEEDED $50,000 min.

Exciting, new completely original product. Preliminary mkt study suggests excellent potential. Must see to appreciate. For informative packet call, leave name A address (724) 226-1311 PERSONAL CARE HOME 16 bed wapt, Wash nice. (724) 745-1416.

PET STORE Big A Bright! Great Location! Priced for Quick Sale $25,000 Firm. Owner moving out of town. Serious Inq. only 412-541-5536 402 Monuments-Cemetery Lots ALLEGHENY Cemetery Mausoleum, 2 crypts. Value at $13,000, now only $5000.724 567-6119.

PP ALLEGHENY MEMORIAL PARK 2 side by side Plots, $600 each. (412) 481-9448. JEFFERSON MEMORIAL 4 spaces in John the Baptist. 412-741-5085. PP.

403 Lost UACi C3AT-KY fAYOHUE Taken bv mistake on Mon. Nov. 15 at Shadyside Academy. If you have It, I have yours. Coll (412) 968-3072 BLACK POWDER GUNS (2) Hawkin 8.

PA Hunter, State Gamelands 203, Markham Rd. Reward (724) 283-6590 CAT male blk 8. wht, short stub tail; looks like wearing a tuxedo; answ to "River" Recent sighting behind St. Clair Emergency, also Sebar 8, Foxland running scared. May be heading towards Bridgevllle.

Plshelpl Reward! (412)381-2140 CAT Multi-colored tabby wht pawsfi, chest 8, part of face is wht. N. Boros area. (412) 766-0409 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Young, slim, dark, male. Lost Shadyside 1117.

Reward S500. 412-661-0909. SUNGLASSES, BIFOCALS Cazalo Pitt Notra Dame game 11-13 Reward 724 941-4548. YORKSHIRE TERRIER female, Bethel Park area. Reward.

412-833-0454 404 Found CAT Younger, long haired tabby, Coraopolis area. (412 299-0489 DOG WEST Mifflin male, collar no tag, 412-466-3904 to identify DOG Young white brown female. Wilkins-burg. (412) 461-0295 DOG, FEMALE, black white, young, Oakmont Hill area. (412) 828-7263 405 Share A Ride FINDLAY TWP resident looking for daily ride to South Hills Village, 8a-5p (724) 695-0910 407 Reunions HOMESTEAD H.S.

Classes '59 fi, '60 planning reunion July 15 2000. Details 412-672-7197 408 Tickets AAA Prim Time JINGLE BALL TICKETS WANTED 412-683-7447 aaron aaron oaron aaron STEELERS WWF-RAW CSNAY, Harry Connlck Metallica, Barney 1-833-333-C005 aaron aaron aaron STEELERS VS. CINCINNATI VS. BALTIMORE All Levels All Garnet 1-800-200-8111 BENGALSSTEELER TICKETS WANTED Call George. 412- 682-0100 BUYING A SELLING STEELERS Tickets for All Events 1 800-787-8499 EVENTSj BUY SELL Lion Kim, all NYC Shows.

STEELERS 8 PENN STATE BUY SELL 412-782-6107 Allegheny Pmmiwl Temporary, Permanent Never A fee. 391 2044 Jf You At Olsten Slatting Svcs 261-7200 ror tmmed conililerolion 301 Career Training Oet i forfeit In a New Career Today) Business Medical Computer OLegal Field Csll 1-838-652-2497 A Back to School Plan: t-mim 1 or Week Court Day ft Evening tastes Local and National Job Placement Assist. Mir, immmi Pgh. Bartending School CM School ol Business McMlcal Careers Call now I 1-800-441-5222 It's the TRAINING that gets you THE position COMPUTER LEARNING cams, inc. PROGRAMMING NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT Day Evening Classes NESUI SCUM 3S1-WI Health Careers-Pgh.

302 Employment Wanted-Domestic BABYSIT your child In mv Baldwin home. CNA cert refs. 4)2-685-4157 CHILDCARE I will babysit in vour home or mine, exp'd. refs. avqil.412-749-12fl0 CNA Full timepart time, 7 days pert week.

Live In or out. 412-362-2933 NANNYTUTOR College Graduate, possessing exp. with special needs children; also willing to do light housework. Michelle: 412-687-5328 303 Employment Wanted-Professional SEWER CLEANING Will also dig and replace water and gas lines. Mr.

Joseph. Reasonable. (412) 661-7993 310 General Help Wanted ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SI Handle bills, soft collections, and adjustments. Immediate paid benefits Include family, free parking, raises, and promotions. Call 281-6255, AMERICAN BUSINESS CENTER, Frlck Building Mezza-nine, Empl.

Agcy. ADMIN ASST. FT needed for small office, Sewickley. Some computer skills necessary. 412-741-0111 x39 ADVERTISING Ad.

Co. offers pd trainingdirect f.lacement in our Market-ng Dept. Hrs. 8-5, M-F. $9-iThr.

nego 412-390-1278 AIDE NEEDED PT, private work. $8hr. 724 935-5508 Airvrsft Mechanics Gemco Aviation Services Inc. a 23 vr old and growing aviation service organization located (o North Eastern OH has immed openings for the following positions: A8.P Mechanics Exp ti piston and turbine- powered aircraft. 3 yrs exp is a must.

IA rating helpful but not req'd. Benef pkgs, wages commensurate wexp. Send resume of qualifications to: 10800 Sharrott Rd North Lima, OH 44452. APPLIER sum we train Independent Contractors needed. 412-551-6343 ASSISTANT MANACER Growing state-of-the-art biological manufacturer requires an energetic person to fill this entry lever position.

Learn new 'skills in blood bankmq, plasmapheresis, regulatory affairs and human relations. We prefer a degreed individual but wifl also consider vour management experience as education. Relocation a must. Send resume to: PHfsturgt Shed Plum, Ik -1600 Fifth Ave. PA 15219 FAX 412-391-9702 E-mail PBPIlx.netcom.com Visit our Web Site at Stough-P lasma.com BABYSITTER FT in Verona home, must have transp 8.

ref. 412-826-1252 BABYSITTER WANTED in my Carrick home. Must have references. (4127 886-1763 BARTENDERS COOKS VeronaOakmont area. Experience pref'd.

Call bet 2-5P 412-828-6919 BRICKLAYER EXP yrs min, for Raleigh, NC area, only those interested call (724) 947-5222 CARPENTER FT Position for growing business. (724) 776-3839 CASHIER MATURE person for am or weekends. Apply BP Ever- Ivy North Hills 412 931-0420. CASHIERRECEPTIONIST FT position available for a person with good communication skills. Benefit pkg.

Call: CHARLIE VEI6A (412) 487-3400 The New Shults Ford Allison Park CATV Linemen, foreman and splicers 1-800 782-2776 EOS. Comic JikSeletl lesip FTPT. Will train, wbenefits. Apply in person or send resumes to: Best' Tile, 11040 Perry HwyY Wexford, PA 15090 CHILDCARE, PT Experienced. In our Moon Twp.

home. Non-smokef. Refs. 8. clear-Snces req'd.

412-269-4554 CHI LDC ARENANNY Seeking loving, caring, energetic nanny to care for our 16 mo. old twin bovs in our Cranberry Twp. home. Futl-time, aood pay, non-smoker. (724) S38-4900 CLEANERS PERM.

PT, dovtime, downtown Pgh. Call 412-633-4820 CLEANING PERSON Wanted PT (15-20 hrsV wk) for apartment complex in Whitehall. EOE. MFHV. Coll 412-884-2700.

CLERK-PT. Upper St. Clair orea florist. Typing (412) 431-1968. te4Lmpr hr Sapemartet Executive salary, paid benef, profit shoring, vocations, and personal days.

Send confidential resume to: Giant Eagle 644, 700 Moraine Point piaia, Butler PA 16001. Construction CARPENTERS, PLUMBERS, ORYWALL FINISHERS PLASTERERS Heeded for large, long term local apartment complex renovation. Penovation experience required. EOEAA Employer. Prevailing wage rate.

Fox resume to-412-655-1801, Attn: Mike COOK JPM-11PM, 6 50 So. Hills area. exp. pref. (412) 561-2878.

OpticianTrainee FT or PT. Motivated applicant for Mon Valley office. Send Resume: Box 5318 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pgh, PA 15230. OPTOMETRY ASST FT Private practice, exp.

pref. Pay commensurate wexper. Lisa 412-922-3100 PARAMEDIC'S PT 8. EMT'S FT 40 hours, wbenef I ts (724) 327 )222 PHARMACIST FT Manager. Independent community pharmacy.

Pgh. south. No eve hours, Sun or holidays! Call for Interview. 412-821-3332 or Fax resume 412-821-2036 PHARMACY TECHNICIAN FIT, exp'd. Oakmont Area.

Salary commensurate wexperience background. 412 826-9500 RNCAREBIVERS Km NM Care (frntH) Gd. Wage-Medical-Vac SickEtc. Send Itr. of application to: RNCareglvers 3953 Mt.

Royal Blvd. Allison Park, PA 15101 PITTSBURGH MERCY HEALTH SYSTEM JOBLINE. Call 232-7225. 360 Computer Professionals CrnfMHf SmicefJniw Delta Computing Solutions, lie, a leader In medical office automation, is seeking a career oriented, highly motivated Individual for a position with our expanding Support Services Team. Qualified candidates will possess strong Interpersonal and communications skills as well as an In depth working knowledge of practice Mgmt.

Systems. Please forward resume to: DCS Attn: C.S. Manoger, 1501 Ard-more Suite 601, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. 370 EngineeringTechnical LEAD ENBINEER Develop embedded software to control the traction Inverters that power Induction motors under a transit vehicle. Analyze system from a control stability standpoint.

Modify software to achieve acceptable system performance. Create system documentation to describe how the propulsion inverter software operates. Provide tech. support for testing the equipment, both in power lab at customer i tes, to achieve acceptance of the vehicles. B.S.

In Electrical or Electronics Engrg. plus 5 yrs. exp. in job offered or as Digital Control Systems Engrg. required.

Experience must include dvip-mt. of propulsion control systems (power Inverters Induction motor controls), Digital Signal Processors, mathematical modeling for simulation of control algorithms for propulsion control systems, hardwaresoftware dvlpmt. for real-time execution. 40 hrswk, 8am-5pm, Qualified applicants reportsubmit resume to Greg Schwing, Mon Valley Job 345 Fifth Ave, McKeesport, PA 15132. Refer to Job Order 6028726.

technical FIELD SERVICE TECHENEINEER BanTec USA, a recognized leader In the Installation and maintenance of computerized document processing systems, has an immediate opening for a Field Service TechEngineer in the Pittsburgh area. This position will provide electromechanical support and maintenance to BanTec customers. Experience on readersorters and electronic experience necessary. Strong PC skills ond mechanical background a Plus. The qualified candidate must be a technical school graduate, or equivalent.

BanTec offers competitive starting salary and an excellent benefits package. As it is Banc-Tec's intent to provide a health work environment, we also conduct a pre-employment drug screen. Qualified candidates should send or fax resume with salary history to: BanTec USA Attn: Wayne Kessler 527 East Wesner Rd. Blandon, PA 19510 Fax: 610-944-8305 Email: wavnekessler bantec.com www ba tec com equal opportunity employer 380 Sales-Marketing COMPUTER SALES Account Manager Dreher Business Products, a subsidiary of MCSi, represents the nation's largest reseller of computer supplies advanced computer technologies. We are a growing company that can offer you repeat sales upper income potential In a business to business env't.

We need an aggressive self-motivated person to loin our Pittsburgh branch. Credentials will include a four year college degree, two-plus years of sales experience. Send resumes A accomplishments to: MCSI Resume Processing Center, PO Box 549230 Suite 7, Waltham, MA 02454-9230. Fax 781-663-8503 Or e-mail your resume to: futuremcsilobs.com Visit our website at: www.dreherbus.com EOE INSIDE SALES Extra money for the Holidays. Interview today, start tomorrow.

$8-hr. paid weekly. FTPT positions avail. All shifts available, morning, afternoon, eve. weekend.

Flexible schedule Business Callers Wanted also We are seeking confident people wi th good communication skills, full lucrative bonus structure on major 10 mlns. from dwntwn. Call anytime, 9am-9pm. 412-351-6505. Ask for Brad McGowan.

INSULATION SALESPERSON Prior sales exp. req. Salary comm. Expense acct. A car allowance.

Incl. some existing accts. A new terr. Send resume to: Mito Insulation P.O. Box 711, New Kensington, PA 15068 MERCHANDISER Needed in Pgh.

area. Ability to work independently A travel. Degree req'd. Call 816-478-9883 RED I DUAL SALES BEP. Outside sales rep.

for OEM truck body A trailer manufacturer and related products. Overnight travel required. 3-5 years background In sales to truck industry preferred. Comprehensive benefits package including group health, benefits, lite insurance, vacation A 401 (k). Territory includes Western PA, OH A WV.

Salary 30, 000 commission, end resume to: Thlele Industries Inc. PO Box 188 Wlndber, PA 1S963 FAX (814 467-4172 E-mail SALES Attention Art Lovers Theater Goers. The Pittsburgh Ballet Theater needs enthusiastic upbeat individuals to promote its best season ever. PT eve hours. Fun atmosphere.

Free Tix. Mgt pot. Call Kim today JANITORIAL Cranberry area, Perm. Part-time. Mon.

thru 10 a m. to 2:30 pm. $7.25 per hour to start. Call 1-000-686-6424 ext. 34.

LABORER Concrete and masonry. Own transp. $8hr. Call after 6 412-885-2062 ummfLmas ilvu Full time. Must have own transp.

412-922-9818 LABORERS NEEDED to clean in spec, locomotive engine parts. Start at $hr. Apply In person M-F 9a-3p Sardel-lo, Inc. 1000 Corporation Hopewell Industrial Park, Aliqulppa, PA. No Phone Calls! man sales ESTIHAWK One of Pgh's.

leading landscape contractor has need for an expr'd talented tales estimator designer. Req. tech landscape knowledge, developed estimating sales skills, good comm. skills computer expr in WP spreadsheets. Salary performance Incentives wbenefits, $5GK potential.

Send resume salary history to: Daniel Eichenlaub, Elchenlaub Box 1 1 1282, Pgh. PA 15238 Ph: 412) 767-4769 LIVE-IN Non-smoker. Drivers He, priv. room. Immediate (412) 421-2936 LOCATION VENDING ATTENDANTS needed PT FT Monday to Friday-Airport area Downtown area.

Paid holidays, vacations other perks. (412) 494-4406 LOCKSMITH FT wbenflts. Pay based on expr. Will train the right person. Call Barrier Protection (412) 673-0700 MAINTENANCE OPENING for person interested In Hve-on-site position at a 340 unit townhouse community In S.

Hills. FT wbeneflts. Interested parties are to send resume to: John, 1250 Village Green Jeffer-son Hills, PA 15025. MAINTENANCE PERFORM nec. maintenance for shopping ctr In Kennedy Twp area.

Must have exp in working multiple tasks. Box 5252 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15230 MAINTENANCE FOSTTIOH Shadyside apt complex, HVACheat pump exp req'd, also plumbing, electric and appliance repair. Salary plus benefits. Fax your resume to 412-683-9104 or mail to Office, 401 Amberson Pgh, PA 15232.

MANGER for local thrift store. Experienced with production, large crews. $30 bonus, with trip to Hawaii, to those who qualify. Send resume to: Red, White A Blue Thrift Store, 431 Hoffman Blvd. Duquesne, PA 15110.

No phone calls please. MANGER for local thrift store. Experienced with production, large crews. $30 bonus, with trip to Hawaii, to those who qualify. Send resume to: Red, White A Blue Thrift Store, 431 Hoffman Blvd, Duquesne, PA 15110.

No phone calls please. MEAT CUTTER Part-Time, small family store, 1 day. Retirees welcome. 412-835-8528. MECHANIC Exp.

Full or part time. Must have CDL lie. state insp. lie. Willing to work.

Good benefits. Contact C. Lenzner 412-749-4175. MECHANIC looking for exp'd. mechanic 8, heavy construction equipment repair.

Pay based on exp. (412 461-8611 NANNY PT for 3 boys, 5,38.5 mos. in Wexford, own transp. 724-934-179) NANNY West View, 5 davswk, 2 days, 3 afternoons, 10 yr. old blind child, 3 yr.

old toddler. Must be exp'ed, kind, reliable, have car and Interested In long term employment. Criminal record check. 412-805-1908. OWNER OPERATORS Butler Trucking Company has your road to Success! 80 of Gross revenue 95 to $1.10 per mile for all milesl We supply Plates, Permits, C8.L Insurance, Comda-ta Fuel Card with Advances, Fuel 8.

Road Taxes. No Age restrictions on your Equipment. Flat Bed, Van or Dump. No Forced Dispatch. Call Don at: 1-800-621-2437 PARKING LOT ATTENDANT Part-Time or Full-Time.

No benefits. Must be honest. 412-682-6976 PLUMBER HVAC exp. helpful. Full benefits.

Interviews confi-dentiol 4)2-833 5806 POULTRY CUTTERS Full time position immediately available for an experienced poultry cutter. Great benefits, competitive wages, paid holidays, and morel Apply in person at 1501 Penn Strip District or phone Terri at 412-261-3377. Resumes may be faxed to 412-261-4834 or mailed to Human Resources 1501 Penn Pgh. 15222. PRINTING Goss community pressperson 8, camerap-erson.

Vacation benefits. FTPT positions avail. Call Rebecca 1-800-872-0093 bet. 9Q-6P PRODUCTION LINE Candle. M-F.

4pm-12am. Will train Earlf America! Cxele 2412 Ferguson Road Allison Park, PA 15101 Restaurant SERVERS Forest Hills Plaza Restau-ront 412-823-3558 Restaurant CHEF S6O0wk. bonusesvac. Growing restaurant In So. Butler Co.

Must be motivated and creative. Reply to: Box 5328 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pltts-burgh, PA 15230. RESTAURANT Cooks, exp'd, saute, prep 8, pizza. Paparazzi Rlstorante 412-488-0800.

RESTAURANT Countersperson Night turn Daylight Free meal while on duty. Apply 3901 Forbes Ave. Oakland Restaurant ITALIAN CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS Apply at 20001 Route 19, by Klnko's Eat Park. SION ON BONUSI RESTAURANT HELP MANAGER Must have exp. In cash handling, hiring, training, scheduling A banquet set-up.

Benefits, 401k. Send resume: 400 Lee Grogon Dr. Pgh. 15237. RESTAURANT mm mm mis Pgh't Premiere Brew Pub ft Restaurant is now accepting applications.

If you are positive enthusiastic want to join a winning team, we want yout Excellent pay with paid all positions. Apply In person, 3525 Liberty EOE RESTAURANT WAIT-STAFF, line cook. Apply at DeBla5io's, 1717 Cochran Rd. Mt. Lebanon (412) 531-3040 RESTAURANT: Runner Busier, $6hr tips.

Mor-io Moon Twp. 412 264 S490 ROOFING FOREPERSON Top wages, paid holiday vlmmed12J66-0283 ROUTE DELIVERY DRIVER Monday night thru Friday night. Heavy lifting. Multiple stops. Great pay benefits 8 bonus.

(740) 587-3533 leave msg. SERVICE TECHNICIANS We are In need of an exp'd Service Writer (2) Service Technicians. Technicians must have state emissions license. CSl Is our 1 priority. Sales organizational ability are essential.

We offer excellent pay, health benefits, uniforms, paid holidays, paid vacation, 401K plan. Please call Larry Miller, Century III Chevrolet 412-466-9210 330 Professional BEHAVIOR SPECIALIST COHSULTAHT PT position with growing company. Masters level degree with documented training In the field of behavior modification and experience In a Wraparound program, ACT clearances required. Previous experiences with children with developmental disabilities desirable. Excellent opportunity for Masters Level Special Education TeachersLlsc.

Social Workers. Reply to: Arc Human Services at (724) 222-6960 or send resume to PO Box 385, Meadow Lands, PA 15347 or FAX 724-222-5677. EDUCATION mens mum The Chartlers-Houston School District is seeking applicants for the following position: Full-time Mathematics Teacher, Qualifications: Certification In Secondary Mathematics, Grades 7 thru 12. Send resume and letter of Interest to: Mr. Charles F.

Mahoney, Jr. Superlndent Chtrtien-llmiM School lid 2020 West Pike Street Houston, PA 15342 Application Deadline: Friday, Dec. 3, 1999. tOTil RESOURCES NAMES Responsible for managing Corporate Human Resources Department with several locations. Degree in Human Resources Is preferred, with a minimum of 5 years of experience.

Must be skilled in labor relations, OSHA and EEOC issues in particular. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Respond to: Box 5282 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 300, Pittsburgh, PA 15230 LIBRARIAN YAReference. Dynamic YA librarian wanted for a library serving 58,000.

Full-time position, benefits. Some reference work. Some weekend evening hours. Salary $21,500. Deadline Dec.

15. Resume to: Director, Citizens Library, 55 South College Washington, PA 15301-4877 lib bumm Estik Planer Exp'd. req'd. Boniflde leads. High compensation.

Write P.O. Box 10594, PA 15235. TEACHERS Call the Pittsburgh Technical Institute Job line. Toll Free. EOE 1-8T7 S1N0BS (5627) TEACHERS Tired of substitute teaching? Gain valuable experience working in an outdoor treatment program with youth at risk.

Hiring now. $19,572, with degree. Full benefit package. Send resume: 305 Pressley Ridge Rd. Oh I op vie, PA 15470 Attn: Vic.

VICE PRESIDENT, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Resp. for directing all aspects of domestic intrnat'l business dv-Ipmt activities. Responsibilities: establish relationships wtechnical providers of Internet non-Internet opps; es-tablish partnership wlnternet content, i.e., broadcaststock footage, providers; direct large-scale video archives projects; dvlp business Clans 8 cases; oversee usiness dvlomt staff; independently negotiate large-scale technology licensing content distribution licensing contracts. 3 yrs exp. in lob offered or as Dir.

of MktgSales rod. Must have exp. wl nternet productsofferings Digital Video products incl web browsers, video encoders, video players editing products); indepth knowledge of network 8 storage implications of video on web sites; exp. In directing negotiations for IntrnatT. business transactions.

40 hrswk, 9am-5pm. Qualified applicants report submit resume to James Woods, Acta. Pittsburgh East Job Center, 6206 Broad Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Refer to Job Order 8057841. 340 AccountingFinance BOOKKEEPER PT FT South Hills area.

Peachtree knowledge. Send resume salary requirements to: 1610 Hollowtree Dr. Pgh. PA 15241 LOAN PROCESSORS Exp'd only need apply. 1st 2nd mortg.

banker. BCD exp. a must, fha, VA exp. helpful. Salary, bonuses, benefits.

Fax resume to: 1-877-837-8181 TAX PREPARER 3 years experience with computerized returns. Call (412) 621-4664. 350 Health Care AUDIOLOGIST For busy ENT practice In the Pgh. area. FT with benefits.

Fax resu-me to: 412-741-8520 Chiropractic Assistant A Front Desk Person Dynamic holistic nutrition-based chiropractic office looking for chiropractic assistant and front desk person. Experience required. Insurance knowledge a plus. Call 1-(800)-893-5000 be-tween lla.m. P.m..

CNA OR NA Quod male. PTFT. $6410 hr. depend on exp. Carrefs.

412-734-5544 DENTAL ASSTRECEP. So. Hills area. Exp pref. but not nec.

412-831-2520 Dental Receptionist PT Needed for busy pediatric office. Fax resume to 724 776-9027 or mail to: Dental Receptionist, 501 Smith Drive, Suite 2, Cranberry Twp, 16066. EMT or Above Learn significant medical skills while helping us to save lives worldwide In our state-of-the-art facility. Mail resume along with salary requirements to Pah. Blood Plasma 1600 Fifth Pgh, PA 15219 or send FAX to (412) 391-9702 Or e-mail pbp I netcom com and visit our website at www.stough-plasma.com KM irJ VCM1MST Flexible hours, Pltts-burghCronberry areas.

2 yrs. recent experience with HMO's. Fax resu-me: 412-281-1926 RTm REBISTERED Immedldte full-time minimum 3 vrs. laboratory experience. Fax re-sumes to 412-621-9228.

Ophthalmic Technician With surgical scrub skills. IVF experience a Cert, preferred. Fax resume: 412-281-1926. toot, Japme SptcuHf Prep cook Japanese specialty cuisine incldg prep of Japanese noodle, terlvakl and sushi dlsh-es. Reqs 2yrs exp as a cook preparing Japanese cuisine.

40hrswk, Tues thru I lam to 7pm. S)l06lhr. AppIv to Mr. young K. Kim, president, Sushi Kim, 1237-41 Penn Ave PA 15222.

Tel. 412 281-9956 COOKS Short Order Apply at Deluca's 20)5 Penn Ave Strip Olst COOKS WANTED. No exp neces. North Hills Restaurant. Full or PT Line 8.

Prep Cook. Health Ins 401 K. No bus service 412 366-4140. Customer Contact BUM $375.00 BEFORE DECEMBER 25TM Coetoctinf tostwrt (tt loiidij 6ift Subscriptions Could you use an additional $375 00 before Christmas day? Are you available to work between 18-25 hrs. per week, ampnV wkends and start by December 1st? Would you enloy talking to people about their gift subscriptions to popular magazines? Are you looking for part-time work that can last past the holiday season? Are you motivated to earn at least $7.50 per hr.

or more? If vou answered Yes to these question, call Today I 412921-7813 Don't delay, there are only 25 positions remaining Customer Seme Kept IM) Some computer exp. preferred but will train. Call now. 1-800-732-1040 or 1 BOO 234 1040. OANCE INSTUCTOR For Mon.

8. Weds. Jazz, Ballet, Tap Classes. E. Suburbs, 412-829-7593 DELIVERY DRIVER Part-Time (412 281-5678 DOCTOR'S RECEPT1BNIST No medical experience required as you handle the busy front desk.

Paid benefits; casual at-tire. Call 281 -6255, AMERICAN BUSINESS CENTER, Frlck Building Mezzanine, Empl. Agcy. DRIVER Must have own transportation; hourly wage mileage. AppIv in person: MCS, Forbes Ave.

300 Lawyers Bldg. Pgh. DRIVER OVER 21, valid PA lie. Sat. required.

Start $6.25. Craig Beer Dlstr. (412) 621-7202. utmnimiiTM mimr N. Hills, FT, Mon-Frl (724 444-0400 aft 10AM DRIVERS For local delivery service.

Competitive wages, benefits, 401 K. Home dally. Requires stroight-truck Class BCDLo plus. Will consider owner operators. Coll 412-788-4341 DRIVERS Must have 2 yrs.

OTR Clean driving record a must. Home on weekends. S70O-S12OO wk, depends on exp. Full bene. $1,500 sign on.

Coll 1-677-835-9311. DRIVERS OTR on 4 days, off 4 days, dedi-cated runs. 724-776-2023 DRIVERS WANTED KM MILT, 11 MM WW, Mil 19 1W MHIR, CUSS CM. 2 US. mm nui exp, sm 1-800-327-2719 EXT-11or18Mon-Fri 9-4 ELECTRICIAN FT, new repair.

Must have tools, valid license vehicle. 412-829-1030. ELECTRICIAN Min 3 yrs exp resid. 8 It. comm.

Tools trans. $10 and up benefits. Trade school A (724 327-4390 M-F. Fax (724)325-7494 ELECTRICIAN with car. FT 8, PT $23 per hour Call 1-800-347-0909.

ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Leading supplier of air pollution monitoring equip, has openings for ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS with assoc. degree and 2 vr. exp. min. Work entails instrument checkout, troubleshooting, and field service.

Outstanding growth position. Include salary req. Exc. benefits and com p. Send resume to Monitor Labs 5310 N.

Pioneer Gibsonia, PA 15044 or fax 724-443-4025. GENERAL HELP HOLIDAY BUSH Local whse. overloaded with back orders. Call today, start tomorrow. Call Lisa 412-431-3886 GENERAL LABOR Ceramic tile distributor looking for hard working employees for shipping receiving dept.

F.T. or P.T. wbenefits. Apply in person or send resumes to: Best Perry Hwy, Wexford, PA 15090 General Labor JOBS AVAILABLE HOW! CALL LABOR READY 1488-24 LABOR Kill MESSIKi ISSISTW Needed Immed. Shadys-ide Salon.

Contact Laura: (412 683-6668 HEATINBCOOUHB Year round oppty with heating 8 cooling co. Entry level expd positions avail. Overtime approx 40 wksyr. If you're mechanically Inclined, hardworking, honest want a career call us. We offer: co.

training co. paid benefits co. truck advancement oppty drugfree workplace To schedule Interview call (412) 821-6300 M-F, 8a-5p. Hotel 6EHEBAL MANAGER "Multiple Gold Award Winning Hotel," seeks professional and highly motivated person with hotel experience. Must have communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills.

Fax resume to: (724) 837-8127 (Or) Mall to: Box 5343, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, P.O. Box 3O0, Pittsburgh, PA 15230 HOTEL Sleep hm Pgh. Airperl Hotel Needs front desk Mgr. DO SSales MgrVSales ExecFront Desk Supv Front Desk Agents. Competitive salygrt be-nefs.

Please apply, Attn: Mr. Mulllck In person or fax: 412-859-4001 HOUSEKEEPER CLEANING, cooking, some child care. Must drive. Refs. Nonsmkr.

FTPT, flex hrs, bnfts. 412-621-1118 Iv msg. KVACR TECHINSTALLER good pay Sun-Ray Heating 1-800-734-4600. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS Exp. in rigid conduit along wpower 8 control.

$i7hr. wvper diema day. Working 10 hrs. 6 dovwks as min. Must be willing to travel.

Job In Johnstown, PA. Call (423) 577-8374 INSURANCE Property loss odiuster, PT or FT, fee schedule: omputera, fax req'd Fax resume to: 214-352-0788. PUBLIC NOTICE WXDX On November 16, 1999, an application was dered for filing with the. Federal Communications Commission in Washing- ton, D.C., for consent to the transfer of control of Capstar TX Limited Partnership from the Stockholders of AMFM Inc. to Clear Channel Communicaitons, Inc.

Capstar TX Limited Partnership controls ra- dio station WXDX, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania which operates on the FM frequency of 105.9 megahertz. The sole general ond limited partner of Cap- star TX Limited Partnership Is Capstar Radio Operating Company, which is wholly-owned by Capstar Communica- tions California, which in turn is wholly-owned by Chancellor Media Corporation of Los Angeles, which ih turn is wholly-owned by Capstar Broadcasting Partners, which -In -turn is wholly-owned by Chancellor Mezzanine Holdings Corporation, which in turn is wholly- owned by AMFM Inc. There are numerous parties with minimal interests in AMFM Inc. However, the only 10 or greater shareholder of AMFM Inc. is Cap- star Broadcasting Partners, L.P.

Capstar Broadcasting Partners, L.P. Is controlled by Its sole general partner, HM3Capstar Partners, L.P. which, in turn, ts controlled by its sole general partner, HM3 Capstar, which Is whoilv-owned by Thomas O. Hicks. The following individuals serve as of- ficers andor directors of one of more of the previously mentioned entitles that control Capstar TX Limited Partnership: Kathy Archer, D.

Geoff Armstrong, William Banowsky James Burtson, Robert Cran-dall, James de Castro, Omar Choucair. James Donahoe, Kami Doyle, John Fullam, Jack Furst, W. Schuyler Hansen, R. Steven Hicks, Thomas O. Hicks, Thomas Hodson, Andrea Huicy, Tammy Jackson, Vernon Jordan, David Kantor, David Knickel, David Lebow, Michael Levitt, Perry Lewis, John Madison, John Massey, Kevin Mischnick, John Muse, Kenneth O'Keefe, Steve Rivers, Michael Sallm, Steven Streit, Lawrence Stuart, Charles Tate, George Toulas, R.

Gerald Turner, Ann Van- -ter, Charles Warfield, and J. Otis Winters. There are no 10 or shareholders of lear Channel Communications, Inc. its officers and directors are: Karl Eller, Alan Feld, Herbert Hill, Juliana Hill, Mark Hubbard, Kathryn Johnson, Deme-tra Koelling, L. Lowry Mays, Mark Mays, Randall Mays, B.

J. Mc- Combs, Susan Ross, Theodore Strauss, Deborah Williams, John Williams, David Wilson, Richard Wolf, and Kenneth Wyker. A copy of the application Is on file for public inspection at 200 Fleet Street, Pittsburgh during normal business hours. The PG Classifieds can sell your -home fast, at a price that's right, in your. neighborhood Call for more details CALL 412-263-1201 PL aa number.

tSMIs 976-MEET Jj MM I'ttl CH 1 90OGET TALK 99nan Ladies Call 263-MEET 1 Credit Card Billing n-800-CITY-FUN2Hrs Friendly ustomrr Assistance l-BOO 909-OAFl Hours iiiiiunipwimi.ui i.ii ii. I i mm iiiiujhiiiii Matt lynoiKi umneMtfmmncto.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.