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"); } else { $("#node-tabs-container").append("
"); } // Add a node content block, for displaying headers or final-level content //MB hotfix 6-11-2020: prepend level 1 since it's currently being put at the bottom for some reason if (nodeLevel == '1'){ $(".node-level-container.level-1").after("
"); } else { $("#node-tabs-container").append("
"); } } $(".node-level-container.level-"+nodeLevel).append(nodeHTML); }); // Remove template from DOM $(".node-tab.template").remove(); // Hide all the node tabs and containers, except for level 1 $(".node-level-container:not(.level-1)").hide(); $(".node-tab:not(.level-1)").hide(); loadingComplete(); } function setupEventHandlers() { // Open tabs when clicked $(".node-tab").click(function(e) { // Get information about this node's level var thisLevelClass = e.currentTarget.className.match(/level-\d+/)[0]; //console.log("thisLevelClass",thisLevelClass); var thisLevel = parseInt(thisLevelClass.split("-")[1]); // Get this node's category id var thisCatID = $(this).data("category-id"); // Get this node's catageory API data var thisCatData = getObjectByPropertyValue(apiData.categories, "id", thisCatID); // Hide everything that is one level below the clicked node, and remove any selected classes from these nodes function oneLevelBelow() { return $(this).attr("data-node-level") >= thisLevel+1; } $(".node-level-container").filter(oneLevelBelow).hide(); $(".node-tab").filter(oneLevelBelow).hide().removeClass("selected"); $(".node-tab."+thisLevelClass).removeClass("selected"); // Also remove selected class from nodes on the same level as this one $(".node-content").filter(oneLevelBelow).html(""); $(".node-content").filter(oneLevelBelow).hide().removeClass("selected"); $(".node-content."+thisLevelClass).html("").removeClass("selected"); // Also empty out node content from this level $("#ko-contact-form").hide(); // Also hide contact form $("#action-buttons-container").hide(); // Also hide contact form buttons $(".form-button").removeClass("selected"); // Display the next level's container $(".node-level-container.level-"+(thisLevel+1)).show(); // Display the node tabs that are children of the clicked node $(".node-level-container.level-"+(thisLevel+1)+" .node-tab[data-parent-category='"+thisCatID+"']").show(); // Add a selected class to this node $(this).addClass("selected"); $(".node-content."+thisLevelClass).addClass("selected"); // Display and populate this node's content var nodeDescription = apiData.articles.find(function(article) { return article.parents.indexOf(thisCatID) > -1; }).current_version.en.text; $(".node-content."+thisLevelClass).html(nodeDescription).show(); // Identify a node content as final level content if the node tab has the final level attribute if ($(this).hasClass("final-level")) { var finalLevelNodeContent = $(".node-content.selected").last(); finalLevelNodeContent.addClass("final-level"); // Display action buttons $("#action-buttons-container").show(); scrollToBottom(); } else { $(".node-content").removeClass("final-level"); $(".node-content .final-level-related-articles-container").remove(); } rearrangeForm(); }); $(".form-button").click(function() { $(this).addClass("selected"); $("#ko-contact-form").show(); }); } function rearrangeForm() { // Name getFormGroup("contact_name") .detach() .insertAfter(".hg-contact-form-container h2") .css({ "width": "50%", "display": "inline-block", "padding-right": "10px" }); // Email getFormGroup("contact_email") .detach() .insertAfter(getFormGroup("contact_name")) .css({ "width": "50%", "display": "inline-block", "padding-left": "10px" }); // Subject $("#contact_subject").attr("placeholder", "Please provide a brief summary"); // Details $("#contact_body").css("height", "100px").attr("placeholder", "Please provide as much detail as possible."); // Submit Button $(".hg-contact-form-container .text-right button").text("Send"); // Make field changes based on the content inside the chosen final node. Insert them before "attach files" field var customFieldData = interpretCustomFields(); var attachFiles = $(".hg-contact-form-container .form-group").last(); var fieldCount = 0; // Wipe out any previously recycled custom fields $(".recycled").remove(); // Remove the default fields (if there are any still) $(".form-group").each(function() { if ($(this).find("label").text().indexOf("Response") > -1) { $(this).remove(); } }); customFieldData.forEach(function(field) { if (field.type == null) { console.log("Error - field definition has no type", field); } else { if (field.type == "label") { attachFiles.before("
"); } else if (field.type == "text") { if (field.placeholder == null) { field.placeholder = ""; } var recycledField = $('
'); recycledField.find("label").attr("for", "response_"+(fieldCount+1)); recycledField.find("label").text(field.question); recycledField.find("input").attr("id", "response_"+(fieldCount+1)); recycledField.find("input").attr("name", "custom_contact_field_"+fieldCount); recycledField.find("input").attr("placeholder", field.placeholder); recycledField.addClass("recycled"); attachFiles.before(recycledField); fieldCount++; } else if (field.type == "dropdown") { var recycledField = $('
'); recycledField.find("label").attr("for", "response_"+(fieldCount+1)); recycledField.find("label").text(field.question); recycledField.find("select").attr("id", "response_"+(fieldCount+1)); recycledField.find("select").attr("name", "custom_contact_field_"+fieldCount); // Add options field.options.split(";").forEach(function(option) { recycledField.find("select").append("
"); }); recycledField.addClass("recycled"); attachFiles.before(recycledField); fieldCount++; } } }); } function getObjectByPropertyValue(array, propertyName, propertyValue) { return array.filter(function(o) { return o[propertyName] === propertyValue })[0]; } function loadingComplete() { console.log("All loading complete"); // Display the documentation article now that all nodes are built $(".hg-contact-page").show(); nodesHeight = $(".documentation-article").outerHeight(true); } function getFormGroup(inputID) { return $("#"+inputID).parent(".form-group"); } Array.prototype.extend = function(other_array) { // from http://stackoverflow.com/a/17368101 other_array.forEach(function(v) { this.push(v) }, this); } function interpretCustomFields() { var customFieldsData = []; // For each pre tag $(".node-content.final-level.selected").find("pre").each(function() { // Remove curly brackets and white space var asString = $(this).text(); asString = asString.replace("{",""); asString = asString.replace("}",""); asString = asString.trim(); var asArray = asString.split(","); var asObject = {}; asArray.forEach(function(e) { var key = e.split(":")[0].trim(); var value = e.split(":")[1].trim(); asObject[key] = value }); customFieldsData.push(asObject); }); return customFieldsData; } } });
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