Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

MARTINSVILLE, VIRGINIA. MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1972 VOLUME 83, NO. 135 PRICE TEN CENTS THE STROLLER Danville and Martinsville tennis clubs of the Exchange Club will be out in force tonight, Tuesday night and Wednesday night for their, annual napkin sale The Martinsville Kiwanis Club will hear lawyer Ebb H. Williams on no fault insurance at its meeting at 6:30. p.m.

Thursday at the Red Lion Restaurant. Here's an interesting little story that started back in 1971, when a group of girls were cleaning up an area along Forest Street. A lad wheeled by on a bicycle and asked them who they were. They replied that were members of Girl Scout Troop 189. "Naw replied the boy, "You're litter-gitters." Well, someone told the story at a state garden club meeting in Richmond and some of the ladies from the Nansemond River Garden Club in Suffolk heard it.

They liked the catchy name, so they organized their youth into Litter -Gitter groups and apparently they're going great guns, keeping the Suffolk area cleaned up. Bill Kiser, 9, of White Oak Court, and his brothers. and sisters had something to be excited about over the Last Friday, morning they spotted a. white-tailed deer in a wooded area near their house. In addition to Bill, the deer -spotters included Jack, John and Carol Kiser.

Here's an interesting note from the Internal Revenue Service, (via the Commerce Clearing House News Bureau of Chicago): The three most common errors taxpayers make on their tax returns are as follows, in descending order: 1. to reduce casualty losses by the $100-per-casualty floor. 2: Failure to take into account the 3 per cent limitation for medical expenses and the related 1 per cent limitation for medicine and. drugs 3 Claiming more than the maximum dividends exclusion. ODDS AND ENDS-Mrs.

Barbara Koger, Rt. 3, Bassett, is a surgical patient at Danville Memorial Hospital and would appreciate hearing from friends Everyone's invited to an exhibition tennis match starting at 2 p.m. Sunday at Martinsville High School courts between the CAUGHT ON THE FLYThere will be a free junior golf clinic June 12-14 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for children aged 8-16 at the Beaver Hills Golf Cluh: The City Department of Social Services reminds clients that a meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall to explain details of the "235 program," or low cost housing program, In case you have missed the posters in.

supermarkets and other public places, this is. Dairy Month, sponsored annually by the people who process milk to try to get us all to use more milk and milk products. Locally, 4-H. Club members participate annually in a poster contest, and about 50 in Martinsville and Henry County will be judged Tuesday and Thursday. Local winners will be eligible to compete for statewide honors in Blacksburg.

Aides Deny Irish Trip DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) An Irish- American says President Nixon has accepted an invitation to in the Irish Republic this fall, but Florida White House spokesmen say they know nothing of such a trip. TODAY Jack Anderson Bridge 10 Comics 10 Crossword. 10 Doctor 3 Horoscope. 10 James Kilpatrick. Landers Obituaries Sylvia Porter Sports Stocks.

TV Schedule: 10 Weather Women WEATHER Fair tonight flows near 60. Variable cloudiness Tuesday with chance of showers and thunderstorms, highs in the low to mid 80s. Humphrey, McGovern at Odds on POW Issue By CARL P. LEUBSDORF NAP. Political Writer ANGELES (AP)- Sens.

Hubert H. Humphrey and George McGovern disagree on" the best way to get U.S. prisoners released by North Vietnam. Humphrey wants President Nixon to send a special emissary to Hanoi, while says only a total U.S. withdrawal could get them out.

The POW issue, and Humphrey's contention- quickly McGovern's proposal for sharp defense spending cuts could leave Israel defenseless, were the chief a points of disagreement Sunday as the two top presidential contenders met for their third televised confrontation. "As a result of a weekend court order, they were joined on the hour-long ABC program "Issues and Answers" by Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty, New York Rep. Shirley Chisholm and Maj: Gen. Taylor Hardin, representing Alabama. Gov.

George C. Wallace: prompted Humphrey, trailing in several polls in Tuesday's: California primary showdown, to suggest that he and McGovern buy time Monday, night for a fourth meeting that would be a true debate between them, rather than a questionand-answer session with newsmen. McGovern said he was willing to do it if his schedule per-: mitted, then issued a Monday schedule that includes a visit to New Mexico, where a primary is also being held Tuesday, and calls for a late return to Los Angeles. He also suggested the debate could be held before the June 20 New York primary In suggesting that a special, emissary to Hanoi might settle A. GIRL, A TEAR, A SAD STORY The photographer was passing Patrick Henry School this morning and noted a poignant scene.

little girl sat all alone on a grassy knoll, crying big tears. After snapping her picture, he found out she was "Bubba" Repko, 5, of Church Street Extension, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Repko. She said she was crying because her sister was still in school and she wanted her to come out.

Ruhha can relax now, because elementarv schools will close today for the summer. (Staff Photo) City Council Seeks Help To Fight Housing Suit Martinsville City Council will meet Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. to consider hiring additional lawyers to help City Attorney Irvin: Cubine fight a Federal housing suit against the city. The suit was filed by lawyer Jackson Kiser on behalf of the Roanoke building firm of Fralin and Waldren Inc. The firm had.

Kiser file the suit in U.S. District Court in Roanoke after the city denied two requests that would have construction of the $1.78 million, 120-unit apartment project on a 20-acre tract of land off Clearview Drive. firm was denied the request for a special use permit: and a second request for subdivison of the property. in two separate actions, the first by City Council and the second by planners. The denials came after massive opposition to the project in the Clearview section.

The suit asks the court to make the city grant the special use permit or, in lieu of that, the subdivision request, either of which would allow the project to be constructed. The suit claims the city turned down the project mainly on the basis of The financing would have been under a federal interest subsidy program, whereby the federal government would have guaranteed interest on the loan acquired by developers to build the project. In turn, the developers would have rented aprtments to low and moderate income families rat less cost than would be charged tenants with higher incomes. The council meeting will be a special called session. It was requested by Vice Mayor.

Francis West and Councilman Harry Boaz. City officials today declined to name lawyers under consideration for the job of assisting Cubine in the city's defense, but indicated full disclosure will be made at the meeting. 13 Cambodian Defense Building Damaged in Rocket Assaults PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) A rocket blasted the Cambodian Defense Ministry today, killing three persons and wounding 10 others. Other rockets landed near, the villa of Area Man Treated For Slug in Brain Doctors at Roanoke Hospital are treating 'a Bassett man who has a bullet in his brain following a weekend shooting incident. Dennis Gaudette, 25.

Noland's Trailer Court, was reported, in fair condition this morning. His older brother. George Leo Gaudette Jr. 30. 231' Clearview Drive.

is accused of shooting him following an Sheriff's Investigator Earl Steele charged George Leo of shooting his brother with a .22 Lcaliber pistol about 1. p.m. the POW question, Humphrey said that President Nixon could. John B. Connally, the Texas Democrat who resigned as Nixon's secretary of the Treasury.

McGovern said he doubted if. "John Connally, who's been one of the foremost supporters of our. involvement, is the right man to get us out." Meanwhile, Humphrey's campaign chairman, Jack Chestnut, charged that McGovern has exceeded the $460,333 radio-television spending ceiling for the California primary and has spent $507,391.78. McGovern said the listing had mistakes in it, and that his total is $456.490. The 271 California delegates that will go to the winner of day's Tuesday's big prize; primary but another are the 144 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are being picked in three other primaries -New Jersey (109), New Mexico (18) and South Dakota (17).

McGovern aides say they think their man has a. good chance of winning up to twothirds of the New Jersey delegates. McGovern, Humphrey and Wallace are considered the main contenders in New Mexico, where the delegates will be divided proportionately between the two top finishers. McGovern has the only slate of delegates entered in the primary in South Dakota, his home state, so is assured of its: 17 delegates. Although Mrs.

Chisholm agreed with McGovern, Yorty, and Hardin on the POW issue, she said more military pressure was the best U.S: course. On the issue of the Middle East, Humphrey charged that McGovern's defense cutback proposals would weaken the, U.S. 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean and said "the senator has not supported in the Congress of the United States the commitments and the resources which Israel McGovern said he had against because a it bill also with included Israel funds for Indochina, prompting, Humphrey to say it came to defense appropriations, it included funds for Vietnam, you voted for that." Both said, however, they favor providing Israel with whatever weapons it needs and standing by that country if it is attacked. $26 Billion Deficit Pre Predicted For 1972 By BILL NEIKIRK Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) The federal deficit for fiscal 1972 will be an estimated $26 billion, highest since World War II, but $12.8 billion lower than predicted in January, the government said today. The revised budget estimate came as the Nixon administration asked Congress to raise the national debt limit by $15 billion from the current $450 billion.

The deficit for fiscal 1973, estimated earlier at $25.5 billion will be about $27 billion, the Office of Management and Budget said in a report to Congress. The federal financial situation has improved markedly, January because of increased: tax collections resulting from over -withholding from paychecks. a The reason for the lower deficit is that the Treasury has collected more money than anticipated. This is due to congressional action changing incometax tables effective this year, resulting in sharply higher amounts being, withheld from pay checks. The change was designed to eliminate traditional underwithholding for millions of taxpayers.

And many people who ESCAPES Anthony Colombo, eldest son of ailing reputed underworld leader Joseph Colombo Sri escaped injury early today when someone fired a shot at him while he and three companions drove up to his father's house. in: New York. Police said the slug hit the door window of the 27-year-old Colombo's car. (UPI Wirephoto) Beasley Takes Wallace's Seat MONTGOMERY, Ala: (AP) Lt. Gov.

Jere. Beasley, his differences with Gov. George Wallace pushed into the background, took control of the Alabama government today and said he would report to although it is a state holiday. Beasley, 35, became acting governor under the state Constitution, which provides for the lieutenant to step up when the governor has been out of state for 20 consecutive days: Wallace was shot May 15 in Laurel, while campaigning for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Since then he has been recuperating in Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring.

Md. The 21st day of his "absence began at 12:01 a.m. today, are having too much deducted have not adjusted their withholding rates, despite pleas by, the administration. The deficit also will be smaller because no action has yet been taken on Nixon's revenuesharing bill. The administration scheduled $2.2 billion for revel nue -sharing in the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30.

The national debt now stands at almost $430. billion. Several congressmen have said they plan to attach tax-reform amendments to the debtlimit request, but the administration says the tax code should not be revised in an year. Rep. Wilbur Mills, chairman of the Ways and Committee, has introduced a bill that would call for a review of 54 major, tax "loopholes" by 1976.

The improved budget situnation means the administration can claim that the budget is not in deficit when figured. on a full employment basis. Miss Davis Fears She Will Be Shot By BOB ROSE Chicago Daily News SAN JOSE, Calif. Angela Davis, beaming with happiness over: a jury victory, admitted soberly, however, that she fears some disgruntled person may try to kill her "In the last week or so we have had numerous threats." Miss Davis, 28, disclosed shortly after an all-white jury came in with a verdict of not guilty on all counts of murder, kidnaping and conspiracy. "We agree that there is some danger.

But I'm certainly not going to let it prevent me from becoming active once again in the liberation struggle." The seven-woman, five-man jury took only 13 hours after a 13-week case to make its finding. Jury Forewoman Mary Timothy, said the panel encountered "no trouble at all? in making up its mind. The jurors commented that they didn't want to get into specifics so as not to prejudice upcoming case against Ruchell MaGee, charged with Miss Davis in the same Marin County Courthouse shootout on Aug: 7, 1970, that took four lives, including that of Judge Harold J. Haley. A Prosecutor Albert W.

Harris an 1 assistant California attorney general who presented the state's case, including some 95 witnesses and more than 200 exhibits, did not stick around to talk to the press after the verdict came in. The trial cost a million dollars, with nearly half of the sum going for an elaborate security system that Santa Clara County insisted on' continuing to use. even though Miss Davis has been free on $102,000 bail for the last months. At one point in the "security circus," as critics called it, the defendant was locked out of her own trial, along with half the press covering it, while the other half was locked in. This was during a jailbreak attempt that- ended when a fleeing prisoner was killed.

Miss Davis and each press group was told the action to hold them in or out was "for your own safety." The forewoman said the jury decided Saturday it was close to a verdict and received an okay deliberate from Sunday, the an judge unusual to. procedure here requiring the recalling of many off-duty guards. "We decided we didn't want spend Sunday wandering around San Jose," she said, Defense lawyer Howard Moore Jr. first got word that a verdict was imminent and told waiting newsmen at 11:19 a.m. (California time).

'The jury filed into the courtroom at 12:32 p.m. and gave its verdict three minutes later. The courtroom went up for grabs. Angela Davis beamed, tears in her eyes. She hugged Moore and chief counsel Leo Branton Jr.

Supporters in the spectator. section sobbed and moaned loudly in relief, cheered and applauded, and shouted and stomped. Superior Court Judge Richard E. Arnason threatened to clear the courtroom three times before he got order, banging his gavel with emphasis. will not tolerate misconduct in my courtroom," he declared.

'You conduct yourselves properly. The judge thanked the jury for its service. and read a quotation from G. K. Chesterton that determination of guilt or innonence is too important to leave to experts.

When he left the bench, the spectators applauded the victory and the jury until each member had left. Down in the press room, Miss Davis met each juror and hugged each of them warmly, thanking them for their verdict. Many hugged her back, some kissed her, men and women, and most wished her good luck. The self-admitted Communist and former UCLA philosophy. instructor said the verdicts were a victory for "the people" and she credited the my struggle" for the outcome.

mass movement in "It did not change my opinion of the American system of justice," she said. doesn't mean I've had a fair trial. A fair trial would have been no trial at all. "The fact we had to wage the kind of struggle we. did says something about the system.

And we're going to have to continue our struggle for every black man and woman, every Chincano, all people of color, for all exploited people. "Justice is always a struggle, and it always will be until we can change the entire fabric of society, until we can change it, until the people themselves are in control of their destinies and their lives. Miss Davis said she had no a (See Page 2, Col. 3) Alone in Sea of Feminity SACRAMENTO, Calif. hurdler on the Sacramento.

top-grade secretary, "the (AP) When a computer High School track team. gossip just keeps on. You goof enrolled Harold Jones Passers-by do a double: get to hear all their in an all-girl stenography take when they see the problems. And, like, if they class in high school, he lanky young man with a buy cologne they've got to made the best of it, scored modish Afro and stylish- try it out on you. They an and today is the bell bottom trousers at pamper you the only male California stenographer Legislature.

for "It's" fun because feminity. there That work in a sea of attention are a lot of girls," says sometimes prompts "He does a beautiful Jones, admitting at the teasing from his wife of one reports. Madge same time that he misses A year, Andrea, he says. Alberti, boss of the Assembly steno pool of 15 some Jones masculine types 78 words company. per "No reason, a guy 'secretaries, all women minute and takes dictation shouldn't he hired as a now, "He's very fast.

secretary, just because He has a very pleasant at 130 words per machine. minute on he's a said John personality, The girls just a "At stenography first it was kind Burton, D-San Francisco, of, the assemblyman who was The computer oc- all tough because they were: instrumental in getting curred when Jones foul-up was 16 I would watching me to see how. the $505-a-month job. years old andra star, once he do," proved he he added. was But.

a a qualified secretary." ANGELA DAVIS: President Lon Nol, killing three; girls and wounding one person. The attack on the Defense Ministry was the first daylight Sunday outside his younger's brother's trailer home. 1 Steele said witnesses told him Robert Dennis was shot after he swung a metal pipe, striking his brother in the face, The bullet entered the younger man's left eye and lodged in the brain. He was: rushed to Memorial Hospital here and later transferred to Roanoke The older brother has been released from Henry County jail under bond of $2,500 a hearing July 11. rocket assault on the Cambodian capital in more than two.

years of war. One rocket scored a direct hit on the third The president's villa on the southwestern edge of the city was the target of a number of rocket attacks. One slammed into a house 30 yards from the villa's garden fence, killing the three girls. The Defense Ministry attack sent terrified workers, many of them women soldiers, fleeing from the building. The attack came as ballots were being counted from Cambodia's first presidential election: Incomplete unofficial returns from the voting Sunday gave Marshal Lon Nol a smaller portion of the vote than had been predicted..

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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