Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

TWO MARION, CHRUNICLE, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16, 1938 FIRST 'AND BEST -AS USUAL 3 TOWNSHIPS GET DELEGATES Four additional delegates to the Democratio state convention -were to Center, Fairmount and Mill townships, with the format or recewing the other oneeach. it was announced here today. Democrats will elect: 32. delegates this year: compared to 28 tWOyears ago.

Dr. E. Botkin, cowity chairman, and Dorris Reynolds, Republican election meet week to apportion the Republican delegates. Republicans will elect 30 gates this year. compared.

to two ago. One additional delegate will be elected -in Center Fairmount and Mill townships, Dr. Botkin said. The apportionment of the delegates is based on each 400 rotors. but it has been the custom here toallot one to each township and the same plan' will.

be followed this; year, although the total. vote. in some townships not that large. Democrats will' elect 12. delegates in Center township.

One delegate will be elected in each of the A following precinct 1 and 2, 3 and 19, 4 and .6, 6 and 8, 7 and 9. 10, 115 and 16, 17 and 18, 12, 13 and 14. Two delegates will be elected in Franklin 1, 2 and 3. and one delegate in Franklin 4. 5 and 6.: Two delegates will -be elected: in Mill 1, and 3 and one in Mill 4,5 and 6.

One. will be elected in Jefferson northeast and northwest and one in Jeffeson south. Washington precincts 1 and 2 will elect one delegate and Washington 3 delegate. and Van townships elect two. each and one each will be elected in Green, Liberty, Monroe, Sims and Richland.

MUNCIE SURGEON ADDRESS KIWANIS CLUB ALEXANDRIA, Feb. 16. Trip Through Europe" is the subject of an address to be delivered tonight by Dr. Will Moore, noted Muncie surgeon, before the Alexandria Kiwanis club at the One week from tonight Alexandria and Elwood club's will hold a joint meeting with Dick Heller, executive secretary to the governor, as the principal speaker. Inter- club meetings Muncie, Anderson and Marion Kiwanis.

clubs are planned later in the Spent. A- -Small Fortune Trying To Get Relief Tell Known Marion Man Says Hoyt's Compound Ended His Kidney Trouble, Constipation. and Loss of Sleep. am. feeling more myself than I have in the past five years," states Mr.

Emile Hannon, 608 S. Nebraska Marion, while in conversation with the Hoyt Man at. -Groom's" Drug Store, 112 4th where he (in person) daily is introducing and explaining "Hoyt's Compound to The crowds that call. Mr. Hannon -MR.

EMILE HANNON "For the past 5 or 6 years I have spent a small fortune trying to get relief from kidney trouble, constipation and loss of sleep and these ailments got worse instead of better. The kidney trouble was so. bad that I was forced to arise as many ag 5 or 6 times each night. There were. days" when my' work became a real burden due to the pains across my back.

There were times when I had to bend over that felt as if I was not going to be able to "straighten up. Constipation had so bad that it was common occurance for me to. go days' without a bowel action. This trouble left with A lazy, sluggish, dull, -drowsy- feeling. Sleep was something I could never get and due to this I became very nervous and felt myself gradually slowing up, all.

of which me had constantly' looking for the right remedy but until I read about and tried Hoyt's Compound I had not found "Now after taking Hoyt's Compound I feel more like myself than I have in the past five -years. These troubles have become so inproved that I amn no longer; required to arise at night and the pains across my back have disappeared and now I can get 8. good night's rest. My nerves, ton, have become very quiet and my bowels are regulated which has eliminated the sluggish, lazy. feeling me in such condition that kno longer dread to see: the timo comewhen I must go, to work, for I feel fie and equal to anything I am called upon to do.

I am glad to make this statement prating this won derful medicine. for it has done more for me than any other Femedy I have ever taken." Sufferors: Why not take the advice of Mr. Hanhon and come to Groom's Drug Store, 112 E. Fourth Marion, and have talk with the Hoyt Man; who -is there daily explaining the -magic action -of -this new and different Hoyt's Compound is also sold. by all druggists in this entire 14 2 a 7.

4': WIDOWS, WIDOWERS, ETC. TO HOLD DANCE THURSDAY Reviving of the nearly defunct Widowers. Widows, Bachelors and Maids club will be instituted at a meeting of group Thursday night over: the Paris store. Joe Stuart: past president and the committee in charge; said today: A dance will be held Tom Riley and his band played Ting. The organization, unique in Ma- rion, has du members and is growover thirty years of age who fall ing steadily Stuart -said.

Persons' INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 16. under one of- the four ket-steady. 160-180 4500.

Holdovers: 180-190 350. tions are eligible, he explained. $8.95: 190-200 $8.907 200-210 Despite the fact that 'officials 210-220 220-230 tsaid the chub was not organized to 260 1-30-240 755, $8.55: 280-270 240-250 lbs. $8.25: serve as a. a a a a a a matrimonial bureau, six.

38.150 280-290. $8 290-300. members af the club have married $7.95: $7.85:. 325-350. during the past year.

Marriage au-75: 140-150 850-400 155. $58.35: 120-140 150-160 lbs. lbs. $8,10:: tomatically deprives members of 120 bulk packing sows enjoying future club activities 7.00. SWINE MARKET HOLDS STEADY Cattle- Receipts 1400.

Calves 500: Market- Steers opening -slew. Bulk sters $6.75477.50: hellers steady to Bulk'. heifere: $6.75 7.40: Cows steady, Bulk beef COWS. $5.00445.75 cutter: $4.000 00 00 4.75. Vealers steady! Bulk, good -and choice $10,50 11.50.

Sheep- Receipts 1500. Market-All classes Choice fed western and native: lambs $7.50. FORT WAYNE LIVESTOCK FORT WAYNE. Feb. Hogs--Market, steady: 160-480 $8 85; 180-200 200-220.

220- 240 lbs $8.15: 280-280 280-300 800-325 325-350 1 $7.50: 120-140: 100-120 165,, roughs. a Cattle -Market, steady: goodtto cholce steers, $8.25 a vealers, 50c. lower $4.504 to $11 down, heifSheep--Market, dull and unchanged; good to choice natives. $7.25 down, LIST CLOSES HIGH AT CLOSE NEW YORK, Feb. (INS) -The stock market steadied: in final dealings today, after yesterday's losses had been extended through most of the session Trading continued extremely dull.

Majority of pivotal issues: were slightly higher at the Anal gong. Late. strength. in commodities, reflecting -President Roosevelt's remarks factor. that: in staple the were to reversal of trend.

The local market opened Arm but turned downward under the lead of steels, chemicals and ralis. Support was met Just before noon but the general. list continued easier until "the. Anal upward swing. near.

the close. Most leaders held In. a tively narrow Coppers, and cottonseed oll were strongest 111 the minor. staples. Grains converted early fractional losses into equal gains.

Cotton was STOCKS. quiet. NEW. YORK Pre- Too vious day's Close Close American Can Co 85. American Foreign 31 American.

Power 41 American American Tobacco 9 9 Anaconda Copper Bendix O. 33 Chrysler Motor Columbia Gas 718 7 Consolidated Corn Products Refining 6418 Freeport -Texas General Electric General Foods, General Motors 34 Hudson Motor 81 Johni Manville 7612. 7614. Kennecolt 3578 Kresge. 8.

177a 18 Mid-Continent Montgomery Ward 32.7 3218 Nash 9 91 National Biscuit: 1918 1918 National 137 14 National Power New. York Central R. 173. Pennsylvania R. 22 1.21% People's 32 Phillips 37 Radio of A Remington Rand 137a 1318 Sears, Roebuck 5831 59 Union Simms Petroleum 314 Standard Brands, 8 81 Standard Oil Gas of 3.

734 Standard Oil of 3238 -Standard Oil of New 49. 49 14 Stewart 9 9- Studebaker Motor Texas Corporation 407. 401a Texas Gull 30 305 United Corporation U. S. Steel S.

Steel Corp. Western Union 2414 25 Westinghouse 94 SELECTED LIST 13 American. Rolling Burroughs 18: Cerro de Pasco -39 City. Stores 27a Crosley 912 Eitingon Libbey Owens 3434 333 National: 210 22 National Ohio Oil 13 Otis 21. Penney 6938 1512 Symington.

812 818 Texas Gulf 43 Timken Detroit 1212. "United Airlines Alaska Juneau 121 Allegheny Corporation (AP) Amer, Type Founders 61 Paige. (AP) 1 Hecker Products 634 63; Interlake' Iron Kroger 15 Owens Illinois Glass Co. 56. 5514 Tex.

Pacific Land Trust A 11- United Gas Improv. 10 NEW YORK CURB American 2334 Cities Creole Bond 71 Electric Band Share: 49 CHICAGO EXCHANGE Common Edison 25 General 134 Swift NEW YORK BONDS U. S. Treasury 33c, '43-'40 $106.20 Home Owners, '49-'39 Hone Owners, '41-'42: Home Owners, '52-'44 1 DEATH OF RETIRED FARMER, BANKER TERMED SUICIDE FOWLER, Feb. 16 (P)-A crooner's-verdict of suicide returned yesterday in the death: of Albert 4 E.

Kyle, -two, banker and farmer, whose body WAS found Monday in a parked automobile near Remington. A garden hose from the pipe had filled the car with carbon monoxide gas. LIFE INSURANCE SHOW 4 PERCENT INCREASE INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 16. (A)- The Life Insurance sales -rescarch, bureau' reported today that new ordinary life insurance sales in Indiana in 1937 registered a four percent gain over Paid-for ordinary life totaled $170,4 139, compared with $162,812 in 1936; we ATTENDS FUNERAL RITES.

Miss Gertrude Baum was in. Latfayette today funeral services for her grandmother, Mrs. Josephine Baum. Mrs. Baum died.

at her home Monday night, according to word received here. WILL PRESENT DRAMA The religious druma, "Heaven will be presented at -the Christen Church, Third street aml: Delphi avenue, Monday night. affair: is being by the Loyal Young Men's Booster class. A free will offering will taken. am JAP.

GARRISON IS 'SURPRISED' SHANGHAI, Feb. 16 (INS). Fierce street fighting was reported at. Tsining in Shantung province "to the north' today following. a surprise Chinese attack on nese forces there.

The engagement, described as a -blondy, "house-to-house battle, "began when Chinese regiments entered the city without warning and assaulted the Japanese. garrison stationed at Tsining since was captured -by Chinese authorities at Hankow claimed their troops were continuing. to. resist Japanese efforts to smash the "iron of Chinese defense north of Weiwei, but said the Chinese were suffering that EXCHANGE CLUB TO HEAR TALK BY COUNTY- AGENT County Agent Forest E. Conder.

will address members of the Marlion Exchange Club at their regular meeting at 6:30 p. m. Thursday in' Hotel Spencer, it was announced today, Conder will- talk on "Relationship Between Farmer and The program was arranged- by York. Everett Flemming, vice-presi-bers dent, will the absence of Ralph Harreld, president, who is confined in his home because of illness. The Parkinson Music Ensemble presented a program at high school today.

Selections were presented by the group, former high school music contest winners, before high school students. Members of the ensemble presented -a concert at the Marion College chapel last night. MUSIC ENSEMBLE GIVES PROGRAM AT HIGH SCHOOL MAN CRUSHED TO DEATH SAVING LIFE OF ANOTHER RICHMOND, Feb. 16. (AP) -Fred R.

Borton, forty -eight, Richmond clothier, tried to save the life of an unidentifled man last night and lost his own under the wheels of a truck in the effort. Borton, police said, was crossing S. Road 40. toward a street car when he saw the man step in front of the truck. Borton threw him from its path; but was crushed fatally, dying en route to a hospital.

4 NEW DIRECTORS NAMED. BY, NOBLITT-SPARKS, INC: COLUMBUS, Feb: 16 (AP)Noblitt Sparks Industries, named "four new directors to. the board at the stockholders' annual meeting yesterday. They were Earl C. Booth and Dee S.

Lenfesty of Columbus; Charles C. Noblitt, Seymour plant manager, and. Delmar Mc Workman, manager at Greenwood an Franklin. RED CROSS FUND IS NEAR $100 (Continued from Paze One) I bership card, window sticker and button, Each donation entitles the given to 8 membership in the Grant county chapter, Needham said. Donations received until 5 p.

m. Tuesday were as follows: R. Van Atta and family. $10.00 John Hester 1.00 Al. 1.00 Ethel Broyles 3.00 Lillian Thomas 1.00.

George 1.00 Mildred 1.00 W. D. McNally 1:00 Dr. Emil Faris 1.00 Lyric Shoe Parlor 1.00 S. T.

Rigsbee 1.00 Ralph Roessler 1.00 W. H. Keller 1.00 Joe Hutchens 1.00 Elsworth Harvey 1.00 Keller's Store 3.00 Eva Stanton 1.00 Hugh Vandivier 1.00 Dr. F. M.

Thompson 1.00 Philip Hutchens 1.00 Dr. E. M. Trook 1.00 W. 0..

Anderson 1.00 Mary, Stout. 1.00 Mrs. Leslie 1.00 Dr. A. B.

1.00 Bert Moore 5.00 Mrs. E. S. Hulley 1.00 "Dr. E.

S. Hulley 1.00 Helen Crawford 1.00 Robert W. Crasher 1.00 Miss Edna Springer 1.00 Dr. W. A.

Fankboner 1.00 Frank Swartz 1.00 Ethel Skinner 1.00 -Ulie 1.00 Dr. Robert Brown 1.00 Dr. M. J. 1.00 J.

W. Corbett 1,00 -Mary Koerner 1.00 I W. Everett Shrock 1.00 0. M. Goss X.

Stephens 1.00 Clarence E. Baker 1.00 L. P. 1.00 M. H.

Taylor 1.00 T. G. Wilson 1.00 Thelma 1.00 Estelle White 1.00 Verlin Nesbitt Total $68.00 Previously reported 30.00 Total to date $96.00 AUCTIONEERS PUCKETT SON TELEPHONES Marion, 3611-R1 Upland 1037 or FREE! to sufferers of STOMACH ULCERS due HYPERACIDITY Willard's. Message of Relief Hook's Dependable Drug Stores 1 COUNCIL HEARS MONTHLY REPORT OF WEIGHMASTER quoted obtained press time and are subject to change withlout notice by. Marion- Arms buying produces (Quotations Feb 16) PRODUCE Butterfat," per tb.

Eggs Heavy hens" hens. 13c Producers' Creamery. Pool: prices of butterfat. past LIVESTOCK HORSE 180-180 lbs. $8.75 180-200 -200-235.

225-250 lbs. $7.85 0 275-300 lbs. up. $7.50 down: sows $6.50 $10.50 lambs stag's $6.75 $5,50 down; ewes calves down; down; down. Average: quotations were: Soy No.

2 wheat, 2 83c Yellow corn New oats No. 2 white 28c GRAIN MARKET SCORES GAINS CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES Wheat Open High Low Close Pr. May .931 .93 .92 July Sept. Coro May .594 1. .60 ..60 Sept.

.6018 Oate May July. .287 Sept! May July: .69, :681 a :69 Sept. Soy Beans May 1.02¾ 1.03.. 1.03 1.03 July', 1.01½ 1.01⅚ 1.01% 1.0134 Oct. 11.01% 1.02½ Lard Mar.

8.60 8.70 8.60 8.70 8.50_ May 8.75 8.95 8.75 8.92 8.72 July 8.90 9.10. 8.90 8.90 Sept. 9,15 9.25: 9.07 1.9.35 9.07. Oct. 9.25 9.30 9.25 9.30 9.10 CHICAGO, Feb.

-Wheat futures developed a firm tone In late dealIngs today and early fractional losses were converted into gains of more than a cent near the close. May rallied from a low of to while July. and September shot up and 881 respectively, after. recording Josses of Sac. early.

do Corn also advanced fractionally 'after recording small, losses the start. May advanced to from the low of Wheat Anished to 10 higher; corn to up, unchanged to off. rye up and soy beans unchanged. to 24c off. Wheat futures were 'steady to weak in forenoon dealings.

An early decline. of about a cent was. erased when good. buying developed and prices climbed back to the preceding finish. President Rooseveltt's comment commodity prices being too low tended to.

check selling. grains were fractionally lower. At. 110011 wheat was unchanged to lower: corn, lac down, to 1 off, rye. ac higher to lower and' soy beans to off.

Winnipeg WAS to higher and Liverpool Anished to pence Estimated carlots here: wheat, corn, 117 and 22c. -Cash Grain CloseWheat -No. red, No. 5 red, 86G; sample grade, hard musty, -83c. Corn-No.

3 mixed; No. 5 mixed, 52c; No, 2 58 No. 3 yellow, No. yellow, 0 No. 5 yellow, No.

3 white, sample grade, 49 Oats---No. 2 mixed, No. 1. white, 33c; No. 2 white, No.

3 white, 326 No. 4 white, sample grade Rye--No. 2, Timothy, cash, $2.90 03; red. sweet, $10010.50. Lard--Cash loose, leaf, bellies.

$10.65. Barley--Cash, 88c; feed. 480630; malting. CHARGES FILED AGAINST POLICE Charges have been filed against four Marion: police connection with alleged mistreatment of Albert Higgins, colored, at the time of. his- arrest on burglary was learned here today.

The charges were filed with George Hayes, secretary of the police board, by R. L. Bailey, colored, Indianapolis attorney, and Dr. W. T.

Bailey, colored Marion physician. Higgins pleaded guilty and is serving a reformatory sentence. Bert: Smith, police board chairman, said the four officers, Detectives Andrews and "Barley a and Patrolmen Hickman and McPherson, would arraigned Thursday. A date will be set at that time for a hearing if the officers request it, Smith explained. Police board members declined to reveal the charges until after the arraignment.

Trial procedure has not been determined but if a public hearing is not held newspapermen will be admitted, Smith said. SON OF FORMER RESIDENTS REPORTED CRITICALLY ILL David Nelson, five-year old' son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nelson, former Jonesboro residents, is in a critical condition in the hospital at. Whitewater, the family resides relatives were today Infection developing following a mastoid operation has puzzled physicians and a rare Has been obtained in an effort to prevent the spread of the infection.

The father is a brother of Clarence Nelson, county attendance officer and: Miss Lenora Nelson, deputy county clerk. He is registrar of the State Teachers 'College at Whitewater. Crash Threatens Slight Shortage of Milk Bottles A slight shortage in milk bottles Was. threatened in Marion today. And an accident was the cause.

Richard L. Genth, 3911 South Carey "street, reported to police today. bottles that. a had large been number broken of when the- truck he was driving for. the Deer Creek Dairy collided with one belonging to C.

Richards, 2227 South Boots street at Twenty-third and Boots streets. Both cars were dam. aged. heavily, the report. said." of the.

weighmaster and final approval of a change in zoning regulations for a South district, was the only" business transacted by the city coun'cil a.t its regular' meetin last night. The group adjourned only a few minutes after meeting. THREE PRISON GUARDS RESIGN -MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. Feb. 16.

(INS) -Three guards at the Indiana state prison resigned, Warden Louis E. Kunkel revealed Warden Kunkel denied today. that the guards- resigned beeause of -the prison break last Thursday of whom five. term inmates, two of still are fugitives. The guards resigned Monday, he.

Thurman Gottschalk, director of the Indiana, public welfare and Crosby Bernard, engineer, at. the prison. today, studying prospective changes in "antiquated" prison, buildings. ALEXANDRIA COUNCIL PASSES BOND ORDINANCE ALEXANDRIA, Feb. 16.

-Meeting in session last night in -the city: building memof the city council passed an ordinance for a bond issue of 000 to defray a part of the. expenses of constructing the new municipal bathing pool in Beulah Park. A federal WPA grant of $40,825 has already been assured the for the labor in the construction work. Martin Burden, maintenance engineer at Aladdin plant, who supervised the drawing of the plans for the pool, has been named general supervisor for the pool construction work. Construction work on the pool will start after the city disposes of $20,000 in, bonds in the next few days.

SHOE COMPANY WILL CUT WAGES OF ALL WORKERS ENDICOTT, N. Feb. The Endicott-Johnson shoe manufacturers, announced. a 10 percent. reduction in wages to its 2,000 workers effective this week.

Last week the. company announced a 20 percent reduction in pay of all administrative officials. The announcement stated also that hereafter the- workers will pay their own- Federal Social Security which the company had previously paid since it was imposed. M'CULLOCH EXHIBITS PRINTS OF PAINTINGS Open house was held at the McCulloch junior high school last night when more than -150 repro-, ductions of famous paintings were displayed Miss Ruth Crooks, city supervisor, 'spoke a program given in the auditorium. Students of the school heard an address by Miss Crooks this afternoon during a special program.

Remainder of the week will be devoted. to special classroom tours talks on various. paintings, Katherine Burton, principal, I announced. HARRELD ILL AT HOME Ralph Harreld, 2504. South Gallatin street, was reported.

confined to his today. because of illness. MEN OUTLINE NEW PROGRAM 270-280 100- $6:600 Members of the program committee today? were outlining a meeting scheduled in two weeks for the Men's Club. The group met Tuesday night at the home of Paul Streib, 805 South Washing. ton "street, and heard an address by Harley Hardin, Marion attorney, on Harley Hardin.

Hardin replaced T. D. Bartless, Muncie, who was unable to attend. A commits tee composed of George McClure, Earl -Watson, Russell Steinmet and W. Blair Eggleson was pointed to arrange the next program a Marion Man's JONESBORO, Emery Salter, Marion, is the inventor of a new word game which apparently is becoming a popular pastime here, it was announced today.

The new game is played, with a special deck of 48 cards. consisting: of all letters and stars. The object of the game is to build words of any limit, but it differs from anagrams in that only. two. words constructed.

at. a time. Salter, said sale he in plans. several to have Indiana the cities. has been requested to appear before several Marion groups to explain the new game.

Salter is also the designer of an autograph and photo exchange' by which the original sender may have it returned with names, photos and descriptions of persons from all parts. of the world. Both games have been copyrighted. Monday and called. on.

Mrs. Whitatre. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Atkinson East Eighth street are the ents: of a daughter born their home.

The baby seven' pounds and Has been. Patricia Ann. Mrs. Matt -O'Rourke Tuesday of the death of her Jonesboro Road received er, Luther Brown, Columbus, a former Gas City occurred at 6 a.m. Tuesday.

O'Rourke left immediately lumbus where she will attend funeral services. The Junior League of the church entertained at entine. the basem*nt the church Monday. at 6:30 with the following charge, Mrs. Harold D.

Neel, Lawrence Keim, Mrs. Harold honey and Louise White: and contests were "held and Gardener won a prize. Those ent. were Lois and Joe Elmiria and Richard Brock, Hensley, Jane and Alice Eugene Keim, Mary Barbara Nell Rice, Martha, Guy and William Elkins, zanna and Mary Lou Singer, garet Ann Tomlinson, Wanda and Samuels, Joan Gardener, Norma Jimmie Cox, Marvin Stace, Thomas, Joyce McKeever, Roberts. Bobby McKeever, Devon Jay and the hostesses.

Among those from who, attended the funeral Nancy- Main, Swayzee, Mrs. Emma Jay, south of that was held at Pome Isabel day afternoon were Mrs. Jay, Mrs. Charles Presnall, Alice Jones, Mrs. Frank Mrs.

Flossie Bratton, Mrs. Howell, Charles Jay and Mrs: Ferris Jay. Burial was lat the Forks of the Creek tery in Howard county. Mrs. Floyd White has home after spending a week Mrs.

Jennie Newhouse, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rhodes daughter, Jane, spent Sunday Walton.

as guests of Mrs. Rhodes and family. Ruth Lamb is Pabsent school this week because of with mumps. Mr. and Mrs.

John Marshall tertained as: their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Ezra hall, and John Tudor, Marion. Mrs. Frank Lucas has word of the death of her Garold The Mormon, Salem, Ore, Epworth League of church was entertained Valentine party, at the Sarah Stace Monday at 7:20 Refreshments were served Martha Macy, Dorothy Margaret.

Singer, Louise Beverly Ann Snodgrass, Starbuck, Wright Tomlinson, ert Greene, Paul Samuels, Bruch, Marie Cox, Mrs. Lawrence Keim, Rev. 1 Mrs. Harold D. Neel, Mrs.

Stace, Marvin Stace and the ess Sarah Stace, Mary L. Marshall spent weekend in Chicagoand David Cooper, who is. a the American Hospital there. Mrs. Charles Presnall the funeral of her uncle, co*cke at Marion today.

James Ryan has been Fairmount by. the death father, Joseph Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert', entertained as their Sunday ner guests Mr.

and Mrs. Highley, near Swayzce, and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Myrtle Harobert, to her home on North Drain severe Wiley will the Ladies' Aid society of church tonight with Mrs. Daugherty as the assistant 1 est.

Mrs. Frances Brendle and B. Shafer are reported proved from a several due to severe Lewis Wright will tain the Social: Hour club at her home. on East JONESBORO, New Word Game Leon and called Ladrew on Mr. Spahr, and Hubert Smith Tuesday.

Growing Popular made a and business Mrs. K. trip W. to STREET LIGHTING COSTS ARE $10,000 Reduction of aproximately $10, for 1938 in city street lighting hag been approved by the -Public Service Commis- sion, Ray E. Norman, city clerk, revealed today.

The reduction, requested annualof the Indiana General Service was granted at. a public hearing of the commission in Indianapolis. Reduction in candlepower of lower cost to made, Norman exstreet lights possible the plained. Street lighting for this year will. cost.

approximately 000. In return, the I. G. S. will Marion $3,600 during the year for light: standard rental.

First PLAN RITES FOR MRS. CAMPBELL VAN BUREN, 16- Funeral services for Mrs. Harriett Jane Campbell, eighty-two, will be held at 2. Tuesday at- the May. hugh funeral home here; Rev.

A. F. Hogan, pastor of the Methodist Church, will be in charge, with burial in the Van Buren cemetery. Mrs. Campbell died at her home here last night.

following a. five weeks illness. She had been 8. life long resident of the community. Surviving are three sons, Clar-1 ence Roy Campbell, Oklahoma, and Lusher Campbell, Parchment, two daughters, Mrs.

Earl Hurst, Muncie, and Mrs. H. F. Bennett, Parchment, and a brother, Chambers, Slippery Rock, ANNUAL MADISON COUNTY LATIN CONTEST DATE SET ALEXANDRIA, Feb. 16.

annual Madison county Latin -contest for 'school pupils will be held in the assembly of the local high- school. Feb: 26. Roxanna Frazier, instructor of Latin in the local high school, will have charge of the. contest. Fourteen contestants.

will. write. in the test. ARE KILLED IN BLAST AT SAW MILL IN GEORGIA DUBLIN, Feb. 16 (INS)Four persons, three of them boys under 15 years of age, were killed today.

in an explosion at a saw mill at Meeks, 20 miles from Dublin. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Board of, Public Works and Safety of the City of Marion' the City Hall, Marion, Indiana, until 10:00 A. Central Standard Tune, February 24. 1938, at which time- bids. -will be publicly -opened land read for the construction, and of gallon steam turbine pumping.

unit, a consisting of -steam turbine, centrifugal pump, condenser, piping, ment foundations, completely Installed auxiliaries, and and ready equip: operation: all in full accordance with: the specifications which are on Ale In the office of the Board, Proposals shall be addressed to the Board of Public Works and Safety, City of Marion, Marion, Indiana, and shall bear the title of the. work -and the name of the bidder Proposals shall be submitted on bidding form prepared by the Consulting "Engineer and shall be accompanted: by Questionnaire Form No. 96-a of the Indiana State Board of Accounts, noncollusion affidavit required under the statutes of the State of Indiana, and an certified check made payable to the Board al Public Works -and Safety of the City of Marion or an acceptabio, bidder's bond, in an amount not less than five percent. of- the complete bid price, guaranteeing to the Board that the bidder will enter into contract, 1f an award 13 made. to him, within (101 days after Peceiving notice of such award by the Bourd of Public Works and The right is reserved by the Board of Public Works.

and Safety of the "City of Marion to reject and all bids. The Contractor. to: whom the award is. made. shall be required to furnish acceptable surety, bond in the amount of of the contract price under the statutes of the State of Indlana and conditioned as set out in the specifications.

Specifications for the work -are Ale andwnay be examined. at the office of the of Public Works and Safety of the city of Indiana. Copies of specificationa and proposal forms may be ohtained at the office of Charles H. Hurd, Consulting Engineer, 1039 Architects. Builders.

Bullding, Indianapplis, Indiana. upon the payment of $20.00. A refund of $10.00 will be. unde udon the return of the specifications In good condition not laters than Ave 15) days after the date of recriving. bids.


OF ADMINISTRATOR No. 7012 Notice He that the under-: signed has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Adaline Mullen Grafmiller, arcensed; late of Grant County, Indiana.Said estate is supposed the solvent. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN MARION, Administrator. Condo: Vin A Batton, Attorneys. 16, 23; Mar.

ITEMS Indian-Mrs. Tomlinson Dunkirk Noel of parMonday weighed named. of -the word Death Mrs. for Cothe M. a Valof p.

m. in Ira: MaGames Joan presntacre, Don Mahoney, Stephens, Mary, Joy, SuMar- Sue Lois and. Snodgrass, Philip Richard Neal Jonesboro, of Mrs. mother of town, TuesEmma Mrs. Lucas, Ralph Mr.

and made cemereturned with Pendleton. and at A. B. from illness endinner Waltreceived nephew, the -M. at a home of p.

m. to Hileman, White, Anna RobPhilip Mr. and and Lula hostthe called on patient at attended Francis called to of his McKeever dinAsa; and Mr. Bruch, confined street entertain the M. Jennie hostMrs.

im-1 days illenter- tonight Seventh ALEXANDRIA, Feb. 16. A survey of narrow streets" in the city is to be made by the police department for the purpose establishing parking rules for one side, of the thoroughfare in her of sections streets of the city, A numin the city are 50 nafrow two cars cannot be. parked on L.both sides of the street. PLANS COMPLETED.

HARTFORD. CITY, Feb. -Plans and arrangements have been completed for the WIS Barn Dance show to be presented Thursday and Friday night at the high school gymnasium, sponsored by the Auxiliary of the Paul. 0. Moyer Legion Post.

More than 1 100. people appear in the cast. NARROW STREETS WILL BE MARKED FOR PARKING SUITS FILED SUPERIOR COURT Gertrude Martin VS, Carl L. Charles Coats vs. Eli Coats Martin, Divorce.

I. F. Hardin. et Al. Foreclose mechanics lien.

Pack and Van Jasper Blackburn. v6. Isaac HarIter. Account, 1 SCOUT TROOP 7 CENTRAL FIRE STATION Members of Boy Scout troop. Na.

7, sponsored by Delta Electric; toured Central Fire Station Tuesday night as a part of their industrial hike program. -Nine boys, in charge of Scoutmaster Bradley, made the tour. 6 ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to our -customers and friends that we have our grocery, and will continue. our usual quality service. Frank Shroat -SHROAT'S MARKET Sixth and Nebraska HARD OF HEARING If you a will All in your name and address on this ad and mail It to' us with a threecent stamp.

booklet will be mailed which gives Infor: mation about method used by many people. who are now able to hear again. Name Address E. M. Duncan Room 714 808 S.

Calhoun, Ft. Wayne, Ind. SPECIALS in Used Washers One Whirlpool $17.00 One Rotarex $19-50 (like Meadows $4950 1 American Beauty BRO GEES "FOURTH AND BOOTS STS. For Sale 115 Acre Farm Opportunity chance to buy a well improved farm at a reasonable figure. There is a nine room brick house and good barn.

It is well arranged and reasonably well fenced, and located on tarvia road near Dunkirk in Section 11, Twp. 22 12 Jay County, Indiana. Write K. H. Knowton Loan Freeport, Illinois Farm You say CRAB ORCHARD Old its Kentucky from from the li's a thoroughbred country a popular bourbon whiskey that's rich and priced smooth and mellow.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.