A Place to Call Home (Front Porch Promises #2) (2024)

Andrea Cox

Author3 books1,695 followers

April 30, 2018

FTC DISCLOSURE: I won this book, I think (it was many years ago now), but I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts.

I couldn't get past the fourth chapter of this one. The lead man was overly pushy about asking and demanding to get the job the leading lady had available. It was like listening to a two-year-old beg for a piece of candy he'd been promised after dinner... long before dinner had even been cooked. It was also creepy and made me wonder why in the world the lady would hire him after he'd bugged her and nearly stalked her through the first couple of chapters.

Another thing that really bothered me was that the leading lady asked the man to go do her grocery shopping for her -- and then put the groceries away in the pantry!! -- while she was considering his bid for the job. How unprofessional! I cannot imagine asking someone I might hire to do a job (a job which is in construction, not running my home, like a butler or something) to run and get my groceries, let alone to also put them away once he'd delivered them. This was very strange and unprofessional of her.

The last thing that made this book impossible for me to get through was that it had already become clear that the leads were too focused on their physical attraction to each other rather than looking beyond the surface to the heart of who the person was. That annoys me so much. Sure, we're to be physically attracted to our future spouse. However, I think the quality of a person's character should shine brighter than whatever package it comes in.

I really liked the aspect of the leading man being falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. There was great potential for redemption in this story, and I hope other readers are able to stick it out long enough to find it. I simply have too many books on my virtual (and physical) shelves to waste time on books that don't hold my interest.



2,460 reviews171 followers

August 3, 2016

What a gem of a book! This story grabbed me right from the start and did not let go. In A Place to Call Home, we meet Kurt Jansen, who is newly released from prison for time served for a crime he didn’t commit. Understandably, he has a lot to be upset about, but in this story we watch as he learns to give it all over to God and trust that He will answer Kurt’s prayers.

The other main character, Molly Finnerty, struggles with her own issues from the past. These two characters are well-written, likeable and feel very real. I really enjoyed watching their relationship develop throughout the book.

I was very impressed with the multitude of deep issues that this book covers, and the message of the importance of forgiveness and letting go of anger. This book has so many things to recommend it: a great romance, a mystery, drama, pasts that must be overcome, learning to give it all to God…and so much more. I highly recommend this book to fans of contemporary Christian fiction.

I received a complimentary copy of A Place to Call Home from the author in exchange for an honest review, which I have given.

You can read this review on my blog at:

Carole Jarvis

831 reviews48 followers

June 30, 2018

Reviewed at The Power of Words: https://bit.ly/2KAYpN6

I thoroughly enjoyed this heartwarming story, book #1n the Front Porch Promises series. Life is messy, and that’s the realism that Merrillee Whren incorporates into her stories. But spiritual themes of hope and the grace of God always shine through as she uses her characters to inspire readers.

A Place to Call Home, featuring the future Hawthorne Valley Inn of Hawthorne, Massachusetts, touches on themes of spousal abuse, prison, drugs, unsolved crime, and child custody. Kurt and Molly are sympathetic, likeable characters who are both grateful for second chances. I felt that I understood these two and really connected with them. Molly has a heart for helping ex-prisoners, and follows that heart in hiring Kurt to restore her bed & breakfast inn. From his determination to secure the job, to the bitterness and anger that often welled up inside, Kurt’s emotional and spiritual journey was heartfelt.

A Place to Call Home is about forgiveness and second chances … essential for both giver and receiver, but just as in real life, never easy to come by. As Kurt worked to restore Molly’s inn to its former beauty, I could easily imagine the beauty of the spindle staircase, woodworking, furnishings, etc. But I also felt that his restoration project had a deeper meaning for him personally – and for us – pointing toward the abundant grace and restoration we find in Christ.


I received a copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

    inspirational romance


146 reviews1 follower

September 18, 2016

"A Place to Call Home" by Merrillee Whren is much more than your average romance story. As an avid reader of the genre, I would know. I've read hundreds upon hundreds of books in this category. On the surface it fulfills the necessary requirements, but looking at it on a deeper level reveals a story with a much deeper meaning.

After the first few pages, I knew that "A Place to Call Home" would required a different set of eyes. Given what I knew about the author, I decided to set aside my usual thoughts of romance. Gone was what I typically expected, and in its place was a story of inspiration, hope, forgiveness, and dare I say it...intrigue. I am not much for intriguing or mysterious story-lines. However, I found that reading the same format within a style gets old and boring. So, I decided to settle in and begin my journey.

The main characters, Molly and Kurt, work on a renovation project and along the way they have to put their history behind them so that they not only finish the project, but also have a future with one another. They each are starting over which is never easy. Facing their past, each must convince the locals and themselves that what happened long ago has been paid for in more ways than one. While it was difficult for everyone to let go of the hurt, it was clear that faith was the only way it was ever going to happen.

You will feel all of the emotions, from anger to joyful, as Merrillee Whren weaves a believable story of hope and truth in "A Place to Call Home." Hopeful because both Kurt and Molly will find what they are looking for, and truth because it always wins out in the end. Unlike other romance stories, this one did not need the traditional romantic interlude. The love was built while the hero and heroine join forces in order to get the one thing Kurt has been focused on since before he met Molly.

The deeper I got into the story, the harder I found it was to put it down. I suspect that was exactly what Ms. Whren wanted from her readers. Truthfully, I am grateful to the author on so many levels for "A Place to Call Home." The one most profound though is the fact that forgiveness, no matter what the reason for it, is always possible. After the year I have had, it was truly a blessing to be reminded of this.


495 reviews43 followers

July 11, 2018

This book was the perfect read to spice up my usual TBR pile. I have enjoyed getting more contemporary stories on my shelf and this was a well written, thought provoking novel. Kurt and Molly are very different, this goes beyond the one in prison for murder, and one an inn keeper descriptions. One thing the author does really well is creating the raw emotions and feelings for Kurt.

Kurt will be the first to say he isn’t perfect and he is trying to get his life back. As a reader it is easy to feel his feelings (even as a female). I thought it was wonderful how he wasn’t perfect yet and was a work in progress like the Bed and Breakfast. Kurt wasn’t really asking for a second chance but just a new chance. He worked through hardships, anger, and emotions that I think the author painted perfectly.

I think many would love this story and spend the night reading it like I did. I am left thinking about chances and opportunities taken or not, many of us have more offered towards us than most. I look at these chances differently now, I don’t have the obstacles of a reputation that could fail me, and I would hope to be given a chance like our characters if I did. Kindness isn’t hard to give but it can seem like a challenge, a challenge we could all work to accept.


1,070 reviews8 followers

June 30, 2018

A Place to Call Home is an engaging, easy-to-read, contemporary romance that held my interest until the end. I read fiction for relaxation and enjoyment and do not tend to analyze or critique the novels I read so this book met my requirements.

I enjoyed the development of the romance between Kurt and Molly despite her misgivings about him at first. His very demeanor and caring nature made it obvious that he was a person who could be trusted. Although there was a bit of drama and mystery, overall A Place to Call Home was primarily just an enjoyable, well-written tale with a sweet romance, some cute kids, and lots of forgiveness and reconciliation. What more could a gal require for a lazy summer evening other than a comfy chair and a tall cold drink?

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by Celebrate Lit. A favorable review was not required. All views expressed are my own.

    celebrate-lit ebook reviewed

Melissa Henderson

Author7 books166 followers

February 24, 2016

How do you start life again after being in prison for a crime that you didn't commit? Trusting anyone is hard, but, Kurt Jansen has to start trusting people again. He wants to find the real guilty person. He meets Molly Finnerty. She has her own life story with a secret or two that she is not ready to share yet. Author Merrillee Whren gives the reader the opportunity to explore many emotions, such as trust, faith, love and happiness after tragedy. The story reminds us that we all have a story to share and sometimes, those life stories can help others. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more by this author.


Author2 books8 followers

July 10, 2018

Kurt was wrongly accused of a crime that he did not commit. Anyone thinking he could kill his wife was absurd but he'd gone to jail for 6 years because the evidence pointed to him. He lost everything: his wife, his career, his life but most of all their two precious children that he hadn't seen since they were infants.

Kurt met Steve who believed him, supported him and helped him find his way back to God. Now Kurt was out and trying to rebuild his life after the stigma that followed him. He wasn't sure where to start but it seemed completing renovations for Molly was as good a place as any.

Molly needed to get this project done. She needed a new focus in life after losing her abusive husband. She wanted to give other women, like her, hope. She wanted a safe place where women could restart their lives. This renovation project meant everything to her. She only needed the right man for the job... only she wasn't sure with Kurt's past that he was it. His work speaks volumes but what about his temper? I mean, he killed his wife?! Or did he? Molly wasn't sure what the answer to this was but she was sure to find out in time.

Honestly, Kurt's story made me think of my husband. Like Kurt, his past follows him and he has to deal with that every day. He has had to start over and rebuild from who he was to who he is today. The characters in this story truly hit home. Molly, the kindhearted but scared to love widow. Kurt, misunderstood, hurting, blamed for things he had no control over, just wanting to find love and his family and rebuild his life. Their love creates a beautiful story that Marrillee Whren goes far beyond normal expectations to share. A love story as beautiful and timeless as ever.

Deana Dick

2,745 reviews108 followers

June 24, 2018

What would it be like to be accused of a murder? How would you react when you are sentenced to prison knowing you are innocent? Kurt has lived that nightmare and now finds himself finally free from prison. He has a lot to deal with but his first priority is to find a job. When he gets hired by Molly to restore her Victorian home he seems to have hope. I liked that he was determined to prove his innocence and try to win custody of his children.

I understood why Molly was a little apprehensive about hiring Kurt . The story is really intense at times and I could feel both characters holding back their feelings for each other. It would be hard to believe someone you don't know telling you that they are not guilty. I loved how the author slowly draws Molly and Kurt together. They both have trust issues and will need to learn to overcome that. It was nice to read that faith helped them deal with past issues. I was surprised at the secret Molly was hiding. How will Kurt react when she tells him about her past?

The story is beautifully written and easy to like the main characters. I love second chance stories and always like to see how it gets resolved. We all make mistakes but sometimes people won't forgive. I loved how forgiveness was a main theme in the story. It made me think about times I wouldn't forgive and how I missed a chance to repair a relationship. Will Molly and Kurt be able to forgive and trust each other? Don't miss this charming book that reminds us that everyone deserves a second chance.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.


1,289 reviews31 followers

July 9, 2018

A Place to Call Home by Merrillee Whren

My rating is 4.5 Stars

Kurt had been falsely accused of murdering his wife. He was convicted and sentenced for it. I really appreciated that despite the fact he had given his life to Christ while in jail, he still struggled with anger and unforgiveness. Wait! Not the way it sounds. I’m glad the author didn’t just make him perfectly able to forgive and not fight anger. He was real His struggles were real.

Molly had some struggles of her own. Although she was also a Christian and even involved in ministry to ex-convicts, she was afraid to trust Kurt and to work with him. I did find it humorous that she “tested” him by giving him money to go to the store for her. He was a convicted murderer, not a thief. What exactly would that have proven? 🙂
I enjoyed reading about the struggles and growth of both Kurt and Molly. The way they learned to trust God, to seek His help and direction. The way they learned to trust each other. And, ultimately, to forgive.

While the subject matter and tone of the book is serious, it was hopeful and not sad. Though the book is partly about a murder investigation, it is not gruesome, nor is that the primary theme of the book.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

Get a preview of A Place to Call Home at amongTheReads.net


951 reviews46 followers

May 18, 2017

I loved this story by Merrillee Whren! It is an inspirational romance about not only forgiving others, but ourselves also.
Kurt Jansen has every reason to hate the cards he has been dealt in life, but he his working on not allowing that to define him or the person he wants to be. Having served six years in prison for a crime he didn't commit he is struggling to get his life back on track so that he can get custody of his children and start his life anew, but there are those that are trying to stop him no matter the cost.
Molly Finnerty is trying to get her B&B up and running and hiring Kurt to help with all of the woodwork that needs to be done will not only help her, but him also. Molly has reservations about hiring Kurt because of his criminal history, but how can she hold that against him all the while knowing about her past and the things that she has done. While working alongside Kurt she gets to know him and knows there is no way that he committed the crimes that he went to prison for and her feelings soon start to change for him.

I'm definitely looking forward to reading more books by Merrillee Whren in the future.

I was given an ARC from the author/publisher. All conclusions are mine and mine alone.


Author46 books511 followers

May 27, 2018

A Place to Call Home is the first book by Merrilee Whren I have read, and it won’t be the last. The protagonists Kurt Jansen and Molly Finnerty are complex and realistic characters that I really liked and related to. I enjoyed the fact that Kurt’s and Molly’s pasts are handled differently in the book. The premise of the story is that Kurt is imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. Molly also has secrets that are fed to the reader bit by bit, and often in response to something that has happened to Kurt. The story hooked me immediately, and was well-researched. Other than a few repetitive words (lots of wry smiles), the writing flows well and the dialogue is natural. Kurt’s kids are precocious without being obnoxious, and the minor characters are sufficiently developed. The mystery is mostly solved off stage and gives a satisfactory ending to the story.

I received a copy of the book for free from CelebrateLit Publicity, and a positive review was not required. All opinions expressed are my own.

Mary Ann

Author2 books290 followers

June 7, 2018

Kurt Jansen spent six years in prison, charged with killing his wife. Now he’s out and determined to prove his innocence. He also longs to be reunited with his young children. This suspenseful story includes many elements woven together to produce a powerful tale and makes readers long for things to turn out well for Kurt. The characters and setting seem very real and quickly draw readers in. I like how the family elements, relationships, mystery, and character growth all weave together for a great reading experience. The tale is unique enough to keep readers guessing and flipping pages to see what will happen next. It definitely makes me want to read the rest of the Front Porch Promises series. The author did a fine job on this first one. I received a copy from Celebrate Lit. All opinions are my own.
1. A Place to Call Home
2. A Love to Call Mine
3. A Family to Call Ours
4. A Song to Call Ours
Each book stands alone, but the stories are connected through setting or characters.


1,069 reviews22 followers

June 28, 2018

This book is a homey, down-to-earth Christian romance. Because old houses and bed & breakfasts are intriguing to me, I particularly liked those elements in the setting of this story.
The romance felt a bit fast and forced to me. In spite of the fact of Molly being just a bit leery of hiring Kurt, an ex-con, she is immediately battling attraction to him, and this is one of the main focal points of the story. This doesn't quite make sense to me.
There is just enough mystery in the story line to make me want to keep reading it.
Overall, I found this to be an interesting, even if it is rather light reading, contemporary Christian romance novel.

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

J.E. Grace

Author14 books118 followers

June 18, 2018

A Place to Call Home was a book that tugged at my heart at every turn. I loved the God element in this book and it reminded me that through trust in God anything is possible, even take the broken and impossible situations and turn them into joy.

The characters were well-developed and it was easy to get involved in their journey. I felt compassion for Kurt right away and loved the character of Molly. She was trying to face the ghosts from her past and struggled but still put herself out to help others in need. She was full of generosity which I admired. I loved how the author showed how their relationship grew into one of love, in spite of numerous obstacles.

A Place to Call Home was a very well-written story of love, compassion, faith, and forgiveness. A story of second chances. I can't wait to read more from Merrilee Whren.

I received a copy of the book from Celebrate Lit and voluntarily chose to review it.


1,036 reviews37 followers

March 3, 2019

An old Victorian house requiring renovation and restoration is the background around which this story is written. The beautiful cover just makes me want to sit happily out on the front porch with a good book, like this one. This is definitely a 4.5 and although it is the first in a series, it could easily be a standalone. The female protagonist, Molly Fennerty - the owner of the beautiful home needing restoration, is a happy, seemingly carefree beautiful young woman, with a past that she doesn't want to discuss. The male protagonist, Kurt Jansen, is a restoration expert badly in need of work and money, but also a past which he is hesitant to reveal. The story has a little bit of everything - family interference, mystery, suspense, children, romance - things to make you sad and things to make you happy. Well-done, Merrillee! This is my first read by this lady and I will certainly be looking for more by her.


425 reviews50 followers

June 11, 2018

Imagine being convicted of a crime you didn’t commit. Then to add insult to injury you are ordered to stay away from your children, even after you have served your time. This is Kurt Jansen’s life! My heart ached for him, even as I rejoiced in Molly Finnerty’s kindness in giving him a second chance.

Molly’s life isn’t entirely on the up and up, either. However, her need for Kurt to restore the home she bought and turn it into a bed and breakfast is genuine.

Merrillee Whren’s book, A Place to Call Home, is rich with forgiveness, second chances, and redemption. I enjoyed reading it, not only for the redemptive qualities but also for the renovations aspect-a topic dear to my heart.

I bought A Place to Call Home earlier. However, I also received a copy through Celebrate Lit; I was not obligated to provide a review.

Jessica Baker (A Baker's Perspective)

1,232 reviews71 followers

July 1, 2018

enjoyed reading this story of two people with a past that burdened them come together and learn from it. My heart truly went out to Kurt. I just couldn’t imagine being accused of murdering your spouse and then spending years in jail thinking about it. How convenient to be paired with Molly, worker of the jail ministry who just happens to need help restoring her home. The restoration and renovation talk was actually really interesting to read about. I am a sucker for all things HGTV, so this story line was right up my alley. But the true joy of reading this book came from seeing Kurt and Molly deal with their misguided hearts, and form this wonderful relationship. This may be my first by this author, but it won’t be my last.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Lillian Cummings

1,760 reviews9 followers

July 29, 2018

Do you believe in second chances? Molly needs help with getting the house ready to open as a bed& breakfast but she isn't too sure about the man that has been refered to her. She knows that Kurt killed his wife but no one knows why? Can she trust him? Kurt needs to find out who killed his wife and to win his children back. But he knows that everyone believes that he killed her and that he deserved to spend the rest of his life in prison but can he prove them all wrong? Kurt can't wait to get started on bringing Molly's house back to it's former glory as this is his passion. But things move quickly between them and Molly becomes scared as Kurt hasn't been completely honest about his past can she trust this man to be part of her future?
Kurt knows that he can win Molly back now that he has proven everyone wrong. But will Molly allow him back into her life?

A good read.

Maureen Timerman

2,984 reviews484 followers

April 6, 2018

I found this book to be a page-turner, and quickly rooting for the injustice and unfairness of all this young man had lost, and the help he receives from those who live their faith.
The author puts faces on these people and we soon are caring about them, and keep reading hoping the true murderer will be found and all the bad things that have happened will be rectified and Kurt will be reunited with his children.
A really interesting and compelling read, you will have to get to the end for answers, and yes, I did suspect who the real culprit was, but didn’t see what was coming.
Don’t miss this one, people who really live their faith!

I received this book through Celebrate Lit Blogger Program, and was not required to give a positive review.



2,267 reviews4 followers

June 30, 2018

I just finished "A Place To Call Home" by Merrill Whren and I loved this book and this is the first book I have read by this author, but it won't be the last. I have added the other books in this series to my to be read list.

This is actually a clean love story and a chance at second love and a new beginning for both Kurt Jansen and Molly Finnerty who both have a not so happy past!

Along with the love story is a who done it! Kurt Jansen is out of prison and is determined to find out who killed his wife and why and to prove his innocence. I really liked how the case is solved and the guilty person isn't who you would think but then if you like mysteries you might guess who and why.

I received a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

Alicia Beck

124 reviews4 followers

July 1, 2018

My Review:
A Place to Call Home is the first book in the Front Porch Promises series. This story captures so much in it such as starting over, forgiveness, learning to trust again, etc. This story pulled me in from the start. It just felt like you were in a nice homelike setting. Molly had to learn to not be so scared and to trust and to in turn help someone out by giving them a chance. Kurt recently got out of prison for a crime that he claims he did not commit but he is finding it hard to start fresh with his life due to people not wanting to give him chances because they are quick to judge. Was a nice enjoyable read. Disclaimer: I was given a complimentary copy of this book but all thoughts and opinions are my own honest ones.

Janice Sisemore

1,537 reviews14 followers

June 25, 2018

A place to call home

Ever been convicted of something you didn’t do? That is what happened to Kurt. He serve his time and now trying to prove his innocence and get to know his twins. Molly hires Kurt to restore her bed and breakfast place and home. She has a past also but scare to reveal it. A story of starting over and also of forgiveness. A very inspiring book that I found very interesting. One secondary character was kind of irritating due to one time she was nice and next she wasn’t. Enjoyed having the kitten in the story. I received an complementary copy of the book from Celebrate Lit.


Donna Lechak

4 reviews2 followers

April 6, 2018

This is the first book in a great series. Molly Finnerty gives an ex-convict the job of restoring her Victorian house and the buildings behind it which will be used as a shelter for women and children. Like Kurt's life, the house is in disrepair. While Kurt does a beautiful restoring the building. Molly and her friends help Kurt find his wife's really killer. He is giving custody of twins.
Kurt, Molly, and Kurt's mother-in-law must put the past behind them, so they move forward.

Jennifer J.

481 reviews56 followers

June 22, 2018

A nicely-written and well-handled story featuring highly plausible and challenging topics. A Place to Call Home progresses nicely, allows the reader an opportunity to consider their own biases, beliefs, trust issues, forgiveness and faith. Relatable characters, carefully drawn setting, reasonable length while not giving away the ending too soon. Here’s an author I’ll be looking forward to adding to my TBR ilst!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book. A favorable review was not required, no compensation was received, and all views expressed are my own.

DiAne Gates

Author3 books6 followers

August 25, 2018

Can you imagine serving a jail sentence for something you didn't do? Merrillee Whren weaves an intriguing story of the aftermath of injustice. Loved the characters and I could see the transformations taking place in the old house as well as in the lives of each character...especially the two children who were helpless to change the circ*mstances of their lives. Until... you'll have to read this very special book to find out the 5 w's...who, what, when, where, why...and how!


665 reviews8 followers

June 11, 2017

I did enjoy reading this book. It is an inspirational romance where we follow Kurt who has served six years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He wants to find the guilty person. He meets Molly who gives him the chance he needs to turn his life around. He is also trying to get custody of his children. The story kept me interested throughout.

Julia Allison

25 reviews

September 5, 2017

Amazing Book!

Oh my. I loved this book!
My first time reading this author, but I've already bought the next book in this series.
If the next one is as good as this one was, well, I guess I'll have a new favorite author!
The topic of forgiveness is a difficult one. Brought some tears and prayers for me, thanks to this authors words & faith.
Thank you, Ms. When!

Virginia Winfield

2,695 reviews25 followers

July 9, 2018

I enjoyed reading this story of forgiveness. Molly and Kurt each have pasts that they need to learn to get through. They each must work through a lot of pain. This really makes you think. I received a copy of this book from Celebratelit for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

Janice Grant

93 reviews

August 5, 2020

Romance for 2people amid their own unforgivable pasts.

Two people both with complicated pasts, that they cannot forget, meet and forge a friendship that turns to love. Asking God to help them help themselves before asking him to help them forgive others and more importantly, themselves, and to find the courage to go forward.

A Place to Call Home (Front Porch Promises #2) (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Job: Sales Strategist

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.